一、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。)
V 1. Nw Prout Is n om from invstigtion of___ .
. onsumr ns
. nw possiilitis offr y thnologil vns
. nlysis of rivl prouts
. suggstions from supplirs
. ommriliztion
2. Th vntg of sol propritorships r mny fol. Following r thir mjor ppls: ___.
. Simpl to stlish
. Frr In ision-Mking
. sy Kp Oprtionl n Finnil Sry
. Lss Tx urn
3. ing sol propritor os not mn you r fr from prolms. Thr r som of th isvntgs s ___.
. unlimit liility
. limit ss to pitl
. limit mngril xprtis
. sy kp oprtionl n finnil sry
4. Th ost n vlu of milmn r ___.
. tim utility
. pl utility
. informtion utility
. form utility
5. onsumr prouts n furthr lssifi into___.
. onvnin goos
. shopping goos
. spilty goos
. inustril goos
6. Prouts gnrlly fll into two tgoris s____.
. onsumr prouts
. inustril prouts
. tngil prouts
. intngil prouts
7. onsumr prouts n furthr lssifi into___.
. onvnin goos
. shopping goos
. spilty goos
. inustril goos
8. Th mjor forms of usinss in mrkt onomy r___.
. sol propritorship
. prtnrship
. orportion
. frnhising
9. ompr with sol propritorships n prtnrships, orportions hv mny vntgs.Suh s___.
. Limit Liility
. sy to xpn
. Sprt Ownrship n Mngmnt
. ontinuous Lif
10. onsumr prouts n furthr lssifi into___.
. onvnin goos
. shopping goos
. spilty goos
. inustril goos
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。)
V 1. In hin,sol propritorships ount for out thr-qurtrs of ll usinsss.
. 错误
. 正确
2. orportions r th kon of morn onomis, lthough in numr orportions ount for only smll prntg of ll usinss firms.
. 错误
. 正确
3. Th onpt of “fining th ns of th onsumrs n stisfying thm” is th ssn of mrkting, wor litrlly mning “fining mrkt n srving it.”
. 错误
. 正确
4. In orr to simplify uyrs’ purhs isions n sp up stok turnovr, stors my group thir goos into lsss n ru th numr of pris.
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5. Minly us to trnsport oil n nturl gs, piplins offr ontinuous livry ovr long istn t low ost rgrlss of th wthr onitions.
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6. It might sir for sol propritor to gt nk lon , us h hs prsonl s wll s usinss ssts hin him.
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7. igrtts, snk foo, soft rinks, ny n othr frquntly purhs goos r th mjor itms sol in vning mhins.
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8. Thos who liv tht “two hs r ttr thn on” oftn hoos working in prtnrship rthr thn running thir usinss lon.
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9. prtnrship is sy to form, ut my iffiult to mintin.
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10. Pri Lining Strtgy,lso ll psyhologil priing, suh strtgy mks pris ppr mor ptl or ontin positiv ovrtons to ustomrs.
. 错误
. 正确