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[东北财经] 16秋东财《大学体验英语(基础教程)》在线作业二资料

发表于 2016-10-28 10:14:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一、单选(共 30 道试题,共 30 分。)

1.  There ws no hoie ut_____ inoors, s it ws rining hr outsie.
. sty up
. stye
. stying up
. to sty
2.  Suh nole ees of the otors n nurses n't e only____ with money.
. rewre
. wre  
. prise
. vlue
3.   We volunteere to ollet money to help the ______ of the tsunmi.
. vitims
.  folks
. fellows
. villgers
4.  The poliemn sve the little girl from the gngs. He's never fri of them. I think he is  mn of _________.
. importne
. use
. ourge
. vlue
5.  When we finlly rrive,  ly gve us  ____ introution of the university.
. ler
. rief
. min
. strt
6.  -Why hven't you ought ny utter? -I_____ to ut I forgot out it.
. like
. wishe
. ment
. expete
7.  There ws no hoie ut_____ inoors, s it ws rining hr outsie.
. sty up
. stye
. stying up
. to sty
8.  If you spen enough money vertising, your prout sles will surely_________.
. expn
. enlrge
. exten
. inrese
9.  You n't imgine tht  gentlemn ____ e so rue to  ly.
. nee
. shoul
. my
. woul
10.  The surgeon_______ his exellent skill in rrying out the opertion.
. represente
. instrute
. emonstrte
. exhiite
11.  We shoul write________, even when there's not muh to sy.
. now n then
. y n y
. step y step
. more or less
12.  If you on't tke wy ll your things from the esk, there won't e enough_____ for my sttionery.
. re
. ple
. room
. surfe
13.  It is wiely epte tht young ies lern to o things euse ertin ts le to________.
. rewrs
. prizes
. wrs
. results
14.  He wrote this rtile to_____ his point.
. mke
. give
. hve
. sy
15.  She roke it y ient. _____ the whole, she in't o it _____ purpose.
. t, on
. In, on
. On, on
. On,for
16.  My knowlege of Hong Kong me only from some movies: ____ of riminls re pursue y the polie in the nrrow streets n then they hve  fight.  
. group
. tem
. lss
. gng
17.  We ll knew from the very _____ tht the pln woul fil.
. outome
. outset
. inome
. output
18.  The trgey of the innoent young rzilin oy kille y the ritish polie hs put the ritish polie in  iffiult________.
. osion
. se
. sitution
. kgroun
19.  -Exuse me, my I sk you some questions?
   ---Sorry, I'm too usy n hven't even  minute to________.
. spen
. spre
. shre
. stop
20.  Suh nole ees of the otors n nurses n't e only____ with money.
. rewre
. wre
. prise
. vlue
21.  ____ I know, there isn't suh  wor in English.
. s muh s
. So fr s
. s long s
. s soon s
22.  -Why hven't you ought ny utter?  -I_____ to  ut I forgot out it.
. like
. wishe
. ment
. expete
23.  Suh people shouln't e_______ into the prty.
. permitte
. mitte
. llowe
. gree
24.  We shoul write________, even when there's not muh to sy.
. now n then
. y n y
. step y step
. more or less
25.  y 1909, Pisso h______ himself s  pinter of gret tlent in Pris.
. me
. reognize
. mitte
. estlishe
26.  Everyone shoul fight for the_______ of their own ountry.
. fvor
. rewr
. honour
. prize
27.  The poliemn sve the little girl from the gngs. He's never fri of them. I think he is  mn of _________.
. importne
. use
. ourge
. vlue
28.  When we finlly rrive,  ly gve us  ____ introution of the university.
.  ler
. rief
. min
. strt
29.  The surgeon_______ his exellent skill in rrying out the opertion.
. represente
. instrute
. emonstrte
. exhiite
30.  y 1909, Pisso h______ himself s  pinter of gret tlent in Pris.
. me
. reognize
. mitte
. estlishe

二、完型填空(共 2 道试题,共 40 分。)

1.  Tourism is the temporry movement of people to estintions outsie their norml ples of work n resiene, the tivities ___31____ uring their sty in those estintions, n the filities rete to ___32___ their nees.
Tourism is  luxury. Until reently, prtiiption ___33____ restrite to the selet few ___34___oul ffor oth the time n money to trvel. ___35___, inrese leisure n higher inomes hve omine to enle more people to join in. Improvements in trnsporttion, n the growth of inlusive tours n other forms of reltively hep vtion trvel, hve further ____36____ the opportunity to trvel for plesure. Toy the mjority of people in the evelope worl n inresing numers in the eveloping ountries re tourists ___37___ some time in their lives. Tourism is no longer the speil right of  few ut is n epte n ___38____ expete prt of the life-styles of  lrge n growing numer of people.
Tourism is __39____mjor eonomi n soil signifine. More thn 270 million tourists spen $92 illion(US)nnully in ples outsie their own ountries. This is one of the lrgest items in the worl's foreign tre. With  worl growth in visitor rrivl rte of ____40___ 6 per ent per yer, tourism is lso one of the fstest growing eonomi tivities. It is the most importnt export inustry n erner of foreign exhnge in mny ountries.
. unertken
. to unertke
. unertking
. unertook
. emn
. request
. meet
. onsier
. is
. ws
. will e
. were
. they
. those
. who
. these
. Moreover
. Therefore
. n
.  However
. extene
. intene
. tene
. pretene
. in
. on
. over
. t
. even
. still
. so
. yet
. for
. of
. to
. fter
. onsierly
.  reltively
.  signifintly
. pproximtely

2.  hrlie me from  poor villge. His prents h __1__ money to sen him to shool when he ws young. The oy ws very s. Mr. King live next to him. He foun the oy __2__ n h pity on him n lent some money to him. So the oy oul go to shool. He stuie hr n __3__ ll his lessons. When he finishe mile shool, the mn introue him to his frien in the town. n he egn to work.
One Mr. King ws seriously hurt in n ient. ying, he ske hrlie to tke re of his ughter, Shron. The young mn __4__ n severl yers lter he mrrie the girl. He love her very muh n trie his est to mke her hppy. He often ought eutiful lothes n eliious foo for her. He ws goo t ooking n he ooke __5__ for her. So she eme very ft n she felt it iffiult to wlk. n one y she foun there ws something wrong with her hert. Her husn wsn't t home n she h to go to __6__ t one. The otors looke her over n tol her __7__ et met, sugr, hoolte n things like these. She ws fri __8__ the otor's wors n wrote ll the nmes of the foo on the pper. When she got home, she put the list on the tle n __9__. When she returne home tht fternoon, she foun mny kins of foo: met, sugr n hoolte in the kithen. hrlie ws usy __10__ there. s soon s he sw her, he si hppily, "I've ought ll the foo you like, er!"
. no
. some
. enough
. lzy
. lever
. reful
. hr
.  i well in
.  ws poor t
.  ws working
. ws goo for
. ws ngry
. thought hr
. gree
. si "No."
. little
.  few
. mny
.  lot
. rest
. sleep
. hospitl
. work
. shoul
. woul
. to
. not to
. to rememer
. to forget
. to th
. to teh
. slept
. went out
.  ooke
. te
. reing
. seeing
.  ooking
. writing

三、阅读理解(共 3 道试题,共 30 分。)

1.       Even if you re  goo high-jumper, you n jump only out seven feet off the groun. You nnot jump ny higher euse the erth pulls you hr. The pull of the erth is lle grvity.
    You n esily fin out the pull of the erth. If you weigh yourself, you will know how muh grvity is pulling you.
    Sine there is grvity, wter runs own hill. When you throw  ll into the ir, it flls k own. euse of grvity, you o not fll off the erth s it whirls (旋转) roun.
    Then, n we get wy from the erth n go fr out into spe? Now you n o it, euse speships hve een invente. Then speship will go so fst tht it n espe (逃出) the erth's grvity n rry you into spe.
1). In this pssge, the wor "grvity" mens
. the pull of everything
. the fore of ttrtion (吸引) mong ojets
. the fore whih ttrts ojets towrs the entre of the erth
. the fore whih ttrts the erth towrs the sun
2). When you slip(滑) you lwys fll to the groun euse
. he erth lwys turns roun
. the erth hs grvity
. the erth's grvity is greter thn your weight   
. you re reless
3). Grvity is strong tht
. it n throw  ll into the ir
. it mkes you jump only seven feet
. it n let you fly wy from the erth
. it n keep everything on erth
4). euse of grvity,
. wter flows everything  
. we n go everywhere y ship
. wter lwys flows ownwrs
. fish n live in wter
5). We n get wy from the erth y speship euse
. the speship goes very fst
. the erth n't pull the speship
. the speship hs  strong fore
. the speship n jump higher thn other things
2.  Some otors use mgi, some use neeles n others use pills. Who re they?
mong the Inins of North meri the 'meiine mn' ws  very importnt per son. He oul ure illnesses, n he oul spek to the spirits-the supernturl fores tht ontrolle the worl.
The Inins elieve tht  spirits me people ill. So, when people were ill, the meiine mn trie to help them y using mgi-he spoke to the goo spirits n ske for their help. Mny people were ure euse they thought tht the spirits were helping them. ut relly these people ure themselves. Sometimes your own min is the est otor for you.
The meiine men were often suessful for nother reson, too. They knew out plnts tht relly n ure illnesses.  lot of moern meiines re me from plnts tht were use y meiine men hunres of yers go.
For more thn five thousn yers hinese otors hve use neeles to fight illnesses. This metho is lle upunture (针灸). The otor stuies the sik person re fully. Then he puts neeles into tht person's oy t the right ples for his illness. hinese otors elieve tht they n ontrol the oy's nturl fores in this wy. t first, otors in the West thought tht this ws just nother kin of mgi. Reently, however, they hve foun out tht it is possile to ure mny illnesses like this euse the neeles help the oy to proue its own 'meiines'. In this wy the oy ures itself.
1). The Inins of North meri enjoy _____.
.  moern meil tretment  
. n ol meil tretment
. n vne meil tretment
.  seret meil tretment
2). If one is iii, it is importnt for hint to _____.
. elieve in go   
. worry out his illness
.  use mgi
. hve  light hert
3). oring to this pssge moern meiines _____.
. hve nothing to o with the ol tritionl meiines
. hve nothing to o with the supernturl fores
.  hve nothing to o with plnts
. hve nothing to o with the Inins
4). Using neeles to fight illnesses _____.
.  use to e populr over the worl
. is use s nother kin of mgi
. is esy to lern y nyone
. ws first use y the hinese
5). upunture, in ft, ______.
. is the only wy to ure mny ngerous illnesses
. n e use to ure ll kins of illnesses
. is effetive to ure mny illnesses
. is populr mong the western people
3.  Even if you re  goo high-jumper, you n jump only out seven feet off the groun. You nnot jump ny higher euse the erth pulls you hr. The pull of the erth is lle grvity.
    You n esily fin out the pull of the erth. If you weigh yourself, you will know how muh grvity is pulling you.
    Sine there is grvity, wter runs own hill. When you throw  ll into the ir, it flls k own. euse of grvity, you o not fll off the erth s it whirls (旋转) roun.
Then, n we get wy from the erth n go fr out into spe? Now you n o it, euse speships hve een invente. Then speship will go so fst tht it n espe (逃出) the erth's grvity n rry you into spe.
1). In this pssge, the wor "grvity" mens
. the pull of everything
. the fore of ttrtion (吸引) mong ojets
. the fore whih ttrts ojets towrs the entre of the erth
. the fore whih ttrts the erth towrs the sun
2). When you slip(滑) you lwys fll to the groun euse
. the erth lwys turns roun
. the erth hs grvity
. the erth's grvity is greter thn your weight
. you re reless
3). Grvity is strong tht
. it n throw  ll into the ir  
. it mkes you jump only seven feet
. it n let you fly wy from the erth
. it n keep everything on erth
4). euse of grvity,
. wter flows everything
. we n go everywhere y ship
. wter lwys flows ownwrs
. fish n live in wter
5). We n get wy from the erth y speship euse .
. the speship goes very fst
. the erth n't pull the speship
. the speship hs  strong fore
. the speship n jump higher thn other things


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