一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. for th finl xmintion, som stunts hv shown ______of tnsion. Thy vn hv troul in slping.
. nxity
. mrks
. signs
. rmrks
2. Th nw orr mns ovrtim.
. works
. work
. to work
. working
3. — Pls hlp yourslf to th sfoo — ______________.
. No, I n't.
. Sorry, I n't hlp.
. Wll, sfoo on't suit for.
. Thnks, ut I on't lik th sfoo.
4. It is si tht oys in your shool lik plying footll in thir spr tim, though othrs prfr sktll.
. quit lot
. quit fw
. quit it
. quit littl
5. — How o you o? Gl to mt you.— __________________.
. Fin. How r you?
. How o you o? Gl to mt you, too.
. How r you? Thnk you!
. Ni. How r you?
6. ______ hr n thn try to opy wht sh os.
. Min
. S
. Str t
. Wth
7. Sh hs two st frins. of thm is in th ountry.
. ll
. oth
. No on
. Nithr
8. Will you _________m fvor, pls?
. o
. mk
. ring
. giv
9. Hi, is Mry thr, pls?— __________________.
. Hol on. I'll gt hr.
. No, sh isn't hr.
. Ys, sh livs hr.
. Ys, wht o you wnt?
10. I ws giving tlk to lrg group of popl, th sm tlk I to hlf ozn othr groups for.
. ws giving
. m giving
. h givn
. hv givn
11. — n you go to th onrt with us this vning?— __________________.
. No, I lry hv plns.
. I' lov to, ut I'm usy tonight.
. No, I rlly on't lik ing with you.
. I'm ill, so I shouln't go out.
12. — W r going to hv singing prty tonight. Woul you lik to join us?— __________________
. I'm fri not, us I hv to go to n importnt mting.
. Of ours not. I hv no i.
. No, I n't.
. Tht's ll st.
13. — My I us your ik for momnt?— ____________________________
. It's wll.
. It osn't mttr.
. y ll mns.
. I hv no i
14. — ongrtultions! You won th first priz in toy's sph ontst. — __________________.
. Ys, I t th othrs.
. No, no, I in't o it wll.
. Thnk you.
. It's plsur
15. — It's goo i. ut who's going to _________ th pln? — I think John n Ptr will.
. rry out
. gt through
. tk in
. st si
16. Th mngr will not _________ us to us his r.
. hv
. lt
. gr
. llow
17. —Wht will you uy for your oyfrin's irthy? —I wnt to uy _________wllt for him.
. lk lthr smll
. smll lk lthr
. smll lthr lk
. lk smll lthr
18. Th prolm is not so sy s you think. It's fr from ing sttl.
. hrly
. lmost
. nrly
. srly
19. — Must I tk txi?— No, you_________. You n tk my r.
. h ttr to
. on't
. must not
. on't hv to
20. It's for you to smok in th puli pls whr smoking is not llow.
. hvior
. tion
. mnnr
. movmnt
21. Th young tor who h n thought highly of ________ to grt isppointmnt.
. turn up
. turn out
. turn own
. turn in
22. — Wht’s his mothr lik? —
. Sh's vry hppy
. Sh's t hom
. Sh liks wthing TV
. Sh's tll n thin
23. — It's tim to tiy your room, Hrry! —S th tiy room, Mum! _________ is whr it shoul .
. Somthing
. nything
. vrything
. Nothing
24. — Woul you min hnging sts with m?— __________________.
. I' rthr sty hr if you on't min.
. Sorry, I on't lik nithr.
. rtinly, why not?
. Ys, w lik ths two pls
25. — Shll w sit up hr on th grss or own thr nr th wtr?— __________________.
. It’s vry kin of you
. No, I wouln’t
. Ys, pls
. Hr you r