一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)
V 1. Most of th poms in _____ sing of th “n-mss” n th slf s wll.
. Lvs of Grss
. rum Tps
. North of oston
. Th ntos
2. s grt fition writr, Willim Fulkr vots most of his works to th sription of th lif n th popl in th __________________________
. mrin Wst
. Nw ngln in mri
. mrin South
. mrin North
3. Shkspr ws th son of _________________________.
. lrk
. lnlor
. trr
. lwyr
4. Most of Hry’s ltr works show his ___________ viw of lif.
. optimisti
. pssimisti
. prtil
. ironil
5. John Milton is grt pot in th _____________________ Pori.
. Rnissn
. Nolssil
. Romnti
. Rlist
6. oring to Nthnil Hwthorn, thr is _________ in vry hrr, whih my rmin ltnt, prhps, through th whol lif; ut irumstns my rous it to tivity.
. vil
. virtu
. kinnss
. trgy
7. Mrk Twin’s first sussful litrry work is _____________________________.
. Th lrt Jumping Frog of lvrs ounty
. Lif on th Mississippi
. Th vntur of Tom Swyr
. Th vnturs of Huklrry Finn
8. _______ is usully rgr s lssi ook writtn for oys out thir prtiulr horrors n joys.
. Th vnturs of Tom Swyr
. Th vnturs of Huklrry Finn
. Innonts ro
. Lif on th Mississippi
9. on is not only ssyist n philosophr, ut lso _________________.
. lwyr
. sintist
. historin
. rmtist
10. ______ litrry worl turns out to most istur, tormnt n prolmtil on, whih hs muh to o with his “lk” vision of lif n humn ings.
. Hrmn Mlvill’s
. Wshington Irving’s
. Nthnil Hwthorn’s
. Wlt Whitmn’s
11. Willim Fulknr ws orn in fmily of _______________________.
. mrhnt
. olonl
. mngr
. otor
12. Th novl Pri n prjui y ustn minly ntrs roun th rltionship twn __________.
. Mr.nnt n Mrs.nnt
. ry n lizth
. ingly n Jn
. Sir Willim n Lus
13. ront Sistrs r ll outstning ________________.
. ssyists
. plywrights
. pots
. novlists
14. ltogthr, mily ikinson wrot ______ poms, of whih only svrn h ppr uring hr liftim.
. 1145
. 1775
. 897
. 785
15. Pry Shlly’s grtst hivmnt is his four- t poti rm “_____________”.
. Mn of ngln
. Promthus Unoun
. O to th Wst Win
. Th Rvolt of Islm
16. Shkspr is on of th grtst plywrights n _________________________ th worl hs vr known.
. pots
. novlists
. ssyists
. ritis
17. In his poms, Whitmn tns to us ______.
. orl nglish
. th King’s nglish
. mrin nglish
. ol nglish
18. In ______, Hwthorn sts out to prov tht vryon posssss som vil srt.
. “Th ustom-Hous”
. “Young Goomn rown”
. “Rppini’s ughtr”
. “Th irthmrk"
19. mong th works of risr, th t known to th hins rrs is _________________.
. n mrin Trgy
. Sistr rri
. Th Finnir
. Th Titn
20. ________ is ply tht onrns th prolm of morn mn’s intity.
. Th Hiry p
. Long y’s Journy Into Night
. Th Imn omth
. Th mpror Jons
21. In Ros for mily, Fulknr mks st us of th _______ vis in nrrtion.
. Romnti
. Rlisti
. Gothi
. Mornist
22. njmin Frnklin ws orn in th fmily of smll
. Lnlor
. mrhnt
. lwyr
. lrgymn
23. “____________________” is th ooprtiv work of Willim Worsworth n Smul olrig.
. Tintrn y
. Th Rim of th nint Mrinr
. Lyril lls
. Prlu
24. “_______________” is NOT on of th four grt trgis of Shkspr.
. Othllo
. King Lr
. Romo n Julit
. Mth
25. ___________________ is Hmingwy’s mstrpi, whih tlls story out th trgi lov of woun mrin solir with ritish nurs.
. Frwll to rms
. Th Sun lso Riss
. For Whom th ll Tolls
. In Our Tim
二、判断题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)
V 1. Wlt Whitmn follows only on thm in his Lvs of Grss, tht is, th urgoning lif in itis.
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2. Thoor risr is grtly influn y rwinism n it is not surprising to fin in his fition worl of jungl, whr “kill or to kill” is th lw.
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3. oring to mrson, mn is ivin in ntur n thrfor forvr prftil.
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4. Th pom “Song of Myslf” got this titl from th first ition.
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5. s Puritn, Hwthorn mr th Puritnil otrins n xprsss thm in his novls.
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6. Most of th poms in Lvs of Grss r writtn in hroi ouplt.
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7. Rort L Frost hs long n wll known s pot who longs to th nw.
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8. Novl writing m ig vn in th 18th ntury. th min hrtrs in th novls wr no longr ommon popl, ut th kings n nols.
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9. In styl, hr poms r hrtriz y thir rvity, irtnss n plinnss
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10. In “This is my lttr to th Worl” ikinson xprss hr rlutn to ommunit with th outsi worl.
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11. mrson’s lsting rputtion ws stlish y his mstrpi ssys.
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12. Lvs of Grss stlish Wlt Whitmn s th most populr mrin pot of th 19th ntury.
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13. Hwthorn is mstr of symolism, whih h took from th Puritn trition n quth to mrin litrtur in rvivifi form.
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14. ugn O’Nil, rthur Millr n Tnnss Willims r togthr ll “founrs of th mrin rm.”
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15. Th grtst nglish plywright of th 18th ntury ws Golsmith, whos st ply is "Th Shool for Snl".
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16. h of mily ikinson’s poms hs wll-hosn titl.
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17. Tss is rrst n hng us sh murrs hr sur lr.
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18. Rort Frost wrot most of his poms in fr vrs.
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19. Th fining forml hrtristis of th mornisti works r isontinuity n frgmnttion.
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20. In 1805, Southy omplt long utoiogrphil pom ntil "Th Prlu".
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21. mrsonin Trnsnntlism inspir whol gnrtion of fmous uthors lik Whitmn, ikinson n Mrk Twin.
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22. Hmingwy vlops th styl of olloquilism initit y Mrk Twin.
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23. mily ikinson’s poms r usully s on hr own xprins, hr sorrows n joys.
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24. Gorg rnr Shw ws orn in ulin, Sotln.
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25. Th Romnti g gn in 1789 whn Worsworth n olrig pulish thir joint work "Th Lyril lls".
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