一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。)
1. In pure ompetition, there re___onitions.
. the numer of firms in tht inustry must e extremely lrge
. ll the firms must e smll in size so tht none lone n influene the prie
. their prouts must e highly similr to one nother so tht ustomers regr them s ientil
. it must e ver
2. In pure ompetition, there re___onitions.
. the numer of firms in tht inustry must e extremely lrge
. ll the firms must e smll in size so tht none lone n influene the prie
. their prouts must e highly similr to one nother so tht ustomers regr them s ientil
. it must e very
3. ounting prties fll into ___.
. puli
. privte
. government
. person
4. eprtmentliztion n e omplishe long:
. funtionl lines
. geogrphi res
. mnufturing proess
. ustomers
5. Some tehniques re invente to mke the jos more stisfying, inluing___.
. jo rottion
. jo enlrgement
. jo enrihment
. jo reesign
6. silly, there re three types of omputers, they re ___.
. minfrme omputer
. miniomputer
. miroomputer
. mroomputer
7. The roles of government re___.
. regultor
. ompetitor
. promoter
. protetor
8. Lrge orgniztions, in generl, hve severl levels of mngement:
. hief exeutive offier
. ivision mngers
. supervisors
9. Freerik Herzerg n his ssoites put forwr theory lle the two-ftor theory,inluing___.
. hygieni ftors
. motivting ftors
. seurity ftors
. soil ftors
10. oring to the egree of freeom mngers give to their suorintes, the types of leers re___.
. oss-entere
. emorti
. suorinte-entere leers
. self-entere leers
二、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。)
1. Workers tene to work hrer n proue more if they felt tht they were given speil ttention from the mngement. This effet ws lter terme the Hwthorne effet.
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2. mtrix orgniztion is ost-effetive for work on new prouts.
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3. Spn of mngement mens the numer of suorintes mnger supervises.
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4. The strtegy is se on onept ommonly referre to s ehvior moifition, evelope y .F. Skinner.
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5. ivisionl orgniztion is most ommon is smll n meium-size firms.
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6. orgniztions with just few levels re often referre to s tll orgniztions.
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7. If the orgniztion is so flt tht one superior hs to mnge too mny suorintes, effiieny my suffer rther thn improve.
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8. etermining “who will o wht jo” n “how people oing the jos re groupe together” is the first step in orgnizing usiness enterprise.
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9. In orer to formulte effetive strtegies, firm usully goes through proess frequently lle strtegi mngement proess .
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10. he iggest vntge of on-the-jo trining is tht the trining n e onute without the istrtions often foun t work sites.
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