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[答案纠错] 17春北外网院 英语教学法(1) 作业01(第1-3单元) 资料

发表于 2017-4-17 23:07:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英语教学法(1) 作业01(第1-3单元)

The total marks for this assignment are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this assignment is 1 hour (60 minutes). PLEASE WRITE ALL YOUR ANSWERS ON THE ANSWER SHEET.


Read the instructions carefully and complete the lesson plan in each of the teaching plan table below.

Look at Text 12 (unit3> activity3 >task3 exercise2 Reading Materials)on page 146 of the textbook and fill in the blanks in the mini-lesson plan table below:






Will people be judged differently if they wear different clothes? Have you ever thought of doing a research on this subject?



prepare for content and stimulate anticipation





read for gist and general understanding


detailed study of text




Discuss in pairs questions relevant to topic (e.g. Why are people often judged by what they wear? What kind of response is the report likely to evoke among the readers? Is there a similar problem in China?)





Instructions: In this section, 2 situations in classroom teaching are provided. In each situation there is a problem. Firstly, identify the problem; secondly, provide your own solution according to communicative language teaching principles and explain in detail. The word limit for the elaboration is 50-70 words.

Situation 1

Some American guests are going to visit Class 2, Grade 2 of Yu Jia Primary School. Although the children have been learning English for some time, the teacher wants to give them more practice so that they can converse more fluently with the American friends. She made up a dialogue and asked the students to learn it by heart. In this way she hopes that her students will be able to communicate with the visitors when they come.

Situation 2

In the speaking class, the teacher places great emphasis on accuracy, and demands that the students speak correct English all the time. She believes that native speakers won’t be able to understand them if they keep making vocabulary or grammar errors. After a lot of practice, the students can speak English quite accurately, and the teacher feels extremely satisfied. She is sure that her students will have no trouble communicating with English speakers in real-life situations.



英语教学法课程作业更多资料下载:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)为100分,题型或为教学案例分析(Problem-solving),或为教案编写(Mini-lesson Plan)。每次作业由两道教学案例分析(Problem-solving)题构成或者一道教学案例分析(Problem-solving)题和一道教案编写(Mini-lesson Plan)题构成。每个题型评分标准如下:

Option A: 教学案例分析Problem-solving

项目        分数        标准
(占40分)        14        能够明确地指出问题所在,对问题的性质做出正确的判断;进行陈述时能够准确运用相关概念和理论。
        13        针对所指出的问题提出明确或正确的解决方案。能够理论联系实际,灵活掌握和运用所学的书本知识;进行陈述时能够准确运用相关概念和理论。
        13        能够运用相关理论对所提出之解决方案进行进一步的阐释;进行陈述时能够准确运用相关概念和理论。
(占10分)        6        用词准确得体,表达手法比较灵活多变。语法结构严谨。答题长度在规定字数范围内。
        4        语言结构清晰,能够自如使用连接词连接上下文,逻辑关系清晰;格式符合要求。

Example feedback on Problem-solving:

Problem Solving
Instruction: Short answer questions. Use less than 40 words to answer each question. Write your answer in the space next to the question number.

Sample Question:
A teacher hands his students the following instructions on a sheet of paper: “HOMEWORK: Please write a 150 word paragraph on the theme, ‘Beijing Olympics’. Hand in at the beginning of next class.” What are two problems with this writing assignment? Give one suggestion that this teacher should try in the future. (See Unit 6, Activity 2, Task 1; Activity 3, Task 4.)

Sample Student Answer:
Problem: The teacher set a topic to students but not giving the purpose of this piece of writing and for whom they are writing it. (good point!) At the same time, he doesn’t ask students to practice correcting their own work or writing in a group during writing classes(valid point her, but why is it important for students to engage in discussing their writing, either before or after the actual writing?).
Ways:At the pre-writing stage , the teacher should develop (maybe you want to choose antoher verb here. Who should decide on the purpose/audience here?who develops this sense of purpose/audience?) students a sense of purpose and a sense of audience. At the post-writing stage , the teacher should design some tasks for their students to pratice editing.(good idea!)

Overall you have both identified the problem and provided proper solutions. It would have been better if you had talked about the point of having discussions before and after writing. Last but not least, you might want to condense your answer here as it exceeds the word limit for this item 

Option B: 教案编写Mini-lesson Plan:
每题50分。每题分值根据此题型特点细分为下表各项,各项分值相加即为教学案例分析Mini-lesson plan的总分。

(50分)        项目        分数        标准
        Name of activity        2.5分        能够根据该活动的性质为其准确命名
        Objective(s)        5分        能够提出明确的教学目标
        Type of activity        2.5分        能够指出该活动的种类性质
        Classroom organization        2.5分        能够合理安排学生的分组
        Teacher role(s)        2.5分        能够确定教师在此活动中应扮演的合适的角色
        Student role(s)        2.5分        能够确定学生在此活动中应扮演的合适的角色
        Teacher working time        2.5分        能够合理安排教学时间
        Student working time        2.5分        能够合理安排学生活动的时间
        Teaching aids(s)        2.5分        能够指明所需之教具
        Predicted problem(s)        2.5分        能够最大限度预测到此活动在实施中可能遇到的困难
        Solution(s)        2.5分        能够预先对可能出现的困难做出相应的对策
        Procedures        20分        能够通过列举的方式详细地描述此活动的具体步骤


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