一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)
1. Motivtion thoris init tht n iniviul onstntly tris to hiv stt of().
. Stility
. stisftion
. hng
. suss
2. In th nw tourism th tourists om “mor grn” mns th tourists().
. r lss xprin
. r mor xprin
. hvn’t trvl muh for
. py mor ttntion to th nvironmnt
3. Th uniquly omin nturl n ulturl rsours s hs om mjor() for hin in its ffort to vlop tourism.
. ssss
. sst
. ssrt
. ssnt
4. Th ssntil onrn of th mrkting mngmnt is()
. Sls
. ustomr stisftion
. profits
. supply n mn
5. Sin hin opn to th outsi worl in(),th numr of hotls hs inrs onsirly.
. 1970
. 1978
. 1980
. 1997
6. Th following prsons who my rgr s tourists in hin r().
. mmrs of forign mssis in hin
. rsints of h orr r oming to hin
. Ovrss hins who om to hin to visit rltivs or frins
. hins who wnt ro hv om k
7. Th thr istint tgoris of irlin srvi rfr to().
. hrtr srvis, shul srvis n ir txi srvis
. nonshul srvis, frqunt flyr progrmms srvis, ir txi srvis
. tilr-m srvis, shul srvis, ir txi srvis
. shul srvis, nonshul srvis, hrtr srvi
8. Most of th rooms vill for rnt to th puli r provi y().
. Rsorts
. onfrn ntrs
. rtirmnt homs
. hotls n motls
9. In th orgniztion ,() rport irtly to th gnrl mngr.
. Gnrl stff
. th ssistnt prtmnt hs
. th suprtmnt hs
. th primry prtmnt hs
10. Thus, smll rosi inns grully () lrg, mor lgnt ity hotls.
. gv k to
. gv right to
. gv wy to
. gv room to
11. ()ws fthr of th morn ommril hotl inustry.
. onr Hilton
. llsworth Sttlr
. Kmmons Wilson
. Vlimir Ritz
12. This()nturl n ulturl rsour s hs om mjor sst for hin in its ffort()tourism.
. Uniqu omin
. vlop
. uniquly omin
. to vlop
. uniqu omining, vloping
F. uniquly omintion, to vlop
13. Hotl usinss is losly orrlt with th flutions in th ()onomy.
. Worl
. intrntionl
. ntionl
. rgionl
14. Th vlopmnt of hospitlity ss four stgs, whih r()in sussion.
. inn grn hotl ommril hotl hotl hin
. grn hotl inn hotl hin ommril hotl
. inn grn hotl hotl hin ommril hotl
. grn hotl inn ommril hotl hotl hin
15. For tourists who r intrst in othr ulturs, () will trmin th stintion slt.
. Th support srvis
. th lotion n vilility of th ultur vnt
. th stnr of ommotion
. th mo of trnport
16. ()'s 170-room()n intifi s th first morn first-lss hotl.
. oston in Pl Hotl
. Sn Frniso in Trmont Hous
. oston in Trmont Hous
. Sn Frniso in Pl Hotl
17. ()r slom on night stns.
. Rligious
. xursions
. trips for rlxtion
. usinss trips
18. Th() prtmnt hs n ll th lifloo of th orgniztion.
. Prsonnl
. sls
. foo & vrg
. rooms
19. Plnning is oth n rt n sin,rquiring th following xpt().
. ojtiv ttitu
. sns of imgintion
. rtivity
. iology
20. Whih tgory of ruiss pprs to gining in populrity s thy rquir lss vtion tim n r lss xpnsiv?
. Short urtion ruiss
. Intrmit-lngth ruiss
. Long ruiss
. Thr-night ruiss
21. Thrfor hin fs oth() n () in vloping its tourism to highr lvl.
. opportunitis hllngs
. opportunitis hns
. iffiultis hllngs
. iffiultis prolms
22. In hin,() is th primry tour prout for th omsti tourist mrkt.
. rligious tour
. sightsing tour
. utionl tour
. ulturl tour
23. ()r privtly hrt irrft ommoting twn 4 n 18 popl,n r us prtiulrly y usinss trvlrs.
. Jt irlins
. ir txis
. Txis
. hrtr irlins
24. ()ply n importnt rol in th rly history of hospitlity.
. Tr
. Rligion
. Tmpls
. hurhs
25. Th psyhology of tourists’ hvior is not onrn with ().
. th motivtion of tourists
. tourists’ opinions of th tourism prouts
. gr of tourists’ stisftion with th tourism prouts
. th intrtion mong tourists
二、多选题(共 12 道试题,共 24 分。)
1. ()n() hv sussfully xpn tourism without stroying thir nvironmnt..
. ustrli
. hin
. Mogoli
. Switzrln
2. Th prouts n srvis provi y n ll-roun gnt inlu().
. slling ir tikts, uris n frry tikts, r hir
. offring tourist souvnirs n irrft
. slling hotl ommotion n pkg tours
. offring trvl insurn, forign urrny xhng
3. hin is lss omptitiv thn othr sin ountris n rs in tourism us of()
. inqut filitis
. tight trnsporttion
. infftiv promotion
. unsirl srvi
4. s in ngln, th Nw Worl inns of th prio provi trvllrs with th following itms()
. foo
. stls
. llroom
5. Th inom of hotl my om from th following sours inlu().
. uiling
. oprtions
. frnhis fs
. mngmnt fs
6. Th vrious usinsss of th trvl inustry r tgoriz y som to inlu th following xpt ().
. irt provirs
. inirt provirs
. support srvis
. vlopmnt orgniztions
7. Thr r thr min sours of is tht n hlp xplin trvl motivtion.
. Historil n litrry ounts of trvlrs
. Psyhology
. Rsults of tourism inustry rsrhrs
. Prtis of tourism inustry
8. Wht wr th privt purposs of th rih trvlrs in th nintnth ntury?
. Tr n ultur
. Lisur n rrtion
. Hlth
. mting
9. Wtr trnsport toy plys two min rols in trvl n tourism().
. Trining
. frrying
. ruising
. oting
10. omputr systms in trvl gnis r sign to offr thr istint filitis whih inlu().
. Front offi “lint rltion” systms
. k offi systms
. nginring systms
. Mngmnt systms
11. stintion ttrtions my inlu th following().
. nturl n ulturl rsours
. rrtionl filitis
. vnts n tivitis
. politil n onomi systms
12. oring to WTO’s finitions, intrntionl tourism ompris().
. Inoun tourist
. outoun tourism
. intrnl tourism
. forign tourism
三、判断题(共 13 道试题,共 26 分。)
1. Th suprvisor is th prson rsponsil for th ovrll oprtion of th hotl.
. 错误
. 正确
2. Th Grn nl, mn-m wtrwy first uilt in th 6th ntury is th longst of its kin throughtout th worl.
. 错误
. 正确
3. WTO is on of th orgniztions tht rprsnts ll ntionl n offil tourist intrsts.
. 错误
. 正确
4. sping th strss n tnsion of urn lif oul possily provi on rson why urn popl r mor fon of trvlling.
. 错误
. 正确
5. Th xtnsion of th Unit Stts ship journys h n normous impt on th hotl inustry.
. 错误
. 正确
6. Shul srvis provi y irlins n tilor-m for pssngrs.
. 错误
. 正确
7. Morn tourism in hin gn 1960s.
. 错误
. 正确
8. tourist n fin s on who sks vrious psyholoy n physil xprin n stisftion.
. 错误
. 正确
9. Th six primry prtmnts in hotl inlu purhsing prtmnt.
. 错误
. 正确
10. ir txis r us prtiulrly y wlthy trvllrs.
. 错误
. 正确
11. Th most importnt ftors for th trvl gnts to su r goo offis.
. 错误
. 正确
12. W oftn omin hin with th Grt Wll.
. 错误
. 正确
13. On of th ky hrtristis of th nw tourism is flxiility.
. 错误
. 正确