一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)
1. I islik Tom for h is ______ og. ()。
. whit
. yllow
. r
. lk
2. Whn you mt n mrin frin of yours who is just off pln in th irport, you n grt him y sying ()。
. You must hv h tiring journy.
. i you hv goo trip?
. How long i it tk you to gt hr?
. So you r hr finlly!
3. Th xplntion for " to mov hvn n rth to o somthing" is()。
. to unrstn th ntur of on's work n omptnt in th prformn of thm"
. to los th opportunity to o somthing
. to o somthing without propr mtril
. to mk vry ffort to hiv or otin somthing
4. Th rltionship twn lngug n ultur is ()。
. ultur is prt of lngug
. ultur is th rrir n ontinr of lngug
. lngug n ultur r losly rlt
. lngug n ultur r sprt
5. Wstrnrs tn to ______ thinkrs.()。
. holisti
. sujtiv
. nlyti
. ojtiv
6. -woul you lik som mor soup? ' - ______. It is liious, ut I'v h nough.()。
. Ys, pls
. No, thnks
. Nothing mor
. I' lik som
7. If omplimnt oms to wstrnr for his goo hins,h woul rply“______ ”. ()。
. No. No. Tht’s not tru
. hnk you for nourging m
. Sorry,I n’t spking hins wll
. Thnk you. I m gl to hr tht
8. ______ is,prhps,th st known sujt in whih th intrtion twn lngug,thought n ultur is invstigt. ()。
. Nonvrl ommunition
. Intrulturl ommunition
. Vrl ommunition
. Trnsltion
9. Whn nglish spking popl prt,thy r xpt to sy“ ______”.()。
. It’s ni to hv mt you
. I m pls to mt you
. Thnk you vry muh
. You r wlom
10. In th Unit Stts, th lk popl r oftn rfrr to s ______ in whih th olour of thir skin tht us thm trouls n suffrings is NOT mntion in nglish uphmisms.()。
. niggrs
. ngros
. th lk
. frin mrins
11. ommunition with th ingrint of "fk" n ll()。
. on-wy ommunition
. two-wy ommunition
. omplt ommunition
. onsious ommunition
12. -I rlly on't know how to thnk you nough. - ______.
. No prolm
. Think nothing of it
. Not t ll
. It osn't mttr
13. nything tht is ______ y rligion,trition or soil usg is too. ()。
. prohiit
. llow
. unprohiit
. nourg
14. ultur is lon wor from ()。
. Frnh
. Ltin
. Romn
. Norwgin
15. “H grut from nglish prtmnt, ijing Univrsity.” illustrts th ft tht nglish iffrs from hins in ______ .()。
. rnhing sntn pttms
. prtti rltions
. wor orr
. numr n s
16. “I’m isvntg,for I still on’t hv nt to my nm. ” In th ov sntn,th wor “isvntg” mns ______.()。
. unfvourl
. isgr
. poor
. nmlss
17. “黑面包” n trnslt into ()。
. rown r
. rk r
. lk r
. r r
18. mrin sholrs gnrlly tr th origin of intrulturl ommunition to ()。
. ulturl nthropology
. soio-linguistis
. omprtiv ution
. philosophy
19. Wstrnrs r si to ____ in intrprsonl hvior.()。
. irt
. inirt
. linr
. spirl
20. Intrulturl ommunition is onrn with ommunition mong popl from iffrnt ()。
. rs
. ountris
. rgions
. ulturl kgrouns
二、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。)
1. ______ r tgory of th sujuntiv moo in nglish.()。
. Mntiv sujuntivs
. Formuli sujuntivs
. onitionls
. ssumptivs
2. Whn rsponing to omplimnt "you look vry ni in this rss", you shoul sy “______.”()。
. Thnk you, ut it is just so so.
. No, it is quit orinry.
. Thnk you, I'm gl tht you lik it.
. o you rlly think so? I ws not sur whthr it suits m.
3. Woul you lik up of t?Th possil nswr is ()。
. Ys,pls .
. No ,thnks.
. This wy ,pls.
. Not t ll.
4. Th yli-pull mns()。
. In Frn n Gr: s my y!
. In ngln: on’t you think I n s it? You n’t fool m.
. In Spin n Itly it is lso rlt to lrt.
. In South mri: you fin womn vry ttrtiv.
5. Whih of th following qustions woul offn(冒犯) spkrs of nglish?()。
. o you go to hurh?
. r you mrri or singl?
. Who will you vot for?
. My I know your g?
6. Whih of th following provrs r rlt to nvigtion? ()。
. Grt mn r not lwys wis.
. n nglishmn's hous is his stl.
. Mny rops of wtr will sink th ship.
. Th goo smn is known in wthr.
7. nglish wors orrow from Ltin r normlly us in ______ ontxts.()。
. informl
. mi
. rligious
. intimt
8. Prtti rltions rfr to onstrutions tht r link through________. ()。
. juxtposition(并列)
. puntution(标点)
. onjuntion(连接词)
. intontion (语调)
9. n mrin profssor hs prpr lttr of rommntion for his stunt, n his stunt is xpt to sy “______”. ()。
. Thnk you vry muh
. I fl so sorry tht it hs tkn you so muh tim
. I fl so sorry tht it hs us you so muh troul
. I rlly pprit your hlp
10. Our oy oours my fft y ______. ()。
. orinttion of hous
. xris shul
. rinking wtr
. motionl stt
三、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)
1. In th U.S., it is omplimnt to tll somon tht h or sh hs put on som wight.
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. 正确
2. Rmn is th ninth month on Islm’s lunr lnr n it is tim to rflt on th mning of Islm, to rjuvnt fith.
. 错误
. 正确
3. ustom is hnging; so thr is no n of intrulturl ommunition stuis.
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4. Fil xprssions r onsir to on of th most importnt mns of non-vrl ommunition.
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5. th singl fingr kon in mri simply mns om hr.
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6. Nonvrl ommunition rfrs to intntionl us of nonspokn symol to ommunit spifi mssg.
. 错误
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7. Mr.Tom is unptl in nglish.
. 错误
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8. tivity orinttion rfrs to th us of tim for slf-xprssion n ply, slf-improvmnt n vlopmnt, n work.
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9. Th yli-pull in Frn n Gr mns“s my y”.
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10. Intrulturl rfrs not only to th ommunition twn iniviuls of ivrs ulturl intifitions ut lso to th ommunition twn groups of ivrs ulturl intifitions.
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