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发表于 2016-5-3 22:26:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试,共 100 分。)

1.  Forty to sixty perent of genetilly moifie orgnisms re fining their wy to the proue eprtments. Tht proess involves tking  gene from one plnt or niml n putting it in nother. "So now, we mke these hnges in the lortory n put these hnges k into orn y the new tehnology," r. urtis Hnnh si.Not ll onsumers re plese tht reserhers re tinkering with foo tht fins its wy to merin inner tles. Opponents sy tht some proue is le with pestiie to mke them rug resistnt. Leling vote Joette Green si tht foos tht hve een genetilly engineere nee to e lele. Msshusetts wthog group si tht  lol supermrket hin is selling  pnke mix ontining genetilly engineere ingreients tht ren't liste on the lel.News enter 5's Rhonell Rihrson reports tht MssPIRG lunhe its Sfe Foo mpign on Thursy, lling for urte leling n etter testing of genetilly moifie foo.MssPIRG si tht pkges of Shw's Pnke Mix ontin GM foo, ut they ren't lele s suh. "There's no info out the potentilly ngerous N ontine in this pnke mix," Jill Ruin of MssPIRG si t n fternoon press onfereneerel n mny soy n orn prouts re genetilly moifie, ut they often on't sy so on the lel. There re not rules or regultions requiring suh informtion on nutrition lels.MssPIRG elieves tht hilhoo er n sinus infetions oul soon e inurle n tht the onsumption of genetilly engineere foo retes more foo llergies.Shw's pnke mix hs not use ny known helth prolems, ut mny feel tht etter leling shouln't e too hr for  store to swllow. "I wnt to know wht's in everything I uy," shopper lexner Grieo si. "I hve high loo pressure n high holesterol."MssPIRG trgete Shw's Supermrkets in its mpign euse the Shw's prent ompny in Lonon hs voluntrily remove ll genetilly engineere ingreients from its store rn prouts. lol Shw's spokesperson si tht in Engln, there ws  lk of iretion from the government on wht to o when onsumers questione prout sfety. The Foo n rug ministrtion hs foun nothing unsfe so fr, n Shw's wits iretion from the F efore ny prout is relle. Question:One of the resons why genetilly engineere foos re not welome is tht _________.
. some of them re rug-resistnt
.  high perentge of them ome from the lortory
. proly pestiie is put in them
. they re not nutrient
2.  Forty to sixty perent of genetilly moifie orgnisms re fining their wy to the proue eprtments. Tht proess involves tking  gene from one plnt or niml n putting it in nother. "So now, we mke these hnges in the lortory n put these hnges k into orn y the new tehnology," r. urtis Hnnh si.Not ll onsumers re plese tht reserhers re tinkering with foo tht fins its wy to merin inner tles. Opponents sy tht some proue is le with pestiie to mke them rug resistnt. Leling vote Joette Green si tht foos tht hve een genetilly engineere nee to e lele. Msshusetts wthog group si tht  lol supermrket hin is selling  pnke mix ontining genetilly engineere ingreients tht ren't liste on the lel.News enter 5's Rhonell Rihrson reports tht MssPIRG lunhe its Sfe Foo mpign on Thursy, lling for urte leling n etter testing of genetilly moifie foo.MssPIRG si tht pkges of Shw's Pnke Mix ontin GM foo, ut they ren't lele s suh. "There's no info out the potentilly ngerous N ontine in this pnke mix," Jill Ruin of MssPIRG si t n fternoon press onfereneerel n mny soy n orn prouts re genetilly moifie, ut they often on't sy so on the lel. There re not rules or regultions requiring suh informtion on nutrition lels.MssPIRG elieves tht hilhoo er n sinus infetions oul soon e inurle n tht the onsumption of genetilly engineere foo retes more foo llergies.Shw's pnke mix hs not use ny known helth prolems, ut mny feel tht etter leling shouln't e too hr for  store to swllow. "I wnt to know wht's in everything I uy," shopper lexner Grieo si. "I hve high loo pressure n high holesterol."MssPIRG trgete Shw's Supermrkets in its mpign euse the Shw's prent ompny in Lonon hs voluntrily remove ll genetilly engineere ingreients from its store rn prouts. lol Shw's spokesperson si tht in Engln, there ws  lk of iretion from the government on wht to o when onsumers questione prout sfety. The Foo n rug ministrtion hs foun nothing unsfe so fr, n Shw's wits iretion from the F efore ny prout is relle. Questionring to the rtile, MssPIRG is n orgniztion ___________.
. in fvor of genetilly engineere foos
. not optimisti out genetilly engineere foos
. politilly-oriente
. responsile for testing genetilly engineere foo
3.  nyone meeting Mtthew niels for the first time oul esily ssume tht he is the prout of  onventionl, even privilege hilhoo. With his well-spoken mnner, his Ivy Legue eution, n his usiness r reing "resient, Msshusetts Fmily Institute," Mr. niels is the piture of youthful merin suess. ut niels n tell  story tht refutes those ssumptions out his hilhoo. His fther none the fmily when he ws 2. His mother took  jo s  seretry. ut on her wy home one evening she ws mugge, sustining injuries tht eventully left her unle to work, the fmily went on welfre. Growing up in New York's Spnish Hrliem, niels ws one of only four white stuents until ninth gre. espite  iffiult environment, he stye out of troule. He even won  full sholrship to rtmouth ollege, gruting in 1985. How i he o it? He reits his mother's religious fith. "It's why I in't en up like the guys in my neighorhoo," he sys. "Some went to prison." lthough his fther,  writer, in't support the fmily, he mintine ontt with his son, emphsizing the importne of ooks n eution. euse of his experiene, niels hs eome  pssionte vote of the two-prent fmily. He sees it s n institution uner ulturl siege, generlly supporte y "the person in the street" ut too often ismisse y those in emi n mei irles. Some of the groups, he sys, hve mislulte the soil onsequenes of "trying to onvine people tht there re ll sorts of" lterntive fmily forms. Even uring lw shool, he enountere professors who were "openly hostile to the ie tht we nee two-prent fmilies to hve  helthy soiety." Reporters n emis my not e the only ones mivlent out mrrige.  new stuy of ollege textooks fins tht mny texts on mrrige pint  pessimisti view. They emphsize ivore n omesti violene, the report sys, n fous fr more on ult reltionships n prolems thn on hilren's nees. Question:The pssge isusses ______.
. niels's life
. the nee for two-prent fmily
. the importne of eution
. one prent fmily
4.  You will never guess whom I ____ on the street yestery.
. rn over
. rn out of
. rn into
. rn upto
5.  We sustitute fish ____ met severl times  week.
. for
. with
. to
. n
6.  No one n voi ____ y vertisements.
. influene
. influening
. to influene
. eing influene
7.  You ____ le to spek English so well if you hn't een prtising hr.
. re not
. n not e
. wouln't e
. woul hve een
8.  nn ws not reful enough; ____ she wouln't hve me suh  silly mistke.
. neverthless
. however
. otherwise
. lthough
9.  nyone meeting Mtthew niels for the first time oul esily ssume tht he is the prout of  onventionl, even privilege hilhoo. With his well-spoken mnner, his Ivy Legue eution, n his usiness r reing "resient, Msshusetts Fmily Institute," Mr. niels is the piture of youthful merin suess. ut niels n tell  story tht refutes those ssumptions out his hilhoo. His fther none the fmily when he ws 2. His mother took  jo s  seretry. ut on her wy home one evening she ws mugge, sustining injuries tht eventully left her unle to work, the fmily went on welfre. Growing up in New York's Spnish Hrliem, niels ws one of only four white stuents until ninth gre. espite  iffiult environment, he stye out of troule. He even won  full sholrship to rtmouth ollege, gruting in 1985. How i he o it? He reits his mother's religious fith. "It's why I in't en up like the guys in my neighorhoo," he sys. "Some went to prison." lthough his fther,  writer, in't support the fmily, he mintine ontt with his son, emphsizing the importne of ooks n eution. euse of his experiene, niels hs eome  pssionte vote of the two-prent fmily. He sees it s n institution uner ulturl siege, generlly supporte y "the person in the street" ut too often ismisse y those in emi n mei irles. Some of the groups, he sys, hve mislulte the soil onsequenes of "trying to onvine people tht there re ll sorts of" lterntive fmily forms. Even uring lw shool, he enountere professors who were "openly hostile to the ie tht we nee two-prent fmilies to hve  helthy soiety." Reporters n emis my not e the only ones mivlent out mrrige.  new stuy of ollege textooks fins tht mny texts on mrrige pint  pessimisti view. They emphsize ivore n omesti violene, the report sys, n fous fr more on ult reltionships n prolems thn on hilren's nees. Question:niels ttene  shool where the mjority of the stuents were _________.
. oys
. girls
. whites
. lks
10.  From the moment tht n niml is orn it hs to mke eisions. It hs to eie whih of the things roun it re for eting, n whih re to e voie; when to ttk n when to run wy. The niml is, in effet, plying  omplite n potentilly very ngerous gme with its environment, isomfort or estrution. This is  iffiult n unplesnt usiness n few nimls woul survive if they h to strt from the eginning n lern out the worl wholly y tril n error, for there re too mny possile eisions whih woul prove ftl. So we fin, in prtie, tht the gme is lwys rrnge in fvor of the young niml in one wy or nother. Either the niml is protete uring the erly stges of its lerning out the worl roun it, or the knowlege of whih wy to respon is uilt into its nervous system from the strt. The ft tht nimls ehve sensily n e ttriute prtly to wht we might ll geneti lerning, to istinguish it from iniviul lerning tht n niml oes in the use of its own life time. Geneti lerning is lerning y  speies s  whole, n it is hieve y seletion of those memers of eh genertion tht hppen to ehve in the right wy. However, geneti lerning epens upon  preition tht the future will more or less extly resemle the pst. The more vrile iniviul experiene is likely to e, the less effiient is geneti lerning s  mens of getting over the prolems of the survivl gme. It is not surprising to fin tht very few speies inee epen wholly upon geneti lerning. In the gret mjority of nimls, ehvior is  ompoun of iniviul experiene n geneti lerning to ehve in prtiulr wys. Question:The survivl gme is onsiere omplite n potentilly very ngerous euse ________.
. eisions me y nimls my prove ftl
. nimls re often in nger of eing ttke
. nimls mke eisions entirely y tril
. environment is not fit for nimls to survive
11.  This is  nie r, ut we nnot ____ it.
. provie
. supply
. ffor
. mnge
12.  Forty to sixty perent of genetilly moifie orgnisms re fining their wy to the proue eprtments. Tht proess involves tking  gene from one plnt or niml n putting it in nother. "So now, we mke these hnges in the lortory n put these hnges k into orn y the new tehnology," r. urtis Hnnh si.Not ll onsumers re plese tht reserhers re tinkering with foo tht fins its wy to merin inner tles. Opponents sy tht some proue is le with pestiie to mke them rug resistnt. Leling vote Joette Green si tht foos tht hve een genetilly engineere nee to e lele. Msshusetts wthog group si tht  lol supermrket hin is selling  pnke mix ontining genetilly engineere ingreients tht ren't liste on the lel.News enter 5's Rhonell Rihrson reports tht MssPIRG lunhe its Sfe Foo mpign on Thursy, lling for urte leling n etter testing of genetilly moifie foo.MssPIRG si tht pkges of Shw's Pnke Mix ontin GM foo, ut they ren't lele s suh. "There's no info out the potentilly ngerous N ontine in this pnke mix," Jill Ruin of MssPIRG si t n fternoon press onfereneerel n mny soy n orn prouts re genetilly moifie, ut they often on't sy so on the lel. There re not rules or regultions requiring suh informtion on nutrition lels.MssPIRG elieves tht hilhoo er n sinus infetions oul soon e inurle n tht the onsumption of genetilly engineere foo retes more foo llergies.Shw's pnke mix hs not use ny known helth prolems, ut mny feel tht etter leling shouln't e too hr for  store to swllow. "I wnt to know wht's in everything I uy," shopper lexner Grieo si. "I hve high loo pressure n high holesterol."MssPIRG trgete Shw's Supermrkets in its mpign euse the Shw's prent ompny in Lonon hs voluntrily remove ll genetilly engineere ingreients from its store rn prouts. lol Shw's spokesperson si tht in Engln, there ws  lk of iretion from the government on wht to o when onsumers questione prout sfety. The Foo n rug ministrtion hs foun nothing unsfe so fr, n Shw's wits iretion from the F efore ny prout is relle. Question:Shw's Supermrkets _________.
. re se in Engln
. re se in Msshusetts
. tke the sme mesure oth in Msshusetts n in Lonon
. tke ll the genetilly engineere foos off their shelves
13.  In n Ininpolis neighorhoo where some teenge girls flunt pregnnies like new hiros, ish Fiels is unshely squre: She plns to stin from sex until she mrries. "Most of my friens lrey hve ies," sys ish,  high shool junior n stinene mentor. "eing pregnnt is  fshion. Girls go roun rgging:‘I'm three months (pregnnt).' They think it's ool." With 1 million US teens eoming pregnnt every yer, n 13 perent of ll merin ies orn to teens, ish's "just-sy-no" ttitue is  poliymker's rem ome true. Feerl n stte offiils re nking on suh n ttitue s they lunh  new mpign to shrink the rnks of unwe teenge moms. On Ot. 1, the government will egin ispensing some of the nerly $850 million ermrke uner the welfre—reform lw over five yers for tehing stinene n preventing out-of-welok irths. ut experts sy there is no reserh to suggest tht stinene—only eution will suee. In ontrst, more omprehensive progrms tht over ontreption, fmily plnning, n ommunition skills n help ely sexul involvement y teens, oring to  stuy y the Ntionl mpign to Prevent Pregnny in Wshington. "It seems foolish to e tossing wy ll this money without knowing whether it will work," sys Lis Keser,  senior ssoite t the ln Guttmher Institute,  Wshington-se nonprofit group tht reserhes reproutive helth. ut experts gree the ltest mpign ginst teen pregnny mrks  ig improvement over oler poliies in one funmentl respet: It emphsizes prevention. Questionring to the pssge, when teenge girls get pregnnt, they feel ________.
. prou
. she
. s
. puzzle
14.  H he worke hrer, he ____the exms.
. must hve got through
. oul get through
. woul get through
. woul hve got through
15.  The meeting will egin t 9:00 oring to the ____.
. lenr
. sheule
. olumn
. igrm
16.  Forty to sixty perent of genetilly moifie orgnisms re fining their wy to the proue eprtments. Tht proess involves tking  gene from one plnt or niml n putting it in nother. "So now, we mke these hnges in the lortory n put these hnges k into orn y the new tehnology," r. urtis Hnnh si.Not ll onsumers re plese tht reserhers re tinkering with foo tht fins its wy to merin inner tles. Opponents sy tht some proue is le with pestiie to mke them rug resistnt. Leling vote Joette Green si tht foos tht hve een genetilly engineere nee to e lele. Msshusetts wthog group si tht  lol supermrket hin is selling  pnke mix ontining genetilly engineere ingreients tht ren't liste on the lel.News enter 5's Rhonell Rihrson reports tht MssPIRG lunhe its Sfe Foo mpign on Thursy, lling for urte leling n etter testing of genetilly moifie foo.MssPIRG si tht pkges of Shw's Pnke Mix ontin GM foo, ut they ren't lele s suh. "There's no info out the potentilly ngerous N ontine in this pnke mix," Jill Ruin of MssPIRG si t n fternoon press onfereneerel n mny soy n orn prouts re genetilly moifie, ut they often on't sy so on the lel. There re not rules or regultions requiring suh informtion on nutrition lels.MssPIRG elieves tht hilhoo er n sinus infetions oul soon e inurle n tht the onsumption of genetilly engineere foo retes more foo llergies.Shw's pnke mix hs not use ny known helth prolems, ut mny feel tht etter leling shouln't e too hr for  store to swllow. "I wnt to know wht's in everything I uy," shopper lexner Grieo si. "I hve high loo pressure n high holesterol."MssPIRG trgete Shw's Supermrkets in its mpign euse the Shw's prent ompny in Lonon hs voluntrily remove ll genetilly engineere ingreients from its store rn prouts. lol Shw's spokesperson si tht in Engln, there ws  lk of iretion from the government on wht to o when onsumers questione prout sfety. The Foo n rug ministrtion hs foun nothing unsfe so fr, n Shw's wits iretion from the F efore ny prout is relle. Questionring to the rtile, MssPIRG is n orgniztion ___________.
. in fvor of genetilly engineere foos
. not optimisti out genetilly engineere foos
. politilly-oriente
. responsile for testing genetilly engineere foo
17.  The ompny is smll ut promising. ____, I'll tke the jo.
. In some ses
. In se
. In tht se
. In ny se
18.  Susn is not very intelligent, ____ work very hr.
. not oes she
. or oes she
. either oes she
. neither oes she
19.  ____ hlfwy through the experiment, there ws  power filure n the teher tol us to stop.
. When we were only
. eing only
. When only
. Hving een
20.  I wonere ____ to ome to the prty.
. whether he shoul hve een ske
. whether he shoul ske
. whether he ws ske
. shoul he een ske
21.  nyone meeting Mtthew niels for the first time oul esily ssume tht he is the prout of  onventionl, even privilege hilhoo. With his well-spoken mnner, his Ivy Legue eution, n his usiness r reing "resient, Msshusetts Fmily Institute," Mr. niels is the piture of youthful merin suess. ut niels n tell  story tht refutes those ssumptions out his hilhoo. His fther none the fmily when he ws 2. His mother took  jo s  seretry. ut on her wy home one evening she ws mugge, sustining injuries tht eventully left her unle to work, the fmily went on welfre. Growing up in New York's Spnish Hrliem, niels ws one of only four white stuents until ninth gre. espite  iffiult environment, he stye out of troule. He even won  full sholrship to rtmouth ollege, gruting in 1985. How i he o it? He reits his mother's religious fith. "It's why I in't en up like the guys in my neighorhoo," he sys. "Some went to prison." lthough his fther,  writer, in't support the fmily, he mintine ontt with his son, emphsizing the importne of ooks n eution. euse of his experiene, niels hs eome  pssionte vote of the two-prent fmily. He sees it s n institution uner ulturl siege, generlly supporte y "the person in the street" ut too often ismisse y those in emi n mei irles. Some of the groups, he sys, hve mislulte the soil onsequenes of "trying to onvine people tht there re ll sorts of" lterntive fmily forms. Even uring lw shool, he enountere professors who were "openly hostile to the ie tht we nee two-prent fmilies to hve  helthy soiety." Reporters n emis my not e the only ones mivlent out mrrige.  new stuy of ollege textooks fins tht mny texts on mrrige pint  pessimisti view. They emphsize ivore n omesti violene, the report sys, n fous fr more on ult reltionships n prolems thn on hilren's nees. Questionring to the pssge, niels is  __________ mn.
. suessful
. onventionl
. privilege
. unfortunte
22.  ____, the new meiine is now in mss proution.
. With the solve prolem
. With this prolem eing solve
. With the prolem solve
. With the prolem to solve
23.  It is time the government ____ the lw into effet.
. is putting
. put
. puts
. will put
24.  In n Ininpolis neighorhoo where some teenge girls flunt pregnnies like new hiros, ish Fiels is unshely squre: She plns to stin from sex until she mrries. "Most of my friens lrey hve ies," sys ish,  high shool junior n stinene mentor. "eing pregnnt is  fshion. Girls go roun rgging:‘I'm three months (pregnnt).' They think it's ool." With 1 million US teens eoming pregnnt every yer, n 13 perent of ll merin ies orn to teens, ish's "just-sy-no" ttitue is  poliymker's rem ome true. Feerl n stte offiils re nking on suh n ttitue s they lunh  new mpign to shrink the rnks of unwe teenge moms. On Ot. 1, the government will egin ispensing some of the nerly $850 million ermrke uner the welfre—reform lw over five yers for tehing stinene n preventing out-of-welok irths. ut experts sy there is no reserh to suggest tht stinene—only eution will suee. In ontrst, more omprehensive progrms tht over ontreption, fmily plnning, n ommunition skills n help ely sexul involvement y teens, oring to  stuy y the Ntionl mpign to Prevent Pregnny in Wshington. "It seems foolish to e tossing wy ll this money without knowing whether it will work," sys Lis Keser,  senior ssoite t the ln Guttmher Institute,  Wshington-se nonprofit group tht reserhes reproutive helth. ut experts gree the ltest mpign ginst teen pregnny mrks  ig improvement over oler poliies in one funmentl respet: It emphsizes prevention. Question:The pssge isusses ____________.
. teen pregnny
. ltest efforts to prevent teen pregnny
. ifferenes in opinions towrs teen pregnny
. money neee to help teengers
25.  It ws not until she rrive in lss ____ relize she h forgotten her ook.
. n she
. when she
. she
. tht she


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