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[四川农大] 川农《大学英语(三)》16秋作业考核资料

发表于 2016-11-15 16:21:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)
1.  When you tell him to o something, he lwys oes _____.
. . the wrong
. the opposite
. opposite
2.  He woul muh _____ it if you oul o him tht fvor.
. plese
. stisfy
. thnk
. ppreite
3.  The hilren performe  very _____ ne for their pr?ents.
. grious
. greful
. smrt
. preise
4.  There hs een  _____growth of light inustries in the re?gion.
. gint
. onsierle
. ville
. rpily
5.  I hve _____ the new wors, ut still on't unerstn the sentene.
. looke for
. looke up
. looke
. looke t
6.  If you _____ your hilren well, you will e prou of them.
. th up
. ring up
. fee up
. grow up
7.  This is  _____wor euse it hs two menings.
. oule
. foreign
. seprte
. onfusing
8.  Lin foun  wllet ______ on the groun.
. lie
. ly
. lin
. lying
9.  It ws _____who lene the room.
. I
. me
. mine
. my
10.  Mr. Lee is _____ in oth English n hinese.
. frequent
. fluent
. urte
. right
11.  I on't think the snow will _____ our plns for  pini
. ffet
. effet
. infer
. iffer
12.  With  lrge fmily of growing hilren to fee n lothe, my mother h iffiulty in mking oth _____ meet.
. ens
. sies
. prts
. wys
13.  Investigtions _____ us of the sounness of the pln.
. insure
. ssure
. ensure
. ressure
14.  I ws so ngry tht I _____ throwing something t him.
. wnte like
. felt like
. woul like
. looke like
15.  It seems tht the ht fits you very well. Plese _____.
. try it on
. try on it
. to try it on
. to try on it
16.  It is reporte tht this meiine is ______ ginst lung ner.
. eonomi
. esy
. expensive
. effetive
17.  We shoul onsier other _____ of the prolem s well s seriousness.
. sies
. res
. spets
. respets
18.  In the _____of the isese, he followe the professor's vie.
. tretment
. servie
. fiel
. wy
19.  They remine _____ in their elief tht they woul e le to overome their iffiulties.
. firm
. strong
. unoute
. onvine
20.  Tim n't _____ the mths prolem he is working t.
. figure out
. ount out
. fin out
. seek out
21.  It is n essentil priniple tht we must omine theory with _____.
. mteril
. mtter
. prtie
. ie
22.  While reing n rtile, we shoul _____ our ttention _____ the mening of the whole rtile rther thn tht of the new wors.
. fous; in
. fous; on
. py; on
. notie; in
23.  He _____ of ever eing le to py off his ets.
. ompline
. thought
. espire
. tlke
24.  _____ he rrives efore I get k, plese sk him to wit.
. In the se
. In ny se
. In se
. In se of
25.  When I no my he, tht's your ue to the meeting.
. interrupt
. join
. orer
. inlue

二、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 10 分。)
The ie of eoming  writer me to me 1 my hilhoo in elleville, ut it 2 until my thir yer in high shool tht the possiility me into 3 . Until then I' een ore y everything ssoite  4 English ourses. I foun English grmmr ull n iffiult. I hte the ssignments to turn out long,  5 prgrphs tht were gony for tehers to re n for me to write.
When our lss ws ssigne to Mr. Flegle for thir-yer English, I ntiipte nother heerless yer in tht most teious sujet. Mr. Flegle h  reputtion mong stuents for ullness n n 6 to inspire. He 7 very forml, rigi n 8 out of te. To me he looke to e sixty or seventy n exessively prim (正经的、规矩的).He wore primly severe eyeglsses, n his wvy hir ws primly ut n primly ome. He wore prim suits with nekties set primly ginst the ollr uttons of his prim white shirts. He h  primly pointe jw,  primly stright nose, n  prim mnner of speking tht ws  9 orret n gentlemnly 10 he seeme  omi ntique.
.  while
. off n on
. off
. on
.  ws
. wsn't
.  is
. e
. to e
. eing
. een
. on
. with
. to
. out
. vivi
.  live
.  lifeless
. life
. isility
. unle
. unility
. inility
. si
. ws si
. ws si to e
ws si eing
.  hopelessly
. hopeless
. hope
. hopes
. suh
. so
. not
. very
. whih
. so
.  tht
. then

三、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 40 分。)
On Misummer's Eve, whih ws  Stury, Mr. Jones went into Willington n got so runk t the Re Lion tht he i not ome k till miy on Suny, the men h milke the ows in the erly morning n they h gone out riting, without othering to fee the nimls. When Mr. Jones got k, he immeitely went to sleep on the living-room sof with the "News of the worl" over his fe, so tht when evening me, the nimls were still not fe. t lst, they oul stn no longer. One of the ows roke into the oor of the store-house with her horns n ll the nimls egn to help themselves to the grins. It ws just then tht Mr. Jones woke up. The next moment he n his four men were in the store-house with whips in their hns, whipping in ll iretions. This ws more thn the hungry nimls woul er. Together, though nothing of the kin h een plnne eforehn, they jumpe upon their msters. Jones n his men suenly foun themselves eing struk with their horns n kike from ll sies. The sitution ws quite out of their ontrol. They h never seen nimls t like this efore, n this suen uprising of retures whom they were use to eting n whipping just s they hose, frightene them. fter only  moment or two they gve up trying to efen themselves.  minute lter ll five of them were in full fright own the ro, with the nimls running fter them joyfully.
1).  Whih of the following is true oring to the story?
. Willington ws the nme of  hotel
. Re Lion ws the nme of  resturnt
.  News of the Worl ws  TV progrmme.
Store-house is  ple to fee the ows
2). The four men in't fee the ows euse ( )
. the ows fe themselves
.  Mr. Johns wsn't t home
. they h gone out riting.
they forgot it
3). The ows roke into the store-house to fee themselves euse ( )
. They were so ngry t their msters
They wnte to fight with the men
. They wnte to go on strike
They were too hungry
4). The ows jumpe upon their msters euse ( )
.  they were not fe
. they were so hungry
. they were whippe so hr y them.
.  they were so hppy
5).  Wht is the est tile for the story?
. Misummer's Eve
.   Suny
. ows n their Msters.
The Reellion of the ows
It ws Mony, Mrs. Smith's og ws hungry, ut there ws not ny met in the house.
onsiering tht there ws no etter wy, Mrs. Smith ook  piee of pper, n wrote the following wors on it, "Give my og hlf  poun of met."
Then she gve the piee of pper to her og n si gently, "Tke this to the uther n he's going to give you your lunh toy."
Holing the piee of pper in its mouth, the og rn to the uther's shop. It gve the pper to the uther. The uther re it refully, reognize tht it ws relly the ly's hnwriting n presently i s he ws ske to. The og ws very hppy, n te the met up immeitely.
t miy, the og me to the shop gin. It gve the uther  piee of pper gin. fter reing it, he gve it hlf  poun of met one more.
The next y, the og me gin extly t miy. n s usul, it rought  piee of pper in the mouth. This time the uther i not tke  look t the pper, n gve the og its met, for he h regre the og s one of his ustomers.
ut, the og me gin t four o'lok. n the sme thing hppene one gin. To the uther's more surprise, it me for the thir time t six o'lok, n rought with tit  thir piee of pper. The uther felt  it puzzle. He si to himself, "This is  smll og. Why oes Mrs. Smith give it so muh met to et toy?"
Looking t the piee of pper, he foun tht there were not ny wors on it!
1).  Mrs. Smith trete her little og quite( ) .
.  ruelly
. kinly
. ly
. unfirly
2).  It seeme tht the og knew well tht the pper its mster gve it( ).
.  might o it muh hrm
. oul o it muh goo
.  woul give the uther some met
.  ws worth mny pouns
3). Usully the uther gve some met to the og( ) .
when he foun there were no wors on the pper
.  when he h some met left in his shop
. fter he felt sure tht the wors were relly written y Mrs. Smith
. until he ws pi enough y Mrs. Smith
4). Form his experiene, the og foun tht( ).
. only the pper with Mrs. Smith's wors on it oul ring him met
. the uther woul give the met to him whenever he sw him
piee of pper oul ring him hlf  poun of met
.  Mrs. Smith woul py for the met he got from the uther
5). t the en of the story , you'll fin tht( ).
the uther foun himself hete y the smrt niml
.  the og ws lever enough to write on the pper
the og re not go to the uther's ny more
. the uther ws tol not to give ny met to the og


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