一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. – My I hve look t your photo lum? – ( ).
. Yes, you hve
. It's very interesting
. This is my girl frien
. Yes, of ourse
2. – Where to? I'm so thirsty. – ( )?
. Why on't we go now
. Why on't we enjoy some eer t tht r
. Why in't you look up the mp
. Why in't you tell me out it erlier
3. – Everyone knows where the shop is, ut who's the owner? – ( ).
. Steve
. Everyone oes
. t the next oor
. Yes, it's seret
4. – Exuse me, when is the next flight from Lonon ue to rrive? – ( ).
. In hlf n hour
. n hour efore
. Until the next one
. efore nother one
5. She hs rought( )two hilren y herself.
. 不填
. up
. on
. wy
6. She omes from( )People's Repuli of hin.
. one
. 不填
. the
7. – Is this the motel you mentione? – ( ).
. It looks omfortle
. Yes, it's s quiet s we expete
. You're so onsierte
. No, the prie's resonle
8. – Go tht wy n tke set. – ( ).
. No, I'm not tire
. Thnks, ut I' rther stn
. Yes, tht's goo wy
. It oesn't mtter
9. – Lin, n you give me lift fter work? – ( ).
. It's very kin of you to o so
. Thnk you for your offer
. Never min. I'll go shopping
. No prolem. We go the sme iretion
10. It's very onvenient( )here.
. to live
. live
. live
. living
11. – Whih lnguge o you spek t home? – ( ).
. I spek English very well
. I n spek English n Frenh
. English is my mother tongue
. English, most of the time
12. If I get the new jo, I( )uy etter r.
. 不填
. will
. woul
. might
13. – Must we hn in our homework now? – ( ).
. Yes, you will
. Yes, you mustn't
. No, you neen't
. No, you mustn't
14. – In my opinion, you' etter tke ouple of ys off. – ( ).
. I'll tke your vie
. Let me see
. Never min
. I'm fri so
15. I n o tht jo( )myself.
. y
. on
. with
. 不填
16. – Joe will ome to the prty t Jne n In's, won't he? – ( ).
. Oh, yeh, 1 forgot
. It's t 8 o'lok
. Yeh, he's ringing his ousin, Sny
. Yeh, it's nie prty
17. – I woner if Henry will ome to the prty t 8:00 shrp s he's promise. – ( ).
. The prty won't strt until 8:00
. Thnk you for hving the prty for me
. on't worry. He lwys keeps his wor
. The prty must ost lot
18. – Wht kin of TV progrm o you like est? – ( ).
. I like them very muh
. I only wth them t weeken
. It's hr to sy, tully
. I'm too usy to sy
19. – re you sure out tht? – ( ).
. You neen't worry out tht
. I like the ie
. Oh, no. I'm fri of tht
. Oh, yes. I'm solutely positive
20. – Must I o the wshing-up tonight? – ( ).
. No, you mustn't if you on't wnt
. Leve it if you're exhuste
. Wshing-up is relly exhusting
. Wshing-up relly tkes up time
21. – Is the toilet on the groun floor or 2n floor? – ( ).
. No, there isn't
. Yes, it is
. On the groun floor
. It is empty
22. – I' like to know something out your life in Pris. – ( ).
. You n tell me
. I woner if you n
. I'll tell you
. I woner if you oul
23. – Will you go on pini with us tomorrow? – ( ).
. Yes, ut I'll hve English lsses
. Sorry. I hve n ppointment with r. rown
. I'm fri I hve no ie
. I won't. It's kin of you
24. ( )mjority of people gree with him.
. The
. 不填
. One
25. The ro( )uilt lst yer.
. hs een
. hs eing uilt
. is eing
. ws
26. – Jk, re you leving now? It's 7:20. – ( ).
. Yes, it's still erly
. No, thirty minutes is enough
. Yes, the g is not rey
. No, I'll set off in 30 minutes
27. When I ws hil, we( )wer uniform for shool.
. hve to
. must
. 不填
. h to
28. – on't tke too long t the offee shop. It's 14:15. – ( ).
. I'll think your vie over
. I see. We hve 30 minutes left
. Tht's no prolem
. I'm fri so
29. – Is there nything serious, otor? – ( ).
. I'm going to hve nother hek-up
. The results of the loo test re wrong
. No. Just sty in e n rink more wter
. Yes. You n go home tomorrow
30. – I woner if Tim oul ontrol the sitution. – ( ).
. It's none of your usiness
. You'll get involve in it
. Tim must e thinking out it
. Well, if he n't ontrol it, no one n
31. – Woul you min if I open the winow for etter view? – ( ).
. Tht's fine, thnk you
. Yes, plese
. Tke set
. Of ourse not
32. My r ws eing( )when it ws stolen.
. to repir
. repir
. repiring
. repire
33. If he ws fitter, he( )live longer.
. 不填
. will
. woul
. n
34. – I've orere pizz n sl. Wht else o you wnt? – ( ).
. You re kin to invite me
. Yes, plese
. eer is fine for me. I'm not hungry yet
. I fin pizz is tsty
35. – Woul you like to see the menu? – ( ).
. No, thnks. I lrey know wht to orer
. Your menu is very ler
. I her the foo here is tsty
. The setting is very omfortle
36. – Hello, Slly. How's everything? – ( ).
. Goo for you
. Oh, I gree
. Tht's right
. Just so-so
37. – Wht o you fin iffiult in lerning English? – ( ).
. Listening n speking
. on't e fri of iffiulties
. Lerning English is useful
. on't e isppointe
38. I'm tire. I( )working very hr.
. hve
. m
. h
. hve een
39. I stoppe( )lst yer.
. smoking
. smoke
. to smoke
. smoke
40. – Exuse me, woul you len me your lultor? – ( ).
. ertinly. Here you re
. Plese on't mention it
. It's nothing
. Yes, I hve hn
41. – Will you hve some essert, Juy? – ( ).
. No, thnk you. I'm on iet
. Yes, I've h enough
. You re so goo t mking it
. Oh, I on't min
42. – My I know your ress? – ( ).
. Sure. Here you re
. I hve no ie
. It's fr from here
. Sorry, I've forgotten
43. – I on't like the sports progrms on Sunys. – ( ).
. So o I
. Neither o I
. So m I
. Neither m I
44. – fternoon, sir. Where to? – ( ).
. Plese get me to the irport
. Plese pik me up next time
. I've een to the irport
. The plne will tke off in n hour
45. – Look t the rinow! Wht view! – ( )!
. Yes. Wht eutiful it is
. Yes. How eutiful it is
. Yes. Wht eutiful it is
. Yes. How eutiful it is
46. – mi, I wnt this report type toy. – ( ).
. It'll e rey in the fternoon, sir
. I' like you to help me
. I know nothing out the report
. Leve it to tomorrow
47. – Exuse me. Is this tle tken? – ( ).
. We hven't ooke the ishes
. We hven't orere the ishes
. Yeh. I'm sving these sets for friens
. Yeh. I'm stuffe
48. – Oh, the ox is too hevy. – ( ).
. Wht's in it
. n I help you to rry it
. Whose is it
. My I hve try
49. – Nie wether, isn't it? – ( ).
. I'm not sure
. You know it well
. Yes, it is
. Yes, it isn't
50. – Wht if my omputer oesn't work? – ( ).
. I'm not goo t omputer
. sk nne for help
. I've lle the repir shop
. There must e something wrong