一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)
1. Inrss in()n()r th min ftors tht giv ris to tourism.
. trvl mrkting, trvl gnts
. lisur tim, wrm wthr
. mo of trvl, popultion
. nt isrtionry inoms, improv utionl stnrs
2. Th trip tkn y on wishing to stuy rt in nothr ountry n lssifi s()
. ulturl visit
. n utionl visit
. n xoti n unusul holiy
. trvl s norm of hvior
3. Som ountris impos txtion on tourism()itionl puli inom.
. ris
. to ris
. to ris
. to risn
4. llsworth Sttlr ws known s fthr of th morn()inustry.
. onvntion hotl
. rsint hotl
. luxury hotl
. ommril hotl
5. Thr is rl() in hin tht minority tritions will lost.
. thrt
. thrill
. trnsfr
. trn
6. In th son hlf of th 20th ntury, trvl()hs om sf,omfortl, rpi.
. y wtr
. y rilwy
. y highwy
. y ir
7. Whih of th following sttmnts is tru?
. Srvi is rlly n ttitu
. Srvi is rlly prout
. Srvi is rlly profit
. Srvi is rlly wy
8. In th sntn "hotl will ovrook “ llow for th high numr of no-shows", th wor now "no-show"”mns() .
. gusts who i not ook th room
. gusts who wnt to go to th nxt hotl
. gusts who wnt to wth film show in th hotl room
. gusts who ook th room ut i not om
9. Wht shoul on if thr r mor pssngrs thn th sts us of th ovrooking?
. Simply giv th pssngrs th mony k.
. Simply lt thm go y th nxt flight.
. Just xplin th sitution n pologiz for it.
. Provi thm st in th ttr lss or on nothr flight with finnil ompnstion.
10. Th Worl Tourism Orgniztion is lot in()
. Nw York
. Mri
. rn
. rzil
11. Th mngmnt poliy-mking- n –implmnting tm onsists of ().
. oprting prsonnl
. ssistnt prtmnt hs
. su-prtmnt hs
. th gnrl mngr n his or hr primry prtmnt hs
12. Th ky iffrn of th nw tourism from th mss tourism is().
. mss
. hp
. trnsporttion
. flxiility
13. hins who gos ro for sightsing longs to().
. outoun tourist
. intrnl tourist
. ntionl tourist
. inoun tourist
14. Th()tks r of th lning, rpiring, n lunring of gust’s lothing.
. room srvi
. lunry srvi
. houskpr
. witr
15. Whih of th following sttmnts is tru?
. Lotion is mor importnt thn srvi
. Lotion is our importnt prout
. Srvi is our most importnt prout
. Srvi is mor importnt thn lotion.
16. Th ship rmins n importnt pssngr trnsporttion mo in its rol s().
. frry srvi
. jt foils
. hovrrft
. sightsing ruis-ships
17. Goo srvi is th most importnt()for th suss of th hotl oprtion.
. ingrint
. rol
. prt
. ontnt
18. Whih of th following is NOT n tivity of tourism?
. Hiking in wilrnss prk
. Flying in jt to n xiting ity
. Sunthing in on’s kyr
. Stning t th ril of ruis ship looking ross th lu rin
19. () wr th mjor stimulnt in th nintnth n rly twntith nturis to vtions within th Unit Stts, n, n urop.
. trins
. stmships
. utomoils
. uss
20. visitor n tourist if h stys for mor thn()hours
. 12
. 6
. 24
. 48
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)
1. Wtr trnsport toy plys two min rols in trvl n tourism().
. trining
. frrying
. ruising
. oting
2. Th min rol of trvl gnt for th Son Worl Wr ws()
. slling shipping srvi
. slling ril srvis
. slling ll kins of srvis with omputr
. proviing tour guis
3. Th us hs n inrsingly utiliz s () trvl mo in rnt yrs.
. plsur
. prsonl
. rligious
. utionl
4. () n () r nssry onitions for tourism.
. inustriliztion
. motivtion
. urniztion
. nturliztion
5. Th srvis provi y irlins inlu().
. shul srvis
. nonshul srvis
. ir txi srvis
. txi srvis
6. hin is lss omptitiv thn othr sin ountris n rs in tourism us of().
. inqut filitis
. infftiv promotion
. unsirl srvi
. ffiint trnsporttion
7. Whih of th following r us prtiulrly y usinss trvllrs?
. Shul srvis
. hrtr srvi
. ir Txi Srvi
. slf-srvi
8. Th()of onomi growth mong iffrnt ountris hv l to ispritis in tourism vlopmnt.
. unln lvls
. unln finnil inoms
. unln onitions
. ln kgrouns
9. Th “Six Grt nint pitls” inlu ll th following ().
. Kifng
. ijing
. hngu
. Hngzhou
10. omsti tourism usully onsists of()trvl tivitis y itizns within thir own ountry.
. usinss
. lisur
. srvi
. mngmnt
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)
1. Thoms ook ws onsir th fthr of morn tourism.
. 错误
. 正确
2. Th numr of rooms or s rnt ovr prio is n importnt inition of hotl’s finnil suss.
. 错误
. 正确
3. Th oor kno mnu n foun in vry room of hotl.
. 错误
. 正确
4. Hotls first gn to ppr in Grmny in th lt 1700s.
. 错误
. 正确
5. Th “o not istur” sign simply inits tht th gust osn’t wnt his room to ln.
. 错误
. 正确
6. xprss srvi usully hrgs mor.
. 错误
. 正确
7. “Th ustomrs r lwys right.”
. 错误
. 正确
8. Hotl rohur is n importnt sls tool.
. 错误
. 正确
9. Th hotl is not rsponsil for ny mg in lunry.
. 错误
. 正确
10. Sls promotion hs littl iffrn with puli rltions.
. 错误
. 正确
11. Lol popl usully s tourism s n opportunity to mk profit.
. 错误
. 正确
12. uring th prour of hking out, in orr to sv tim, if th gust sys h osn’t tk nything from th mini-r, th shirs shoul liv him, n lt him hk out quikly.
. 错误
. 正确
13. oing jo mns mting ny rquirmnt of gust.
. 错误
. 正确
14. hin is th fourth lrgst ountry in th worl with totl ln r of 9.6 million squr kilomtrs.
. 错误
. 正确
15. Luxury hotls offr th grtst rng of srvis for th omfort n onvnin of thir gusts.
. 错误
. 正确
16. Th ontrollr is th prson rsponsil for th ovrll oprtion of th hotl.
. 错误
. 正确
17. vrtismnts pl on TV n hv n fft on hotl’s usinss.
. 错误
. 正确
18. onvntion is grt l of troul for hotl us it usully os not ring in n qut rturn of inom.
. 错误
. 正确
19. If th gust wnts to know out th hotl’s filitis, you shoul nourg him to us thm.
. 错误
. 正确
20. Th hmrmi shoul ln th room with n rly rqust first.
. 错误
. 正确