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发表于 2016-5-3 22:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试,共 100 分。)

1.  To rete  superell, tke  storm where win spee inreses with height, while win iretion veers;  sitution in whih uprughts n ownrughts within the thunerstorm n support eh other's existene rther thn nel eh other out. It is s wins low into this turulent region from three to five kilometers up tht  low-pressure setion of the storm my egin to rotte. The rottion of this prt of the storm (known s  mesoylone) uses the ir pressure to fll some more, prompting win lower own to flow into the storm n spee up upwrs. This retes  spinning uprught whih high-level wins in the storm n oost in the sme wy tht win lowing ross the top of  himney oes woners for rwing up n open fire. You're not yet looking t  torno, though if you're wthing this prtiulr storm evelop you might strt looking for  getwy r —espeilly if the storm egins to hnge shpe. When mi-to upper-level wins upwin of the storm enounter the superell, some re fore to etour roun it. They onverge gin ownwin, mouling the storm lous into n ominous nvil-shpe in the proess. ut while some win goes roun the mesoylone, some runs full squre into this meteorologil rik wll n is fore ownwr, reting  "rer flnk ownrught" (RF) whih mny experts elieve is wht mkes or reks  torni storm. It's when n RF tries to swing roun the se of the storm, nrrowing the re of win flowing into the uprught n inresing its spin (in the sme wy figure skters when their rms re pulle in) tht you might wnt to get into your getwy r. If you're nywhere eneth whirling piee of meteorologil give n tke— funnel lou—you re in  , ngerous ple known to stormhsers s "the er ge". It's where, if the funnel lou stiks roun long enough for the uprught to touhown on terr firm, you will fin yourself on the insie of  torno. Question:When the storm rottes, ________.
. ir pressure will go on inresing
. it strts from the low-pressure setion
. win will join the storm in setting n open fire
. n uprught will e reple y  ownrught
2.  To rete  superell, tke  storm where win spee inreses with height, while win iretion veers;  sitution in whih uprughts n ownrughts within the thunerstorm n support eh other's existene rther thn nel eh other out. It is s wins low into this turulent region from three to five kilometers up tht  low-pressure setion of the storm my egin to rotte. The rottion of this prt of the storm (known s  mesoylone) uses the ir pressure to fll some more, prompting win lower own to flow into the storm n spee up upwrs. This retes  spinning uprught whih high-level wins in the storm n oost in the sme wy tht win lowing ross the top of  himney oes woners for rwing up n open fire. You're not yet looking t  torno, though if you're wthing this prtiulr storm evelop you might strt looking for  getwy r —espeilly if the storm egins to hnge shpe. When mi-to upper-level wins upwin of the storm enounter the superell, some re fore to etour roun it. They onverge gin ownwin, mouling the storm lous into n ominous nvil-shpe in the proess. ut while some win goes roun the mesoylone, some runs full squre into this meteorologil rik wll n is fore ownwr, reting  "rer flnk ownrught" (RF) whih mny experts elieve is wht mkes or reks  torni storm. It's when n RF tries to swing roun the se of the storm, nrrowing the re of win flowing into the uprught n inresing its spin (in the sme wy figure skters when their rms re pulle in) tht you might wnt to get into your getwy r. If you're nywhere eneth whirling piee of meteorologil give n tke— funnel lou—you re in  , ngerous ple known to stormhsers s "the er ge". It's where, if the funnel lou stiks roun long enough for the uprught to touhown on terr firm, you will fin yourself on the insie of  torno. Question:Wht n e inferre from the thir prgrph?
. If n uprught is rete, torno ppers.
.  torno omes into eing when  RF is rete.
. RF is rete if wins go roun the mesoylone.
. When meeting superell, wins will low in ll iretions.
3.  liforni-orn n Stnfor-eute, John Steinek gine prominene uring the Gret epression of the 1930s s  novelist who omine themes of soil protest with  enign view of humn nture n  iologil interprettion of humn experiene,  omintion tht gine him wie populrity n provie the sis for  reer not only in fition ut lso in journlism, the theter, n films. John Ernst Steinek, Jr., ws orn in 1902, in the Slins Vlley, whose senery, griulturl workers, n ne'er-o-well pisnos pper frequently in his fition. His fther ws tresurer of Monterey ounty, n his mother ws  former shoolteher. Their lirry introue him erly to suh stnr uthors s Milton, ostoevsky, Fluert, George Eliot, n Thoms Hry. He ws  ontriutor to the shool newspper,  vrsity thlete, n presient of his gruting lss in high shool, n he ttene Stnfor University sporilly etween 1920 n 1925, mjoring in English, ut never finishe the egree. He worke on rnhes n on  ro gng efore trying futilely to estlish himself s  writer uring  rief sty in New York ity in 1926, n he worke in  liforni fish hthery n mpe in the Sierrs efore pulishing his first novel, up of Gol, in 1929. In those yers he re . H. Lwrene, Will ther, Sherwoo nerson, n prtiulrly the novelists Jmes rnh elln, Hemingwy with enthusism, ut his perennil interests were the lssis of ontinentl literture n the nient historins. In 1930 he mrrie n move to Pifi Grove, liforni, where his fther provie  house n smll llowne to support him. Two unsuessful novels treting the enhntment of the merin rem n the ost of pursuing it (The Pstures of Heven, 1932, n To  Go Unknown, 1933) preee his first suesses, Tortill Flt in 1935 n In uious ttle in 1936. The first ws n episoi, wrmly humorous tretment of  n of pisnos ( mixture of Spnish, Inin, n usin strns). Their pituresque n shiftless wys, nive ffetion for their hurh, mystil ppreition of nture, n loylty to their n re given the ir of legen n likene to the tles of King rthur's Roun Tle. The seon els with  strike mong fruit pikers, its efet y the lnowners with their vigilntes, n the efforts of ommunist orgnizers first to orgnize the strike n then to exploit the workers. Question:s  stuent t shool, Steinek ws ll the following exept ________.
.  shool newspper reporter
. n thlete
. presient of the shool
. n English mjor
4.  liforni-orn n Stnfor-eute, John Steinek gine prominene uring the Gret epression of the 1930s s  novelist who omine themes of soil protest with  enign view of humn nture n  iologil interprettion of humn experiene,  omintion tht gine him wie populrity n provie the sis for  reer not only in fition ut lso in journlism, the theter, n films. John Ernst Steinek, Jr., ws orn in 1902, in the Slins Vlley, whose senery, griulturl workers, n ne'er-o-well pisnos pper frequently in his fition. His fther ws tresurer of Monterey ounty, n his mother ws  former shoolteher. Their lirry introue him erly to suh stnr uthors s Milton, ostoevsky, Fluert, George Eliot, n Thoms Hry. He ws  ontriutor to the shool newspper,  vrsity thlete, n presient of his gruting lss in high shool, n he ttene Stnfor University sporilly etween 1920 n 1925, mjoring in English, ut never finishe the egree. He worke on rnhes n on  ro gng efore trying futilely to estlish himself s  writer uring  rief sty in New York ity in 1926, n he worke in  liforni fish hthery n mpe in the Sierrs efore pulishing his first novel, up of Gol, in 1929. In those yers he re . H. Lwrene, Will ther, Sherwoo nerson, n prtiulrly the novelists Jmes rnh elln, Hemingwy with enthusism, ut his perennil interests were the lssis of ontinentl literture n the nient historins. In 1930 he mrrie n move to Pifi Grove, liforni, where his fther provie  house n smll llowne to support him. Two unsuessful novels treting the enhntment of the merin rem n the ost of pursuing it (The Pstures of Heven, 1932, n To  Go Unknown, 1933) preee his first suesses, Tortill Flt in 1935 n In uious ttle in 1936. The first ws n episoi, wrmly humorous tretment of  n of pisnos ( mixture of Spnish, Inin, n usin strns). Their pituresque n shiftless wys, nive ffetion for their hurh, mystil ppreition of nture, n loylty to their n re given the ir of legen n likene to the tles of King rthur's Roun Tle. The seon els with  strike mong fruit pikers, its efet y the lnowners with their vigilntes, n the efforts of ommunist orgnizers first to orgnize the strike n then to exploit the workers. Question:In uious ttle gives  esription of ________.
.  group of pisnos loyl to their n
. King rthur's Roun Tle
. the efet of  strike y the lnowners
. soliers fighting for freeom
5.  Whether work shoul e ple mong the uses of hppiness or mong the uses of unhppiness my perhps e regre s  outful question. There is ertinly muh work whih is exeeingly irksome, n n exess of work is lwys very pinful. I think, however, tht, provie work is not exessive in mount, even the ullest work is to most people less pinful thn ileness. There re in work ll gres, from mere relief of teium up to the profounest elights, oring to the nture of the work n the ilities of the worker. Most of the work tht most people hve to o is not in itself interesting, ut even suh work hs ertin gret vntges. To egin with, it fills  goo mny hours of the y without the nee of eiing wht one shll o. Most people, when they re left free to fill their own time oring to their own hoie, re t  loss to think of nything suffiiently plesnt to e worth oing, n whtever they eie on, they re troule y the feeling tht something else woul hve een plesnter. To e le to fill leisure intelligently is the lst prout of iviliztion, n t present very few people hve rehe this level. Moreover, the exerise of hoie is in itself tiresome. Exept to people with unusul inititive it is positively greele to e tol wht to o t eh hour of the y, provie the orers re not too unplesnt. Most of the ile rih suffer unspekle oreom s the prie of their freeom from rugery. t times, they my fin relief y hunting ig gme in fri, or y flying roun the worl, ut the numer of suh senstions is limite, espeilly fter youth is pst. oringly the more intelligent rih men work nerly s hr s if they were poor, while rih women for the most prt keep themselves usy with innumerle trifles of whose erth-shking importne they re firmly persue. Question:Whih of the following is NOT true oring to the pssge?
. It is etter to reeive orers whih re not unplesnt thn to give orers.
. The rih people re hppy euse they on't hve to o teious work.
. The rih people n enjoy senstions suh s hunting or flying roun the worl only when they re not too
6.  To rete  superell, tke  storm where win spee inreses with height, while win iretion veers;  sitution in whih uprughts n ownrughts within the thunerstorm n support eh other's existene rther thn nel eh other out. It is s wins low into this turulent region from three to five kilometers up tht  low-pressure setion of the storm my egin to rotte. The rottion of this prt of the storm (known s  mesoylone) uses the ir pressure to fll some more, prompting win lower own to flow into the storm n spee up upwrs. This retes  spinning uprught whih high-level wins in the storm n oost in the sme wy tht win lowing ross the top of  himney oes woners for rwing up n open fire. You're not yet looking t  torno, though if you're wthing this prtiulr storm evelop you might strt looking for  getwy r —espeilly if the storm egins to hnge shpe. When mi-to upper-level wins upwin of the storm enounter the superell, some re fore to etour roun it. They onverge gin ownwin, mouling the storm lous into n ominous nvil-shpe in the proess. ut while some win goes roun the mesoylone, some runs full squre into this meteorologil rik wll n is fore ownwr, reting  "rer flnk ownrught" (RF) whih mny experts elieve is wht mkes or reks  torni storm. It's when n RF tries to swing roun the se of the storm, nrrowing the re of win flowing into the uprught n inresing its spin (in the sme wy figure skters when their rms re pulle in) tht you might wnt to get into your getwy r. If you're nywhere eneth whirling piee of meteorologil give n tke— funnel lou—you re in  , ngerous ple known to stormhsers s "the er ge". It's where, if the funnel lou stiks roun long enough for the uprught to touhown on terr firm, you will fin yourself on the insie of  torno. Question:Wht is NOT mentione in the rtile?
. RF swings roun the top of the storm.
. RF elertes the spin of uprught.
. Torno evelops through severl stges.
. uring the proess, some wins re fore to swing roun the superell n gther gin ownwin.
7.  The house is rk. The rowns ____ to e.
. my go
. shoul go
. shoul hve gone
. must hve gone
8.  liforni-orn n Stnfor-eute, John Steinek gine prominene uring the Gret epression of the 1930s s  novelist who omine themes of soil protest with  enign view of humn nture n  iologil interprettion of humn experiene,  omintion tht gine him wie populrity n provie the sis for  reer not only in fition ut lso in journlism, the theter, n films. John Ernst Steinek, Jr., ws orn in 1902, in the Slins Vlley, whose senery, griulturl workers, n ne'er-o-well pisnos pper frequently in his fition. His fther ws tresurer of Monterey ounty, n his mother ws  former shoolteher. Their lirry introue him erly to suh stnr uthors s Milton, ostoevsky, Fluert, George Eliot, n Thoms Hry. He ws  ontriutor to the shool newspper,  vrsity thlete, n presient of his gruting lss in high shool, n he ttene Stnfor University sporilly etween 1920 n 1925, mjoring in English, ut never finishe the egree. He worke on rnhes n on  ro gng efore trying futilely to estlish himself s  writer uring  rief sty in New York ity in 1926, n he worke in  liforni fish hthery n mpe in the Sierrs efore pulishing his first novel, up of Gol, in 1929. In those yers he re . H. Lwrene, Will ther, Sherwoo nerson, n prtiulrly the novelists Jmes rnh elln, Hemingwy with enthusism, ut his perennil interests were the lssis of ontinentl literture n the nient historins. In 1930 he mrrie n move to Pifi Grove, liforni, where his fther provie  house n smll llowne to support him. Two unsuessful novels treting the enhntment of the merin rem n the ost of pursuing it (The Pstures of Heven, 1932, n To  Go Unknown, 1933) preee his first suesses, Tortill Flt in 1935 n In uious ttle in 1936. The first ws n episoi, wrmly humorous tretment of  n of pisnos ( mixture of Spnish, Inin, n usin strns). Their pituresque n shiftless wys, nive ffetion for their hurh, mystil ppreition of nture, n loylty to their n re given the ir of legen n likene to the tles of King rthur's Roun Tle. The seon els with  strike mong fruit pikers, its efet y the lnowners with their vigilntes, n the efforts of ommunist orgnizers first to orgnize the strike n then to exploit the workers. Question:"isnos" mens ________.
. rih people
. poor people
. pesnts
. lorers
9.  liforni-orn n Stnfor-eute, John Steinek gine prominene uring the Gret epression of the 1930s s  novelist who omine themes of soil protest with  enign view of humn nture n  iologil interprettion of humn experiene,  omintion tht gine him wie populrity n provie the sis for  reer not only in fition ut lso in journlism, the theter, n films. John Ernst Steinek, Jr., ws orn in 1902, in the Slins Vlley, whose senery, griulturl workers, n ne'er-o-well pisnos pper frequently in his fition. His fther ws tresurer of Monterey ounty, n his mother ws  former shoolteher. Their lirry introue him erly to suh stnr uthors s Milton, ostoevsky, Fluert, George Eliot, n Thoms Hry. He ws  ontriutor to the shool newspper,  vrsity thlete, n presient of his gruting lss in high shool, n he ttene Stnfor University sporilly etween 1920 n 1925, mjoring in English, ut never finishe the egree. He worke on rnhes n on  ro gng efore trying futilely to estlish himself s  writer uring  rief sty in New York ity in 1926, n he worke in  liforni fish hthery n mpe in the Sierrs efore pulishing his first novel, up of Gol, in 1929. In those yers he re . H. Lwrene, Will ther, Sherwoo nerson, n prtiulrly the novelists Jmes rnh elln, Hemingwy with enthusism, ut his perennil interests were the lssis of ontinentl literture n the nient historins. In 1930 he mrrie n move to Pifi Grove, liforni, where his fther provie  house n smll llowne to support him. Two unsuessful novels treting the enhntment of the merin rem n the ost of pursuing it (The Pstures of Heven, 1932, n To  Go Unknown, 1933) preee his first suesses, Tortill Flt in 1935 n In uious ttle in 1936. The first ws n episoi, wrmly humorous tretment of  n of pisnos ( mixture of Spnish, Inin, n usin strns). Their pituresque n shiftless wys, nive ffetion for their hurh, mystil ppreition of nture, n loylty to their n re given the ir of legen n likene to the tles of King rthur's Roun Tle. The seon els with  strike mong fruit pikers, its efet y the lnowners with their vigilntes, n the efforts of ommunist orgnizers first to orgnize the strike n then to exploit the workers. Question:Steinek's first suess s  writer ws ________.
. up of Gol
. The Pstures of Heven
. To  Go Unknown
. Tortill Flt
10.  I ment ____ you, ut I'm fri I forgot.
. ringing
. eing ringing
. to ringing
. to ring
11.  To rete  superell, tke  storm where win spee inreses with height, while win iretion veers;  sitution in whih uprughts n ownrughts within the thunerstorm n support eh other's existene rther thn nel eh other out. It is s wins low into this turulent region from three to five kilometers up tht  low-pressure setion of the storm my egin to rotte. The rottion of this prt of the storm (known s  mesoylone) uses the ir pressure to fll some more, prompting win lower own to flow into the storm n spee up upwrs. This retes  spinning uprught whih high-level wins in the storm n oost in the sme wy tht win lowing ross the top of  himney oes woners for rwing up n open fire. You're not yet looking t  torno, though if you're wthing this prtiulr storm evelop you might strt looking for  getwy r —espeilly if the storm egins to hnge shpe. When mi-to upper-level wins upwin of the storm enounter the superell, some re fore to etour roun it. They onverge gin ownwin, mouling the storm lous into n ominous nvil-shpe in the proess. ut while some win goes roun the mesoylone, some runs full squre into this meteorologil rik wll n is fore ownwr, reting  "rer flnk ownrught" (RF) whih mny experts elieve is wht mkes or reks  torni storm. It's when n RF tries to swing roun the se of the storm, nrrowing the re of win flowing into the uprught n inresing its spin (in the sme wy figure skters when their rms re pulle in) tht you might wnt to get into your getwy r. If you're nywhere eneth whirling piee of meteorologil give n tke— funnel lou—you re in  , ngerous ple known to stormhsers s "the er ge". It's where, if the funnel lou stiks roun long enough for the uprught to touhown on terr firm, you will fin yourself on the insie of  torno. Question:If you were ught y  torno, whih of the following sttement is NOT right?
. You must hve een in "the er ge".
. It shoul hve een the uprught tht got you.
. The funnel lou must hve kept running roun.
. The uprught shoul not hve touhe the groun.
12.  If it ____ tomorrow, I woul not go out.
. shoul rin
. woul rin
. will rin
. is going to rin
13.  liforni-orn n Stnfor-eute, John Steinek gine prominene uring the Gret epression of the 1930s s  novelist who omine themes of soil protest with  enign view of humn nture n  iologil interprettion of humn experiene,  omintion tht gine him wie populrity n provie the sis for  reer not only in fition ut lso in journlism, the theter, n films. John Ernst Steinek, Jr., ws orn in 1902, in the Slins Vlley, whose senery, griulturl workers, n ne'er-o-well pisnos pper frequently in his fition. His fther ws tresurer of Monterey ounty, n his mother ws  former shoolteher. Their lirry introue him erly to suh stnr uthors s Milton, ostoevsky, Fluert, George Eliot, n Thoms Hry. He ws  ontriutor to the shool newspper,  vrsity thlete, n presient of his gruting lss in high shool, n he ttene Stnfor University sporilly etween 1920 n 1925, mjoring in English, ut never finishe the egree. He worke on rnhes n on  ro gng efore trying futilely to estlish himself s  writer uring  rief sty in New York ity in 1926, n he worke in  liforni fish hthery n mpe in the Sierrs efore pulishing his first novel, up of Gol, in 1929. In those yers he re . H. Lwrene, Will ther, Sherwoo nerson, n prtiulrly the novelists Jmes rnh elln, Hemingwy with enthusism, ut his perennil interests were the lssis of ontinentl literture n the nient historins. In 1930 he mrrie n move to Pifi Grove, liforni, where his fther provie  house n smll llowne to support him. Two unsuessful novels treting the enhntment of the merin rem n the ost of pursuing it (The Pstures of Heven, 1932, n To  Go Unknown, 1933) preee his first suesses, Tortill Flt in 1935 n In uious ttle in 1936. The first ws n episoi, wrmly humorous tretment of  n of pisnos ( mixture of Spnish, Inin, n usin strns). Their pituresque n shiftless wys, nive ffetion for their hurh, mystil ppreition of nture, n loylty to their n re given the ir of legen n likene to the tles of King rthur's Roun Tle. The seon els with  strike mong fruit pikers, its efet y the lnowners with their vigilntes, n the efforts of ommunist orgnizers first to orgnize the strike n then to exploit the workers. Question:Steinek's first suess s  writer ws ________.
. up of Gol
. The Pstures of Heven
. To  Go Unknown
. Tortill Flt
14.  Whether work shoul e ple mong the uses of hppiness or mong the uses of unhppiness my perhps e regre s  outful question. There is ertinly muh work whih is exeeingly irksome, n n exess of work is lwys very pinful. I think, however, tht, provie work is not exessive in mount, even the ullest work is to most people less pinful thn ileness. There re in work ll gres, from mere relief of teium up to the profounest elights, oring to the nture of the work n the ilities of the worker. Most of the work tht most people hve to o is not in itself interesting, ut even suh work hs ertin gret vntges. To egin with, it fills  goo mny hours of the y without the nee of eiing wht one shll o. Most people, when they re left free to fill their own time oring to their own hoie, re t  loss to think of nything suffiiently plesnt to e worth oing, n whtever they eie on, they re troule y the feeling tht something else woul hve een plesnter. To e le to fill leisure intelligently is the lst prout of iviliztion, n t present very few people hve rehe this level. Moreover, the exerise of hoie is in itself tiresome. Exept to people with unusul inititive it is positively greele to e tol wht to o t eh hour of the y, provie the orers re not too unplesnt. Most of the ile rih suffer unspekle oreom s the prie of their freeom from rugery. t times, they my fin relief y hunting ig gme in fri, or y flying roun the worl, ut the numer of suh senstions is limite, espeilly fter youth is pst. oringly the more intelligent rih men work nerly s hr s if they were poor, while rih women for the most prt keep themselves usy with innumerle trifles of whose erth-shking importne they re firmly persue. Questionring to the uthor, the mjority of people ________.
. hve interesting work to o
. on't nee to eie wht to o
. re troule y wht is the right work for them
. feel s fter they hve eie wht to o
15.  There re of ourse, the hppy few who fin  svor in their ily jo: the Inin stonemson, who looks upon his work n sees tht it is goo; the higo pino tuner, who seeks n fins the soun tht elights; the ookiner, who sves  piee of history; the rooklyn firemn, who sves  piee of life ... ut on't these stisftions, like Jue's hunger for knowlege, tell us more out the person thn out his tsk? Perhps. Nonetheless, there is  ommon ttriute here:  mening to their work well over n eyon the rewr of the pyhek. For the mny, there is  hrly onele isontent. The lue-ollr lues is no more itterly sung thn the white-ollr mon. "I'm  mhine," sys the spot-weler. "I'm ge," sys the nk teller, n ehoes the hotel lerk. "I'm  mule," sys the steelworker. " monkey n o wht I o," sys the reeptionist. "I'm less thn  frm implement," sys the migrnt worker. "I'm n ojet," sys the high-fshion moel. lue ollr n white ll upon the ientil phrse: "I'm  root." "There is nothing to tlk out," the young ountnt espiringly enunites. It ws some time go tht John Henry sng, " mn in't nothin' ut  mn." The hr, unromnti ft is: he ie with his hmmer in his hn, while the mhine pumpe on. Nonetheless, he foun immortlity. He is rememere. s the utomte pe of our ily jos wipes out nme n fe—n, in mny instnes, feeling—there is  srilegious question eing ske these ys. To ern one's re y the swet of one's row hs lwys een the lot of mnkin. t lest, ever sine Een's slothful ouple ws serve with n evition notie, the sripturl preept ws never oute, not out lou. No mtter how emening the tsk, no mtter how it ulls the senses n reks the spirit, one must work. Or else. Ltely there hs een  questioning of its "work ethi" espeilly y the young. Strngely enough, it hs touhe off profoun grievnes in others, hitherto evout, silent, n nonymous. Unexpete preints re eing her from in  show of isontent. ommuniques from the ssemly line re frequent n lrming; senteeism. On the evening us, the tense, pinhe fes of young file lerks n elerly seretries tell us more thn we re to know. On the expresswys, mile mngement men pose without gre ehin their wheels s they flee ity n jo. Questionring to the uthor, ________.
. people o not sk questions out their work nowys
. people re willing to live y the swet of their row
. people n enure hr n emning tsks
. people hve to work no mtter how low the work is
16.  Next month they ____ in the ountry for eight yers.
. will hve een
. will e
. re
. hve een
17.  English ____ in  new wy t my ollege in the pst few yers.
. hs een tehing
. ws eing tught
. hs een tught
. h een tught
18.  Smith is to stuy meiine s soon s he ____ militry servie.
. will finish
. hs finishe
. finishes
. woul finish
19.  ____ I sw ws two men rossing the street.
. Wht
. Whom
. Who
. Tht
20.  Wht ____ next will e isusse t toy's meeting.
. will o
. to o
. shll we o
. to e one
21.  ____ nything out the ient, he went to work s well.
. Not know
. Know not
. Knowing not
. Not knowing
22.  ____ ws not the wy the event hppene.
. Whih the press reporte
. Tht the press reporte
. Wht i the press report
. Wht the press reporte
23.  She ws sitting in n rmhir ____  ook.
. reing
. to re
. to e reing
. to hve re
24.  There re of ourse, the hppy few who fin  svor in their ily jo: the Inin stonemson, who looks upon his work n sees tht it is goo; the higo pino tuner, who seeks n fins the soun tht elights; the ookiner, who sves  piee of history; the rooklyn firemn, who sves  piee of life ... ut on't these stisftions, like Jue's hunger for knowlege, tell us more out the person thn out his tsk? Perhps. Nonetheless, there is  ommon ttriute here:  mening to their work well over n eyon the rewr of the pyhek. For the mny, there is  hrly onele isontent. The lue-ollr lues is no more itterly sung thn the white-ollr mon. "I'm  mhine," sys the spot-weler. "I'm ge," sys the nk teller, n ehoes the hotel lerk. "I'm  mule," sys the steelworker. " monkey n o wht I o," sys the reeptionist. "I'm less thn  frm implement," sys the migrnt worker. "I'm n ojet," sys the high-fshion moel. lue ollr n white ll upon the ientil phrse: "I'm  root." "There is nothing to tlk out," the young ountnt espiringly enunites. It ws some time go tht John Henry sng, " mn in't nothin' ut  mn." The hr, unromnti ft is: he ie with his hmmer in his hn, while the mhine pumpe on. Nonetheless, he foun immortlity. He is rememere. s the utomte pe of our ily jos wipes out nme n fe—n, in mny instnes, feeling—there is  srilegious question eing ske these ys. To ern one's re y the swet of one's row hs lwys een the lot of mnkin. t lest, ever sine Een's slothful ouple ws serve with n evition notie, the sripturl preept ws never oute, not out lou. No mtter how emening the tsk, no mtter how it ulls the senses n reks the spirit, one must work. Or else. Ltely there hs een  questioning of its "work ethi" espeilly y the young. Strngely enough, it hs touhe off profoun grievnes in others, hitherto evout, silent, n nonymous. Unexpete preints re eing her from in  show of isontent. ommuniques from the ssemly line re frequent n lrming; senteeism. On the evening us, the tense, pinhe fes of young file lerks n elerly seretries tell us more thn we re to know. On the expresswys, mile mngement men pose without gre ehin their wheels s they flee ity n jo. Question:The finl prgrph isusses _________.
. people's isontent with their work
. unexpete preints
. senteeism
. espe from ity
25.  It's urgent tht  meeting ____ efore the finl eision is me.
. will e rrnge
. must e rrnge
. e rrnge
. woul e rrnge


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