一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。)
V 1. How mny mn r thr in rugy lgu tm
. tn
. lvn
. twlv
. thirtn
2. Th two prtis tht hv hl powr in ritin sin 1945 r ___________ .
. th morti Prty n th Rpulin Prty
. th onsrvtiv Prty n th Lor Prty
. th Lor Prty n th Soil morti Prty
. th Lor Prty n th morti Prty
3. Whih of th following is tru out th ritish ommonwlth?
. Mmrs of ntions r join togthr politilly.
. Th ommonwlth hs spil powrs.
. Th ision to om mmr of th ommonwlth is m y ritin.
. It is fr ssoition of inpnnt ountris tht wr on olonis of ritin.
4. Th Qun n tr hr nstry k for
. 200 yrs.
. 500 yrs.
. 1200 yrs.
. 1500 yrs
5. How mny yrs os norml hlor's gr ours lst
. two yrs.
. thr yrs.
. four yrs.
. fiv yrs.
6. Unr_ ,th ful systm in ngln ws ompltly stlish.
. King lfr
. Hnry II
. wr I
. Willim th onquror
7. Of tht figur, th numr of ovrss stunts in ritin is
. out 425 thousn.
. out 342 thousn.
. out 208 thousn.
. out 74 thousn
8. In ritin, usully th sm shool, infnt shool strts t ______
. 3
. 5
. 7
. 9
9. In ritin, usully th sm shool, sonry shool strts t _______
. 3
. 5
. 11
. 15
10. Wht proportion of its foo ns os ritin provi with its own griultur
. 50%.
. 60%.
. 70%.
. 80%.
11. Th us of th Hunr Yrs' Wr ws______.
. trritoril
. onomi
. prtly trritoril n prtly onomi
. prtly trritoril n prtly rligious
12. Northrn Irln, whih tks up th northrn fifth of Irln, is fourth politil ivision of ____.
. th Unit Kingom
. Irln
. Sotln
. Wls
13. In trms of prss, ____ r irt t rrs who wnt full informtion on wi rng of puli mttrs.
. qulity nwspprs
. tlois
. populr nwspprs
. mi-mrkt nwspprs
14. Footll is n nint gm, with origins lim in mny ountris, ut it ws Vitorin ritin tht first oifi th morn gm n st up th Footll ssoition in ______.
. 1863
. 1400
. 1356
. 1980
15. t hristms, th hom is ort with th following xpt _____.
. olorful ppr hins
. lvs of holly n mistlto
. young fir-tr
. firrkrs
16. Th nglish hnnl sprts th isln of Grt ritin from ____.
. nmrk
. lgium
. Frn
. th Nthrlns
17. Whih of th following sttmnts out lizth I(1 55 8-1 603)is tru?
. lizth ws 35 whn sh m to th thron.
. lizth rmin singl.
. lizth ws not l to work with Prlimnt.
. Hr rign ws tim of iminishing nglish ntionlism.
18. Wht r th full nnul fs for fulltim gr
. £1, 740.
. £4, 100
. £6, 500.
. £9, 250
19. How mny nw ook titls r pulish vry hour in ritin?
. Thirtn.
. Svn.
. Thr.
. On.
20. In summr thr r opn-ir thtrs, inluing on in Lonon's Rgnt's Prk, whr ____ r prform, n th Mink Thtr, whih is n opn liffsi nr Ln's n in ornwll.
. Willim Shkspr's plys
. hristophr Mrlow's plys
. n Johnson's plys
. Gorg rnr Shw's plys
21. Th numr of popl who wth TV sops is out
. 60%.
. 70%
. 80%.
. 90%.
22. Wht o you think th vrg wkly rning ris ws from 1970 to 2000
. From £10 to £80 wk.
. From £75 to £250 wk.
. From £35 to £362 wk.
. From £29 to £420 wk.
23. Whih is ritin's olst univrsity
. Oxfor.
. mrig.
. inurgh.
. Lonon.
24. Wht prntg of ritish popl tk prt in som kin of orgnis sport
. out two-thirs.
. out qurtr.
. out hlf
. out thr-qurtrs.
25. Wht is th vrg ost of n Opn Univrsity (istn) gr
. £1, 740.
. £4, 100
. £6, 500.
. £9, 250
26. Whih of th following is NOT tru out th nglo-Sxons?
. Thy wr rgr s froious(凶残的) popl.
. Thy stlish th mnoril systm.
. Thy ivi th ountry into iffrnt shirs.
. Thir tris wr slom t wr with on nothr.
27. ___________’s rign ws tim of onfint nglish ntionlism n of grt hivmnts in litrtur n othr rts.
. Mry
. Hnry VIII
. 1izth I
. hrls II
28. Th mjor hristin fstivls in ritin r___________ .
. hristms, str n Mothr’s y
. hristms, str n Whit Suny
. hristms,Guy Fwks y n St. Ptrik’s y
. hristms,Whit Suny n St. Gorg’s y
29. Whih nrgy sour is us to gnrt th most ltriity in ritin
. ol.
. Nulr.
. Gs.
. Hyro.
30. Th singulr of 'mi' is
. min.
. mium.
. mil.
. mit.
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)
V 1. Lor Prty is most likly to in fvor of Tx inntivs n othr support for ig usinss.
. 错误
. 正确
2. Shkspr's Glo Thtr still stns toy.
. 错误
. 正确
3. ll ulturs hv h litrtur for longr thn thr hs n writtn form of ny lngug. Suh litrturs still xist toy, n r ll 'orl litrturs'
. 错误
. 正确
4. pistolry mns in lttr-form.
. 错误
. 正确
5. Th 16th ntury sw th strution of mny grt works of rt in ngln.
. 错误
. 正确
6. Lor Prty is most likly to in fvor of fr housing mrkt with no rnt-ilings.
. 错误
. 正确
7. Th olst nwsppr in ritin, th Tims, ws foun in 1785.
. 错误
. 正确
8. Lor Prty is most likly to in fvor of Th sm ution systm for ll itizns
. 错误
. 正确
9. n pistolry novl is story in whih somon shoots th hro with gun.
. 错误
. 正确
10. Shkspr's Glo Thtr on ws rstor.
. 错误
. 正确
11. Th gts its rvnus from vrtising
. 错误
. 正确
12. Lor Prty is most likly to in fvor of Fr hlth srvis for ll popl, pi for y ntionl inom tx.
. 错误
. 正确
13. Lor Prty is most likly to in fvor of Rgultion n txtion of ig usinss.
. 错误
. 正确
14. pupils my sty on n tk qulifying xms for univrsity y18
. 错误
. 正确
15. owulf ws Swish hro
. 错误
. 正确
16. rosht in ritin is srious nwsppr
. 错误
. 正确
17. Lor Prty is most likly to in fvor of Privt ution for thos who n ffor it.
. 错误
. 正确
18. Tlvision hs lmost put n n to popl's rio listning
. 错误
. 正确
19. Lor Prty is most likly to in fvor of Low-ost housing for th low-slri workrs
. 错误
. 正确
20. Prlimnt is now tlvis in ritin
. 错误
. 正确