一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. Willim Worsworth, romnti poet, vote ll the following EXEPT
. the use of everyy lnguge spoken y the ommon people
. the expression of the spontneous overflow of powerful feelings
. the use of humle n rusti life s sujet mtter
. the use of elegnt woring n inflte figures of speeh
2. The exerpt The Other Sie of the Isln ws hosen from hpter___ in Ruinson rusoe.
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. Ⅺ
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3. efoe's Roinson rusoe rete the imge of n enterprising Englishmn, typil of the English ourgeoisie in the ______ entury.
. 17th
. 18th
. 19th
. 20th
4. In the onverstion with his wife in hpter One of Prie n Prejuie, Mr. ennet uses (n) ______ tone with srsti humor.
. solemn
. hrsh
. rrognt
. tesing
5. In Prie n Prejuie, Elizeth ennet fins out some wek points out herself in the proess of juging others. Whih of the following is NOT wek point of hers?
. linness
. Prtility
. Snoishness
. Prejuie.
6. The essene of humnism is to ______.
. restore meievl reverene for the hurh
. voi the irumstnes of erthly life
. explore the next worl in whih men oul live fter eth
. emphsize humn qulities
7. ll the following poets elong to lke poets EXEPT
. Worsworth
. olerige
. Roert Southey
. Shelley
8. Whih of the following is NOT written y efoe?
. ptin Singleton
. Silor
. Moll Flners
. Ruinson rusoe
9. It is generlly regre tht Kets's most importnt n mture poems re in the form of _______ .
. oe
. elegy
. epi
. sonnet
10. Whih of the following is omey?
. King ler
. Meth
. Hmlet
. The Merry Wives of Winsor
11. In Shkespere's Merhnt of Venie, ntonio oul not py k the money he orrowe from Shylok, euse ______.
. his money ws ll investe in the newly-emerging textile inustry
. his enterprise went nkrupt
. ssnio ws le to py his own et
. his ships h ll een lost
12. The poem I wnere Lonely s lou ws written y ___
. orothy Worsworth
. Willim Worsworth
. olerige
. John Kets
13. hrles ikens tkes the Frenh Revolution s the kgroun of his novel ______.
. Gret Expettions
. Tle of Two ities
. lek House
. Oliver Twist
14. Wht oes Worsworth's poem "The Solitry Reper" tell us out Romntiist?
. To romntiists, poetry is n expression of n iniviul's feelings n experienes no mtter how frgmentry n momentry these feelings n experienes re.
. Romntiist tke elight only in soun effet, the theme of work is not their onern.
. Ro
15. Whih of the following sttements est illustrtes the theme of Shkespere's Sonnet 18?
. The speker eulogizes the power of Nture
. The speker stirizes humn vnity
. The speker prises the power of rtisti retion
. The speker meittes on mn's slvtion.
16. Whih of the following is NOT trgiomey?
. Timon of thens
. ymline
. The winter's tle
. The tempest
17. How mny lines re there in sonnet?
. 16
. 18
. 14
. 12
18. The poem Oe to Nightingle ws written y___
. Willim Worsworth
. John Kets
. Shelley
. olerige
19. Hmlet is prine of ___
. Engln
. Ireln
. ritin
. enmrk
20. How mny perios re ivie into in the retion yers of Shkespere?
. three
. four
. two
. five