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发表于 2016-5-3 22:27:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试,共 100 分。)

1.  You might hve ____the ient if you h h your helights on.
. misse
. voie
. espe
. ismisse
2.  Yhui Menuhin, who ie in erlin on Mrh 12, 1999, t the ge of 82, ws  hil proigy who fulfille his promise to eome one of the worl's foremost violinists efore extening his rnge to tehing n onuting. The gently spoken U.S.-orn virtuoso eme s renowne for his evotion to humne uses s for his mstery of the violin. The spotlight hs een on him sine his eut t seven in 1924. y the time he ws 13, he h performe in Pris, Lonon n New York. In erlin, his performne prompte physiist lert Einstein to exlim, "Now I know there is  Go in Heven." Reportely the worl's highest pi musiin in the 1930s, his striving for perfetion me him  legen. Menuhin si the violin me its own emns, "lmost like  pgn goess, exting  ertin triute." When he ws 38, one New York newspper wrote, "The freshness n unique purity of his plying is exhilrting. No other violinist hs suh speking eloquene in the tone lone." He gve up puli violin performnes in his 70s. His hering ws  little impire y then n he h tken on mny more interests. ut his onuting ws still full of energy n his trvel sheule grueling. "I feel tht wht I've lerne in musi I n pply to  wie repertoire, whih is fun euse I m exploring new terrin," he si in n interview t the time of his 80th irthy. "ut I feel no esire now to spen hours working wy gin t something whih I myself in the pst n other people n ply fr etter thn I n now. I on't see the point."  ritish itizen sine 1985 n  life peer sine 1993—ron Menuhin of Stoke 'ernon in the ounty of Surrey—he h  shool in Engln n n emy in Switzerln for young musiins, whom he often onuts. He hs lso helpe foun vrious musil festivls, hel the Nehru Pee Prize n ws  goowill mssor for UNESO. While pursuing interests suh s the environment, orgni frming, lterntive meiine, eution n the plight of gypsies, he stiks to  long-stning helthy iet n yog. "I on't squner my energies. Keep myself in firly goo trim. I stn on my he every morning. onuting is  wonerful exerise euse it uses every fulty," he sys. Question:Whih of the following is Not mentione in the pssge?
. Menuhin eme  ritish sujet in 1980s.
. Menuhin ws me  ron in 1990s.
. Menuhin rn some shools for young musiins.
. Menuhin trie to suee in every fiel n ll the time.
3.  Let's ress the question of whether spee reing is even  esirle gol. I m n vi fition reer. onsiously or unonsiously, reers of fition ppreite the euty in goo writing. Osionlly I will re  pssge or sentene over to e impresse y the opening sentenes of Ernest Hemingwy's The Ol Mn n the Se, The rk, n Hermn. If I ws  etermine spee reer, I woul never hve the time to ppreite these eutiful pssges. n I' never hve the time to svor the evelopment of  hrter like Rhett utler, the Gret Gtsy or ptin h. Goo writers must e re refully n thoughtfully to e fully ppreite. To rry the question of the nee for rpi reing  it further, let's onsier the tehnil or eutionl mteril most of us must re for our jos. If you work in  tehnil fiel—n most usiness n professionl people o—you' etter re slowly n refully. lmost ll usinesses toy re sujet to feerl regultions to some egree. If you must re the Feerl Register, the oe of Feerl Regultions, the OSH Hnook or other tehnil mterils relte iretly to your jo, I' urge you to tke your time.  misreing oul e ostly or mging to your firm. On the other hn, newsppers, news mgzines n other pulitions shoul e re with some egree of spee. Here's where  generl knowlege of spee reing tehniques might e useful. Espeilly sine tht is the most ommon type of reing we o. nyone n improve their reing effiiently. To o so, you must lern some si tehniques n then onsiously pply them. Perhps n expensive ourse woul help you, ut n inexpensive pperk n onentrte prtie might provie s muh long-term enefit. In ny se, you lose nothing y trying the self-help pproh. Question:One type of printe mteril the uthor thinks n e re quikly is ________.
.  usiness letter
.  itionry
.  news mgzine
.  poem
4.  Let's ress the question of whether spee reing is even  esirle gol. I m n vi fition reer. onsiously or unonsiously, reers of fition ppreite the euty in goo writing. Osionlly I will re  pssge or sentene over to e impresse y the opening sentenes of Ernest Hemingwy's The Ol Mn n the Se, The rk, n Hermn. If I ws  etermine spee reer, I woul never hve the time to ppreite these eutiful pssges. n I' never hve the time to svor the evelopment of  hrter like Rhett utler, the Gret Gtsy or ptin h. Goo writers must e re refully n thoughtfully to e fully ppreite. To rry the question of the nee for rpi reing  it further, let's onsier the tehnil or eutionl mteril most of us must re for our jos. If you work in  tehnil fiel—n most usiness n professionl people o—you' etter re slowly n refully. lmost ll usinesses toy re sujet to feerl regultions to some egree. If you must re the Feerl Register, the oe of Feerl Regultions, the OSH Hnook or other tehnil mterils relte iretly to your jo, I' urge you to tke your time.  misreing oul e ostly or mging to your firm. On the other hn, newsppers, news mgzines n other pulitions shoul e re with some egree of spee. Here's where  generl knowlege of spee reing tehniques might e useful. Espeilly sine tht is the most ommon type of reing we o. nyone n improve their reing effiiently. To o so, you must lern some si tehniques n then onsiously pply them. Perhps n expensive ourse woul help you, ut n inexpensive pperk n onentrte prtie might provie s muh long-term enefit. In ny se, you lose nothing y trying the self-help pproh. Question:Tehnil mterils shoul e re refully euse _________.
. they re usully iffiult to unerstn
. they re relte to feerl regultions
. they re n unommon type of reing
.  misreing my o hrm to your work
5.  Young people shoul hve the right to ontrol n iret their own lerning, tht is, to eie wht they wnt to lern, n when, where, how, how muh, how fst, n with wht help they wnt to lern it. To e still more speifi, I wnt them to hve the right to eie if, when, how muh, n y whom they wnt to e tught n the right to eie whether they wnt to lern in  shool n if so whih one n for how muh of the time. No humn right, exept the right to life itself, is more funmentl thn this.  person's freeom of lerning is prt of his freeom of thought, even more si thn his freeom of speeh. If we tke from someone his right to eie wht he will e urious out, we estroy his freeom of thought. We sy, in effet, you must think not out wht interests n onerns you, ut out wht interests n onerns us. This right of eh of us to ontrol our own lerning is now in nger. When we put into our lws the highly uthoritrin notion tht someone shoul n oul eie wht ll young people were to lern n eyon tht, oul o whtever might seem neessry (whih now inlues osing them with rugs) to ompel them to lern it, we took  long step own  very steep n ngerous pth. The requirement tht  hil go to shool, for out six hours  y, 180 ys  yer, for out ten yers, whether or not he lerns nything there, whether or not he lrey knows it or oul lern it fster or etter somewhere else, is suh  gross violtion of ivil lierties tht few ults woul stn for it. ut the hil who resists is trete s  riminl. With this requirement we rete n inustry, n rmy of people whose whole work ws to tell young people wht they h to lern n to try to mke them lern it. Some of these people, wnting to exerise even more power over others, or to e even more "helpful," re now eginning to sy, "If ompulsory eution is goo for hilren, why wouln't it e goo for everyone? If it is  goo thing, how n there e too muh of it?" They re eginning to tlk, s one mn i on  ntionwie TV show, out "wom-to-tom" shooling. If hours of homework every night re goo for the young, why wouln't they e goo for us ll—they woul keep us wy from the TV set n other frivolous pursuits. Some group of experts, somewhere, woul e gl to eie wht we ll ought to know n then very so often hek up on us to mke sure we knew it—with, of ourse, pproprite penlties if we i not. Question:The urrent ompulsory eution system for hilren ________ most ults.
. works well with
. is not like y
. is epte y
. is unerstoo y
6.  It's time ____ out the trffi prolem owntown.
. something ws one
. nything will e one
. everything is one
. nothing to e one
7.  Yhui Menuhin, who ie in erlin on Mrh 12, 1999, t the ge of 82, ws  hil proigy who fulfille his promise to eome one of the worl's foremost violinists efore extening his rnge to tehing n onuting. The gently spoken U.S.-orn virtuoso eme s renowne for his evotion to humne uses s for his mstery of the violin. The spotlight hs een on him sine his eut t seven in 1924. y the time he ws 13, he h performe in Pris, Lonon n New York. In erlin, his performne prompte physiist lert Einstein to exlim, "Now I know there is  Go in Heven." Reportely the worl's highest pi musiin in the 1930s, his striving for perfetion me him  legen. Menuhin si the violin me its own emns, "lmost like  pgn goess, exting  ertin triute." When he ws 38, one New York newspper wrote, "The freshness n unique purity of his plying is exhilrting. No other violinist hs suh speking eloquene in the tone lone." He gve up puli violin performnes in his 70s. His hering ws  little impire y then n he h tken on mny more interests. ut his onuting ws still full of energy n his trvel sheule grueling. "I feel tht wht I've lerne in musi I n pply to  wie repertoire, whih is fun euse I m exploring new terrin," he si in n interview t the time of his 80th irthy. "ut I feel no esire now to spen hours working wy gin t something whih I myself in the pst n other people n ply fr etter thn I n now. I on't see the point."  ritish itizen sine 1985 n  life peer sine 1993—ron Menuhin of Stoke 'ernon in the ounty of Surrey—he h  shool in Engln n n emy in Switzerln for young musiins, whom he often onuts. He hs lso helpe foun vrious musil festivls, hel the Nehru Pee Prize n ws  goowill mssor for UNESO. While pursuing interests suh s the environment, orgni frming, lterntive meiine, eution n the plight of gypsies, he stiks to  long-stning helthy iet n yog. "I on't squner my energies. Keep myself in firly goo trim. I stn on my he every morning. onuting is  wonerful exerise euse it uses every fulty," he sys. Question:The ove pssge isusses ___________.
. how Menuhin worke hr to suee
. the legen of Menuhin
. Menuhin s  musiin
. Menuhin s  suessful violinist n  sttesmn
8.  It is reommene tht the projet ____ until ll the preprtions hve een me.
. not e strte
. will not e strte
. is not strte
. is not to e strte
9.  I get jumpy insie when I get jelous n I fin it hr to ontrol tht. t first I try to voi it, try to preten it's not there. Mostly tht works for me; my jelous feelings re fleeting things nywy. They never lst very long. I know tht jelousy is rel n I on't wnt to eny it in me, ut I on't like the physil feeling it gives me. I sometimes like the feelings ehin the jelousy n eing me to feel jelous. It sys to me tht I re enough, like someone enough to e move in tht wy. It mens tht I m still in touh with someone in  reltionship n tht the reltionship is importnt to me, whether it's  mle frien or  womn. When I m jelous it's s if someone ws intruing on some privte territory. ut one I unerstn wht's hppening I n tlk out it with the people involve n unerstn it's not thretening to my reltionship, it seems oky. It seems like me giving permission to ome into something tht is personl n privte. It n strt out to e very privte, ut tht n e negotite. Sometimes I wish I oul tlk out it more with the person tht uses me to e jelous, ut sometimes I on't think tht's  wy I shoul e n I on't tlk out it. nyhow, jelousy is rel n I on't wnt to hie it. Sometimes I on't wnt to tlk out it euse the person I'm eling with is not importnt enough for me to spen the time n energy it woul tke to strighten things out. If it's someone I re out n m going to e spening more time with, I think I n n woul tlk out wht's othering me. When I get own to it, I think my jelousy hs to o with low self-esteem, low self-onept or feeling inequte. Mostly it's uilt roun inseurity. ut I on't know if I'll ever eome tht seure s to not experiene some jelousy. I on't wnt nyone to e tht meningless to me. It seems kin of ngerous to me to e tht sure. Question:In the uthor's view, __________.
. it's effetive to tlk with the person who mkes him jelous
. it's not sensile to hie jelousy
. jelousy is rel n preventle
. it's meningless to feel jelous
10.  I get jumpy insie when I get jelous n I fin it hr to ontrol tht. t first I try to voi it, try to preten it's not there. Mostly tht works for me; my jelous feelings re fleeting things nywy. They never lst very long. I know tht jelousy is rel n I on't wnt to eny it in me, ut I on't like the physil feeling it gives me. I sometimes like the feelings ehin the jelousy n eing me to feel jelous. It sys to me tht I re enough, like someone enough to e move in tht wy. It mens tht I m still in touh with someone in  reltionship n tht the reltionship is importnt to me, whether it's  mle frien or  womn. When I m jelous it's s if someone ws intruing on some privte territory. ut one I unerstn wht's hppening I n tlk out it with the people involve n unerstn it's not thretening to my reltionship, it seems oky. It seems like me giving permission to ome into something tht is personl n privte. It n strt out to e very privte, ut tht n e negotite. Sometimes I wish I oul tlk out it more with the person tht uses me to e jelous, ut sometimes I on't think tht's  wy I shoul e n I on't tlk out it. nyhow, jelousy is rel n I on't wnt to hie it. Sometimes I on't wnt to tlk out it euse the person I'm eling with is not importnt enough for me to spen the time n energy it woul tke to strighten things out. If it's someone I re out n m going to e spening more time with, I think I n n woul tlk out wht's othering me. When I get own to it, I think my jelousy hs to o with low self-esteem, low self-onept or feeling inequte. Mostly it's uilt roun inseurity. ut I on't know if I'll ever eome tht seure s to not experiene some jelousy. I on't wnt nyone to e tht meningless to me. It seems kin of ngerous to me to e tht sure. Question:Wht n e inferre from the uthor's nrrtion?
. He often hs  low opinion of himself.
. He gets jelous whenever he feels seure.
. He will try to orret his jelousy whenever possile.
. He hs  ler n orret unerstning of others' opinion out him.
11.  If the sun ____ in the west, I woul follow you.
. were to rise
. ws to rise
. h risen
. woul rise
12.  Let's ress the question of whether spee reing is even  esirle gol. I m n vi fition reer. onsiously or unonsiously, reers of fition ppreite the euty in goo writing. Osionlly I will re  pssge or sentene over to e impresse y the opening sentenes of Ernest Hemingwy's The Ol Mn n the Se, The rk, n Hermn. If I ws  etermine spee reer, I woul never hve the time to ppreite these eutiful pssges. n I' never hve the time to svor the evelopment of  hrter like Rhett utler, the Gret Gtsy or ptin h. Goo writers must e re refully n thoughtfully to e fully ppreite. To rry the question of the nee for rpi reing  it further, let's onsier the tehnil or eutionl mteril most of us must re for our jos. If you work in  tehnil fiel—n most usiness n professionl people o—you' etter re slowly n refully. lmost ll usinesses toy re sujet to feerl regultions to some egree. If you must re the Feerl Register, the oe of Feerl Regultions, the OSH Hnook or other tehnil mterils relte iretly to your jo, I' urge you to tke your time.  misreing oul e ostly or mging to your firm. On the other hn, newsppers, news mgzines n other pulitions shoul e re with some egree of spee. Here's where  generl knowlege of spee reing tehniques might e useful. Espeilly sine tht is the most ommon type of reing we o. nyone n improve their reing effiiently. To o so, you must lern some si tehniques n then onsiously pply them. Perhps n expensive ourse woul help you, ut n inexpensive pperk n onentrte prtie might provie s muh long-term enefit. In ny se, you lose nothing y trying the self-help pproh. Question:The uthor vises people eger to improve their reing spee to ________.
. tten n intensive ourse
. re  hep pperk efore enrolling in  ourse
. teh themselves y prtie with  hep pperk
. re ooks on si spee reing tehniques
13.  I get jumpy insie when I get jelous n I fin it hr to ontrol tht. t first I try to voi it, try to preten it's not there. Mostly tht works for me; my jelous feelings re fleeting things nywy. They never lst very long. I know tht jelousy is rel n I on't wnt to eny it in me, ut I on't like the physil feeling it gives me. I sometimes like the feelings ehin the jelousy n eing me to feel jelous. It sys to me tht I re enough, like someone enough to e move in tht wy. It mens tht I m still in touh with someone in  reltionship n tht the reltionship is importnt to me, whether it's  mle frien or  womn. When I m jelous it's s if someone ws intruing on some privte territory. ut one I unerstn wht's hppening I n tlk out it with the people involve n unerstn it's not thretening to my reltionship, it seems oky. It seems like me giving permission to ome into something tht is personl n privte. It n strt out to e very privte, ut tht n e negotite. Sometimes I wish I oul tlk out it more with the person tht uses me to e jelous, ut sometimes I on't think tht's  wy I shoul e n I on't tlk out it. nyhow, jelousy is rel n I on't wnt to hie it. Sometimes I on't wnt to tlk out it euse the person I'm eling with is not importnt enough for me to spen the time n energy it woul tke to strighten things out. If it's someone I re out n m going to e spening more time with, I think I n n woul tlk out wht's othering me. When I get own to it, I think my jelousy hs to o with low self-esteem, low self-onept or feeling inequte. Mostly it's uilt roun inseurity. ut I on't know if I'll ever eome tht seure s to not experiene some jelousy. I on't wnt nyone to e tht meningless to me. It seems kin of ngerous to me to e tht sure. Question:Whih of the following sttements is true onerning the uthor's ie out jelousy?
. Jelousy lwys mkes him feel so terrile tht he wnts to get ri of it right wy.
. Jelousy is  ompletely privte mtter.
. Sometimes jelousy oesn't ffet his reltionship with others.
. Jelousy is not ommunile.
14.  This is the ple ____ the foreign guests re going to visit.
. where
. when
. how
. whih
15.  I get jumpy insie when I get jelous n I fin it hr to ontrol tht. t first I try to voi it, try to preten it's not there. Mostly tht works for me; my jelous feelings re fleeting things nywy. They never lst very long. I know tht jelousy is rel n I on't wnt to eny it in me, ut I on't like the physil feeling it gives me. I sometimes like the feelings ehin the jelousy n eing me to feel jelous. It sys to me tht I re enough, like someone enough to e move in tht wy. It mens tht I m still in touh with someone in  reltionship n tht the reltionship is importnt to me, whether it's  mle frien or  womn. When I m jelous it's s if someone ws intruing on some privte territory. ut one I unerstn wht's hppening I n tlk out it with the people involve n unerstn it's not thretening to my reltionship, it seems oky. It seems like me giving permission to ome into something tht is personl n privte. It n strt out to e very privte, ut tht n e negotite. Sometimes I wish I oul tlk out it more with the person tht uses me to e jelous, ut sometimes I on't think tht's  wy I shoul e n I on't tlk out it. nyhow, jelousy is rel n I on't wnt to hie it. Sometimes I on't wnt to tlk out it euse the person I'm eling with is not importnt enough for me to spen the time n energy it woul tke to strighten things out. If it's someone I re out n m going to e spening more time with, I think I n n woul tlk out wht's othering me. When I get own to it, I think my jelousy hs to o with low self-esteem, low self-onept or feeling inequte. Mostly it's uilt roun inseurity. ut I on't know if I'll ever eome tht seure s to not experiene some jelousy. I on't wnt nyone to e tht meningless to me. It seems kin of ngerous to me to e tht sure. Question:When he gets jelous, sometimes he will _________.
. refuse to tlk out it
. try to hie it from others
. tlk out it with someone who n help him sort things out
. isuss out it with his friens
16.  The trip will e ____ till next week euse of the  wether.
. put out
. put off
. put on
. put up
17.  Yhui Menuhin, who ie in erlin on Mrh 12, 1999, t the ge of 82, ws  hil proigy who fulfille his promise to eome one of the worl's foremost violinists efore extening his rnge to tehing n onuting. The gently spoken U.S.-orn virtuoso eme s renowne for his evotion to humne uses s for his mstery of the violin. The spotlight hs een on him sine his eut t seven in 1924. y the time he ws 13, he h performe in Pris, Lonon n New York. In erlin, his performne prompte physiist lert Einstein to exlim, "Now I know there is  Go in Heven." Reportely the worl's highest pi musiin in the 1930s, his striving for perfetion me him  legen. Menuhin si the violin me its own emns, "lmost like  pgn goess, exting  ertin triute." When he ws 38, one New York newspper wrote, "The freshness n unique purity of his plying is exhilrting. No other violinist hs suh speking eloquene in the tone lone." He gve up puli violin performnes in his 70s. His hering ws  little impire y then n he h tken on mny more interests. ut his onuting ws still full of energy n his trvel sheule grueling. "I feel tht wht I've lerne in musi I n pply to  wie repertoire, whih is fun euse I m exploring new terrin," he si in n interview t the time of his 80th irthy. "ut I feel no esire now to spen hours working wy gin t something whih I myself in the pst n other people n ply fr etter thn I n now. I on't see the point."  ritish itizen sine 1985 n  life peer sine 1993—ron Menuhin of Stoke 'ernon in the ounty of Surrey—he h  shool in Engln n n emy in Switzerln for young musiins, whom he often onuts. He hs lso helpe foun vrious musil festivls, hel the Nehru Pee Prize n ws  goowill mssor for UNESO. While pursuing interests suh s the environment, orgni frming, lterntive meiine, eution n the plight of gypsies, he stiks to  long-stning helthy iet n yog. "I on't squner my energies. Keep myself in firly goo trim. I stn on my he every morning. onuting is  wonerful exerise euse it uses every fulty," he sys. Question:In his 70s, Menuhin ___________.
. ontinue to give violin performnes in puli
. ws still usy trvelling roun
. onentrte on onuting
. h impire his hering
18.  Young people shoul hve the right to ontrol n iret their own lerning, tht is, to eie wht they wnt to lern, n when, where, how, how muh, how fst, n with wht help they wnt to lern it. To e still more speifi, I wnt them to hve the right to eie if, when, how muh, n y whom they wnt to e tught n the right to eie whether they wnt to lern in  shool n if so whih one n for how muh of the time. No humn right, exept the right to life itself, is more funmentl thn this.  person's freeom of lerning is prt of his freeom of thought, even more si thn his freeom of speeh. If we tke from someone his right to eie wht he will e urious out, we estroy his freeom of thought. We sy, in effet, you must think not out wht interests n onerns you, ut out wht interests n onerns us. This right of eh of us to ontrol our own lerning is now in nger. When we put into our lws the highly uthoritrin notion tht someone shoul n oul eie wht ll young people were to lern n eyon tht, oul o whtever might seem neessry (whih now inlues osing them with rugs) to ompel them to lern it, we took  long step own  very steep n ngerous pth. The requirement tht  hil go to shool, for out six hours  y, 180 ys  yer, for out ten yers, whether or not he lerns nything there, whether or not he lrey knows it or oul lern it fster or etter somewhere else, is suh  gross violtion of ivil lierties tht few ults woul stn for it. ut the hil who resists is trete s  riminl. With this requirement we rete n inustry, n rmy of people whose whole work ws to tell young people wht they h to lern n to try to mke them lern it. Some of these people, wnting to exerise even more power over others, or to e even more "helpful," re now eginning to sy, "If ompulsory eution is goo for hilren, why wouln't it e goo for everyone? If it is  goo thing, how n there e too muh of it?" They re eginning to tlk, s one mn i on  ntionwie TV show, out "wom-to-tom" shooling. If hours of homework every night re goo for the young, why wouln't they e goo for us ll—they woul keep us wy from the TV set n other frivolous pursuits. Some group of experts, somewhere, woul e gl to eie wht we ll ought to know n then very so often hek up on us to mke sure we knew it—with, of ourse, pproprite penlties if we i not. Question:The phrse "wom-to-tom" shooling proly mens tht _______.
. lerning is from young to ol
. lerning is isstrous
. lerning is unneessry
. lerning is not lwys helpful
19.  It ws not until she hs rrive home ____ rememere her ppointment with the otor.
. when she
. tht she
. n she
. she
20.  I get jumpy insie when I get jelous n I fin it hr to ontrol tht. t first I try to voi it, try to preten it's not there. Mostly tht works for me; my jelous feelings re fleeting things nywy. They never lst very long. I know tht jelousy is rel n I on't wnt to eny it in me, ut I on't like the physil feeling it gives me. I sometimes like the feelings ehin the jelousy n eing me to feel jelous. It sys to me tht I re enough, like someone enough to e move in tht wy. It mens tht I m still in touh with someone in  reltionship n tht the reltionship is importnt to me, whether it's  mle frien or  womn. When I m jelous it's s if someone ws intruing on some privte territory. ut one I unerstn wht's hppening I n tlk out it with the people involve n unerstn it's not thretening to my reltionship, it seems oky. It seems like me giving permission to ome into something tht is personl n privte. It n strt out to e very privte, ut tht n e negotite. Sometimes I wish I oul tlk out it more with the person tht uses me to e jelous, ut sometimes I on't think tht's  wy I shoul e n I on't tlk out it. nyhow, jelousy is rel n I on't wnt to hie it. Sometimes I on't wnt to tlk out it euse the person I'm eling with is not importnt enough for me to spen the time n energy it woul tke to strighten things out. If it's someone I re out n m going to e spening more time with, I think I n n woul tlk out wht's othering me. When I get own to it, I think my jelousy hs to o with low self-esteem, low self-onept or feeling inequte. Mostly it's uilt roun inseurity. ut I on't know if I'll ever eome tht seure s to not experiene some jelousy. I on't wnt nyone to e tht meningless to me. It seems kin of ngerous to me to e tht sure. Question:s for the uthor, jelousy ________.
. is totlly eyon his ontrol
. is uner his ontrol
. oesn't o him ny goo
. keeps him in touh with others
21.  Let's ress the question of whether spee reing is even  esirle gol. I m n vi fition reer. onsiously or unonsiously, reers of fition ppreite the euty in goo writing. Osionlly I will re  pssge or sentene over to e impresse y the opening sentenes of Ernest Hemingwy's The Ol Mn n the Se, The rk, n Hermn. If I ws  etermine spee reer, I woul never hve the time to ppreite these eutiful pssges. n I' never hve the time to svor the evelopment of  hrter like Rhett utler, the Gret Gtsy or ptin h. Goo writers must e re refully n thoughtfully to e fully ppreite. To rry the question of the nee for rpi reing  it further, let's onsier the tehnil or eutionl mteril most of us must re for our jos. If you work in  tehnil fiel—n most usiness n professionl people o—you' etter re slowly n refully. lmost ll usinesses toy re sujet to feerl regultions to some egree. If you must re the Feerl Register, the oe of Feerl Regultions, the OSH Hnook or other tehnil mterils relte iretly to your jo, I' urge you to tke your time.  misreing oul e ostly or mging to your firm. On the other hn, newsppers, news mgzines n other pulitions shoul e re with some egree of spee. Here's where  generl knowlege of spee reing tehniques might e useful. Espeilly sine tht is the most ommon type of reing we o. nyone n improve their reing effiiently. To o so, you must lern some si tehniques n then onsiously pply them. Perhps n expensive ourse woul help you, ut n inexpensive pperk n onentrte prtie might provie s muh long-term enefit. In ny se, you lose nothing y trying the self-help pproh. Question:Hemingwy's writing is mentione in the pssge to show tht _________.
. some writing shoul e re refully
. some writing shoul e re quikly
. one hs to unerstn the full mening of  written piee
. one oesn't hve to unerstn the full mening of  written piee
22.  Yhui Menuhin, who ie in erlin on Mrh 12, 1999, t the ge of 82, ws  hil proigy who fulfille his promise to eome one of the worl's foremost violinists efore extening his rnge to tehing n onuting. The gently spoken U.S.-orn virtuoso eme s renowne for his evotion to humne uses s for his mstery of the violin. The spotlight hs een on him sine his eut t seven in 1924. y the time he ws 13, he h performe in Pris, Lonon n New York. In erlin, his performne prompte physiist lert Einstein to exlim, "Now I know there is  Go in Heven." Reportely the worl's highest pi musiin in the 1930s, his striving for perfetion me him  legen. Menuhin si the violin me its own emns, "lmost like  pgn goess, exting  ertin triute." When he ws 38, one New York newspper wrote, "The freshness n unique purity of his plying is exhilrting. No other violinist hs suh speking eloquene in the tone lone." He gve up puli violin performnes in his 70s. His hering ws  little impire y then n he h tken on mny more interests. ut his onuting ws still full of energy n his trvel sheule grueling. "I feel tht wht I've lerne in musi I n pply to  wie repertoire, whih is fun euse I m exploring new terrin," he si in n interview t the time of his 80th irthy. "ut I feel no esire now to spen hours working wy gin t something whih I myself in the pst n other people n ply fr etter thn I n now. I on't see the point."  ritish itizen sine 1985 n  life peer sine 1993—ron Menuhin of Stoke 'ernon in the ounty of Surrey—he h  shool in Engln n n emy in Switzerln for young musiins, whom he often onuts. He hs lso helpe foun vrious musil festivls, hel the Nehru Pee Prize n ws  goowill mssor for UNESO. While pursuing interests suh s the environment, orgni frming, lterntive meiine, eution n the plight of gypsies, he stiks to  long-stning helthy iet n yog. "I on't squner my energies. Keep myself in firly goo trim. I stn on my he every morning. onuting is  wonerful exerise euse it uses every fulty," he sys. Question:Menuhin egn his reer s _________.
.  hil proigy
.  violinist
.  teher
.  onutor
23.  It ____ roun nine o'lok when I rove k home euse it ws lrey rk.
. h to e
. ws to e
. must hve een
. must e
24.  It is si tht he ____ murer.
. ommitte
. onute
. exeute
. emitte
25.  Now the ommittee ____ seven memers.
. onsist of
. is onsisting of
. is onsiste of
. onsists of


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