一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. You’ etter let the hilren re suh ooks ____ will mke them etter n leverer.
. whih
. tht
. /
. s
2. It is goo ie for prents to monitor the ____ s well s the kin of television tht their hilren wth.
. numer
. size
. mount
. sreen
3. The efinition leves ____ for isgreement.
. smll room
. muh room
. gret el room
. not so ig room
4. merins re poun of their vriety n iniviulity, yet they love n respet few things more thn uniform, whether it is the uniform of n elevtor opertor or the uniform of five-str generl. Why re uniforms so populr in the Unite Sttes? mong the rguments for uniforms, one of the first is tht in the eyes of most people they look more professionl thn ivilin(百姓的)lothes. People hve eome onitione to expet superior qulity from mn who wers uniform. the television repirmn who wers uniform tens to inspire more trust thn one who ppers in ivilin lothes. Fith in the skill of grge mehni is inrese y uniform. Wht esier wy is there for nurse, poliemn, rer, or witer to lose professionl ientity(身份)thn to step out of uniform? Uniforms lso hve mny prtil enefits. They sve on other lothes. They sve on lunry ills. They re tx-eutile(可减税的). They re often more omfortle n more urle thn ivilin lothes. Primry mong the rguments ginst uniforms is their lk of vriety n the onsequent loss of iniviulity experiene y people who must wer them. Though there re mny types of uniforms, the werer of ny prtiulr type is generlly stuk with it, without hnge, until retirement. When people look like, they ten to think, spek, n t similrly, on the jo t lest. Uniforms lso give rise to some prtil prolems. Though they re long-lsting, often their initil expense is greter thn the ost of ivilin lothes. Some uniforms re lso expensive to mintin, requiring professionl ry lening rther thn the home lunering possile with mny types of ivilin lothes. Question:It is surprising tht merins who worship vriety n iniviulity ____.
. still juge mn y his lothes
. hol the uniform in suh high regr
. enjoy hving professionl ientity
. will respet n elevtor opertor s muh s generl in uniform
5. fter this first urst of retive energy, the merins went long, North n South, for out entury with little hnge in their nming-hits. ilil nmes ontinue to give olor in New Engln, ut elsewhere it ws prtiulrly true with women's nmes, in the mile n southern olonies, n the exessive use of Elizeth, nn, Mry, n Srh ws only sve y the lso lierl use of vritions suh s etsy, Slly, Nnny, Nny, n Molly. The gret Germn immigrtion of the erly eighteenth entury h some influene. Johnn, often shortene to Hns, ws y fr the ommonest nme mong these Germns, with Joo n Heinrih following. Exept where people ontinue to tlk Germn, these nmes were rpily ngliize, n so inrese the populrity of John, Joo, n Henry. The Soth-Irish immigrtion lso exerte n influene y uiling up the lrey populr Jmes, n ing lexner n rhil. out 1740 the use of mile nmes egn to grow. Proly the Germns h some influene here, for they generlly, even s immigrnts, ore two given nmes, of whih the first ws usully Johnn. nother strong influene ws fmily prie, whih le to the esire to preserve the mother's fmily nme. Purely prtil, s the towns grew lrger, ws the nee to istinguish mn more lerly from others ering the sme nmes. One strte, the ustom grew steily to populrity until y 1850 the mn without mile nme ws in smll minority, s he hs sine remine. The use of the mile nme soon proue nother typil merin hit. Sine the full signture of three nmes ws too long for prtil purposes, men egn to use merely the mile initil, n eventully the typil merin ws John Q. Puli. In Engln, on the other hn, suh form is not use. n Englishmn hs to e J. Q. Puli, J. Qiny Puli, or John Quiy Puli. Question:Whih of the following is NOT n Englishmn's nme?
. Thoms J. White
. Thoms John White
. T. J. White
. T. John White
6. Leve me lone; min your own ____.
. events
. ffirs
. things
. mtters
7. Hve you ny ____ tht you were not there t 9 o'lok lst night?
. sttement
. use
. wors
. proof
8. merins re poun of their vriety n iniviulity, yet they love n respet few things more thn uniform, whether it is the uniform of n elevtor opertor or the uniform of five-str generl. Why re uniforms so populr in the Unite Sttes? mong the rguments for uniforms, one of the first is tht in the eyes of most people they look more professionl thn ivilin(百姓的)lothes. People hve eome onitione to expet superior qulity from mn who wers uniform. the television repirmn who wers uniform tens to inspire more trust thn one who ppers in ivilin lothes. Fith in the skill of grge mehni is inrese y uniform. Wht esier wy is there for nurse, poliemn, rer, or witer to lose professionl ientity(身份)thn to step out of uniform? Uniforms lso hve mny prtil enefits. They sve on other lothes. They sve on lunry ills. They re tx-eutile(可减税的). They re often more omfortle n more urle thn ivilin lothes. Primry mong the rguments ginst uniforms is their lk of vriety n the onsequent loss of iniviulity experiene y people who must wer them. Though there re mny types of uniforms, the werer of ny prtiulr type is generlly stuk with it, without hnge, until retirement. When people look like, they ten to think, spek, n t similrly, on the jo t lest. Uniforms lso give rise to some prtil prolems. Though they re long-lsting, often their initil expense is greter thn the ost of ivilin lothes. Some uniforms re lso expensive to mintin, requiring professionl ry lening rther thn the home lunering possile with mny types of ivilin lothes. Question:The hief funtion of uniform is to ____.
. provie prtil enefits to the werer
. mke the werer th the pui eye
. inspire the werer’s onfiene in himself
. provie the werer with professionl ientity
9. He me k lte, ____ whih time ll the guests h lrey left.
. fter
. y
. t
. uring
10. Over sixty perent of the ity _____ estroye in the wr. Thirty-five perent of the otors _____ women.
. ws,ws
. ws,were
. were,were
. were,ws
11. merins re poun of their vriety n iniviulity, yet they love n respet few things more thn uniform, whether it is the uniform of n elevtor opertor or the uniform of five-str generl. Why re uniforms so populr in the Unite Sttes? mong the rguments for uniforms, one of the first is tht in the eyes of most people they look more professionl thn ivilin(百姓的)lothes. People hve eome onitione to expet superior qulity from mn who wers uniform. the television repirmn who wers uniform tens to inspire more trust thn one who ppers in ivilin lothes. Fith in the skill of grge mehni is inrese y uniform. Wht esier wy is there for nurse, poliemn, rer, or witer to lose professionl ientity(身份)thn to step out of uniform? Uniforms lso hve mny prtil enefits. They sve on other lothes. They sve on lunry ills. They re tx-eutile(可减税的). They re often more omfortle n more urle thn ivilin lothes. Primry mong the rguments ginst uniforms is their lk of vriety n the onsequent loss of iniviulity experiene y people who must wer them. Though there re mny types of uniforms, the werer of ny prtiulr type is generlly stuk with it, without hnge, until retirement. When people look like, they ten to think, spek, n t similrly, on the jo t lest. Uniforms lso give rise to some prtil prolems. Though they re long-lsting, often their initil expense is greter thn the ost of ivilin lothes. Some uniforms re lso expensive to mintin, requiring professionl ry lening rther thn the home lunering possile with mny types of ivilin lothes. Question:The est title for this pssge woul e ____.
. Uniforms n Soiety
. The Importne of Wering Uniform
. Prtil enefits of Wering Uniform
. vntges n isvntges of Uniforms
12. It is importnt to rememer the sying tht ____ is etter thn ure.
. prevention
. promotion
. permission
. proportion
13. merins re poun of their vriety n iniviulity, yet they love n respet few things more thn uniform, whether it is the uniform of n elevtor opertor or the uniform of five-str generl. Why re uniforms so populr in the Unite Sttes? mong the rguments for uniforms, one of the first is tht in the eyes of most people they look more professionl thn ivilin(百姓的)lothes. People hve eome onitione to expet superior qulity from mn who wers uniform. the television repirmn who wers uniform tens to inspire more trust thn one who ppers in ivilin lothes. Fith in the skill of grge mehni is inrese y uniform. Wht esier wy is there for nurse, poliemn, rer, or witer to lose professionl ientity(身份)thn to step out of uniform? Uniforms lso hve mny prtil enefits. They sve on other lothes. They sve on lunry ills. They re tx-eutile(可减税的). They re often more omfortle n more urle thn ivilin lothes. Primry mong the rguments ginst uniforms is their lk of vriety n the onsequent loss of iniviulity experiene y people who must wer them. Though there re mny types of uniforms, the werer of ny prtiulr type is generlly stuk with it, without hnge, until retirement. When people look like, they ten to think, spek, n t similrly, on the jo t lest. Uniforms lso give rise to some prtil prolems. Though they re long-lsting, often their initil expense is greter thn the ost of ivilin lothes. Some uniforms re lso expensive to mintin, requiring professionl ry lening rther thn the home lunering possile with mny types of ivilin lothes. Questioneople re ustome to think tht mn in uniform ____.
. suggests qulity work
. isrs his soil ientity
. ppers to e more prtil
. looks superior to person in ivilin lothes
14. The ol people often rise ____ for the ske of ompnionship.
. pets
. pipes
. pills
. pies
15. merins re poun of their vriety n iniviulity, yet they love n respet few things more thn uniform, whether it is the uniform of n elevtor opertor or the uniform of five-str generl. Why re uniforms so populr in the Unite Sttes? mong the rguments for uniforms, one of the first is tht in the eyes of most people they look more professionl thn ivilin(百姓的)lothes. People hve eome onitione to expet superior qulity from mn who wers uniform. the television repirmn who wers uniform tens to inspire more trust thn one who ppers in ivilin lothes. Fith in the skill of grge mehni is inrese y uniform. Wht esier wy is there for nurse, poliemn, rer, or witer to lose professionl ientity(身份)thn to step out of uniform? Uniforms lso hve mny prtil enefits. They sve on other lothes. They sve on lunry ills. They re tx-eutile(可减税的). They re often more omfortle n more urle thn ivilin lothes. Primry mong the rguments ginst uniforms is their lk of vriety n the onsequent loss of iniviulity experiene y people who must wer them. Though there re mny types of uniforms, the werer of ny prtiulr type is generlly stuk with it, without hnge, until retirement. When people look like, they ten to think, spek, n t similrly, on the jo t lest. Uniforms lso give rise to some prtil prolems. Though they re long-lsting, often their initil expense is greter thn the ost of ivilin lothes. Some uniforms re lso expensive to mintin, requiring professionl ry lening rther thn the home lunering possile with mny types of ivilin lothes. Question:The hief funtion of uniform is to ____.
. provie prtil enefits to the werer
. mke the werer th the pui eye
. inspire the werer’s onfiene in himself
. provie the werer with professionl ientity
16. If the woune solier h een given first ____, he woul not hve ie.
. help
. i
. re
. ttention
17. He stoo wving until the trin ws out of ____.
. sight
. glimpse
. sene
. reh
18. lso serving to proue istintive usge ws the prtie of istinguishing son from fther y the use of Junior. This typilly merin prtie egn in the mile of the eighteenth entury when most gentlemen h some knowlege of Ltin n were fmilir with the use of the term Junior, trnslte often into English s "the younger," s pplie to suh Ltin worthies s to n Pliny. The prtie ws so well estlishe y 1776 tht three signers of the elrtion e the Jr. gi. ritish ustom hs een ifferent; the seon of pir of gret sttesmen is known s Willim Pitt, the younger. Still nother importnt movement eginning roun 1750 ws the rise of the nme hrles. Erlier, hrles is hrly foun t ll in New Engln, n is rre in the other olonies. fter tht its growth ws not only stey ut even spetulr. y 1850 it h eome one of the ommonest nmes, n it hs remine lose to the top sine tht time. Its urious niknme, huk, is typilly merin. lmost t n equl pe with the rise of hrles, the use of ilil nmes, even in New Engln, egn to fll off. Eenezer, n even Smuel n enjmin, me to hve out them n ol-fshione ur. The fts re ler enough; the uses remin osure. Immigrtion proly h little to o with suh hnges. English influene, t the iel level, my hve helpe the growth of hrles. uring these sme ees the nme ws inresing in populrity there, where Sir hrles Grnison ws muh re novel n onie Prine hrlie h given the nme renewe vogue mong those who still hel sentimentlly to the Sturts. ut most of the other new evelopments seem to e wholly ntive n even to run ounter to ritish prtie. Question:Those who sympthize with the Sturts ________,
. like to re Sir hrles Grnison
. opte the nming hit tht ws ginst ritish prtie
. use hrles s their fmily nmes
. my hve helpe the populrity of the nme hrles
19. Over sixty perent of the ity _____ estroye in the wr. Thirty-five perent of the otors _____ women.
. ws,ws
. ws,were
. were,were
. were,ws
20. merins re poun of their vriety n iniviulity, yet they love n respet few things more thn uniform, whether it is the uniform of n elevtor opertor or the uniform of five-str generl. Why re uniforms so populr in the Unite Sttes? mong the rguments for uniforms, one of the first is tht in the eyes of most people they look more professionl thn ivilin(百姓的)lothes. People hve eome onitione to expet superior qulity from mn who wers uniform. the television repirmn who wers uniform tens to inspire more trust thn one who ppers in ivilin lothes. Fith in the skill of grge mehni is inrese y uniform. Wht esier wy is there for nurse, poliemn, rer, or witer to lose professionl ientity(身份)thn to step out of uniform? Uniforms lso hve mny prtil enefits. They sve on other lothes. They sve on lunry ills. They re tx-eutile(可减税的). They re often more omfortle n more urle thn ivilin lothes. Primry mong the rguments ginst uniforms is their lk of vriety n the onsequent loss of iniviulity experiene y people who must wer them. Though there re mny types of uniforms, the werer of ny prtiulr type is generlly stuk with it, without hnge, until retirement. When people look like, they ten to think, spek, n t similrly, on the jo t lest. Uniforms lso give rise to some prtil prolems. Though they re long-lsting, often their initil expense is greter thn the ost of ivilin lothes. Some uniforms re lso expensive to mintin, requiring professionl ry lening rther thn the home lunering possile with mny types of ivilin lothes. Questionring to the pssge, people wering uniforms ____.
. re usully helpful
. hve little or no iniviul freeom
. ten to lose their iniviulity
. enjoy greter populrity
21. merins re poun of their vriety n iniviulity, yet they love n respet few things more thn uniform, whether it is the uniform of n elevtor opertor or the uniform of five-str generl. Why re uniforms so populr in the Unite Sttes? mong the rguments for uniforms, one of the first is tht in the eyes of most people they look more professionl thn ivilin(百姓的)lothes. People hve eome onitione to expet superior qulity from mn who wers uniform. the television repirmn who wers uniform tens to inspire more trust thn one who ppers in ivilin lothes. Fith in the skill of grge mehni is inrese y uniform. Wht esier wy is there for nurse, poliemn, rer, or witer to lose professionl ientity(身份)thn to step out of uniform? Uniforms lso hve mny prtil enefits. They sve on other lothes. They sve on lunry ills. They re tx-eutile(可减税的). They re often more omfortle n more urle thn ivilin lothes. Primry mong the rguments ginst uniforms is their lk of vriety n the onsequent loss of iniviulity experiene y people who must wer them. Though there re mny types of uniforms, the werer of ny prtiulr type is generlly stuk with it, without hnge, until retirement. When people look like, they ten to think, spek, n t similrly, on the jo t lest. Uniforms lso give rise to some prtil prolems. Though they re long-lsting, often their initil expense is greter thn the ost of ivilin lothes. Some uniforms re lso expensive to mintin, requiring professionl ry lening rther thn the home lunering possile with mny types of ivilin lothes. Questionring to the pssge, people wering uniforms ____.
. re usully helpful
. hve little or no iniviul freeom
. ten to lose their iniviulity
. enjoy greter populrity
22. fter this first urst of retive energy, the merins went long, North n South, for out entury with little hnge in their nming-hits. ilil nmes ontinue to give olor in New Engln, ut elsewhere it ws prtiulrly true with women's nmes, in the mile n southern olonies, n the exessive use of Elizeth, nn, Mry, n Srh ws only sve y the lso lierl use of vritions suh s etsy, Slly, Nnny, Nny, n Molly. The gret Germn immigrtion of the erly eighteenth entury h some influene. Johnn, often shortene to Hns, ws y fr the ommonest nme mong these Germns, with Joo n Heinrih following. Exept where people ontinue to tlk Germn, these nmes were rpily ngliize, n so inrese the populrity of John, Joo, n Henry. The Soth-Irish immigrtion lso exerte n influene y uiling up the lrey populr Jmes, n ing lexner n rhil. out 1740 the use of mile nmes egn to grow. Proly the Germns h some influene here, for they generlly, even s immigrnts, ore two given nmes, of whih the first ws usully Johnn. nother strong influene ws fmily prie, whih le to the esire to preserve the mother's fmily nme. Purely prtil, s the towns grew lrger, ws the nee to istinguish mn more lerly from others ering the sme nmes. One strte, the ustom grew steily to populrity until y 1850 the mn without mile nme ws in smll minority, s he hs sine remine. The use of the mile nme soon proue nother typil merin hit. Sine the full signture of three nmes ws too long for prtil purposes, men egn to use merely the mile initil, n eventully the typil merin ws John Q. Puli. In Engln, on the other hn, suh form is not use. n Englishmn hs to e J. Q. Puli, J. Qiny Puli, or John Quiy Puli. Question:Whih of the following is NOT n Englishmn's nme?
. Thoms J. White
. Thoms John White
. T. J. White
. T. John White
23. lso serving to proue istintive usge ws the prtie of istinguishing son from fther y the use of Junior. This typilly merin prtie egn in the mile of the eighteenth entury when most gentlemen h some knowlege of Ltin n were fmilir with the use of the term Junior, trnslte often into English s "the younger," s pplie to suh Ltin worthies s to n Pliny. The prtie ws so well estlishe y 1776 tht three signers of the elrtion e the Jr. gi. ritish ustom hs een ifferent; the seon of pir of gret sttesmen is known s Willim Pitt, the younger. Still nother importnt movement eginning roun 1750 ws the rise of the nme hrles. Erlier, hrles is hrly foun t ll in New Engln, n is rre in the other olonies. fter tht its growth ws not only stey ut even spetulr. y 1850 it h eome one of the ommonest nmes, n it hs remine lose to the top sine tht time. Its urious niknme, huk, is typilly merin. lmost t n equl pe with the rise of hrles, the use of ilil nmes, even in New Engln, egn to fll off. Eenezer, n even Smuel n enjmin, me to hve out them n ol-fshione ur. The fts re ler enough; the uses remin osure. Immigrtion proly h little to o with suh hnges. English influene, t the iel level, my hve helpe the growth of hrles. uring these sme ees the nme ws inresing in populrity there, where Sir hrles Grnison ws muh re novel n onie Prine hrlie h given the nme renewe vogue mong those who still hel sentimentlly to the Sturts. ut most of the other new evelopments seem to e wholly ntive n even to run ounter to ritish prtie. Question:The use of nme of hrles ________.
. ws populr efore the mile of the eighteenth entury
. egn to e notiele in New Engln in the erly eighteenth entury
. ws spetulrly populr y the mile of the nineteenth entury
. is less populr now thn efore
24. lso serving to proue istintive usge ws the prtie of istinguishing son from fther y the use of Junior. This typilly merin prtie egn in the mile of the eighteenth entury when most gentlemen h some knowlege of Ltin n were fmilir with the use of the term Junior, trnslte often into English s "the younger," s pplie to suh Ltin worthies s to n Pliny. The prtie ws so well estlishe y 1776 tht three signers of the elrtion e the Jr. gi. ritish ustom hs een ifferent; the seon of pir of gret sttesmen is known s Willim Pitt, the younger. Still nother importnt movement eginning roun 1750 ws the rise of the nme hrles. Erlier, hrles is hrly foun t ll in New Engln, n is rre in the other olonies. fter tht its growth ws not only stey ut even spetulr. y 1850 it h eome one of the ommonest nmes, n it hs remine lose to the top sine tht time. Its urious niknme, huk, is typilly merin. lmost t n equl pe with the rise of hrles, the use of ilil nmes, even in New Engln, egn to fll off. Eenezer, n even Smuel n enjmin, me to hve out them n ol-fshione ur. The fts re ler enough; the uses remin osure. Immigrtion proly h little to o with suh hnges. English influene, t the iel level, my hve helpe the growth of hrles. uring these sme ees the nme ws inresing in populrity there, where Sir hrles Grnison ws muh re novel n onie Prine hrlie h given the nme renewe vogue mong those who still hel sentimentlly to the Sturts. ut most of the other new evelopments seem to e wholly ntive n even to run ounter to ritish prtie. Question:The finl prgrph minly isusses ________.
. how novels helpe the populrity of ertin nmes
. new evelopments in nming hits of merins
. immigrtion n nming hits of merins
. hrles, the most populr nme in meri
25. Move up little, I hven't ny ____ to sit.
. re
. room
. ple
. spe