一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。)
1. In orer for oument to e negotile instrument, it must ontin severl hrteristis:
. it must e in writing n signe y the mker orrwer
. it must ontin n unonitionl promise or orer to py speifi sun of money
. pyment must e me on emn or t efinite future te
. it must e pyle to orer or to erer
2. Mjor forms of import surtxes re ___.
. triff
. ounterviling uty
. ntiumping uty
. vrile levy
3. Exmples of negotile instruments inlue:
. heks
. ertifites of eposit
. promissory notes
. rfts
4. oring to its ttriutes, property n e lssifie into ___.
. tngile rel property
. intngile personl property
. intelletul property
. mteril property
5. In orer to hieve the gols of usiness orgniztion, the mngement hs to ply some si funtions,suh s ___.
. plnning
. orgnizing
. leing
. ontrolling
6. firm shoul ompenste them with___.
. equitle n ompetitive wges n slries
. fringe enefits
. ertin forms of rewr
. nothing
7. ll mngers shoul possess some types of skills s___.
. humn skills
. oneptul skills
. tehnil skills
. mngement skills
8. oring their origins, lw n e lssifie into___.
. ommon lw
. speil lw
. sttutory lw
. regultory lw.
9. Enorsements re usully me in severl forms:
. lnk
. restritive
. speil
. qulifie
10. oring to their purposes, triffs fll into___.
. revenue triffs
. ommon triffs
. speil triffs
. protetive triffs
二、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。)
1. Ownership of negotile instruments n e trnsferre through enorsement.
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2. ompre with gent n liensing rrngements, iret investment usully tke longer to estlish n their unerstning of the surrounings is still not s eep s tht of the lol people.
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3. opyright is nme, wor or symol tht hs een registere y the owner for ientifying its prout line.
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4. Property is nything of vlue tht is owne y n iniviul or usiness.
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5. For one re, ompny n ppoint only one or severl gents. If the former is the se, the gent is lle n exlusive gent.
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6. prties to ontrt must e leglly ompetent n n e hel fully lile for their onut.
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7. To e leglly enforele, ontrt must lso e se on voluntry greement.
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8. n solute vntge exists when ountry n mke something etter or more heply thn nyone else.
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9. esies triffs, other mesures suh s quots re lso use to ontrol imports. s suh mesures ollet no triff, they re ommonly referre to s non-triff rriers, or NTs.
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10. In legl terminology, tort mens ivil or privte wrongful t y one prty tht results in injury to nother prty's oy, property or reputtion.
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