项目 分数 标准
语言 50分 用词巧妙,词汇丰富,表达手法灵活多变,写作技巧精湛,明显超出普通水平。语法结构严谨。
45分 用词得体,表达手法比较灵活。语法结构较好。
40分 用词正确,能灵活运用多种表达手法,偶有选词错误。语法结构一般。
35分 用词一般,表达手法单一。多处选词有误。语法结构需改进。
30分(及格) 用词能力稍差,表达手法单一,选词有较明显错误。语法结构需较多改进。
20分 用词较差,表达手法单一。文中时用汉语词汇或拼音。选词有明显错误。语法结构急需改进。
15分 用词很差,表达手法单一。文中常用汉语词汇或拼音。用词拙劣,语法结构混乱,错误较多。
10分 不能正确使用词汇和语法。
内容 40分 文章内容切题,内容充实,思维新颖见解独到,思想水平卓越。篇幅适当,行文流畅,有较强的可读性和趣味性。
36分 文章切题,思路清晰。篇幅适当,行文比较流畅,有一定的可读性和趣味性。
32分 文章切题,中心思想没有新意,思辨能力一般。篇幅适当,偶有有趣表达,句子结构一般。有时表达不清晰,易引起理解困难。
28分 文章基本切题,但思想表达能力有限,立意不清。篇幅较短。句子结构一般,有时意思模糊,理解较困难。可读性及趣味性较弱。
24分(及格) 文章大致切题。篇幅不够,句子结构较差,缺乏可读性和趣味性。
0分 文章不切题。没有按照作业要求的题目完成写作。
结构/格式 9/10分 文章语篇结构清晰,能够自如使用连接词连接上下文,语篇逻辑关系清晰;如有格式要求如书信,格式符合要求。
7/8分 文章语篇结构比较清晰,能够使用大量的连接词连接上下文,语篇逻辑关系比较清晰;如有格式要求如书信,大部分格式符合要求。
6分(及格) 文章语篇结构基本清晰,能够使用一些连接词连接上下文,语篇逻辑关系基本清晰;如有格式要求如书信,部分格式基本符合要求。
4分 文章语篇结构混乱,基本没有使用任何连接词连接上下文,语篇逻辑关系混乱;如有格式要求如书信,大部分格式不符合要求。
2分 文章语篇结构十分混乱影响理解语篇逻辑关系;如有格式要求如书信,格式完全不符合要求。
Writing […..points]
Instruction: You will interview a classmate and write an article about his or her life in the past year for a class newsletter.
Zhang Lei is my classmate, and twelve years younger than I. During the past year she has had a challenging but enjoyable life. She has(taken/attended/completed; depending on what you mean) many English courses such as Enrichment English, Comprehensive English, English writing and(If these are the names of courses in schools or colleges that should not be in italics; if they are book titles, they should be )so on. Also, she has taken some general education courses like Chinese, philosophy, and computer. During the last academic year, Zhang Lei won an award for IOE’s (How can you expect the reader to understand this acronym ? And why is it necessary anyway in such a short paper?)superior student. In fact, she studies very hard ……..
General Comments
This generally well-organized paper with two distinct parts: Zhang Lei’s studies and what she does in her free time. The essay should be divided into two distinct paragraphs with perhaps a short concluding paragraph unifying the whole. Non of the writer’s errors in tense, usage, parts of speech etc are really terrible, but there are too many of them, some of which certainly could have been eliminated by careful re-reading and editing. For example…..