一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)
1. urrnt liilitis r( )
. u, ut not rivl for mor thn on yr
. u, ut not pyl for mor thn on yr
. u n rivl within on yr
. u n pyl within on yr
2. Unr whih mtho of ost flows is th invntory ssum to ompos of th most rnt osts?
. vrg ost
. lst-in, first-out
. first-in, first-out
. wight vrg
3. Nots my issu ( )
. whn ssts r purhs
. to ritor's to tmporrily stisfy n ount pyl rt rlir
. whn orrowing mony
. ll of th ov
4. sh quivlnts( )
. r illgl in som ompny
. will onvrt to sh within two yrs
. will onvrt to sh within 90 ys
. will onvrt to sh within 120 ys
5. Th ost of prout wrrnty shoul inlu s n xpns in th ( )
. prio th sh is ollt for prout sol on ount
. futur prio whn th ost of rpiring th prout is pi
. prio of th sl of th prout
. futur prio whn th prout is rpir or rpl
6. Th most wily us prition mtho is
. stright-lin
. sum-of-th-yrs-igits
. lining-ln
. units-of-proution
7. Whn th prptul invntory systm is us, th invntory sol is it to ( )
. supplis xpns
. ost of mrhnis sol
. mrhnis invntory
. sls
8. ts ow y usinss r rfrr to s( )
. ounts rivls
. quitis
. ownr’s quity
. liilitis
9. On th ln sht, th mount shown for th llown for outful ounts is qul to th ( )
. Unolltil ounts xpns for th yr
. totl of th ounts rivls writtn-off uring th yr
. totl stimt unolltil ounts s of th n of th yr
. sum of ll ounts tht r pst u.
10. Th intrst rt spifi in th on inntur is ll th ( )
. isount rt
. ontrt rt
. mrkt rt
. fftiv rt
11. Th ility of usinss to py its ts s thy om u n to rn rsonl mount of inom is rfrr to s ( )
. solvny n lvrg
. solvny n profitility
. solvny n liquiity
. solvny n quity
12. Whih of th itms low is not usinss orgniztion form?( )
. ntrprnurship
. propritorship
. prtnrship
. orportion
13. Sinking Fun sh woul lssifi on th ln sht s ( )
. urrnt sst
. fix sst
. n intngil sst
. n invstmnt
14. How is trsury stok shown on th ln sht?
. s n sst
. s rs in stokholrs' quity
. s n inrs in stokholrs' quity
. trsury stok is not shown on th ln sht
15. Whih of th following groups of ounts hv norml it ln?
. rvnus, liilitis, pitl
. pitl, ssts
. liilitis, xpnss
. ssts, xpnss
16. Using rul ounting, xpnss r ror n rport only( )
. whn thy r inurr, whthr or not sh is pi
. whn thy r inurr n pi t th sm tim
. if thy r pi for thy r inurr
. if thy r pi ftr thy r inurr
17. Th two most ommon spiliz fils of ounting in prti r( )
. fornsi ounting n finnil ounting
. mngril ounting n finnil ounting
. mngril ounting n nvironmntl ounting
. finnil ounting n tx ounting systms
18. Th two mthos of ounting for invstmnts in stok r th ost mtho n th ( )
. stright-lin mtho
. quity mtho
. liility mtho
. intrst mtho
19. Rvnu shoul rogniz whn( )
. sh is riv
. th srvi is prform
. th ustomr pls n orr
. th ustomr hrgs n orr
20. Whn th mrkt rt of intrst on ons is highr thn th ontrt rt, th ons will sll t ( )
. prmium
. thir f vlu
. thir mturity vlu
. isount
二、判断题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。)
1. Th mortiztion of prmium on ons pyl rss on intrst xpns.
. 错误
. 正确
2. uring fltionry prios, th us of th LIFO mtho of osting invntory will rsult in lowr mount of urrnt ssts thn woul rsult from th us of th FIFO mtho.
. 错误
. 正确
3. If ons r sol for isount, th rrying vlu of th ons is qul to th f vlu lss th unmortiz isount.
. 错误
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4. ounting is srvi tht provis mny iffrnt usrs with finnil informtion to mk onomi isions.
. 错误
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5. Prpi xpnss r n xmpl of n xpns.
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6. Th ost of nw quipmnt is ll rvnu xpnitur us it will hlp gnrt rvnus in th futur.
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7. In prpring nk ronilition, th mount of outstning hks is to th ln pr nk sttmnt.
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8. Th ounting qution n xprss s ssts - Liilitis = Ownr's quity.
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9. If th it portion of n justing ntry is to n sst ount, thn th rit portion must to liility ount.
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10. n ount rivl is lim ginst ustomr rising from sl on ount.
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11. Th rul sis of ounting rquirs rvnu ror whn sh is riv from ustomrs.
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12. Th rltionship of h sst itm s prnt of totl ssts is n xmpl of vrtil nlysis.
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13. Horizontl nlysis is us to ompr th finnil sttmnts of th sm ompny for iffrnt prios.
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14. If firm hs quik rtio of 1, th susqunt pymnt of n ount pyl will us th rtio to inrs.
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15. Whn stok ivin is lr, it oms liility
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16. sh quivlnts r short -trm invstmnts tht will onvrt to sh within 120 ys.
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17. Pying n ount pyl inrss liilitis n rss ssts
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18. Primry usrs of ounting informtion r ountnts.
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19. pitl xpniturs r osts tht r hrg to Stokholrs' quity ounts.
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20. Trsury Stok is list in th stokholrs' quity stion on th ln sht.
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21. onsuming goos n srvis in th pross of gnrting rvnus rsults in xpnss.
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22. In prpring nk ronilition, th mount of posits in trnsit is ut from th ln pr nk sttmnt.
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23. Th ook vlu of fix sst rport on th ln sht rprsnts its mrkt vlu on tht t.
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24. Th journl ntry to ror th ost of wrrnty rpirs tht wr inurr uring th urrnt prio, ut rlt to sls m in prior yrs, inlus it to Wrrnty xpns.
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25. Orinrily, orportion owning signifint portion of th voting stok of nothr orportion ounts for th invstmnt using th quity mtho.
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26. Th pris of ons r quot s prntg of th ons' mrkt vlu.
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27. Rvnu ounts r inrs y rits.
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28. Th mthing onpt rquirs xpnss ror in th sm prio tht th rlt rvnu is ror.
. 错误
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29. Th oul-ntry ounting systm rors h trnstion twi.
. 错误
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30. Rognition is th pross of inorporting in th ln sht or inom sttmnt n itm tht mt th finition of n lmnt n stisfis th rognition ritri.
. 错误
. 正确