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[华中师范] 华师16秋《综合英语(3)》在线作业资料

发表于 2016-11-2 19:46:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、阅读理解(共 10 道试,共 100 分。)
V 1.  
Frnklin . Roosvlt, th 32n prsint of th Unit Stts, ws from  wlthy, wll-known fmily. s  hil, h ttn privt shool, h privt tutors, n trvl with his prnts to urop. H ttn Hrvr Univrsity, n ftrwr stui lw. t g 39 Roosvlt sunly vlop polio,  iss tht lft him without th full us of his lgs for th rst of his lif. vn through th worst of his illnss, howvr, h ontinu his lif in politis. In 1924 h ppr t th morti Ntionl onvntion to nomint l Smith for prsint, n ight yrs ftr tht h himslf ws nomint for th sm offi. Roosvlt ws lt to th prsiny uring th Grt prssion of th 1930s, t  tim whn mor thn 5,000 nks h fil n thousns of popl wr out of work. Roosvlt took tion. First h lr  nk holiy tht los ll th nks so no mor oul fil; thn h ropn th nks littl y littl with govrnmnt support. Roosvlt liv in using th full powr of govrnmnt to hlp wht h ll th “ forgottn popl”. n it ws ths workrs, th wg rnrs, who flt th strongst fftion towr Roosvlt. Thr wr othrs, howvr, who flt tht Roosvlt’s poliis wr stroying th mrin systm of govrnmnt, n thy oppos him in th sm intns wy tht othrs mir him.
In 1940 th morts nomint Roosvlt for n unprnt thir trm. No prsint in mrin history h vr srv thr trms, ut Roosvlt flt n oligtion not to quit whil th Unit Stts’ ntry into Worl Wr II ws looming in th futur. H pt th nomintion n wnt on to n sy vitory.
1). Wht os th pssg minly isuss?
. politil spts of Roosvlt’s lif
prolms uring th Grt prssion
. Roosvlt’s upringing
ritiisms of Roosvlt’s tions
2). s us in lin 10, th phrs “littl y littl” mns tht Roosvlt
opn th smllr nks first
. opn th nks for miniml srvis
opn th nks  fw t  tim
opn th nk for  short tim
3). Whih of th following sttmnts in NOT mntion in th pssg?
Roosvlt ws lt uring th Grt prssion
Roosvlt vot for l Smith
Roosvlt h iffiulty wlking uring his prsiny
. Roosvlt support strong govrnmnt
4).  Th wor “fftion” s us in lin 12 oul st  rpl y whih of th following?
. fonnss
5).  Th wor “unprnt” in lin 15 oul st  rpl y
.  unhr of
. unhmpr
rohyrts, whih r sugrs, r n ssntil prt of  hlthy it. Thy provi th min sour of nrgy for th oy, n thy lso funtion to flvor n swtn foos. rohyrts rng from simpl sugrs lik gluos to omplx sugrs suh s mylos n myloption. Nutritionists stimt tht rohyrts shoul mk up out on-fourth to on-fifth of  prson’s it. This trnslts to out 75-100 grms of rohyrts pr y.
it tht is fiint in rohyrts n hv n vrs fft on  prson’s hlth. Whn th oy lks  suffiint mount of rohyrts it must thn us its protin supplis for nrgy,  pross ll gluonognsis. This, howvr, rsults in  lk of nssry protin, n furthr hlth iffiultis my our.  lk of rohyrts n lso l to ktosis,  uil-up of ktons in th oy tht uss ftigu, lthrgy n  rth.

1). Wht’s th min i of this pssg?
rohyrts r n for goo hlth
. rohyrts prvnt  uil-up of protins.
rohyrts n l to ktosis
rohyrts r n xpnl prt of  goo it
2). oring to th pssg, whih of th following os NOT sri rohyrts?
protin supply
rng of sugrs
n nrgy sour
3). Th wor “lk” in lin9 is most similr to whih of th following?
4). Whih of th following st sri th uthor’s ton?
.  motionl
. informtiv
5). Whih of th following st sris th orgniztion of this pssg?
us n rsult
. omprison n ontrst
spifi to gnrl
finition n xmpl
lzhimr’s iss impirs  prson’s ility to rll mmoris, oth istnt n s rnt s  fw hours for. lthough thr is not yt  ur for th illnss, thr my  hop for  ur with  protin ll nrv growth ftor. Th protin is prou y nrv lls in th sm rgion of th rin whr lzhimr’s ours. s on this rltionship, sintists from th Univrsity of Lun in Swn n th Univrsity of liforni t Sn igo sign n xprimnt to tst whthr oss of nrv growth ftor oul rvrs th ffts of mmory loss us y lzhimr’s. Using  group of rts with impir mmory, th sintists gv hlf of th rts oss of nrv growth ftor whil giving th othr hlf  loo protin s  plo, thus rting  ontrol group. t th n of th four-wk tst, th rts givn th nrv growth ftor prform qully to rts with norml mmory ilitis. Whil th xprimnts o not show tht nrv growth ftor n stop th gnrl pross of triortion us y lzhimr’s, thy o show potntil s  mns to slowing th pross signifintly.

1). With wht topi is this pssg minly onrn?
. impir mmory of ptints
. urs for lzhimr’s iss
th us of rts s xprimntl sujts
nrv growth ftor s  ur for lzhimr’s
2). oring to th pssg, whr is nrv growth ftor prou in th oy?
in nrv lls in th spinl olumn
.  in r loo lls in th irultory systm
in nrv lls in th rin
in th pituitry gln
3). Whih of th following n  infrr from th pssg?
lzhimr’s iss is ly
. Though unsussful, th xprimnts i show som nfits riv from nrv growth ftor.
. th xprimnts i not show ny signifint nfits from nrv growth ftor
mor work ns to  on to unrstn th ffts of nrv growth ftor
4). Whih of th following oul st rpl th worl “potntil” in lin 11?
. pnility
5). Th pssg most losly rsmls whih of th following pttrns of orgniztion?
hronologil orr
sttmnt n illustrtion
. us n fft
lphtil orr
Mrtin Luthr King, Jr., is wll known for his work in ivil rights n for his mny fmous sphs. mong thm his moving “I hv  rm” sph. ut fwr popl know muh out King’s hilhoo. M. L., s h ws ll, ws orn in 1929 in tlnt, Gorgi, t th hom of his mtrnl grnfthr. M. L.’s grnfthr, th Rvrn .. Willims, purhs thir hom on uurn vnu in 1909. twnty yrs for M.L. ws orn. Th Rvrn Willims, n loqunt spkr, ply n importnt rol in th ommunity sin so mny popl’s livs ntr roun th hurh. H llow his hurh n his hom to  us s  mting pl for  numr of orgniztions it to th ution n soil vnmnt of lks. M.L. grw up in this tmosphr, with his hom ing us s  ommunity gthring pl, n ws no out influn y it.
M.L.’s hilhoo ws not spilly vntful. His fthr ws  ministr n his mothr ws  musiin. H ws th son of thr hilrn, n h ttn ll-lk shools in  lk nighorhoo. Th nighorhoo ws not poor, howvr. uurn vnu ws th min rtry through  prosprous nighorhoo tht h om to symoliz hivmnt for tlnt’s lk popl. It ws n r of nks, insurn ompnis, uilrs, jwlrs, tilors, otors, lwyrs, n othr lk-own of lk-oprt usinsss n srvis. vn in th f of tlnt’s sgrgtion, th istint thriv. r. King nvr forgot th ommunity spirit h h known s  hil, nor i h forgt th ril prjui tht ws  smingly insurmountl rrir tht kpt lk tlntns from mingling with whits.
1). Wht is this pssg minly out?
th prjui tht xist in tlnt
Mrtin Luthr King’s hilhoo
M.L.’s grnfthr
th nighorhoo King grw up
2). oring to th uthor, King ws influn y
ommunity spirit
lk lwyrs
his mothr
his sphs
3). s us in lin10, th wor “vntful” is losst in mning to whih of th following?
. vlu
. mmorl
. motionl
4). oring to th uthor, M.L.
h  iffiult hilhoo
ws  goo musiin s  hil
lov to listn to his grnfthr spk
grw up in  rltivly rih r of tlnt
5). oring to th uthor, lks in King’s nighorhoo wr involv in ll th following usinss n srvis XPT
. miin
.  lw
ftr two s of growing stunt nrollmnts n onomi prosprity, usinss shools in th Unit Stts hv strt to f hrr tims. Only Hrvr’s M Shool hs shown  sustntil inrs in nrollmnt in rnt yrs. oth Printon n Stnfor hv sn rss in thir nrollmnts. Sin 1990, th numr of popl riving Mstrs in usinss ministrtion (M) grs, hs ropp out 3 prnt to 75,000 n th trn of lowr nrollmnt rts is xpt to ontinu.
Thr r two ftors using this rs in stunts sking n M gr. Th first on is tht mny gruts of four-yr ollgs r fining tht n M gr os not gurnt  plush jo on Wll Strt, or in othr finnil istrits of mjor mrin itis. Mny of th ntry-lvl mngmnt jos r going to stunts gruting with Mstr of rts grs in nglish n th humnitis s wll s thos holing M grs. Stunts hv sk th qustion, “Is n M gr rlly wht I n to  st prpr for gtting  goo jo?” Th son mjor ftor hs n th utting of mrin pyrolls n th lowr numr of ntry-lvl jos ing offr. usinss ns r hnging, n M shools r struggling to mt th nw mns.
1). Wht is th min fous of this pssg?
. jos on Wll Strt
.  typs of grut gr
hngs in nrollmnt for M shools
how shools r hnging to rflt th onomy
2).  Whih of th following usinss shools hs NOT shown  rs in nrollmnt?
3). oring to th pssg, wht r two uss of lining usinss shool nrollmnts ?
lk of nssity for n M n n onomi rssion
low slry n forign omptition
. fwr M shools n fwr ntry-lvl jos
lining popultion n onomi prosprity
4). s us in lin7, th wor “ sking” oul st  rpl y whih of th following?
. voiing
5). Whih of th following might  th topi of th nxt prgrph?
.  M shools fforts to hng
. futur onomi pritions
history of th rnt onomi hngs
sriptions of non-M grut progrms
Lngston Hughs ws on of th grtst mrin writrs of th twntith ntury. H ws orn in Joplin, Missouri, n mov to lvln t th g of fourtn. Svrl yrs ltr h spnt on yr in Mxio for ttning olumi Univrsity in Nw York. For  fw yrs ftr tht h rom th worl s  smn, visiting ports roun th worl n writing som potry. H rturn to th Unit Stts n ttn Linoln Univrsity, whr h won th Wittr ynnr Priz for unrgrut potry. ftr gruting in 1928, h trvl to Spin n to Russi with th hlp of  Guggnhin fllowship. His novl inlu Not Without Lughtr(1930) n Th ig S(1940). H wrot n utoiogrphy in 1956 n lso pulish svrl olltions of potry. Th olltions inlu Th Wry lus(1926), Th rm Kpr(1932), Shkspr in Hrlm(1942), Fils of Wonr(1947), On wy Tikt(1947), n Slt Poms(1959).  mn of mny tlnts, Hughs ws lso  lyriist, n  journlist. s n olr mn in th 1960s h spnt muh of his tim ollting poms from fri n from frin-mrins to populriz lk writrs. Hughs is on of th most omplish writrs in mrin litrry history, n h is sn s on of th rtisti lrs of th Hrlm Rnissn, th prio whn  nighorhoo tht ws prominntly lk prou  floo of grt litrtur, musi, n othr rt forms piting ily ity lif for frin-mrins.
1). Wht is th min topi of this pssg?
. th lif of Lngston Hughs
th Hrlm Rnissn
frin-mrin writrs
.  mrin twntith-ntury writrs
2). Whr ws Lngston Hughs orn?
. Spin
. Nw York
North rolin
3). Th wor “tlnts” in lin 10 oul  rpl y whih of th following?
4). oring to th pssg, Lngston Hughs ws ll of th following XPT
. pot
. historin
5). Wht provi Hughs with ssistn for his trvl to Spin n Russi?
his jo s  rportr
his rr s  solir
litrry fllowship
ollg stuy progrm
pilot nnot fly  pln y sight lon. In mny onitions, suh s flying t night n lning in ns fog,  pilot must us rr, n ltrntiv wy of nvigting. Sin humn ys r not vry goo t trmining sps of pprohing ojts, rr n show  pilot how fst nry plns r moving. Th si prinipl of rr is xmplifi y wht hppns whn on shouts in  v. Th ho of th souns ginst th wll hlps  prson trmin th siz of th v. With rr, howvr, th wvs r rio wvs inst of soun wvs. Rio wvs trvl t th sp of light, out 300,000 kilomtrs in on son.  rr st sns out  short urst of rion wvs. Thn it rivs th hos prou whn th wvs oun off ojts. y trmining th tim it tks for th hos to rturn to th rr st,  trin thniin n trmin th istn twn th rr st n othr ojts. Th wor “rr”, in ft, gts its nm from th trm “rio ttion n rnging”. “rnging” is th trm for ttion of th istn twn n ojt n th rr st. sis ing of ritil importn to pilots, rr is ssntil for ir trffi ontrol, trking wthr systms n storms.
1). Wht is th min topi of this pssg?
th ntur of rr
typs of rnging
.  ltrntivs to rr
history of rr
2). Whih of th following wors st sris th ton of this pssg?
3). Th wor “it” in lin7 rfrs to whih of th following?
  rr st
.  short urst
rion wv
4). Wht might  infrr out rr?
. It tks th pl of  rio
It gv irth to th invntion of th irpln
It vlop from  stuy of soun wvs.
It hs improv nvigtionl sfty.
5).  oring to th pssg, wht n rr tt sis lotion of ojts?
. wight
out 200 million yrs go, s th Trissi Prio m to  los, mny spis of nimls isppr from th f of th rth. Sintists prviously liv tht th sris of xtintions hppn ovr  prio of 15 to 20 million yrs. Rnt isovris in Nov Soti suggst, howvr, tht th xtintions my hv hppn ovr  muh shortr prio of tim, prhps lss thn 850,000 yrs.
vin for  rpi xtintion of spis t th n of th Trissi Prio is foun in th Moy rook Formtion long th y of Funy in Nov Soti. Fossils foun in this formtion init  rpi ispprn of spis rthr thn  slow n grul hng ovr tim. On xplntion for  rltivly sun xtintion t th n of th Trissi my  tht  lrg mtorit struk th rth t th tim n is rsponsil for  70-kilomtr hol nry. If gologists n othr rsrhs n fin vin, suh s shok qurtz in th rok formtions, tht  mtorit i strik th rth, it woul giv mor rn to th thory of rpi Trissi xtintions. It is possil, howvr, tht vn if  rpi xtintion hppn in n roun Nov Sti, it in’t nssrily our in th rst of th worl.
1). Wht is th min topi of this pssg?
th ispprn of niml spis t th n of th Trssi Prio
vin of  rltivly sun xtintion of spis
th possiility of n xtintion hppning simultnously throughout th worl
mtorit hol in th y of Funy in Nov Soti
2). Whih of th following is losst in mning to th wor “ rltivly” in lin7?
. omprtivly
3). Whih of th following st sris th uthor’s ton?
4). Whih of th following oul st rpl th wor “struk” s us in lin8?
5). ll of th following wr mntion in th pssg XPT
th xtintion of lt Trssi nimls
.  th urtion of tim for th xtintion
.   lrg mtorit hitting th rth 10 million yrs go
th us of typs of rok in sintifi rsrh
Som otors writ ntly n lrly, ut most otors o not. Thy writ vry quikly n untiily. ruggists hv lots of prti in ring otor’s nots, ut som tims otors writ so ly tht vn th ruggist nnot r thm.
On y  ly wrot  lttr to  otor inviting him to hv innr t hr hous. Th otor wrot  rply, ut h wrot so rlssly tht th ly oul not r it.
“Wht shll I o?” sh si to hr husn nxiously. “I on’t know if h is going to om or not. n I on’t wnt to phon him n sy tht I n’t r his writing.”
Hr husn frown thoughtfully. Thn h h n i.
“Tk it to th ruggist,” h si. “H will  l to r it sily.”
“Thnk you,” si th wif grtfully. “Tht’s  vry goo i.”
Sh wnt to th rugstor n gv th otor’s not to th ruggist. Th ruggist look t it vry rfully. Thn h got his glsss n look t th not mor losly.
“oul you wit  momnt, Mm?” h si politly. H wnt to th k of his stor. ftr  fw minuts h rturn, smiling hrfully n rrying  lrg ottl. H gv th ottl to th ly.
“Tk on spoonful for vry ml.” h si.
1). Most of th nots writtn y otors r______.
. nt

. sy to r
hr to r
2). Th otor in th story wrot  not to th ly to______.
nswr hr lttr
.  rjt hr invittion
.  pt hr invittion
hv innr t hr hous
3). Th ly took th not to th ruggist us______.
Sh ws sik.
Sh ouln’t r it.
. Hr husn n som miin.
Hr husn ws nxious to know its ontnt.
4). Who suggst tht th ly tk th not to th ruggist?
th otor
. th ruggist
th ly’s husn
th ly hrsrf
5). Th ruggist______.
. r th not sily
. r th not orrtly
i not giv th right miin
. thought th not ws  prsription
o you hv troul slping t night? Thn my this is for you.
Whn you worry out ning slp n twist roun trying to fin  omfortl position, you’r proly only mking it mor iffiult to rlx.
You my lso hv som  hits tht ontriut to th prolm. o you rst frquntly uring th y? o you think out slping  lot, or slping lt on wkns? ny or ll of ths ftors might  ling to your insomni y isrupting your oy’s nturl rhythms.
Wht shoul you o thn on thos slplss nights? on’t othr with slping pills; thy n tully us wors insomni ltr. Th st thing to o is to rink milk or t hs or tun fish. Thy r ll rih in n mino i tht hlps prou in th rin  nurotrnsmittr tht inus slp. This nurotrnsmittr will hlp you rlx, n you’ll  on th wy to gtting  goo night’s slp.

1). Wht is th purpos of th rtil?
.  to mk rommntion on snsil iting.
.  to rport th ltst vns in rin surgry.
to rlt n xprimnt omining slp n xris.
to vis on wys of ling with slp iffiultis.
2). oring to th writr, wht hppns whn you turn n twist to gt omfortl?
. Your hrt rt is lowr.
It oms hrr to rlx.
. You om too tir to slp.
Slp rhythms r isrupt.
3). oring to th uthor, wht somtims uss popl to hv troul slping?
Filur to rst uring th y.
.  Lk of slp on wkns.
. Vigorous xris in th vning.
ting hs for going to .
4).  Wht os th writr sy out slping pills?
Thy might vntully us you to los slp.
. Thy hlp prou  nurotrnsmittr in th rin.
You must not rink milk if you tk thm.
Thy mk it unnssry to tk nps.
5). Whih of th following is not   hit tht ontriuts to insomni?
Slping  lot on wkns.
Lk of xris.
. rinking milk.
Tking slping pills.


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