一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
V 1. It is gnrlly rgr tht Kts's most importnt n mtur poms r in th form of _______ .
. o
. lgy
. pi
. sonnt
2. How mny prios r ivi into in th rtion yrs of Shkspr
. thr
. four
. two
. fiv
3. Willim Worsworth, romnti pot, vot ll th following XPT
. th us of vryy lngug spokn y th ommon popl
. th xprssion of th spontnous ovrflow of powrful flings
. th us of huml n rusti lif s sujt mttr
. th us of lgnt woring n inflt figurs of sph
4. How mny lins r thr in sonnt
. 16
. 18
. 14
. 12
5. Whih of th following is omy
. King lr
. Mth
. Hmlt
. Th Mrry Wivs of Winsor
6. Th pom O to Nightingl ws writtn y___
. Willim Worsworth
. John Kts
. Shlly
. olrig
7. Whih of th following is trgy
. ntony n loptr
. Twlfth Night
. Julius sr
. Muh o out Nothing
8. Wht os Worsworth's pom "Th Solitry Rpr" tll us out Romntiist
. To romntiists, potry is n xprssion of n iniviul's flings n xprins no mttr how frgmntry n momntry ths flings n xprins r.
. Romntiist tk light only in soun fft, th thm of work is not thir onrn.
. Ro
9. hrls ikns tks th Frnh Rvolution s th kgroun of his novl ______.
. Grt xpttions
. Tl of Two itis
. lk Hous
. Olivr Twist
10. Th xrpt Th Othr Si of th Isln ws hosn from hptr___ in Ruinson ruso.
. Ⅸ
. Ⅺ
. Ⅹ
. Ⅷ
11. Th pom I wnr Lonly s lou ws writtn y ___
. orothy Worsworth
. Willim Worsworth
. olrig
. John Kts
12. fo's Roinson ruso rt th img of n ntrprising nglishmn, typil of th nglish ourgoisi in th ______ ntury.
. 17th
. 18th
. 19th
. 20th
13. ll th following pots long to lk pots XPT
. Worsworth
. olrig
. Rort Southy
. Shlly
14. "ssnio: ntonio, I m mrri to wif Whih is s r to m s lif itslf; ut lif itslf, my wif, n ll th worl, r not with m stm' ov thy lif; I woul los ll, y, srifi thm ll, Hr to th vil, to livr you. Porti: Your wif woul giv you littl thnks for tht, If sh wr y to hr you mk th offr." Th ov is quottion tkn from Shkspr's omy Th Mrhnt of Vni. Th quot prt n rgr s goo xmpl to illustrt___
. rmti irony
. prsonifition
. llgory
. symolism
15. Hmlt is prin of ___
. ngln
. Irln
. ritin
. nmrk
16. Th trm ton in litrtur mns__________.
. soun fft suh s rhym n mtril vi
. th pith of wor us to trmin its mning in th givn ontxt
. th mnnr of xprssion to init th spkr's ttitu towrs th sujt
. sh of olour to rflt th hng of th light
17. Whih of th following sttmnts st illustrts th thm of Shkspr's Sonnt 18
. Th spkr ulogizs th powr of Ntur
. Th spkr stirizs humn vnity
. Th spkr priss th powr of rtisti rtion
. Th spkr mitts on mn's slvtion.
18. In Shkspr's Mrhnt of Vni, ntonio oul not py k th mony h orrow from Shylok, us ______.
. his mony ws ll invst in th nwly-mrging txtil inustry
. his ntrpris wnt nkrupt
. ssnio ws l to py his own t
. his ships h ll n lost
19. In th onvrstion with his wif in hptr On of Pri n Prjui, Mr. nnt uss (n) ______ ton with srsti humor.
. solmn
. hrsh
. rrognt
. tsing
20. Th ssn of humnism is to ______.
. rstor mivl rvrn for th hurh
. voi th irumstns of rthly lif
. xplor th nxt worl in whih mn oul liv ftr th
. mphsiz humn qulitis