一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. I think I ws t shool, ________ I ws stying with rins uring th vtion whn I hr th nws.
. or ls
. n thn
. or so
. vn so
2. lthough mny popl viw onlit s , onlit is somtims usul ________ it ors popl to tst th rltiv mrits o thir ttitus n hviors.
. y whih
. to whih
. in tht
. so tht
3. Th growth o prt-tim n lxil working pttrns, n o trining n rtrining shms, ________ mor womn to tk vntg o mploymnt opportunitis.
. hv llow
. llow
. llowing
. llows
4. Mik’s unl insists ________ in this hotl.
. stying not
. not to sty
. tht h woul not sty
. tht h not sty
5. You will s this prout ________ whrvr you go.
. to vrtis
. vrtis
. vrtis
. vrtising
6. You ________ him so losly; you shoul hv kpt your istn.
. shouln’t ollow
. mustn’t ollow
. ouln’t’ hv n ollowing
. shouln’t hv n ollowing
7. Somtims I wish I ________ in irnt tim n irnt pl.
. living
. wr living
. woul liv
. woul hv liv
8. Th rly pionrs h to ________ mny hrships to sttl on th nw ln.
. go long with
. go k on
. go through
. go into
9. In ritin popl ________ our million tons o pottos vry yr.
. swllow
. ispos
. onsum
. xhust
10. I’ ________ his rputtion with othr rmrs n usinss popl in th ommunity, n thn mk ision out whthr or not to pprov lon.
. tk into ount
. ount or
. mk up or
. mk out
11. vryoy ________ in th hll whr thy wr wlom y th srtry.
. ssml
. umult
. pil
. join
12. Th wors o his ol thr lt ________ imprssion on his min. H is still inlun y thm.
. long
. livly
. lsting
. lirl
13. Most rostrs mintin tht TV hs n unirly ritiiz n rgu tht th powr o th mium is ________.
. grnt
. impli
. xggrt
. rmi
14. Not until th gm h gun ________ t th sports groun.
. h h rriv
. woul h hv rriv
. i h rriv
. shoul h hv rriv
15. Th prossor oul hrly in suiint grouns ________ his rgumnts in vour o th nw thory.
. to s on
. to s on
. whih to s on
. on whih to s
16. It is our ________ poliy tht w will hiv unity through pul mns.
. onsistnt
. ontinuous
. onsirt
. ontinul
17. Ptr, who h n riving ll y, suggst ________ t th nxt town.
. to stop
. stopping
. stop
. hving stopp
18. Nigr lls is grt tourist ________, rwing millions o visitors vry yr.
. ttntion
. ttrtion
. ppointmnt
. rrngmnt
19. r is th most populr rink mong ml rinkrs, ________ ovrll onsumption is signiintly highr thn tht o womn.
. whos
. whih
. tht
. wht
20. Sh ought to stop work; sh hs hh us sh ________ too long.
. hs n ring
. h r
. is ring
. r
21. Young popl r not ________ to stn n look t works o rt; thy wnt rt thy n prtiipt in.
. onsrvtiv
. ontnt
. onint
. gnrous
22. ________ sh rliz it ws too lt to go hom.
. No soonr it grw rk thn
. Hrly i it grow rk tht
. Srly h it grown rk thn
. It ws not until rk tht
23. Som isss r ________ y rtin wtr nimls.
. trnsplnt
. trnsorm
. trnsport
. trnsmitt
24. Th hops, gols, rs n sirs ________ wily twn mn n womn, twn th rih n th poor.
. ltr
. shit
. trnsr
. vry
25. Sh ook th mt or long tim so s to mk it ________ nough to t.
. mil
. slight
. light
. tnr