一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。英美文学选读作业策略)
1. His ontriution to th progrm ws ____ us 99 prnt o th work ws omplt y his ollgus.?
. invisil
. ngligil?
. ppril
. onsirl
2. Thr‘s th living room still to _____,so tht‘s my nxt projt.
. ort
. issolv
. ssss
. non
3. o you know Tim’s rothr? H is _________ thn Tim.
. muh mor sportsmn
. mor o sportsmn
. mor o sportsmn
. mor sportsmn
4. Mr. Jkson ls vry hppy tht h hs riv goo l o nit ____ th invstmnt in th ity.?
. with
. o
. rom
. upon?
5. Th ol ppr mill hs n ______to mk wy or nw shopping ntr.
. hl own
. kpt own
. ut own
. turn own
6. Th mngr gv on o th slsgirls n using look or hr ______ ttitu towr ustomrs
. imprtil
. mil
. hostil
. opposing
7. Th hins iplomti nvoys wr snt who shoul strngthn our intrntionl position n striv or worl p n rinly____ mong popls.?
. ollortion
. hrmony
. oorintion
. intrours
8. lthough th rgumnts wr ____, h ws not onvin.?
. rtionl
. univrsl
. pprnt
. xptionl?
9. Som y sotwr will trnslt oth writtn n spokn lngug so wll tht th n or ny ommon son lngug oul _____ .
. sn
. lin
. triort
. prss
10. Tht y th thr ____ rom hr ustom n gv out no homwork.? ?
. isonnt
. istort?
. th
. vit
11. His rmrks wr ________ nnoy vryoy t th mting.
. so s to
. suh s to
. suh to
. s muh s to
12. Th myor is womn with grt _______ n thror srvs our politil n innil support.
. intntion
. instint
. intgrity
. intnsity
13. Mr.Smith sk his srtry to ______ nw prgrph in th nnul rport sh ws typing.
. inv
. instll
. insrt
. injt
14. Rio rption wsn’t vry goo us o isturn in th tmosphr; th nnounr’s voi soun vry ____.?
. isput
. isr
. ismiss
. istort?
15. lmost vryon in th uitorium ws wping y th tim h inish tlling th ____ tl.?
. pthti
. ptrioti
. pni
. prioi
16. I sw thm ning with grt ____ ovr th mhins.??
. onntrtion
. nvor?
. tolrn
. sorption
17. Th whls stuk in th ____.?
. mu
. ly
. soil
. rth
18. n ution is usully vrtis orhn with ull prtiulrs o rtils to sol n whr n whn thy n viw y ____ uyrs.??
. prsptiv
. prosptiv
. prosprous
. proitl?
19. It my nssry to stop ______in th lrning pross n go k to th iiult points in th lssons.
. t s
. t lngth
. t intrvls
. t istn
20. Ths uss prou th grt hng in th ountry tht morniz th _______- o highr ution rom th mi-1860’s to th mi-1880’s
. rnh
. tgory
. omin
. sop
21. Th hirmn ws lm or ltting his srtry ________too muh work lst wk.
. tk wy
. tk out
. tk to
. tk on
22. Th irtor tri to gt th tors to _________ to th nxt sn y hn signls.
. mov on
. mov o
. mov out
. mov long
23. or th nw ountry to surviv, ________ or its popl to njoy prosprity, nw onomi poliis will rquir.
. to nm w
. lt lon
. not to spk
. lt’s sy
24. Th ootll lu i to ____ its working ontrt with th h oh us o its tm’s poor prormn uring his ohing.
. iminish
. ius?
. prlu
. trmint
25. It ws no _____ tht his r ws sn nr th nk t th tim o th rory .
. oinin
. onvntion
. rtinty
. omplition
26. To his grt joy h isovr tht his r ws oming ____.?
. snstionl
. snsitiv
. sntimntl
. snsil?
27. Most lortory n il stuis o humn hvior ______tking situtionl photogrph t givn tim n in givn pl.
. tth
. ompos
. involv
. nlos
28. I tri vry hr to prsu him to join our group ut I mt with lt ______ .
. ispprovl
. rjtion
. rusl
. lin
29. Prliminry stimtion puts th igur t roun $110 illion, _____ th $160 illion th Prsint is struggling to gt through th ongrss.
. in proportion to
. in rply to
. in rltion to
. in ontrst to
30. It is lr tht lk o ution will grtly ____ th li-o workrs rom gtting jo gin.??
. hmpr
. onus?
. prplx
. rvrs
31. Sh work hr t hr tsk or sh lt sur tht th rsults woul ________ hr long ort.
. justiy
. tstiy
. rtiy
. vriy
32. Hr hir ws wt rom th ____ toss up y th hug wvs.??
. sur
. lthr
. om
. spry
33. Thy h th grtst iiultis ____ uring th journy to ntrti.? ?
. imginry
. imgintiv?
. imginl
. imginl
34. Yor n hir iyl in mny pls. Usully you‘ll hv to py _________.
. posit
. l
. r
. on
35. us o h stopp ring his thnil journls h ws ____ o nw vlopmnt in his il.?
. tious
. sutl
. ignornt
. intlltul
36. Th ____ o th sun lmost lin thm.??
. glittr
. lr
. sprks
. glr
37. Th mting ws put o us w __________ mting without John.
. ojt hving
. wr ojt to hving
. ojt to hv
. ojt to hving
38. ____ th suss o th prout pns on its goo qulity.?
. Ojtivly
. Ultimtly
. solutly
. Rltivly
39. Th rhologist ____tht th vs ws 3500 yrs ol.?
. utiliz
. stimt
. sustin
. uphl?
40. mrin ompnis r volving rom mss-proution mnuturing to ________ ntrpriss.
. movl
. hnging
. lxil
. vrying
41. Poor hlth n lk o mony my oth ____ to utionl progrss.??
. sritis
. stins
. rstrints
. rrirs
42. Politilly ths ntions tn to ______,with vry high irth rts ut poor ution n vry low lvls o litry.
. unsty
. unstl
. rtionl
. rlutnt
43. Th wlth o ountry shoul msur ________ th hlth n hppinss o its popl s wll s th mtril goos it n prou.
. in lin with
. in trms o
. in rgr with
. y mns o
44. I hv look ll ovr th oi or my jr o glu. It sm to hv ____.?
. vpour
. vnish?
. virt
. ru?
45. powr ilur rt ____ in trnsporttion.??
. mrgny
. nlosur
. xtnsion
. xitmnt
46. ________ you _______ urthr prolms with your printr, ontt your lr or vi.
. I, h
. Hv, h
. Shoul, hv
. In s, h
47. John nnot or to go to univrsity, _______going ro.
. nothing to spk o
. not to spk o
. nything ut
. nothing ut
48. W rliz tht h ws unr grt _________, so w took no noti o his tmpr.
. xitmnt
. strss
. risis
. nrvousnss
49. Th jug rul tht th vin ws inmissil on th grouns tht it ws _____ to th issu t hn .
. irrtionl
. unrsonl
. invli
. irrlvnt
50. ul sritis n pri inrss ________ utomoil signrs to sl own th lrgst mols n to vlop ompltly nw lins o smll rs n truks .
. prsu
. prompt
. impos
. nlightn