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[东北财经] 16秋东财《大学体验英语2》在线作业三资料

发表于 2016-10-28 10:10:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一、单选(共 30 道试题,共 30 分。)

1.  Why the explosion ourre ws ______ the lortory ttennt h een reless.
. euse
. owing to
. ue to
. tht
2.  He ws own with the flu; ______, ouln't ome to the prty.
. however
. nevertheless
. n
. furthermore
3.  Welth, eution n ouption vry gretly ________ memers of the mile lss.
. mong
. etween
. from
. insie
4.  When news me here ______ he woul e the presient, everyone ouln't ept.
. whih
. where  
. tht
. wht
5.  I m sorry,ut I hve  question to ________ you.
. tret
. influene
. sk
. hnge
6.  Stuents re expete to py the lon k ________ they re erning enough.
. so fr s
. now tht
. even if
. s soon s
7.  ________ ws not the wy the event hppene.
. Whih the press reporte
. Tht the press reporte
. Wht i the press report
. Wht the press reporte
8.  There is no out _______ he is  goo employee.
. s
. who
. tht
. wht
9.  _______ the form, plese.
. Fill up
. Fill in
. Fill out
. Fill with
10.  I feel it's  gret honor for me _______ to this prty.
. to invite
. invite
. hving invite
. to e invite
11.  He requeste tht the Premier _______ him n interview.
.  gree
. grnt
. mit
. rrnge
12.   If only I _____ s pretty s she is!
. eing
. m
. e
. were
13.   Hving experiene so muh, he n o mny things in  (n) _______ wy.
. ol
. ult
. mture
. ge
14.  Peter will ______ the jo s Sles Mnger when John retires.
. put wy
. tke over
. work out
. mke up
15.  Young people now live  life-style ________ their prents oul hrly rem of.
. whih
. why
. when
. where
16.  They h tlke only for  few minutes _______ they foun they were of ifferent opinions.
. unless
. while
. efore
. one
17.   -I m fri I n't fin my purse.
Whih of the following is wrong?
.  luk
. on't worry
. Wht  pity!
. on't mention it
18.  She is lwys fining fult _______the lol people.
. to
. out
. with
. ginst
19.  _____ in the university for 3 yers, he knows the ple very well.
. Stuie
.  Hving stuie
. eing stuie
. Stuying
20.  The entrl servies of tht rosting ompny to some extent _____ the regionl sttions.
. fee off
. fee out
. fee up
. fee in
21.  You' etter _______ vie efore mking  projet pln.
. put own
. tke in
. turn out
. sk for
22.  If they _____ the lw, the eonomy woul e in etter shpe now.
. pss
. hve psse
. h psse
. will pss
23.  Immigrnts hve to pt themselves ulturlly n physilly to the new surrounings ____ they hve move.
. on whih
. y whih
. into whih
. from whih
24.  Wht re the essentil ifferenes _______ selling n mrketing?
. etween
. from
. mong
. for
25.  Nik ske the teher  question, n the teher ______ him to hpter 2.
. referre
. le
. tol
. tught
26.  y the time you month, I _______ my term pper.
. hve omplete
. omplete
. m ompleting
. will hve omplete
27.  The new rug will not e put on the mrket ________ it hs prove sfe on humns.
. if
. until
. sine
. when
28.  Our ompny's visitors eie to sty in our ity for _______ two ys s they wnte to hve  look roun.
. other
. the other
. nother
. other's
29.  y the en of this yer Mr. Smith _______in our ompny for extly three yers.
. is working
. hs worke
. will work
. will hve worke
30.  The stuents re lening their lssroom. Two pupils were _______ to sweep the floor.
. orere
. ssigne
.  le
.  helpe

二、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 40 分。)

1.  "ool" is  wor with mny menings. Its tritionl mening is use to ___31___ temperture tht is firly ol. s the worl hs ____32___, however, the wor hs expne to ____33___mny ifferent menings.
"ool" n e use to express feelings of ____34____in lmost nything.
When you see  rn-nme r in the street, mye you n't help___35___, "It's ool." You might think, "He's so ool," when you see your___36___footller.
We ll enlrge the mening of "ool". You n use it ____37____mny wors suh s "new" or "mzing." Here's n interesting story we n see ___38___illustrte the usge of the wor:  teher ske her stuents to___39___the wterfll they h visite. On one stuent's pper ws just the one___40___, "It's so ool." ___41___ he thought it ws___42___to esrie___43___he sw n felt.
___44___the story lso proves the shortge of wors n expressions. ____45___ "ool," some people hve no wors to express the sme mening. So it is__46___to improve our wor strength to mintin some ___47___.
s  populr wor, "ool" stns for  kin of speil ___48___tht people n ept esily. Exepting "ool," n you think of mny wors tht__49___your life s olorful? I n. n I think they re lso very___50___.
. fin
. tke
. show
. mke sure
. hnge
. een evelope
. een lene
. informe
. turn out
. tke on
. tke in
. ome into
. stisftion
. interest
. sense
. interesting
. to sy
. telling
. shout
. sying
. fmous
. out of te
. fvorite
. moern
. in ste of
. in ple of
. to tke ple of
. exhnge
.  is use to
. showing
. use to
.  explining
. write for
. opy own
. write out
. sy something
. phrse
. wor
. story
. sentene
. However
. My e
. s fr s
. Perhps
. The just thing
. the very men
. some methos
. the est wy
. the mens
. wht
. how
. wherever
. n
.  If
. So
. ut
. Without
.  Using
. Not eing use
. With
. importnt
. neessry
. impossile
. nturl
. true
. elief
. rihness
. interest
. hit
. ulture
. lnguge
. enjoyment
.  put
.  hnge
. etter
. mke
. ool
. esy
. iffiult
. importnt

三、阅读理解(共 3 道试题,共 30 分。)

1.  out six yers go I ws eting lunh in  resturnt in New York ity when  womn n  young oy st own t the next tle, I ouln't help overhering prts of their onverstion. t one point the womn ske: "So, how hve you een?" n the oy-who oul not hve een more thn seven or eight yers ol -replie. "Frnkly, I've een feeling  little epresse ltely."
This inient stuk in my min euse it onfirme my growing elief tht hilren re hnging. s fr s I n rememer, my friens n I in't fin out we were "epresse" until we were in high shool.
The eviene of  hnge in hilren hs inrese steily in reent yers. hilren on't seem hillike nymore. hilren spek more like ults, ress more like ults n ehve more like ults thn they use to.
Whether this is goo or  is iffiult to sy, ut it ertinly is ifferent. hilhoo s it one ws no longer exists, Why?
Humn evelopment is se not only on innte (天生的) iologil sttes, ut lso on ptterns of ess to soil knowlege. Movement from one soil rote to nother usully involves lerning the serets of the new sttus. hilren hve lwys een tught ult serets, ut slowly n in stges: tritionlly, we tell sixth grers things we keep hien from fifth grers.
In the lst 30 yers, however,  seret-reveltion (揭示) mhine hs een instlle in 98 perent of merin homes. It is lle television, Television psses informtion, n inisrimintely (不加区分地), to ll viewers like, e they hilren or ults. Unle to resist the tempttion, mny hilren turn their ttention from printe texts to the less hllenging, more vivi moving pitures.
ommunition through print, s  mtter of ft, llows for  gret el of ontrol over the soil informtion to whih hilren hve ess. Reing n writing involve  omplex oe of symols tht must e memorize n prties. hilren must re simple ooks efore they n re omplex mterils.
1). oring to the uthor, feeling epresse is ________.
.  sure sign of  psyhologil prolem in  hil
. something hrly to e expete in  young hil
. n inevitle hs of hilren's mentl evelopment
.  mentl sle present in ll humns, inluing hilren
2). Tritionlly,  hil is suppose to lern out the ult worl ________.
. through ontt with soiety?
. grully n uner guine?
. nturlly n y iologil instint
. through exposure to soil informtion
3). The phenomenon tht toy's hilren seem ultlike is ttriute y the uthor to ________.
.  the wiespre influene of television
. the poor rrngement of tehing ontent
. the fst pe of humn intelletul evelopment
. the onstntly rising stnr of living
4).  Why is the uthor in fvor of ommunition through print for hilren?
.  It enles hilren to gin more soil informtion.
. It evelops hilren's interest in reing n writing.
.  It helps hilren to memorize n prtie more.
. It n ontrol wht hilren re to lern.
5).  Wht oes the uthor think of the hnge in toy's hilren?
. He feels muse y hir premture ehvior.
.  He thinks it is  phenomenon worthy of note.
.  He onsiers it  positive evelopment.
. He seems to e upset out it.
2.  Some ities hve plnne their trnsporttion systems for r owners. Tht is wht Los ngeles i. Los ngeles eie to rther thn spening money on puli trnsporttion.
This eision ws suitle for Los ngeles. The ity grew outwr inste of upwr. Los ngeles never uilt mny tll prtment uilings. Inste,people live in houses with grens.
In Los ngeles,most people rive rs to work. n every r hs to hve  prking spe. So mny uilings where people work lso hve prking lots.
Los ngeles lso eme  ity without  entrl usiness istrit (. If  ity hs  , rows of people rush into it every y to work. If people rive to work, they nee lots of ro spe.
So Los ngeles evelope severl usiness istrits n uilt homes n other uilings in etween the istrits. This require more ros n prking spes.
Some people efen this growth pttern. They sy Los ngeles is the ity of the future.
1). oring to the pssge,Los ngeles is  ity where_________.
. there is no puli trnsporttion system
. more money is spent on highwys for rs
. more money is spent on puli trnsporttion systems
.  more evelope thn in other ities
2). "The ity grew outwr inste of upwr"(Line 1,Pr.2) mens_________.
. the ity eme more spre out inste of growing tller
. there were fewer smll houses thn tll uilings
. rpi evelopment took ple in the ity enter
. mny tll uilings oul e foun in the ity
3). oring to the pssge, if  ity hs severl usiness istrits,_________.
.  people won't hve to rive to work every y
. there hve to e more ros n prking spes
. ompnies woul e lote in etween the istrits
. there woul e no nee to uil prking spes within the istrits
4). oring to the growth pttern of Los ngeles, homes were minly uilt_________.
.  in the ity enter
. long the min ros
. roun usiness istrits
. within the usiness istrits
5). The pssge is minly out_________.
. the onstrution of prking spes in Los ngeles
. the new growth pttern of the ity of Los ngeles
. the puli trnsporttion system in Los ngeles
. the prolem of trffi jms in Los ngeles
3.   Wht is your fvorite olor? o you like yellow, ornge, re? If you o, you must e n optimist(乐观者),  leer, n tive person who enjoys life, people n exitement. o you prefer grys(灰色)n lues? Then you re proly quiet, shy n you woul rther follow thn le. If you love green, you re strong-mine n etermine(意志坚定的). You wish to suee n wnt other people to see you re suessful. t lest this is wht psyhologists(心理学家)tell us, n they shoul know, euse they hve een seriously stuying the mening of olor preferene(爱好), n the effet(影响)tht olors hve on humn eings. They tell us tht we on't hoose our fvorite olor s we grow up. If you hppen to love rown, you i so s soon s you opene your eyes, or t lest s soon s you oul see lerly.
    yellow room mkes us feel more heerful(开心的)n more omfortle(舒服的)thn  rk green one, n  re ress rings wrmth n heer to the sest winter y. On the other hn, lk is epressing(压抑). Light n right olors mke people not only hppier ut more tive. It is  ft tht ftory workers work etter, hrer, n hve fewer ients when their mhines re pinte ornge rther thn lk or rk gry.
   Rememer, then, tht if you feel low, you n lwys righten your y or your life with  new shirt or  few olorful things. Rememer lso tht you will know your friens n your enemies etter when you fin out wht olors they like n islike. n on't forget tht nyone n guess  lot out your hrter when you hoose  piee of hnkerhief.
1). oring to this pssge, _______.
. one n hoose his olor preferene
. one is orn with his olor preferene
. one's olor preferene is hngele
. one hs to hoose his fvorite olor s soon s he n see lerly
2).  We woul py ttention to olors euse _______.
. olors o hve effet on our moos(情绪)   
. olors my hve effet on our work n stuy
. light n right olors mke people hppy   
. u n know your friens etter y the olors they like or islike
3). The min ie of this pssge is ________.
. one's olor preferene shows one's hrter
. you n righten your life with wonerful olors
. psyhologists hve een stuying the mening of olor preferene
. one's olor preferene hs something to o with his hrter n olors hve effets on humn eings
4). The writer elieves tht in relizing the four moerniztions of ountry, we nee more people who love _______.
. yellow
. re
. green
. lk
5). "I m feeling lk"mens ______.
. I m feeling well
. I m very hppy
. I m exite
.  I m epresse


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