一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. If only we _____ s we were tol! This woul never hve hppene.
. woul o
. h one
. o
. i
2. The otor tol Penny tht too muh ____ to the sun is for the skin.
. exposure
. extension
. exhiition
. expnsion
3. You ____ tht r with the rkes out of orer. You might hve h serious ient.
. ought to rive
. oughtn’t o rive
. ought to hve riven
. oughtn’t to hve riven
4. It is essentil tht these pplition forms _____________ k s erly s possile.
. must e sent
. will e sent
. re sent
. e sent
5. We shoul re the ily press to keep ____ urrent events.
. uner
. trk of
. fith with
. ount of
6. In prepring sientifi reports of lortory experiments, stuent shoul _____ his finings in logil orer n ler lnguge.
. furnish
. propose
. rise
. present
7. lot of nts re lwys inving my kithen. They re thorough ___________.
. nuisne
. troule
. worry
. nxiety
8. He longe to visit eijing, ___ he reme out it.
. muh so tht
. so muh so muh
. muh so muh tht
. so muh so tht
9. It is importnt tht the hotel reeptionist _______ tht guests re registere orretly
. hs me sure
. me sure
. must mke sure
. mke sure
10. You will wnt two trees out ten feet prt, from _____ to suspen your tent.
. there
. whih
. them
. where
11. I suggeste he shoul _______ himself to his new onitions.
. pt
. opt
. regulte
. suit
12. _______ in reent siene ompetition, the three stuents were wre sholrships totling $21,000.
. Juge the est
. Juging the est
. To e juge the est
. Hving juge the est
13. ______________ she relize it ws too lte to go home.
. No sooner it grew rk thn
. Hrly i it grow rk tht
. Srely h it grown rk thn
. It ws not until rk tht
14. It is not unusul for workers in tht region _________.
. to e pi lter thn more month
. to py lter thn month more
. to py lte more thn month
. to e pi more thn month lte
15. _____________ in this wy, the sitution oesn’t seem so isppointing.
. To look t
. Looking t
. Looke t
. To e looke t
16. Everything we et n rink ontins some slt; we n meet the oy’s nee for it from nturl soures without turning _______ the slt ottle.
. up
. to
. on
. over
17. In ritin people _____________ four million tons of pottoes every yer.
. swllow
. ispose
. onsume
. exhust
18. We in‘t know his telephone numer, otherwise we _____ him.
. woul hve telephone
. woul telephone
. must hve telephone
. h telephone
19. suitse with shirts, pnts n shoes __________ from the r.
. hve een stolen
. were stolen
. ws stolen
. re stolen
20. _______ reeiving finnil support from fmily, ommunity or the government is llowe, it is never mire.
. s
. One
. lthough
. Lest
21. It’s unfortunte tht our iretor simply st ____ our suggestions n i nothing out it.
. out
. in
. on
. over
22. While people my refer to television for up-to-minute news, it is unlikely tht television _____ the newspper ompletely.
. reple
. reple
. hve reple
. will reple
23. He lwys i well t shool _______ hving to o prt-time jos every now n then.
. in spite of
. regrless of
. on ount of
. to se of
24. If it ____ for their support, we woul e in very iffiult position.
. is not
. weren’t
. ws not
. e not
25. Mihel use to look hurt n surprise when _____.
. soling
. to sol
. hving sole
. sole