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[东北师范大学] 东师 英语阅读(二)16秋在线作业1

发表于 2016-10-22 10:53:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V
1.  The government has () this application.
A. agree with
B. approved
C. approved of
D. accepted
      满分:3  分
2.  He often () fun at his deskmate, who is undersized.
A. pokes
B. makes
C. causes
D. shows
      满分:3  分
3.  People begin to understand the natural resources are not () , which can be used up without caution.
A. numerous
B. numerable
C. inexhaustible
D. valuable
      满分:3  分
4.  When our university laboratory bought this microscope we were given a one year’s ().
A. reservation
B. security
C. proof
D. guarantee
      满分:3  分
5.  The advertisement of Adidas is “Nothing is ().”
A. impossible
B. improbable
C. unlikely
D. possible
      满分:3  分
6.  The president()the words of Hegel to end his speech.
A. cited
B. wrote
C. read
D. employed
      满分:3  分
7.  The new term will begin on September 1, () is reported in today's newspaper.
A. as
B. that
C. what
D. and
      满分:3  分
8.  He took the () side of the argument, which was out of our expectation.
A. next
B. different
C. another
D. reverse
      满分:3  分
9.  The partnership with the American company is of great () importance to our corporation.
A. strategic
B. operative
C. decisive
D. manipulative
      满分:3  分
10.  The father told the sons to () themselves while he was away.
A. manage
B. behave
C. have
D. look at
      满分:3  分
11.  Larry cannot find anyone to () his words before the judges.
A. witness
B. verify
C. evidence
D. testify
      满分:3  分
12.  Too much () to the sunlight in the summer might damage your skin.
A. show
B. demonstration
C. exposure
D. exhibition
      满分:3  分
13.  It is not an easy job for the teacher to () the books because there are 100 students in the class.
A. distribute
B. pass
C. send
D. disperse
      满分:3  分
14.  You had better keep the medicine () is inaccessible to children.
A. that
B. where
C. where it
D. in which
      满分:3  分
15.  May likes () life. She quitted her job when she became a mother and devoted herself to the baby.
A. internal
B. domestic
C. ordinary
D. popular
      满分:3  分
16.  Wild ducks always fly in a definite ().
A. figure
B. formula
C. shape
D. formation
      满分:3  分
17.  With a little more patience, you () the job better.
A. could do
B. would do
C. could have done
D. must have done
      满分:3  分
18.  Faced with so many competitive rivals, he felt his business was () to failure.
A. due
B. resulted
C. doomed
D. likely
      满分:3  分
19.  After I heard that I took a deferred pass in chemistry, I was in a () emotional state.
A. highly
B. doubtfully
C. greatly
D. nervously
      满分:3  分
20.  Of the thousands of known volcanoes in the world, the () majority are inactive.
A. tremendous
B. demanding
C. intensive
D. overwhelming
      满分:3  分

二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V
1.  Why do experts say twins are more alike than clones would be?
A. They have at least shared the same environment within the mother.
B. They have the same genes.
C. They are usually raised in the same family.
D. They have the same interests.
      满分:2  分
2.  Which of the following cannot explain the usefulness of a computer?
A. pupils can ask questions using computers
B. computers can check pupils’ learning progress
C. computers can ask questions for pupils to answer
D. computers can take the place of teachers
      满分:2  分
3.  NASA ().
A. stands for National Aeronautical and Space Administration
B. was trying to find ways to clean the air in space stations
C. tries to find ways to clean the air in space stations. He discovered that houseplants actually remove pollutants from the air
D. has succe
      满分:2  分
4.  Recent studies have shown that air inside many homes, office buildings, and schools is full of pollutants such as ().
A. chemicals
B. smoke
C. bacteria
D. perfume
      满分:2  分
5.  Which description fits family members according to the text?
A. Most of them are people you just got stuck with.
B. They are the ones you love.
C. There is not very much in common between you and your family members.
D. Many family relationships are tinged with guilt and obligation.
      满分:2  分
6.  Hero Friends ().
A. are better than the rest of us
B. are role models to us
C. are sick
D. are disgusting
      满分:2  分
7.  Global warming results from ().
A. improper farming
B. the burning of fossil fuels
C. the increase in greenhouse gases
D. the satellite rotation
      满分:2  分
8.  What is not the advantage of the Asian system of education?
A. It prepares students for a society that values individualism.
B. Students cannot learn much math or science.
C. It prepares students for a society that values discipline and cooperation.
D. Students learn to think for themselves.
      满分:2  分
9.  What are friends for?
A. They can provide help whenever it is needed.
B. They can make you feel warm when you feel cold.
C. They offer comfort when you are injured by others.
D. They will always be there to support you whatever you do.
      满分:2  分
10.  Which of the following are measures taken to encourage people to relax and use their leisure time?
A. Companies producing cars, steel, or textiles are investing in sports and entertainment facilities.
B. Banks and government offices have begun to close for two Saturdays each month.
C. Some companies are now giving white-collar employees two-day weekends every
      满分:2  分

三、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V
1.  They work only because they have to.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
2.  Each child draws a different picture in western schools.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
3.  Although an Olympic medal loses its luster after years of storage, a hero never loses his credibility if he stops looking to the needs of others.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
4.  Dolly is able to breed like the normal sheep.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
5.  Hero friends can easily make you sick
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
6.  Friends you love to hate love to death and you are convinced that they are your best friends.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
7.  The volunteers just greeted each other on the first and ignored each other for the rest days.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
8.  They complain a lot about their jobs and watch the clock.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
9.  Present Clinton paid attention to the moral implication of cloning and ignored the legal aspect.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
10.  In bad times, people often point to minority groups as the cause of their troubles.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
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