一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。)
V 1. Whih of th following is NOT tru out n intrntionl turnky projt
. Th firm unrtks ll th signing, ontrting n fility quipping.
. Suh projts r oftn lrg n omplx.
. Suh projts oftn tk long prio to omplt.
. Th firm mks profit from oprting th projt for prio.
2. Whih of th following is NOT tru out th uropn Union
. It limint th ost of ross-orr trnstions.
. It rliz ttr onomis of sl.
. It m th uropn ompnis mor ffiint.
. It rliz politil union in urop.
3. Th trm ___ rfrs to utis pi on import goos tht r rfun if th goos r r-xport.
. most-fvor-ntion (MFN) trtmnt
. vlorm
. rwk
. forign xhng rnings
4. Th most powrful institution of th U is___.
. th ounil of Ministrs
. th prsint
. th Hous of Lors
. th Hous of ommons
5. ountris njoying nnul pr pit inom low $ 9386 n ov $ 765 r lssifi s .
. high-inom onomis
. mil-inom onomis
. low-inom onomis
. top-inom onomis
6. In , th prnt ompny lgts suffiint powr to h susiiry to mng th proution n mrkting in th host ountry.
. multi-omsti orportion
. th glol orportion
. th trnsntionl orportion
. worl ompnis
7. In th iffrnt forms of rgionl onomi intgrtion, opts th sm tr poliy for ll th mmrs towrs ountris outsi th orgniztion.
. Fr Tr r
. ustoms Union
. ommon Mrkt
. th nomi union
8. Th lyr orgnistionl strutur of P is th mting for Ministrs Rsponsil for Tr.
. first
. son
. thir
. fourth
9. Th highst form of onomi intgrtion is ll____.
. Tri
. OP
. P
. th onomi union
10. Triffs lvi on goos ntring n r r .
. ustoms
. import utis
. xport utis
. quots
11. In intrntionl invstmnt, th forign ountry whr th invstor oprts is ll .
. th hom ountry
. th host ountry
. th invsting ountry
. th pitl ountry
12. Th trnsntionl orportion is____in n intrpnnt ntwork of ffilits.
. ntrliz
. ntrliz
. intgrt
. instrumntl
13. In ssssing th potntil of ountry s mrkt, popl oftn look t ___
. pr pit inom
. FI
. GP
14. ___is tx lvi on ommoity whn it rosss th ounry of ustoms r whih usully oinis with th r of ountry.
. triff
. fin
. hrg
. surhrg
15. P hs ___-lyr orgnistionl strutur.
. fiv
. four
. thr
. six
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。)
V 1. Intrntionl spiliztion onstituts n importnt sis for intrntionl tr.
. 错误
. 正确
2. In omprison with th rltion twn th linsr n th lins, th frnhisr hs lss ontrol ovr th frnhis.
. 错误
. 正确
3. Most-fvor-ntion trtmnt rfrs to spil triff trtmnt to rtin ountris or rgions.
. 错误
. 正确
4. Trnsporttion srvi ross ntionl ounris is kin of invisil tr.
. 错误
. 正确
5. Intrntionl trnsporttion svi is kin of invisil tr.
. 错误
. 正确
6. s th most powrful institution of th U, th ounil of Ministrs hs th powr to pss lgisltions.
. 错误
. 正确
7. Som MNs intrvn in th ffirs of govrnmnt in oth th hom n host ountris in orr to nsur th surity of its profits, ssst, n oprtions.
. 错误
. 正确
8. Intrntionl turnky projts r oftn lrg n omplx n tk long prio to omplt.
. 错误
. 正确
9. y ssigning proution quots mong mmrs, OP limits th ovrll ru oil supply for th purpos of mintining highr oil pri.
. 错误
. 正确
10. Rsour trnsfr twn prnt n ffilit or twn ffilits of th sm ntrpris shoul not tgoriz into intrntionl trnsfr.
. 错误
. 正确