一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. The first thing I wnt to o is __________.
. visit to him
. to visit him
. visiting him
. visite him
2. n you len me the ook ______the other y?
. out whih you tlke
. whih you tlke
. out tht you tlke
. tht you tlke
3. hrworking mn _____ eome gret sientist, ut gret sientist _____ e hrworking mn.
. n’t; n
. my not; n
. n’t; must
. my not; must
4. You _____ return the itionry now. You n keep it till next week if you like.
. n’t
. mustn’t
. on’t nee
. on’t hve to
5. Mrs. Wu tol me tht her sister___________.
. left out two hours efore
. woul leve out two hours efore
. hs left out two hours go
. h left out two hours efore
6. No mtter how frequently _______, the works of eethoven lwys ttrt lrge uienes.
. performing
. performe
. to e performe
. eing performe
7. _______ in Engln nne rstreet oth mire n imitte severl English poets.
. Hving orn n eute
. To e orn n eute
. Sine orn n eute
. orn n eute
8. _____ I go out to ply now, Mum? No, you _____. you shoul o your homework first.
. Must ; mustn’t
. Must; wouln’t
. My; neen’t
. My; h etter not
9. She returne home only to fin the oor open n something _______.
. misse
. to e missing
. missing
. to e misse
10. You _____ e tire; you hve een working for so long time, ut he _____ e tire; he hs just egun to work.
. my not; must
. must; my not
. n’t; must
. must; n’t
11. It there nyone in your lss ______fmily is in the ountry?
. who
. who's
. whih
. whose
12. We were ll witing for you; you _____ for the sesie y yourself without leving messge.
. mustn’t leve
. neen’t leve
. shouln’t hve left
. ouln’t hve left
13. The omputer works very fst, _______ t t the spee of light.
. hving hnle
. hnling
. hnle
. hnles
14. Gret hnges hve tken ple sine then in the ftory _______we re working.
. where
. tht
. whih
. there
15. Why o you sk me to o the iffiult work? euse you _____ o suh thing n nooy else is fit for it.
. woul
. n
. shoul
. my
16. You _____ e reful when you ross here --- the trffi lights ren’t working.
. oul
. might
. ought to
. my
17. i you see Xio Li t the prty? No, ______y the time I rrive.
. she’ left
. she's left
. She ws left
. she must leve
18. The thief _____ in from the kithen winow s ll the other winows n oors were lose##
. my lim
. must hve lime
. oul lim
. shoul hve lime
19. You _____ go right now if you wnt, ut I think you _____, euse we hve enough time.
. must; my not
. must; n’t
. my; neen’t
. my; mustn’t
20. o you know the mn _______?
. whom I spoke
. to who spoke
. I spoke to
. tht I spoke
21. Is ______ neessry to return the ook tomorrow?
. this
. tht
. it
. whih
22. You must o something to prevent your house _______.
. to e roken in
. from eing roken in
. to rek in
. from reking in
23. The hilren went there to wth the iron tower _______.
. to eret
. e erete
. ereting )eing erete
24. y the en of this entury, we_______ ours into strong moern ountry.
. will uil
. h uilt
. hve uilt
. will hve uilt
25. ______ he use your ike? ertinly. Here is the key.
. Shll
. Must
. Will
. oes