一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. Wlt Whitmn ws pioneering figure of merin poetry. His innovtion first of ll lies in his use of , poetry without fixe et or regulr rhyme sheme.
. ln verse
. heroi ouplet
. free verse
. imi pentmeter
2. The literry hrters of the merin type in erly 19th entury re generlly hrterize y ll the following fetures EXEPT tht they
. spek lol ilets
. re polite n elegnt gentlemen
. re simple n rue frmers
. re nole svges(re n white) untinte y soiety
3. In My 1945, reiser joine the ___
. merin repulin
. lor prty
. emorti prty
. ommunist prty
4. Of the following merin poets in the twentieth entury, the one who hs the est knowlege of hinese ulture is _______.
. Roert Frost
. llen Ginserg
. Ezr Poun
. E. E. ummings
5. The Hemingwy oe heroes re est rememere for their
. inestrutile spirit
. pessimisti view of life
. wr experienes
. msulinity
6. "I hve no monrh in my life." this ws si y___
. Wlt Whitmn
. Roert Frost
. John kets
. Emily ikinson
7. fter The ventures of Tom Swyer, Twin gives literry inepenene to Tom's uy Huk in ook entitle ___
. Life on the Mississippi
. The Gile ge
. The ventures of Hukleerry Finn
. onnetiut Ynkee in King rthur's ourt
8. The Vitorin ge ws lrgely n ge of___ , eminently represente y ikens n Thkery.
. poetry
. rm
. prose
. epi prose
9. Henry vi Thoreu's work___, hs lwys een regre s msterpiee of New Engln Trnsenentlism.
. Wlen
. The Pioneers
. Nture
. Song of Myself
10. mong the gret Mile English poets, Geoffrey huer is known for his proution of
. Piers Plowmn
. Sir Gwin n the Green Knight
. onfessio mntis
. The nterury Tles
11. When Roert Frost ws 87, he re his poetry t the inugurtion of Presient___
. ush
. Kenney
. linton
. Fort
12. ___is the first importnt governess novel in the English literry history.
. Jne Eyre
. Emm
. Wuthering Heights
. Milemrh
13. whih of the following is NOT written y reiser?
. Jennie Gerhrt
. Go own, Moses
. n merin Trgey
. Sister rrie
14. With Howells, Jmes, n Mrk Twin tive on the literry sene, ___eme the mjor tren in merin literture in the seventies n eighties of the 19th entury.
. Sentimentlism
. romntiism
. relism
. nturlism
15. "This is my letter to the Worl" is poeti expression of Emily ikinson's___ out her ommunition with the outsie worl.
. inifferene
. nger
. nxiety
. sorrow
16. Whitmn's poems re hrterize y ll the following fetures EXEPT ______ .
. the strit poeti form
. the free n nturl rhythm
. the esy flow of feelings
. the simple n onverstionl lnguge
17. In Hwthorne's novels n short stories, intelletuls usully pper s _______.
. ommenttors
. oservers
. villins
. sviors
18. "If Winter omes, n Spring e fr ehin?" is n epigrmmti line y
. J. Kets
. W. lke
. W. Worsworth
. P. . Shelley
19. Emily ikinson wrote mny short poems on vrious spets of life. Whih of the following is NOT usul sujet of her poeti expression?
. Religion n immortlity
. Life n eth
. Love n mrrige
. Wr n pee
20. Whih of the following is tken from John Kets'Oe to Nightingle?
. "euty is truth, truth euty."
. "Erth hs not nything to show more fir."
. "They re oth gone up to the hurh to pry."
. "ws it vision, or wking rem?"