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[四川大学] 川大《大学英语(三)0003》16秋在线作业12资料

发表于 2016-11-16 13:13:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)
V 1.  -Woul you min losing the winow? It is winy outsie. -________________
. Not t ll.
. Sure, go he.
. Why not?
. Yes, I woul.
2.  It is likely tht our tem _______ the gme.
. is out to win
. will win
. wins
. hs won
3.  This kin of mteril expns _______ the temperture inresing.
. to
. for
. with
. t
4.  The Jpnese, _______ verge, live muh longer thn the Europens.
. with
. in
. to
. on
5.  This is _______ film I hve ever seen.
.  wonerful
. the most wonerful
. wonerful
. most wonerful
6.  -Why not join us in the gme? -________________.
. OK! I'm oming
. No, you o the sme
. Oh, tht's ll right
. on't mention it
7.  I n't fin my ook. Perhps I _______ it ehin in the offie yestery.
. forgot
. left
. put
. set
8.  -Wow! This is  mrvelous room! I've never known you're so rtisti. -________________
. Gret, I m very rt-onsious
. on't mention it
. Thnks for your ompliments
. It's fine.
9.  -We're going on  visit to Jpn next week. -________________.
. Hve  goo journey
. Goo ye
. Wish you hppy
. You're right.
10.  fter the Minister of Eution h finishe speking t the press onferene, he ws me _______ ll sorts of wkwr questions.
. nswer
. nswering
. nswere
. to nswer
11.  Wouln't it e _______ wonerful worl if ll ntions live in _______ pee with one nother?
. ; /
. the; /
. ; the
. the; the
12.  When I me to see him lst evening, he _______ footll gme.
. hs wthe
. ws wthe
. wthes
. ws wthing
13.  -Thnk you ever so muh for the ot you ought me. -________________.
. No thnks
. I'm gl you like it
. Plese on't sy so
. No, it's not so goo
14.  It _______ tht they h no ie t the moment.
. seeme
. ws seeme
. is seeing
. is seme
15.  He goes to _______ hurh every Suny. _______ hurh he usully goes to hs the seting for over  thousn.
. ; The
. /; The
. the; The
. ; /
16.  -Sorry I kept you witing. -________________.
. I'm s
. I on't re
. Tht's ll right. There's no hurry
. No, not t ll
17.  It's _______ tht he ws wrong.
. lerly
. lrity
. ler
. lering
18.  When will you finish _______ the outing for next Friy?
. pln
. to pln
. plnning
. plnne
19.  When she ws in hengu, she often _______ to see me.
. omes
. me
. hs me
. h me
20.  The mnger hs his employees _______  usiness report every week.
. to write
. written
. writing
. write
21.  _______  teher in  university, it is neessry to hve t lest  mster's egree.
. To eome
. eome
. One eomes
. On eoming
22.  Eggs, though rih in nourishments, hve _______ of ft.
.  lrge numer
. the lrge numer
.  lrge mount
. the lrge mount
23.  We re intereste in the wether euse it _______ us so iretly-wht we wer, wht we o, n even how we feel.
. enefits
. ffets
. guies
. effets
24.  It ws the r ient tht eprive her of  norml life.
. 是一次车祸影响了她的生活。
. 正是那场车祸剥夺了她的正常生活。
. 她正常的生活被车祸打乱了。
. 她中断了她的正常生活,又遇到了车祸。
25.  Te n offee re _______ populr everges in the Unite Sttes.
. most
. the most
.  most
. the more
26.  _______ from spe, we n fin tht our erth looks like "lue plnet".
. Seen
. Seeing
. Hving seen
. To see
27.  Wng Li's fther hs tught English here sine he grute from Peking University.
. 王立的父亲在北京大学时就在这所学校教书。
. 王立的父亲从北京大学毕业以前就在这所学校教英语。
. 王立的父亲从北京大学毕业以来就在这所学校教英语。
. 王立的父亲还没有从北京大学毕业,就在这所学校教英语。
28.  _______ the omputer _______ it n work.
. Smller; fster
. smllest; fstest
. The smller; the fster
. The smllest; The fstest
29.  -Will you o me  fvor? -________________.
. My plesure.
. Yes, I o.
. Yes, I will.
. I' e gl to.
30.  Tom likes to plying _______, while his sister likes to ply _______.
. footll; the pino
. the footll; the pino
. the footll; pino
. footll; pino
31.  The r ient hppene t _______ rossros  few metres wy from _______ nk.
. the; /
. /;
. /; the
. the; the
32.  _______ you hve eie to get mrrie, you shoul shouler the fmily responsiilities.
. lthough
. One
. Or
. Unless
Sixteen-yer-ol Mri ws witing in line t the irport in Snto omingo. She ws leving her ntive ountry to join her sister in the Unite Sttes. She spoke English very well. Though she ws very hppy she oul go ro, she ws feeling s t leving her fmily n friens. s she ws thinking ll out this, she suenly her the irline employee sking her to pik up her luggge n put it on the sles (称). Mri pulle n pulle. The g ws too hevy n she just ouln't lift it up. The mn ehin her got very imptient. He, too, ws witing to hek in his luggge.
"Wht's wrong with this girl?" He si, "Why oesn't she hurry up?" He move forwr n ple his g on the ounter, hoping to hek in first. He ws in  hurry to get  goo set.
Mri ws very ngry, ut she ws very polite. n in her est English she si, "Why re you so upset? There re enough sets for everyone on the plne. If you re in suh  hurry, why n't you give me  hn with my luggge?"
      The mn ws surprise to her Mri spek English. He quikly pike up her luggge n steppe k. Everyone ws looking t him with ispprovl.
(2)、You elieve tht the work of the irline employee mentione in the story is to ______ t the irport.
. help rry people's luggge
. sk people to pik up the luggge
. hek people's luggge
. tke re of people's luggge
34.  efore I got to the inem, the film _______.
. h egun
. hs egun
. is egun
. ws eginning
35.  - lie, your hir esign is relly nie. -________________.
. No, no
. Yours is nie
. Thnk you very muh
. My hir esign is not nie t ll
36.  You shouln't _______ your time like tht, o; you hve to finish your shool work tonight.
. ut
. o
. kill
. kik
37.  -I woner if you oul help me. -________________.
. I oul.
. Yes, I o.
. No, not t ll.
. Of ourse
38.  The sun _______ in the est n _______ in the west.
. rise; set
. rises; sets
. rose; set
. is rising; is setting
Sixteen-yer-ol Mri ws witing in line t the irport in Snto omingo. She ws leving her ntive ountry to join her sister in the Unite Sttes. She spoke English very well. Though she ws very hppy she oul go ro, she ws feeling s t leving her fmily n friens. s she ws thinking ll out this, she suenly her the irline employee sking her to pik up her luggge n put it on the sles (称). Mri pulle n pulle. The g ws too hevy n she just ouln't lift it up. The mn ehin her got very imptient. He, too, ws witing to hek in his luggge.
"Wht's wrong with this girl?" He si, "Why oesn't she hurry up?" He move forwr n ple his g on the ounter, hoping to hek in first. He ws in  hurry to get  goo set.
Mri ws very ngry, ut she ws very polite. n in her est English she si, "Why re you so upset? There re enough sets for everyone on the plne. If you re in suh  hurry, why n't you give me  hn with my luggge?"
      The mn ws surprise to her Mri spek English. He quikly pike up her luggge n steppe k. Everyone ws looking t him with ispprovl.
(5)、The uthor mentione Mri's ge t the eginning of the story in orer to show tht _____ .
. she ws young ut ehve properly
. she woul not hve left home lone
. everyone roun her ws wrong
. it ws not goo tht nooy offere to help her
40.  The otor vise her _______ enough rest efore going k to work.
. get
. to get
. gets
. got


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