一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. 第二次作业问题7
. guest n reeptionist.
. pssenger n n ir hostess.
. ustomer n shop ssistnt.
. guest n witress.
2. 第二次作业问题12
. Susie.
. Tom.
. The speker.
. The speker’s husn.
3. 第二次作业问题5
. In New York.
. In oston.
. In Newport.
. In Wshington.
4. 第二次作业问题1
. One week.
. Twie week.
. Three times week.
. Four times week.
5. 第二次作业问题6
. lerk t the irport informtion esk.
. lerk t the rilwy sttion informtion esk.
. poliemn.
. txi-river.
6. 第二次作业问题2
. He left his notes t home.
. He oesn’t know where his notes re.
. He oesn’t wnt to ln his notes to the womn.
. He grees to len her his notes.
7. 第二次作业问题19
. out four ys.
. roun eight ys.
. y n hlf.
. More thn six ys.
8. 第二次作业问题16
. There re mny visitors there.
. There re mny stuents there.
. There re mny ol streets there.
. There re mny iyles there.
9. 第二次作业问题18
. He lost onsiousness.
. He ws slightly woune.
. He ws seriously injure.
. He ws urie uner n ieox.
10. 第二次作业问题15
. Wthing tritionl plys.
. Visiting the mgnifient lirries.
. oting on the river.
. yling in nrrow streets.
11. 第二次作业问题10
. He will return from Pris in two weeks.
. He is stuying Frenh in Pris.
. He is hving vtion in Pris.
. He is plnning to go k to Pris in yer.
12. 第二次作业问题8
. He's etter.
. He's feeling worse.
. He's sik in e.
. He hs reovere.
13. 第二次作业问题4
. hek the timetle.
. Go to the rilwy sttion erlier.
. Trvel on lter trin.
. nel the trip erlier.
14. 第二次作业问题11
. They hven’t rehe eision yet.
. They hve eie to go hunting ers.
. They wnt to go mping.
. They wnt to go exploring in the ountry.
15. 第二次作业问题9
. The mn in't wnt the womn to hve her hir ut.
. The womn followe the mn's vie.
. The womn is wering long hir now.
. The mn in't re if the womn h her hir ut or not.
16. 第二次作业问题17
. He thinks the ity is too rowe.
. He likes the ple very muh.
. He thinks the streets re too nrrow.
. He mires the omfortle life of the stuents there.
17. 第二次作业问题14
. He te the honey.
. He rnk the eer.
. He hse the people wy.
. He turne things upsie own.
18. 第二次作业问题13
. They hse the er wy.
. They stye outsie the rent n i nothing.
. They lime up tree.
. They put some honey outsie for the er to et.
19. 第二次作业问题3
. He will go in spite of the ol wether.
. He won’t go sine he is not feeling well.
. He will go when he feels etter.
. He won’t go s he hsn’t finishe his work.
20. 第二次作业问题20
. His fther pulle him out in time.
. He stye in n ieox.
. He left the re efore the erthquke.
. Their house espe the erthquke.