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[华中师范] 华师16秋《综合英语(6)》在线作业资料

发表于 2016-11-2 19:47:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、阅读理解(共 10 道试,共 100 分。)
V 1.  Of ll th rs of lrning th most importnt is th vlopmnt of ttitus. motionl rtions s wll s logil thought prosss fft th hvior of most popl.

"Th urnt hil frs th fir" is on instn; nothr is th ris of spots lik Hitlr. oth ths xmpls lso point up th ft tht ttitus stm from xprin. In th on s th xprin ws irt n imprssiv; in th othr it ws inirt n umultiv. Th Nzis wr inotrint lrgly y th sphs thy hr n th ooks thy r.

Th lssroom thr in th lmntry shool is in  strtgi position to influn ttitus. This is tru prtly us hilrn quir ttitus from thos ults whos wor thy rspt.

nothr rson, it is tru, is tht pupils oftn lv somwht ply into  sujt in shool tht hs only n touh upon t hom or hs possily vr ourr to thm for. To  hil who h prviously quir littl knowlg of Mxio, his thr's mtho of hnling suh  unit woul grtly fft his ttitu towr Mxins.

Th mi through whih th thr n vlop wholsom ttitus r innumrl. Soil stuis, sin mttrs of hlth n sfty, th vry tmosphr of th lssroom ... ths r  fw of th frtil fils for th inultion (反复灌输) of propr motionl rtions.

Howvr, whn hilrn om to shool with unsirl ttitus, it is unwis for th thr to ttmpt to hng thir flings y soling thm. Sh hiv th propr fft y hlping thm otin onstrutiv xprins.

Finlly,  thr must onstntly vlut hr own ttitus, us hr influn n  ltrious (有害的) if sh hs prsonl prjuis. This is spilly tru in rspt to ontrovrsil issus n qustions on whih hilrn shoul  nourg to rh thir own isions s  rsult of ojtiv nlysis of ll th fts.

1). Th ntrl i onvy in th pssg is tht _____.
. ttitus fft our tions

.  thrs ply  signifint rol in vloping or hnging pupils' ttitus

.  ttitus n  hng y som lssroom xprins

.  th lmntry shool is  mor fftiv miliu (环境) for vloping wholsom ttitus thn high shool or ollg.

2). Th uthor implis tht ____.
.  th thr shoul gui ll isussions y rvling hr own ttitu

. hilrn's ttitus oftn om from thos of othr hilrn

.  in som spts of soil stuis  grtr vrity of mthos n  us in th uppr grs thn in th lowr grs

.  shools shoul offr th stunt opportunitis for trvl so tht h n om into ontt with popl h woul not othrwis mt

3).   sttmnt NOT m or impli in th pssg is tht _____.
. ttitus n  s on th lrning of flshoos

.  ttitus n not sily  hng y rwrs n lturs

. worthwhil ttitus my  vlop in prtilly vry sujt r

. th ttitus of lmntry shoolg hilrn r influn primrily y th wy thy r trt s infnts

4). Th first n fourth prgrphs hv ll th following points in ommon XPT _____.
.  th importn of xprin in uiling ttitus

.  how ttitus n  hng in th lssroom

.  how ring ffts ttitus

. rfrn to stright thinking n ttitus

5).  In th son prgrph,  sustitut quottion to srv th writr's purpos woul  _____.
.  "Povrty is th prnt of rvolution n rim"

.  "Th vgon, whn rih, is ll  tourist"
. "H tht hth wif n hilrn hth givn hostgs to fortun"

.  "Nothing on rth onsums  mn mor quikly thn th pssion of rsntmnt"
2.  W ll know tht th norml humn ily yl of tivity is of som 7-8 hours' slp ltrntion with som 16-17 hour's wkfulnss n tht, roly spking, th slp normlly oinis with th hours of rknss. Our prsnt onrn is with how sily n to wht xtnt this yl n  moifi.
Th qustion is no mr mi on. Th s, for xmpl, with whih popl n hng from working in th y to working t night is  qustion of growing importn in inustry whr utomtion lls for roun-th-lok working of mhins. It normlly, tks from fiv ys to on wk for  prson to pt to  rvrs routin of slp n wkfulnss, slping uring th y n working t night. Unfortuntly, it is oftn th s in inustry tht shifts r hng vry wk;  prson my work from 12 minight to 8 .m. on wk, 8 .m. to 4 p.m. th nxt, n 4 p.m. to 12 minight th thir n so on. This mns tht no soonr hs h got us to on routin thn h hs to hng to nothr, so tht muh of his tim is spnt nithr working nor slping vry ffiintly.
Th only rl solution pprs to  to hn ovr th night shift to  numr of prmnnt night workrs. n intrsting stuy of th omsti lif n hlth of night-shifty workrs ws rri out y rown in 1957. Sh foun  high inin of istur slp n othr isorrs mong thos on ltrnting y n night shifts, ut no norml ourrn of ths phnomn mong thos on prmnnt night work.
This lttr systm thn pprs to  th st long-trm poliy, ut mnwhil somthing my  on to rliv th strins of ltrnt y n night work y slting thos popl who n pt most quikly to th hngs of routin. On wy of knowing whn  prson hs pt is y msuring his oy tmprtur. Popl ngg in norml ytim work will hv  high tmprtur uring th hours of wkfulnss n  low on t night; whn thy hng to night work th pttrn will only grully go k mth th nw routin n th sp with whih it os so prllls, roly spking, th pttion of th oy s  whol, prtiulrly in trms of prformn. Thrfor, y tking oy tmprtur t intrvls of two hours throughout th prio of wkfulnss it n  sn how quikly  prson n pt to  rvrs routin, n this oul  us s  sis for sltion. So fr, howvr, suh  form of sltion os not sm to hv n ppli in prti.

1). Why is th qustion of "how sily popl n gt us to working t night" not  mr mi qustion?
. us fw popl lik to rvrs th yl of slp n wkfulnss.
. us slp normlly oinis with th hours of rknss.

.  us popl r rquir to work t night in som fils of inustry.

.  us shift work in inustry rquirs popl to hng thir slping hits.

2). Th min prolm of th roun-th-lok working systm lis in _____.
. th inonvnins rought out to th workrs y th introution of utomtion
. th isturn of th ily lif yl of workrs who hv to hng shift too frquntly

.  th ft tht popl working t night r oftn lss fftiv

.  th ft tht it is iffiult to fin  numr of goo night workrs

3). Th st solution for implmnting th 24-hour working systm sms to  _____.
.  to hng shifts t longr intrvls
. to hv longr shift

.  to rrng for som popl to work on night shifts only
.  to rt ttr living onitions for night workrs

4). It is possil to fin out if  prson hs pt to th hngs of routin y msuring his oy tmprtur us _____.
. oy tmprtur hngs whn th yl of slp n wkfulnss ltrnts
.  oy tmprtur hngs whn h hngs to night shift or k

.  th tmprtur rvrss whn th routin is hng

. popl hv highr tmprturs whn thy r working ffiintly
5). Whih of th following sttmnts is NOT TRU?
. oy tmprtur my srv s n inition of  workr's prformn.
. Th sltion of  numr of prmnnt night shift workrs hs pro to  th st solution to prolms of th roun-th-lok working systm.

. Tking oy tmprtur t rgulr intrvls n show how  prson pts to th hngs of routin.

istur slp ours lss frquntly mong thos on prmnnt night or y shifts.
3.  Th work onsrvtion hs  thrifty mning. To onsrv is to sv n prott, to lv wht w ourslvs njoy in suh  goo onition tht othrs my lso shr th njoymnt. Our forfthrs h no i tht humn popultion woul inrs fstr thn th supplis of rw mtrils; most of thm, vn until vry rntly, h th foolish i tht th trsurs wr "limitlss" n "inxhustil". Most of th itizns of rlir gnrtions knw littl or nothing out th omplit n lit systm tht runs ll through ntur, n whih mns tht, s in  living oy, n unhlthy onition of on prt will soonr or ltr  hrmful to ll th othrs.
Fifty yrs go ntur stuy ws not prt of th shool; sintifi forstry ws  nw i; timr ws still hp us it oul  rought in ny quntity from istnt woolns; soil strution n rivr floos wr not ntionl prolms; nooy h yt stui long-trm limti yls in rltion to propr ln us; vn th wor "onsrvtion" h nothing of th mning tht it hs for us toy.
For th sk of ourslvs n thos who wil om ftr us, w must now st out rpiring th mistks of our forfthrs. onsrvtion shoul, thrfor,  m  prt of vryon's ily lif. To know out th wtr tl in th groun is just s importnt to us s  knowlg of th si rithmti formuls. W n to know why ll wtrshs n th prottion of plnt lif n why th running urrnt of strms n rivrs must  m to yil thir full nfit to th soil for thy finlly sp to th s. W n to know th importn of ig, mtur trs, us living sp for most of mn's fllow rturs on this plnt is figur not only in squr msur of surf ut lso in ui volum ov th rth. In rif, it shoul  our gol to rstor s muh of th originl uty of ntur s w n.

1). Th uthor's ttitu towrs th urrnt sitution in th xploittion of nturl rsours is _____.
.  positiv

.  suspiious

. nutrl

. ritil

2). oring to th uthor, th grtst mistk of our forfthrs ws tht _____.
. thy h no i out sintifi forstry

. thy h littl or no sns of nvironmntl prottion

. thy wr not wr of th signifin of ntur stuy

. thy h no i of how to mk goo us of rw mtrils

3). It n  infrr from th thir prgrph tht rlir gnrtions in't rliz _____.
. th intrpnn of wtr, soil, n living things

. th importn of th propr us of ln

.  th hrmfulnss of soil strution n rivr floos.

.  th vlu of th uty of ntur

4). To voi th mistks of our forfthrs, th uthor suggsts tht _____.
. w plnt mor trs

.  nturl sins  tught to vryon

. nvironmntl ution  irt towr vryon

. w rturn to ntur

5). Wht os th uthor imply y sying "living sp …is figur…lso in ui volum ov th rth" (Pr. 3. Lins 6--7)?
. Our living sp on th rth is gtting smllr n smllr.

. Our living sp shoul  msur in ui volum.

.  W n to tk som msurs to prott sp.

W must prsrv goo living onition for oth irs n nimls.
4.  Th rltionship twn th hom n mrkt onomis hs gon through two istint stgs. rly inustriliztion gn th pross of trnsfrring som proution prosss (.g. lothmking, swing n nning foos) from th hom to th mrktpl. lthough th hom onomy oul still prou ths goos, th prosss wr lorious n th mrkt onomy ws usully mor ffiint. Soon, th mor importnt son stg ws vint——th mrktpl gn prouing goos n srvis tht h nvr n prou y th hom onomy, n th hom onomy ws unl to prou thm (g. ltriity n ltril pplins, th utomoil, vn ution, sophistit mil r). In th son stg, th qustion of whthr th hom onomy ws lss ffiint in prouing ths nw goos n srvis ws irrlvnt; if th fmily wr to njoy ths fruits of inustriliztion, thy woul hv to  otin in th mrktpl. Th tritionl wys of tking r of ths ns in th hom, suh s in nursing th sik, m soilly unptl (n, in most srious ss, proly lss sussful). Just s th pprn of th utomoil m th us of th hors-rwn rrig illgl n thn imprtil, n th pprn of tlvision hng th rio from  sour of ntrtinmnt to  sour of kgroun musi, so most of th fruits of onomi growth i not inrs th options vill to th hom onomy to ithr prou th goos or srvis or purhs thm in th mrkt. Growth rought with it inrs vrity in onsumr goos, ut not inrs flxiility for th hom onomy in otining ths goos n srvis. Inst, onomi growth rought with it inrs onsumr rlin on th mrktpl. In orr to onsum ths nw goos n srvis, th fmily h to ntr th mrktpl s wg rnrs n onsumrs. Th nolssil mol tht viws th fmily s iing whthr to prou goos n srvis irtly or to purhs thm in th mrktpl is silly  mol of th first stg. It nnot urtly  ppli to th son (n urrnt) stg.

1). Th rson why mny proution prosss wr tkn ovr y th mrktpl ws tht _____.
.  it ws  nssry stp in th pross of inustriliztion
.  thy pn on ltriity vill only to th mrkt onomy

.  it ws troulsom to prou suh goos in th hom

.  th mrktpl ws mor ffiint with rspt to ths prosss

2).  It n  sn from th pssg tht in th son stg _____.
. som tritionl goos n srvis wr not sussful whn provi y th hom onomy

.  th mrkt onomy provi nw goos n srvis nvr prou y th hom onomy

. prouing tritionl goos t hom m soilly unptl

. whthr nw goos n srvis wr prou y th hom onomy m irrlvnt

3). uring th son stg, if th fmily wnt to onsum nw goos n srvis, thy h to ntr th mrktpl _____.
.  s wg rnrs

.  oth s mnufturrs n onsumrs

.  oth s workrs n purhsrs

. s ustomrs

4). onomi growth i not mk it mor flxil for th hom onomy to otin th nw goos n srvi us _____.
. th fmily ws not ffiint in proution

.  it ws illgl for th hom onomy to prou thm

.  it oul not supply thm y itslf

. th mrkt for ths goos n srvis ws limit

5). Th nolssil mol is silly  mol of th first stg, us t this stg _____.
. th fmily oul rly ithr on th hom onomy or on th mrktpl for th n goos n srvis

. mny proution prosss wr ing trnsfrr to th mrktpl

. onsumrs rli mor n mor on th mrkt onomy

th fmily oul i how to trnsfr proution prosss to th mrktpl
Our ultur hs us most mrins to ssum not only tht our lngug is univrsl ut tht th gsturs w us r unrstoo y vryon. W o not rliz tht wving goo-y is th wy to summon  prson from th Philippins to on's si, or tht in Itly n som Ltin-mrin ountris, urling th fingr to onslf is  sign of frwll. Thos privt itizns who snt pkgs to our troops oupying Grmny ftr Worl Wr II n mrk thm GIFT to sp uty pymnts i not othr to fin out tht "Gift" mns poison in Grmn. Morovr, w lik to think of ourslvs s frinly, yt w prfr to  t lst 3 ft or n rm's lngth wy from othrs. Ltins n Mil strnrs lik to om losr n touh, whih mks mrins unomfortl. Our linguisti n ulturl linnss n th sulnss with whih w tk noti of th vlop tsts, gsturs, ustoms n lngugs of othr ountris, r losing us frins, usinss n rspt in th worl. vn hr in th Unit Stts, w mk fw onssions to th ns of forign visitors. Thr r no informtion signs in four lngugs on our puli uilings or monumnts; w o not hv multilingul (多语言的)gui tours. Vry fw rsturnt mnus hv trnsltions, n multilingul witrs, nk lrks n polimn r rr. Our trnsporttion systms hv mps in nglish only n oftn w ourslvs hv iffiulty unrstning thm. Whn w go ro, w tn to lustr in hotls n rsturnts whr nglish is spokn. Th ttitus n informtion w pik up r onition y thos ntivs — usully th rihr — who spk nglish. Our usinss lings, s wll s th ntion's iplomy, r onut through intrprtrs. For mny yrs, mri n mrins oul gt y with ulturl linnss n linguisti ignorn. ftr ll, mri ws th most powrful ountry of th fr worl, th istriutor of n funs n goos. ut ll tht is pst. mrin ollrs no longr uy ll goo things, n w r slowly ginning to rliz tht our propr rol in th worl is hnging.  1979 Hrris poll rport tht 55 prnt of mrins wnt this ountry to ply  mor signifint rol in worl ffirs; w wnt to hv  hn in th importnt isions of th nxt ntury, vn though it my not lwys  th uppr hn.
1).  It n  infrr tht mrins ing pproh too losly y Mil strnrs woul most proly .
stn still
   jump si
stp forwr
rw k
2).  Th uthor givs mny xmpls to ritiiz mrins for thir _________.
. ulturl slf-ntrnss
.  sul mnnrs

.  iniffrn towrs forign visitors
. rrogn towrs othr ulturs
3).  In ountris othr thn thir own most mrins __________ .
. r isolt y th lol popl

. r not wll inform u to th lngug rrir

. tn to gt long wll with th ntivs
      n intrprtrs in hotls n rsturnts
4). 4. oring to th uthor, mrins' ulturl linnss n linguisti ignorn will ________ .
.  fft thir img in th nw r

. ut thmslvs off from th outsi worl

.  limit thir rol in worl ffirs

. wkn th position of th US ollr
5). 5. Th uthor's intntion in writing this rtil is to mk mrins rliz tht ________ .
. it is ngrous to ignor thir forign frins

. it is importnt to mintin thir ling rol in worl ffirs

.  it is nssry to us svrl lngugs in puli pls

   it is tim to gt quint with othr ulturs
Th lin in morl stnrs, whih hs long onrn soil nlysts, hs t lst ptur th ttntion of vrg mrins. n Jn thk lshtin, for on, is gl.
Th ft tht orinry itizns r now strting to think sriously out th ntion's morl limt, sys this this (伦理学) profssor t th Univrsity of higo, is rson to hop tht nw is will om forwr to improv it.
ut th hllng is not to  unrstimt. Mtrilism n iniviulism in mrin soity r th iggst ostls. "Th thought tht 'I'm in it for m' hs om ply root in th ntionl onsiousnss," Ms. lshtin sys.
Som of this n  ttriut to th isintgrtion of tritionl ommunitis, in whih nighors look out for on nothr, sh sys. With toy's grtr moility n with so mny oupls working, thos ons hv n wkn, rpl y  grtr mphsis on slf.
In  1996 poll of mrins, loss of morlity topp th list of th iggst prolms fing th U.S. n lshtin sys th puli is orrt to sns tht: t show tht mrins r struggling with prolms unhr of in th 1950s, suh s lssroom violn n  high rt of irths to unmrri mothrs.
Th sir for  highr morl stnr is not  lmnt (挽歌) for som nonxistnt "goln g," lshtin sys, nor is it  wishful ( 一厢情愿的 ) longing for  tim tht ni opportunitis to womn n minoritis. Most popl, in ft, fvor th lssning of prjui.
Morl lin will not  rvrs until popl fin wys to ountr th mtrilism in soity, sh sys. "Slowly, you rogniz tht th things tht mttr r thos tht n't  ought."
1).  Profssor lshtin is pls to s tht mrins________.
   hv pt to  nw st of morl stnrs
. r longing for th rturn of th goo ol ys
    hv rliz th importn of mtril things
r wkning to th lowring of thir morl stnrs
2). Th morl lin of mrin soity is us minly y
.  its growing wlth

. th slf-ntrnss of iniviuls

.  unrstimting th impt of soil hngs
th prjui ginst womn n minoritis
3). Whih of th following hrtrizs th tritionl ommunitis?
. Grt moility.

onrn for on's nighors.
mphsis on iniviul ffort.
. vr-wkning soil ons.
4). In th 1950s, lssroom violn
. ws somthing unhr of

ws y no mns  rr ourrn
ttrt  lot of puli ttntion
gn to ppr in nlysts' t
5).  oring to lshtin, th urrnt morl lin my  rvrs
. if popl n rturn to th "goln g"

. whn womn n mn njoy qul rights

.  whn popl ri thmslvs of prjui

if lss mphsis is li on mtril things
7.  In th ys immitly following hurrin nrw's ly visit to South Flori, llstt Insurn hstily ispth mor thn 2,000 xtr lim justrs to th vstt r to ssist th 200 sttion thr. Mny of th rsrvs rriv in onvoys of motor homs. Othrs flw in stt rush to st up its own ommunitions systm. llstt xpts to py out '1.2 illion to ovr mor thn 121,000 mg lims s  rsult of nrw.

ll tol, U.S. proprty n sulty insurrs hv n hit with mor thn '8 illion in nrw rlt lims, mking th hurrin th most ostly singl lmity to strik th inustry sin th Sn Frniso rthquk n fir in 1906(ost:'6 illion, ftr infltion). With lims ontinuing to pour in, nrw thrtns to tk  pinful toll on th lry ttr proprty sulty insurn inustry n its 100 million poliy holrs. Th finl ill, nlysts prit, is likly to top '10 illion, Whil most wll pitliz insurrs r xpt to wthr th storm, lss nhor firms r in ngr of ing lown wy, lving U.S. onsumrs stuk with th t. Sys Sn Moony igs itslf out from th wrkg lft y nrw. Som [ompnis] will  uri y it."

Hurrin nrw is th ltst in  string of mishps to plgu th mrin insurn inustry this yr. In pril n ovrflowing higo Rivr floo th ity's owntown istrit, osting insurrs '300 million in lims.  month ltr, Los ngls ws rok y th worst ivilin riot in th U.S. sin th ivil Wr. Th insurn toll: '1 illion. Thn m  sris of mjor hilstorms in Txs, Flori n Knss. Thy ost insurrs  omin '700 million. n two wks ftr nrw, nothr lthl hurrin, Iniki, smsh into Hwii, using '1.4 illion in mgs. In ll, proprty n sulty insurrs hv pi out  ror '13 illion in lims so fr this yr, fr surpssing th prvious high of '7.6 illion in 1989, th yr of Hurrin Hugo n liforni's y r rthquk. Just s in tht yr whn thos tstrophs wr follow y sustntil inrss in insurn prmiums, insurrs r lry loying for rt rlif.

1). oring to th pssg, "llstt Insurn" most likly rfrs to _____.
.  on of th proprty n sulty insurrs in th U.S.

.  th only insurn ompny rsponsil for th mg lims y nrw

.  th insurn inustry s  whol

. th iggst insurn ompny in th U.S.

2). s is stt in th son prgrph, th rsult of Hurrin nrw is likly to _______.
. l to infltion throughout th U.S.

.  mk th lrgst insurrs suffr th most

. put th inustry in South Flori out of tion

.  us insurrs with insuffiint funs to go nkrupt

3). Using ontxt lus, w my infr tht "stuk with th t" most proly mns ______.
.  "ught in th hurrin"

. "xpos to nturl isstrs"

.  "trpp in finnil iffiultis"

.  "xtrmly vulnrl to furthr mgs"

4). Th n of th pssg implis tht, to ompnst for thir hug loss, th insurrs will ______.
.  rsort to  vry ig inrs in insurn prmiums
.  sk for susiis(补贴)from th frl govrnmnt

.  ru thir insurn ovrg thr ftr

.  rquir  highr intrst rt from th nk

5). Th min purpos of th pssg is to ______.
. show th svr mgs n hvy losss us y Hurrin nrw
.  suggst tht U.S. insurrs r virtully unl to ovr th mg lims ny mor
.  tll out th iffiult sitution f y th insurrs throughout th U.S.

prov tht isstrs tn to us vr worsning vsttion s tim gos on
Sx n onntions: ths r not th ritri on whih sin shoul  jug, lst of ll y sintists. ut in th first xtnsiv nlysis of th wy tht fllowships in sin r wr, whih is pulish this wk in Ntur, hristin Wnnrs n gns Wol, miroiologists t Gothnurg Univrsity, in Swn, foun tht ths ftors mttr s muh s, if not mor thn, sintifi mrit.

Pr rviw, th vlution (oftn nonymous) of  pi of sintifi work y othr sintists in th sm fil, is ntrl to th wy in whih sin pros. Journls us it to hlp i whthr to pulish pprs n funing gnis us it whn iing to whom to wr grnts.

r. Wnnrs n r. Wol nlyz th rviws of th 114 pplitions tht th Swish Mil Rsrh ounil riv for th 20 postotorl fllowships it offr in 1995. Of th pplints, 46% wr womn. Of th sussful ripints of th wrs, only 20% wr womn. In prinipl, of ours, tht might rflt thir ilitis. In prti, othr ftors sm to  t work.

Whn th ounil gts  grnt pplition, it is vlut y fiv rviwrs, on thr msurs: sintifi omptn, th propos mthoology n th rlvn of th rsrh. h msur is givn  sor of twn zro n four; h rviwr’s sors r multipli togthr, giving  singl sor twn zro n 64; n finlly, th sors from th rviwrs r vrg togthr, giving th totl sor.

r. Wnnrs n r. Wol intifi, ftr rful nlysis, two ftors tht improv th sors signifintly: ing ml n knowing  rviwr. In ft, th iffrn ws so grt tht in orr to gt th sm omptn sor s  mn,  womn n ithr to know somon in th ommitt or to hv pulish thr mor pprs thn th mn in Ntur or Sin. It is oftn jok tht  womn hs to  twi s goo s  mn to o wll; r. Wnnrs n r. Wol foun tht sh n to , on vrg, 2.5 tims s goo on thir msurs to  rt s highly y rviwrs. Suh ing th s, mitious womn woul prhps o wll to rturn to  tim-honor ut supposly osolt trition, n pply unr  ml nm.
1).  Wht is this pssg minly out?
uss in pr rviw.
    Fvoritism in grnting fllowships.
     omprison of ml n fml sintists.
    Sx isrimintion in th sin worl.
2).  Wht is th othr most importnt ftor si sx tht my fft pr rviw sors?
     Pulition of pprs in mjor sin journls.
     omptn of th rsrhr.
      Mthos us y th rsrhr.
3).  Wht os th wor “rlvn” in th fourth prgrph proly mn?
      Prtil vlu or importn.
     Proility of suss.
4).  Wht os th uthor suggst y using “supposly” in th lst sntn?
    It is no longr fshionl for womn to writ unr ml nms.
is ginst womn still xists toy.
    Womn toy r on n qul footing with mn.
   Nowys womn o s wll in sin s mn.
5).  This pi of writing is most likly ____.
  nws rport
       rsrh ppr
    n rgumnt
For n inrsing numr of stunts t mrin univrsitis, Ol is sunly in. Th rson is ovious: th grying of mri mns jos. oupl with th ging of th y-oom (生育高峰) gnrtion,  longr lif spn mns tht th ntion's lrly popultion is oun to xpn signifintly ovr th nxt 50 yrs. y 2050, 25 prnt of ll mrins will  olr thn 65, up from 14 prnt in 1995. Th hng poss profoun qustions for govrnmnt n soity, of ours. ut it lso rts rr opportunitis in miin n hlth profssions, n in lw n usinss s wll. "In ition to th otors, w'r going to n mor soiologists, iologists, urn plnnrs n spiliz lwyrs," sys Profssor wr Shnir of th Univrsity of Southrn liforni's (US) Shool of Grontology (老年学).
Lwyrs n spiliz in "lr lw," whih ovrs vrything from trusts n stts to nursing-hom us n g isrimintion (歧视). usinssmn s hug opportunitis in th lr mrkt us th y oomrs, 74 million strong, r likly to  th wlthist group of rtirs in humn history. "ny stunt who omins n xprt knowlg in grontology with, sy, n M or lw gr will hv  lins to print mony," on profssor sys.
Mrgrit Sntos is  21-yr-ol snior t US. Sh gn ollg s iology mjor ut foun sh ws "rlly or with tri. "So sh took  lss in grontology n isovr tht sh lik it. Sh sys, "I i voluntr work in rtirmnt homs n it ws vry stisfying."
1).  "… Ol is sunly in" most proly mns"______".
. mri hs sunly om  ntion of ol popl

. grontology hs sunly om populr
. mor lrly profssors r foun on mrin mpuss
mrin ollgs hv rliz th n of nrolling olr stunts
2).  With th ging of mri, lwyrs n nfit ______.
.  from th option of th "lr lw"
.  from rnring spil srvis to th lrly
. y nrihing thir profssionl knowlg

y winning th trust of th lrly to promot thir own intrsts
3).  Why n usinssmn mk mony in th mrging lr mrkt?
.  Rtirs r mor gnrous in spning mony.

. Thy n mploy mor grontologists.

. Th lrly possss n normous purhsing powr.

Thr r mor lrly popl working thn for.
4).  Who n mk ig mony in th nw ntury oring to th pssg?
. Rtirs who r usinss-min.
. Th voluntr workrs in rtirmnt homs.
.  ollg gruts with n M or lw gr.
.   Profssionls with  goo knowlg of grontology.
5). 15. It n  sn from th pssg tht th xpnsion of mri's lrly popultion ________.
will provi goo jo opportunitis in mny rs
   will impos n unrl urn on soity
my l to nursing hom us n g isrimintion
will rt nw fils of stuy in univrsitis  
10.  It is hr to prit how sin is going to turn out, n if it is rlly goo sin it is impossil to prit. If th things to  foun r tully nw, thy r y finition unknown in vn. You nnot mk hois in this mttr. You ithr hv sin or you on't, n if you hv it you r olig to pt th surprising n isturing pis of informtion, long with th nt n promptly usful its.

Th only soli pi of sintifi truth out whih I fl totlly onfint is tht w r profounly ignornt out ntur. In, I rgr this s th mjor isovry of th pst hunr yrs of iology. It is, in its wy, n illuminting pi of nws. It woul hv mz th rightst mins of th 18th ntury nlightnmnt to  tol y ny of us how littl w know n how wilring sms th wy h. It is this sun onfronttion with th pth n sop of ignorn tht rprsnts th most signifint ontriution of th 20th ntury sin to th humn intllt. In rlir tims, w ithr prtn to unrstn how things work or ignor th prolm, or simply m up storis to fill th gps. Now tht w hv gun xploring in rnst, w r gtting glimpss of how hug th qustions r, n how fr from ing nswr. us of this, w r prss. It is not so  ing ignornt if you r totlly ignornt; th hr thing is knowing in som til th rlity of ignorn, th worst spots n hr n thr th not-so- spots, ut no tru light t th n of th tunnl nor vn ny tunnls tht n yt  trust.

ut w r mking  ginning, n thr ought to  som stisftion. Thr r proly no qustions w n think up tht n't  nswr, soonr or ltr, inluing vn th mttr of onsiousnss. To  sur, thr my wll  qustions w n't think up, vr, n thrfor limits to th rh of humn intllt, ut tht is nothr mttr. Within our limits, w shoul  l to work our wy through to ll our nswrs, if w kp t it long nough, n py ttntion.

1). oring to th uthor, rlly goo sin _______.
. woul surpris th rightst mins of th 18th ntury nlightnmnt

.  will prou rsults whih nnot  forsn

. will hlp popl to mk th right hoi in vn

. will ring out isturing rsults

2). It n  infrr from th pssg tht sintists of th 18th ntury _______.
.  thought tht thy knw  grt l n oul solv most prolms of sin

. wr fri of fing up to th rlitis of sintifi rsrh

.  knw tht thy wr ignornt n wnt to know mor out ntur

. i mor hrm thn goo in promoting mn's unrstning of ntur

3). Whih of th following sttmnts is NOT tru of sintists in rlir tims?
. Thy invnt fls thoris to xplin things thy in't unrstn.
. Thy flsly lim to know ll out ntur.

. Thy i not liv in rsults from sintifi osrvtion.

.  Thy pi littl ttntion to th prolms thy in't unrstn.

4). Wht is th uthor's ttitu towrs sin?
. H is prss us of th ignorn of sintists.

.  H is outful us of th normous iffiultis onfronting it.

. H is onfint though h is wr of th normous iffiultis onfronting it.
. H is light us of th illuminting sintifi finings.
5). Th uthor livs tht ______.
.  mn n fin solutions to whtvr qustions onrning ntur h n think up
. mn nnot solv ll th prolms h n think up us of th limits of humn intllt

.  soonr or ltr mn n think up ll th qustions onrning ntur n nswr thm

qustions onrning onsiousnss r outsi th sop of sintifi rsrh


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