一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. ______________ she relize it ws too lte to go home.
. No sooner it grew rk thn
. Hrly i it grow rk tht
. Srely h it grown rk thn
. It ws not until rk tht
2. nelltion of the flight _______ mny pssengers to spen the night t the irport.
. resulte
. olige
. emne
. reommene
3. o went to the post offie to sen letter. ____ Lily ws prepring lunh t home.
. While
. Menwhile
. When
. Then
4. I’ _____________ his reputtion with other frmers n usiness people in the ommunity, n then mke eision out whether or not to pprove lon.
. tke into ount
. ount for
. mke up for
. mke out
5. The lwyer vise him to rop the ________, sine he stns little hne to win.
. event
. inient
. se
. ffir
6. y the time you get to New York, I ________ for Lonon.
. woul e leving
. m leving
. hve lrey left
. shll hve left
7. Sometimes hilren hve troule ________ ft from fition n my elieve tht suh things tully exist.
. to seprte
. seprting
. for seprting
. of seprting
8. Without proper lessons, you oul _______ lot of hits when plying the pino.
. keep up
. pik up
. rw up
. th up
9. _______ reeiving finnil support from fmily, ommunity or the government is llowe, it is never mire.
. s
. One
. lthough
. Lest
10. I’ll never forget _______ you for the first time.
. to meet
. meeting
. to hve met
. hving to e meeting
11. _____________ in this wy, the sitution oesn’t seem so isppointing.
. To look t
. Looking t
. Looke t
. To e looke t
12. He lwys i well t shool _______ hving to o prt-time jos every now n then.
. in spite of
. regrless of
. on ount of
. to se of
13. You _____ n importnt etil in your report of the ient.
. left sie
. left lone
. left off
. left out
14. ut for your help, we ____ the work s sheule.
. oul not finish
. woul not hve finishe
. woul hve finishe
. oul hve finishe
15. The shop ______ us with ll we nee.
. ffors
. equips
. supposes
. supplies
16. The surgeon eie tht only suessful opertion oul ____ the ptient ____.
. ring up
. ring own
. ring out
. ring through
17. It is importnt tht the hotel reeptionist _______ tht guests re registere orretly.
. hs me sure
. me sure
. must mke sure
. mke sure
18. o you know ____ the popultion of hin is?
. how mny
. how muh
. whih
. wht
19. We tke our skin for grnte until it is urne _____________ repir.
. eyon
. for
. without
. uner
20. She ooke the met for long time so s to mke it _____________ enough to et.
. mil
. slight
. light
. tener
21. The omputer revolution my well hnge soiety s _____________ s i the Inustril Revolution.
. ertinly
. insignifintly
. funmentlly
. omprtively
22. The rtile suggests tht when person ________ uner unusul stress he shoul e espeilly reful to hve well-lne iet.
. is
. were
. e
. ws
23. Everything we et n rink ontins some slt; we n meet the oy’s nee for it from nturl soures without turning _______ the slt ottle.
. up
. to
. on
. over
24. Mny people wnt to uy it euse, ____, the prie is resonle; ____, it‘s rther urle.
. on one sie, on the other sie
. for one thing, for nother
. on the one hn, on the other hn
. in one prt, in the other prt
25. In ritin people _____________ four million tons of pottoes every yer.
. swllow
. ispose
. onsume
. exhust