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[东北财经] 17春东财《经贸知识英语》在线作业一二三四五(随机)辅导资料

发表于 2017-4-27 16:33:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. And the ( ) power shortages in some areas are likely to continue for at least two years. 并且经常性的电力短缺在某些地区至少将持续两年。
A. choice
B. sometime
C. regular
D. chronic

2.  Insurance ( ) was lowered. 保险业门槛已降低。
A. threshold
B. threat
C. threw
D. thread

3.  China started to examine and approve ( ) joint-venture trading firms. 中国开始审核并批准建立一些中外合资的贸易公司。
A. Sino-foreign
B. Sino-Tibetan
C. Sino-Japanese
D. Sin-foreign

4.  He urged the Chinese side not just to offer badly ( ) assets for mergers and acquisitions. 他提议中方不要只把经营不善资产供给外方兼并和收购。
A. operation
B. cooperate
C. handle
D. operated

5.  China is now practicing ( )-track enterprise income tax policies. 中国目前对企业所得税实行双轨政策。
A. dual
B. triangle
C. square
D. single

6.  And the conditions are all ( ) place. 并且条件均已到位。
A. out
B. up
C. under
D. in

7.  But it stopped short of taking ( ) steps to deal with the problem. 但它没有采取具体的步骤去解决问题。
A. correction
B. concrete
C. abstract
D. absolute

8.  Export credit insurance protects exporters from losses due to importers’ ( ) or delayed payments. 出口信用保险保护出口商免受由于进口商不履约或延迟付款而造成的损失。
A. differ
B. defficult
C. defaults
D. defeat

9.  Japan promised to stop imports from guilty companies and hold ( ) talks with China. 日本承诺停止从有问题的公司进口并与中国进行双边协商。
A. billion
B. bilateral
C. bile
D. bilingual

10.  Competition for bank card business, would ( ) in the coming years. 银行卡业务的竞争会在今后几年不断加剧。
A. intense
B. intent
C. insist
D. intensify

11.  The CIRC official dismissed the ( ). 中国保监会的官员否认了这一预测。
A. specify
B. specific
C. speculation
D. speculate

12.  Co-operation rather than ( ) will benefit the two countries. 合作比对抗要对两个国家更有益。
A. confront
B. confrontation
C. front
D. confirm

13.  But according to a ( ) economist, it is easier said than done. 但是依照一位著名的经济学家的观点,这是说起来容易做起来难。
A. notorious
B. renowned
C. renewed
D. renamed

14.  The government took a ( ) step at the end of July by inviting outside investment in 104 State-owned enterprises. 在七月底政府迈出了大胆的一步,为104家国有企业诚邀外方投资。
A. old
B. bold
C. prudent
D. small

15.  The government will speed up the pace of shifting the focus of its pro-active fiscal policy from ( ) economic growth to sustainable development. 政府将加快转变步伐,将积极的财政政策的重点由刺激经济增长转变为寻求可持续发展。
A. steam
B. stimulate
C. stimulating
D. stead

16.  For example, the government used to require the banks to ( ) loans to State enterprises which had difficulty in paying their employees. 例如,政府常要求银行对那些难以给员工发工资的国有企业发放贷款。
A. grand
B. great
C. grant
D. ground

17.  Chinese SMEs are largely frustrated with the risk-( ) banks and the stock market. 由于银行和证券市场对风险的防范,中小型企业大多数都不能通过它们获取资金。
A. reverse
B. revamp
C. averse
D. verse

18.  It concerns the sensitive issue of social ( ). 它关系到社会公平的敏感问题。
A. equal
B. equivalent
C. equipment
D. equity

19.  It is currently only at a ( ) stage. 目前它尚在试验阶段。
A. tentative
B. initial
C. mature
D. ripe

20.  China is setting up a comprehensive pre-( ) system for imports in case of any anti-dumping violations. 针对违反反倾销法的进口商品,中国正在建立一个综合的预警监督机制。
A. monitor
B. monitoring
C. watchdog
D. watch

21.  Many automakers in China will be ( ) out as a result of overheating investment and mounting vehicle imports now that China is a member of the World Trade Organization. 由于投资过热,加上中国成为世贸成员必然会使进口车辆攀升,许多中国的汽车制造商以后将被逐步淘汰。
A. phrase
B. physical
C. phenix
D. phased

22.  It also requested ( ) of an article regarding non-market economies. 它也要求废除非市场经济的条款。
A. abolished
B. abolition
C. abuse
D. adept

23.  Coated art paper is mainly used for colour pictorial publications, advertisements and ( ). 铜版纸主要用于彩色图片出版物、广告和包装。
A. packaging
B. pack
C. peak
D. pea

24.  The US safeguard measures have done little ( ) damage to Chinese steel industries. 美国的保障措施几乎对中国的钢铁业没有实质性的伤害。
A. substantial
B. subsidiary
C. subsidy
D. subsidise

25.  Many believe it would include massive capital ( ), restructuring involving foreign investors, and stock listings. 许多人相信它将包括大量的资本注入、有外国投资者参与的资产重组以及上市发行股票。
A. insert
B. injections
C. income
D. install

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. Agricultural ( ) were below 1 billion yuan in 2001, compared to 210 billion yuan in total insurance premiums. 在2001年,与2100亿元的保险费总额相比较,农业保险费却低于10亿元。
A. prime
B. premiums
C. fee
D. charge

2.  Goods subject to cuts include ( ), zinc and coke. 遭受削减退税的货物包括石油、锌和焦炭。
A. pet
B. petal
C. petrol
D. concrol

3.  But according to a ( ) economist, it is easier said than done. 但是依照一位著名的经济学家的观点,这是说起来容易做起来难。
A. notorious
B. renowned
C. renewed
D. renamed

4.  ( ) issues and unequal income distribution are also seriouse promblems. 养老金和收入分配不公也是严重的问题。
A. Passion
B. Pensioner
C. Pension
D. Pioneer

5.  In China, the government should start by ( ) the enterprise income tax system. 中国政府应先从统一企业所得税体制开始。
A. unit
B. unified
C. uniform
D. unifying

6.  Nearly 40 foreign insurance companies have set up operational ( ) in 13 Chinese cities. 将近有40家外资保险公司在中国的13个城市中建立了经营实体。
A. entry
B. entire
C. entities
D. encourage

7.  Japanese spinach warning was out of compliance with its promises in the ( ). 日本的菠菜警告违背了它自己在那个备忘录中的承诺。
A. memory
B. mery
C. mean
D. memo

8.  China will continue to issue a certain amount of long-term ( ) bonds. 中国将继续发行一定量的长期国库券。
A. treasury
B. treasure
C. measure
D. sercurity

9.  The import ban has caused the ( ) return of 10,000 tons of chicken to China and caused losses of millions of yuan. 这条进口禁令估计会使1万吨鸡肉退回中国,导致我们数百万元的损失。
A. espect
B. estimated
C. estimate
D. especially

10.  China has requested ( ) to the anti-dumping rules of the WTO. 中国已经要求修订世贸组织的反倾销规则。
A. mend
B. amendments
C. correct
D. mend

11.  Chinese banks are lagging( ) behind their foreign competitors. 中国银行远远落后于外国竞争者。
A. way
B. away
C. large
D. big

12.  Each year, Chinese smokers consume 1.7 ( ) cigarettes, 30 per cent of annual cigarette consumption in the world. 每年中国烟民消费1.7万亿支香烟,占世界每年香烟消费量的30%。
A. billion
B. ten billion
C. trillion
D. ten trillion

13.  So far, 36 foreign insurance firms have set up 57 operational entities in China, including 20 ( ), 14 property insurers and two re-insurers. 至今,36家外国保险公司在中国建立了57个运营实体,包括20家人寿保险公司,14家财产保险公司和两家再保险公司。
A. life insurer
B. life insure
C. life insurers
D. lives insurer

14.  Industry and trade experts and lawyers said the victory is largely ( ). 行业和贸易专家们及律师们说这个胜利很大意义上只是象征性的。
A. symbol
B. symbolic
C. symbolize
D. system

15.  Reforms is considered as banking ( ) looms. 银行业开放的最后期限日益迫近,改革正在酝酿之中。
A. last line
B. last row
C. deadline
D. dead row

16.  The current scope of investment has constrained their investment yield and is ( ) further business growth. 目前的投资范围限制了他们的投资收益并阻碍业务的进一步的增长。
A. hammer
B. harm
C. hame
D. hampering

17.  Insurance ( ) was lowered. 保险业门槛已降低。
A. threshold
B. threat
C. threw
D. thread

18.  The system will also ( ) information to enterprises regularly. 此机制也将定期向企业传达信息。
A. delivery
B. deliverence
C. delivering
D. deliver

19.  A heightened sense of urgency with banking regulators was ( ). 银行业管理者的紧迫感日益提高是很明显的。
A. pattern
B. palpable
C. palm
D. pad

20.  It also ( ) the domestic measurement unable to accurately assess the level of risks. 这也导致国内的评估方法不能精确地评估风险等级。
A. random
B. wonder
C. render
D. rant

21.  Finally, following the example of civil aviation ( ), these provincial companies will be merged into three to five groups. 最后,仿照民航重组的例子,这些省级规模的公司将合并成三至五个集团。
A. restructure
B. restriction
C. restrain
D. repression

22.  Aside from rising demand, experts also attributed the power shortage to drought and a ( ) coal supply. 除了需求上升之外, 专家们也将电力短缺归因于干旱和煤碳供应不足。
A. deficient
B. defficult
C. deferent
D. efficient

23.  ( ) Sohu.com and NetEast.com announced their first ever profits after years of losses. 搜狐和网易这两个竞争对手在历经多年亏损之后也宣布了它们首次的获利。
A. Rivers
B. Rivals
C. Competitive
D. Revenge

24.  China’s non-GM crop has an ( ). 中国的非转基因作物具有优势。
A. disadvantage
B. shotcoming
C. limit
D. edge

25.  Hundreds were ( ) out of work. 数以百计的人失去了工作。
A. though
B. threw
C. throw
D. thrown

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. Although the official denied any possible joint ventures with foreign players, ( ) said the entry of more foreign tobacco is inevitable. 尽管这个官员否认了与外国烟草业同行建立合资企业的可能性,但业内人士称更多的外国烟草涌进中国是不可避免的。
A. insiders
B. inside
C. outside
D. ourtsiders

2.  China launched the ( ) in response to applications submitted on February 6 last year by four local paper manufacturers. 中国应四家地方造纸商于去年二月六日所提交的申请展开了调查。
A. probably
B. profit
C. prop
D. probe

3.  China should get a good mark for its performance on commitments it made to the World Trade Organization (WTO), said the Chinese ( ). 我国这位大使说中国在落实对世贸组织的承诺方面的表现上应该得高分。
A. ambassador
B. embassy
C. assembly
D. embarrassed

4.  Although still very slim in terms of our global ( ), China has already become one of the most important strategic markets for Visa, given the huge potential in the market. 尽管在我们的全球投资组合里面中国占的份额仍然非常很小,但由于它巨大的市场潜力,中国已经成为维萨卡最主要的战略市场之一。
A. petrol
B. portable
C. portfolio
D. port

5.  China has taken its historic first step to practically open up its ( ) market to foreign companies. 中国在向外国公司开放证券市场方面迈出了历史性的第一步。
A. secure
B. secret
C. securities
D. secretary

6.  China will open up its foreign trading ( ). 中国将放开外贸经营权。
A. rights
B. authority
C. power
D. gates

7.  A 200,000-ton deep-water wharf for ( ) cargo will be completed next year. 一个20万吨的散货深水码头将于明年完工。
A. bush
B. bulk
C. dock

8.  Another important measure to ( ) energy security is to improve the efficiency of energy use and reduce waste. 另一个确保能源安全的措施是提高能源使用的效率及减少浪费。
A. scar
B. scarf
C. safeguard
D. watchdog

9.  Many automakers in China will be ( ) out as a result of overheating investment and mounting vehicle imports now that China is a member of the World Trade Organization. 由于投资过热,加上中国成为世贸成员必然会使进口车辆攀升,许多中国的汽车制造商以后将被逐步淘汰。
A. phrase
B. physical
C. phenix
D. phased

10.  China has so far filed 24 anti-dumping ( ) on foreign products. 中国目前已对外国商品提出24例反倾销指控。
A. charge
B. change
C. chance
D. charges

11.  Each year, Chinese smokers consume 1.7 ( ) cigarettes, 30 per cent of annual cigarette consumption in the world. 每年中国烟民消费1.7万亿支香烟,占世界每年香烟消费量的30%。
A. billion
B. ten billion
C. trillion
D. ten trillion

12.  ( ) the market, these distribution channels have the problems of high costs, low efficiency and poor services. 由于垄断了市场,这些发行渠道有成本高、效率低和服务差的问题。
A. Monopolizing
B. Multinationals
C. controlled
D. Possession

13.  CSRC is also working with other departments to update rules on borrowing funds using stocks as ( ). 证监会也在与其他部门研究改变关于以股票为抵押募集资金的相关规定。
A. collateral
B. collect
C. collection
D. college

14.  But a ( ) official said the new regulation was likely to come out this year. 但是一位银行业监督管理委员会的官员称新规定可能在今年还不能出台。

15.  Japanese spinach warning was out of compliance with its promises in the ( ). 日本的菠菜警告违背了它自己在那个备忘录中的承诺。
A. memory
B. mery
C. mean
D. memo

16.  An ( ) economy such as Turkey or Mexico where materials and labour costs are much higher than in China. 在新兴工业化国家,如土耳其或墨西哥,原材料和劳动力的成本都远高于中国。
A. emerging
B. emerge
C. developed
D. develop

17.  Finally, following the example of civil aviation ( ), these provincial companies will be merged into three to five groups. 最后,仿照民航重组的例子,这些省级规模的公司将合并成三至五个集团。
A. restructure
B. restriction
C. restrain
D. repression

18.  A delay to the process of reform and development will bring ( ) consequences to the entire economy.改革和发展进程中的延误将会给整个经济带来严重的后果。
A. grey
B. gave
C. grade
D. grave

19.  ( ) capital has hampered their expansion in China for a long period of time. 很长一段时间里资本不足阻碍了它们在中国的发展。
A. Sufficient
B. Suffered
C. Insufficient
D. Abound

20.  Some systems have already been completed in the fields of auto production, ( ) and steel making. 在汽车、化肥和钢铁业领域中一些机制已经建立起来。
A. fertilize
B. textile
C. fertilizers
D. text

21.  France is one of the countries with freely ( ) currencies. 法国是货币可自由兑换的国家之一。
A. conversation
B. converse
C. convertible
D. command

22.  China has allowed foreign banks to provide renminbi services to Chinese businesses in all of the 13 key cities ( ) last Monday. 到上周,中国已经允许外国银行在13个重要城市向中国企业提供人民币业务服务。
A. as of
B. as off
C. of as
D. off as

23.  The charge is ( ). 这项指控是无根据的。
A. ground
B. groudness
C. groundless
D. greatness

24.  A new regulation issued recently by the State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC) is expected to help improve management of investments and increase asset ( ). 国家经贸委颁布的新规定有望能改善投资管理机制和提高资产效率。
A. effcient
B. efficiency
C. affect
D. ratio

25.  Relevant government departments and their ( ) are conducting intensive research into reform options. 相关的政府部门及其智囊团正在对可供选择的改革方案进行深入的调查。
A. think tent
B. thank tanks
C. think banks
D. think tanks

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. China has taken its historic first step to practically open up its ( ) market to foreign companies. 中国在向外国公司开放证券市场方面迈出了历史性的第一步。
A. secure
B. secret
C. securities
D. secretary

2.  Advertising revenue is likely to be ( ) or even slide by no more than 5 per cent. 广告收入可能会持平甚至会有不超过5个百分点的下降。
A. fat
B. flee
C. flat
D. fly

3.  Hong Kong banks will be allowed to exchange yuan for Hong Kong dollars and vice versa, and make ( ) to the mainland in yuan. 香港的银行获准进行人民币和港币相互间的兑换业务,并可以以人民币的形式向大陆汇款。
A. remittances
B. remit
C. deposit
D. loan

4.  The government took a ( ) step at the end of July by inviting outside investment in 104 State-owned enterprises. 在七月底政府迈出了大胆的一步,为104家国有企业诚邀外方投资。
A. old
B. bold
C. prudent
D. small

5.  And the central bank launched a ( ) fund for high-tech smaller businesses. 中央银行为小型的高科技企业推出了一项启动基金。
A. start
B. start down
C. end
D. start-up

6.  Goods subject to cuts include ( ), zinc and coke. 遭受削减退税的货物包括石油、锌和焦炭。
A. pet
B. petal
C. petrol
D. concrol

7.  China has greatly improved its ( ) on foreign economic and trade policies. 中国已经显著提高了对外经贸政策的透明度。
A. transpotation
B. transparency
C. transform
D. transaction

8.  CSRC is also working with other departments to update rules on borrowing funds using stocks as ( ). 证监会也在与其他部门研究改变关于以股票为抵押募集资金的相关规定。
A. collateral
B. collect
C. collection
D. college

9.  ( ) of existing bad assets and tighter procedures for issuing new loans are the two major factors for cutting the NPL ratio. 削减不良贷款的两个主要手段是对尚存的不良资产的处置及更加严格发放新贷款的程序。
A. Disclose
B. Disposed
C. Disposal
D. Expose

10.  The fiscal policy will give key emphasis on solving the problems of ( ) workers, rural issues. 财政政策将着重解决下岗职工问题和农村的经济问题。
A. retired
B. laid-off
C. quited
D. out of

11.  However, the demand will ( ) as a result of energy supply, environment and transportation problems in China. 然而,由于中国的能源供应、环境和运输问题,需求会产生波动。
A. flew
B. fluctuate
C. flexible
D. fluence

12.  Dirty money has a broad array of sources, including various economic crimes like embezzlement, bribery, forex flight and ( ), tax evasion and proceeds from illegal operations. 黑钱有着广泛的来源,包括多种经济犯罪如挪用公款、行贿受贿、逃汇和骗汇、逃税及违法经营的收益。
A. frank
B. fraid
C. fruit
D. fraud

13.  Since November, some areas in East, Southeast, Central and South China have had to ( ) the electricity from time to time to prevent the grid from crashing. 从十一月以来,在我国东部、东南部、中部和南部的一些地区已经不得不一次次的切断供电以防止电网突然毁坏。
A. switch of
B. switch off
C. switch up
D. switch out

14.  ( ) the market, these distribution channels have the problems of high costs, low efficiency and poor services. 由于垄断了市场,这些发行渠道有成本高、效率低和服务差的问题。
A. Monopolizing
B. Multinationals
C. controlled
D. Possession

15.  Although still very slim in terms of our global ( ), China has already become one of the most important strategic markets for Visa, given the huge potential in the market. 尽管在我们的全球投资组合里面中国占的份额仍然非常很小,但由于它巨大的市场潜力,中国已经成为维萨卡最主要的战略市场之一。
A. petrol
B. portable
C. portfolio
D. port

16.  Insurance ( ) was lowered. 保险业门槛已降低。
A. threshold
B. threat
C. threw
D. thread

17.  An official who asked to remain ( ) revealed this. 一位要求匿名的官员透露了这一信息。
A. anonymous
B. announce
C. anymore
D. famous

18.  A ( ) for the second half of the year is to analyze the reasons for the rapid growth in loans and the associated risks. 下半年的一个优先考虑的重点是分析贷款迅速增长的原因及其相关风险。
A. prior
B. prefer
C. priority
D. point

19.  China has requested ( ) to the anti-dumping rules of the WTO. 中国已经要求修订世贸组织的反倾销规则。
A. mend
B. amendments
C. correct
D. mend

20.  China has announced the final ( ) of its auto finance regulations, fulfilling a key commitment made upon its World Trade Organization (WTO) entry at the end of 2001.中国已宣布了汽车金融法规的最终版本,完全履行了它在2001年底加入世贸组织时所做出的这一重要承诺。
A. virginia
B. version
C. versus
D. verb

21.  And the conditions are all ( ) place. 并且条件均已到位。
A. out
B. up
C. under
D. in

22.  Money can come from the banks themselves, government ( ), the stock and bond markets and even foreign strategic investors. 资金可以来自银行自身、国库、股票债券市场和外国战略投资者。
A. coffer
B. coffee
C. coffers
D. corruption

23.  Chinese SMEs are largely frustrated with the risk-( ) banks and the stock market. 由于银行和证券市场对风险的防范,中小型企业大多数都不能通过它们获取资金。
A. reverse
B. revamp
C. averse
D. verse

24.  The import ban has caused the ( ) return of 10,000 tons of chicken to China and caused losses of millions of yuan. 这条进口禁令估计会使1万吨鸡肉退回中国,导致我们数百万元的损失。
A. espect
B. estimated
C. estimate
D. especially

25.  Many US furniture importers, wholesalers and ( ) make their living thanks to the Chinese furniture trade. 许多美国家具的进口商,批发商和零售商对中国的家具贸易表示了诚挚的感谢。
A. retail
B. retailed
C. retailing
D. retailer

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. ( ) capital has hampered their expansion in China for a long period of time. 很长一段时间里资本不足阻碍了它们在中国的发展。
A. Sufficient
B. Suffered
C. Insufficient
D. Abound

2.  But interest rates on such agreements are also ( ) as banks have more sufficient funding sources. 但是由于银行有了足够的资金来源,这类协议的利率也在逐渐降低。
A. slide
B. slides
C. slided
D. sliding

3.  Hong Kong banks will be allowed to exchange yuan for Hong Kong dollars and vice versa, and make ( ) to the mainland in yuan. 香港的银行获准进行人民币和港币相互间的兑换业务,并可以以人民币的形式向大陆汇款。
A. remittances
B. remit
C. deposit
D. loan

4.  Reforms is considered as banking ( ) looms. 银行业开放的最后期限日益迫近,改革正在酝酿之中。
A. last line
B. last row
C. deadline
D. dead row

5.  Analysts warn that an increase in embezzlement, drug trafficking and ( ) has inflated the flow of “dirty” money in China over recent years. 分析家们警告说近年来随着挪用公款、毒品交易及走私的增多,在我国“黑钱”的流动也随之增多。
A. smart
B. sum
C. smuggling
D. corruption

6.  The successful result ( ) from rising awareness among local enterprises about how to protect their market share by using WTO rules. 这一成功的结果是源于地方企业提高了使用世贸组织的规定保护其市场份额的意识。
A. steming
B. stems
C. stem
D. step

7.  CSRC is also working with other departments to update rules on borrowing funds using stocks as ( ). 证监会也在与其他部门研究改变关于以股票为抵押募集资金的相关规定。
A. collateral
B. collect
C. collection
D. college

8.  It is currently only at a ( ) stage. 目前它尚在试验阶段。
A. tentative
B. initial
C. mature
D. ripe

9.  Financial institutions are subject to fines and other ( ) if they fail reporting and other obligations or open accounts for clients with false Ids. 金融机构如果没有履行报告和其他义务或者为持假身份证件者开立账户,将遭到罚款或其他处罚。
A. rewards
B. prize
C. penalties
D. final punish

10.  For example, the government used to require the banks to ( ) loans to State enterprises which had difficulty in paying their employees. 例如,政府常要求银行对那些难以给员工发工资的国有企业发放贷款。
A. grand
B. great
C. grant
D. ground

11.  The government took a ( ) step at the end of July by inviting outside investment in 104 State-owned enterprises. 在七月底政府迈出了大胆的一步,为104家国有企业诚邀外方投资。
A. old
B. bold
C. prudent
D. small

12.  "( ) should be given to public transportation in large and medium-sized cities and the increase in family cars should be kept within reasonable limits. 应该优先发展大中型城市的公共交通,对于家庭车辆的增长则应控制在合理的限度内。
A. Prefer
B. Preference
C. Preferential
D. Preface

13.  But it stopped short of taking ( ) steps to deal with the problem. 但它没有采取具体的步骤去解决问题。
A. correction
B. concrete
C. abstract
D. absolute

14.  China can effectively increase its foreign investment in the future by encouraging foreign companies to merge with or ( ) Chinese firms. 通过鼓励外资公司兼并和收购中国企业,中国将会有效地提高外国投资。
A. inquiry
B. acquire
C. accomplish
D. request

15.  Agriculture ( ) 20 per cent of the gross domestic product in a country with an agricultural population of around 1 billion. 在我国农民人口约十亿,农业占国民生产总值的20%。
A. accounts for
B. accountant for
C. accounts out
D. account for

16.  The Chinese foreign minister will meet his Canadian ( ) the next month. 中加外交部长将于下月会面。
A. count
B. cottage
C. counterparts
D. caught

17.  Finally, following the example of civil aviation ( ), these provincial companies will be merged into three to five groups. 最后,仿照民航重组的例子,这些省级规模的公司将合并成三至五个集团。
A. restructure
B. restriction
C. restrain
D. repression

18.  France is one of the countries with freely ( ) currencies. 法国是货币可自由兑换的国家之一。
A. conversation
B. converse
C. convertible
D. command

19.  China is trying to ( ) its energy strategy to protect its national interests.中国正在调整其能源政策以保护国家利益。
A. adopt
B. adapt
C. adult
D. adaptation

20.  China has allowed foreign banks to provide renminbi services to Chinese businesses in all of the 13 key cities ( ) last Monday. 到上周,中国已经允许外国银行在13个重要城市向中国企业提供人民币业务服务。
A. as of
B. as off
C. of as
D. off as

21.  Many believe it would include massive capital ( ), restructuring involving foreign investors, and stock listings. 许多人相信它将包括大量的资本注入、有外国投资者参与的资产重组以及上市发行股票。
A. insert
B. injections
C. income
D. install

22.  It also requested ( ) of an article regarding non-market economies. 它也要求废除非市场经济的条款。
A. abolished
B. abolition
C. abuse
D. adept

23.  Some insurers took to ( ) competitive measures and operational risks mounted. 一些保险公司开始采用非理性的竞争手段,经营风险也上升了。
A. irration
B. Isreal
C. irrational
D. rational

24.  And ( ) will generate excessive vehicle production capacity. 并且盲目投资将导致汽车生产力过剩。
A. blind investment
B. blind invests
C. blind investor
D. invest

25.  The system will also ( ) information to enterprises regularly. 此机制也将定期向企业传达信息。
A. delivery
B. deliverence
C. delivering
D. deliver

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. A government decision is to lower tax ( ) rates by an average of 3 percentage points. 政府决定把出口退税平均降低3个百分点。
A. rebate
B. debate
C. reduce
D. retell

2.  It issued an import warning on Chinese frozen spinach using the ( ) of higher-than-required amounts of pesticide residue. 日本发出了针对中国冻菠菜的进口警告,借口是杀虫剂的残留物高于要求的标准。。
A. preface
B. pretext
C. prepare
D. prefere

3.  Financial companies can be ( ) from value-added taxes. 金融公司可以免收增值税所带来的负担。
A. except
B. exempted
C. example
D. exact

4.  And ( ) will generate excessive vehicle production capacity. 并且盲目投资将导致汽车生产力过剩。
A. blind investment
B. blind invests
C. blind investor
D. invest

5.  But according to a ( ) economist, it is easier said than done. 但是依照一位著名的经济学家的观点,这是说起来容易做起来难。
A. notorious
B. renowned
C. renewed
D. renamed

6.  Tax income ( ) from financial and insurance companies reached 77 billion yuan. 来自金融和保险企业的税收达到了770亿元人民币。
A. general
B. generally
C. cost
D. generated

7.  But banks do not have the money to achieve the objective and the government () is an unrealistic idea. 但是银行没有资金去实现这一目标,而让政府买单是不现实的想法。
A. heading the bill
B. open the bill
C. cost the bill
D. footing the bill

8.  But a ( ) official said the new regulation was likely to come out this year. 但是一位银行业监督管理委员会的官员称新规定可能在今年还不能出台。

9.  Commercial banks are also allowed to ask home buyers for bigger ( ) on their second homes, luxury housing and town houses. 对于那些要购买第二套房屋和购买豪华住宅或城镇住宅的购房者,商业银行被允许向他们要求更高的首付款。
A. downpayments
B. pay
C. payee
D. payer

10.  It concerns the sensitive issue of social ( ). 它关系到社会公平的敏感问题。
A. equal
B. equivalent
C. equipment
D. equity

11.  Reforms is considered as banking ( ) looms. 银行业开放的最后期限日益迫近,改革正在酝酿之中。
A. last line
B. last row
C. deadline
D. dead row

12.  And they have developed their own ( ). 他们发展出了自己的中介。
A. intermediaries
B. agency
C. media
D. agent

13.  ( ) in the province have 600 billion yuan deposited in banks. 该省的居民有6000亿元人民币存放在银行里。
A. Register
B. Reverse
C. Residents
D. Immigration

14.  But interest rates on such agreements are also ( ) as banks have more sufficient funding sources. 但是由于银行有了足够的资金来源,这类协议的利率也在逐渐降低。
A. slide
B. slides
C. slided
D. sliding

15.  Currently, various government departments oversee different aspects of the energy issue, causing inefficient communication, ( ), a lack of proper regulation and other problems. 目前,多个政府部门在监管着能源领域的不同事项,导致了相互沟通不畅、重复工作、缺少适当的法规及其它问题。
A. duoble
B. dumpling
C. duplication
D. duplicates

16.  Reform of the Chinese banking sector has ( ) accelerated as the nation entered its third year of World Trade Organization (WTO) accession. 在中国加入世贸组织的第三年,银行领域的改革有了显著的加快。
A. notice
B. noticeably
C. noticeable
D. note

17.  Coated art paper is the highest-grade paper used in the ( ) industry. 铜版纸是印刷业中使用的最高级的纸。
A. printed
B. print
C. sealed
D. printing

18.  In order to minimize risks, the rules require that AFCs have capital ( ) ratios of no less than 10 per cent. 为了使风险最小化,该规则要求汽车金融公司的资本充足率不低于10%。
A. adept
B. adequacy
C. adopt
D. admittance

19.  That also means China, one of the suitors, is to win its first trade dispute under the ( ) trading system. 这也意味着作为起诉方之一的中国第一次在多边贸易体制下赢得了贸易纠纷的胜利。
A. multilateral
B. bilateral
C. dual
D. multiply

20.  Hundreds were ( ) out of work. 数以百计的人失去了工作。
A. though
B. threw
C. throw
D. thrown

21.  China has allowed foreign banks to provide renminbi services to Chinese businesses in all of the 13 key cities ( ) last Monday. 到上周,中国已经允许外国银行在13个重要城市向中国企业提供人民币业务服务。
A. as of
B. as off
C. of as
D. off as

22.  It hit the skids as early as 1993 when compensations ( ). 早在1993年保险赔偿急剧上升时,它开始走下坡路。
A. soared
B. sore
C. sole
D. score

23.  ( ) to the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce submitted a proposal to the ongoing Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. 中华全国工商联合会的代表们向正在进行的中国人民政治协商会议提交了一份建议书。
A. Delegates
B. Delete
C. Delegation
D. Dell

24.  Chinese customers have started to ( ) from imported art paper to locally made paper. 中国顾客的兴趣已经开始从进口纸转向了当地制造的纸张。
A. sweet
B. switch
C. swift
D. sweat

25.  "( ) should be given to public transportation in large and medium-sized cities and the increase in family cars should be kept within reasonable limits. 应该优先发展大中型城市的公共交通,对于家庭车辆的增长则应控制在合理的限度内。
A. Prefer
B. Preference
C. Preferential
D. Preface

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. Japanese spinach warning was out of compliance with its promises in the ( ). 日本的菠菜警告违背了它自己在那个备忘录中的承诺。
A. memory
B. mery
C. mean
D. memo

2.  And ( ) will generate excessive vehicle production capacity. 并且盲目投资将导致汽车生产力过剩。
A. blind investment
B. blind invests
C. blind investor
D. invest

3.  China should get a good mark for its performance on commitments it made to the World Trade Organization (WTO), said the Chinese ( ). 我国这位大使说中国在落实对世贸组织的承诺方面的表现上应该得高分。
A. ambassador
B. embassy
C. assembly
D. embarrassed

4.  Exporter take cover as insurers (). 保险商大力宣传,出口商开始投保。
A. bloom
B. boat
C. blood
D. boom

5.  It is too early to tell our exact move before the regulation takes ( ). 在规则生效之前告知我们的具体措施还为时过早。
A. affect
B. effective
C. efficiency
D. effect

6.  Reforms is considered as banking ( ) looms. 银行业开放的最后期限日益迫近,改革正在酝酿之中。
A. last line
B. last row
C. deadline
D. dead row

7.  Export credit insurance protects exporters from losses due to importers’ ( ) or delayed payments. 出口信用保险保护出口商免受由于进口商不履约或延迟付款而造成的损失。
A. differ
B. defficult
C. defaults
D. defeat

8.  China started to examine and approve ( ) joint-venture trading firms. 中国开始审核并批准建立一些中外合资的贸易公司。
A. Sino-foreign
B. Sino-Tibetan
C. Sino-Japanese
D. Sin-foreign

9.  Aside from rising demand, experts also attributed the power shortage to drought and a ( ) coal supply. 除了需求上升之外, 专家们也将电力短缺归因于干旱和煤碳供应不足。
A. deficient
B. defficult
C. deferent
D. efficient

10.  However, the demand will ( ) as a result of energy supply, environment and transportation problems in China. 然而,由于中国的能源供应、环境和运输问题,需求会产生波动。
A. flew
B. fluctuate
C. flexible
D. fluence

11.  By giving the soybean sector due emphasis, the country is easily able to expand the scope of its production and plant more high-( ) soybeans with higher protein and oil contents. 只要给予大豆领域应有的重视, 我国能够很容易地扩大生产范围并种植出高产量、高含油量和高蛋白的大豆。
A. yeil
B. yield
C. yard
D. yell

12.  A 200,000-ton deep-water wharf for ( ) cargo will be completed next year. 一个20万吨的散货深水码头将于明年完工。
A. bush
B. bulk
C. dock

13.  Financial companies can be ( ) from value-added taxes. 金融公司可以免收增值税所带来的负担。
A. except
B. exempted
C. example
D. exact

14.  Insurance ( ) was lowered. 保险业门槛已降低。
A. threshold
B. threat
C. threw
D. thread

15.  Eight provinces and regions, including the booming areas of Guangdong Province and Shanghai, were saddled with a ( ) shortage of power when electricity consumption spiked after temperatures dropped.当温度下降电力消耗上升时,包括广东、上海这两个繁荣的地区在内的八个省份和地区,都遭受了严重的电力短缺的问题。
A. stark
B. star
C. start
D. stare

16.  It is currently only at a ( ) stage. 目前它尚在试验阶段。
A. tentative
B. initial
C. mature
D. ripe

17.  Tax experts and domestic ( ) have urged the government to unify income tax regulations for domestic and foreign-funded companies. 税务专家和国内企业家们已经敦促政府统一国内企业和外资企业的所得税规则。
A. enterprise
B. entrepreneurs
C. artists
D. scientists

18.  Competition for bank card business, would ( ) in the coming years. 银行卡业务的竞争会在今后几年不断加剧。
A. intense
B. intent
C. insist
D. intensify

19.  Although the official denied any possible joint ventures with foreign players, ( ) said the entry of more foreign tobacco is inevitable. 尽管这个官员否认了与外国烟草业同行建立合资企业的可能性,但业内人士称更多的外国烟草涌进中国是不可避免的。
A. insiders
B. inside
C. outside
D. ourtsiders

20.  Chinese exporters angrily condemned a series of unfair trade measures by Japan to ( )Chinese farm produce. 中国出口商愤怒谴责日本阻碍进口中国农产品的一系列的贸易措施。
A. block
B. blood
C. bloom
D. black

21.  China will continue to issue a certain amount of long-term ( ) bonds. 中国将继续发行一定量的长期国库券。
A. treasury
B. treasure
C. measure
D. sercurity

22.  The system can monitor the import prices and quantities, the technological ( ) of foreign manufacturers and other global movements within the sector. 此机制能够监督进口商品的价格和质量,外国生产商的技术更新和该领域的其它世界动态。
A. updown
B. upstair
C. updates
D. upon

23.  The United States, knowing clearly it will lose, has taken advantage of the time ( ) for the WTO to judge to protect its steel industry. 美国明知自己会输掉这场官司,但它已经利用世贸组织进行裁决的时间跨度保护了它的钢铁业。
A. spy
B. span
C. spend
D. spin

24.  The government took a ( ) step at the end of July by inviting outside investment in 104 State-owned enterprises. 在七月底政府迈出了大胆的一步,为104家国有企业诚邀外方投资。
A. old
B. bold
C. prudent
D. small

25.  Money can come from the banks themselves, government ( ), the stock and bond markets and even foreign strategic investors. 资金可以来自银行自身、国库、股票债券市场和外国战略投资者。
A. coffer
B. coffee
C. coffers
D. corruption

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. Tax experts and domestic ( ) have urged the government to unify income tax regulations for domestic and foreign-funded companies. 税务专家和国内企业家们已经敦促政府统一国内企业和外资企业的所得税规则。
A. enterprise
B. entrepreneurs
C. artists
D. scientists

2.  Automotive Industry Corp which each have ( ) with two or more foreign automakers -- will control half of the total vehicle production capacity in China in coming years. 今后几年里与两家或以上的外国汽车制造商合作的汽车工业公司将会控制中国汽车生产能力的一半。
A. teamed up
B. tamed up
C. team down
D. teams down

3.  Insurance companies in China now can only invest a ( ) of 15 per cent of their assets in securities funds. 在中国的保险公司最多只能用其资产的15%进行证券基金的投资。
A. minimum
B. maximum
C. minimize
D. max

4.  The US safeguard measures have done little ( ) damage to Chinese steel industries. 美国的保障措施几乎对中国的钢铁业没有实质性的伤害。
A. substantial
B. subsidiary
C. subsidy
D. subsidise

5.  ( ) to the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce submitted a proposal to the ongoing Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. 中华全国工商联合会的代表们向正在进行的中国人民政治协商会议提交了一份建议书。
A. Delegates
B. Delete
C. Delegation
D. Dell

6.  Chinese SMEs are largely frustrated with the risk-( ) banks and the stock market. 由于银行和证券市场对风险的防范,中小型企业大多数都不能通过它们获取资金。
A. reverse
B. revamp
C. averse
D. verse

7.  "( ) should be given to public transportation in large and medium-sized cities and the increase in family cars should be kept within reasonable limits. 应该优先发展大中型城市的公共交通,对于家庭车辆的增长则应控制在合理的限度内。
A. Prefer
B. Preference
C. Preferential
D. Preface

8.  Japanese spinach warning was out of compliance with its promises in the ( ). 日本的菠菜警告违背了它自己在那个备忘录中的承诺。
A. memory
B. mery
C. mean
D. memo

9.  Exporter take cover as insurers (). 保险商大力宣传,出口商开始投保。
A. bloom
B. boat
C. blood
D. boom

10.  The government took a ( ) step at the end of July by inviting outside investment in 104 State-owned enterprises. 在七月底政府迈出了大胆的一步,为104家国有企业诚邀外方投资。
A. old
B. bold
C. prudent
D. small

11.  Industry and trade experts and lawyers said the victory is largely ( ). 行业和贸易专家们及律师们说这个胜利很大意义上只是象征性的。
A. symbol
B. symbolic
C. symbolize
D. system

12.  Coated art paper is mainly used for colour pictorial publications, advertisements and ( ). 铜版纸主要用于彩色图片出版物、广告和包装。
A. packaging
B. pack
C. peak
D. pea

13.  It is too early to tell our exact move before the regulation takes ( ). 在规则生效之前告知我们的具体措施还为时过早。
A. affect
B. effective
C. efficiency
D. effect

14.  And ( ) will generate excessive vehicle production capacity. 并且盲目投资将导致汽车生产力过剩。
A. blind investment
B. blind invests
C. blind investor
D. invest

15.  Financial institutions are required to report ( ) cash transactions exceeding US$10,000. 金融机构被要求报告1万美金以上的外汇现金交易。
A. foreign
B. exchange
C. forax
D. forex

16.  Advanced technologies and management () brought by foreign investors will definitely pose a threat to Chinese distributors, 外国投资者所带来的先进技术和管理理念必定会对中国的经销商形成威胁。
A. conduction
B. confidence
C. concepts
D. concerns

17.  In China, the government should start by ( ) the enterprise income tax system. 中国政府应先从统一企业所得税体制开始。
A. unit
B. unified
C. uniform
D. unifying

18.  That also means China, one of the suitors, is to win its first trade dispute under the ( ) trading system. 这也意味着作为起诉方之一的中国第一次在多边贸易体制下赢得了贸易纠纷的胜利。
A. multilateral
B. bilateral
C. dual
D. multiply

19.  Relevant government departments and their ( ) are conducting intensive research into reform options. 相关的政府部门及其智囊团正在对可供选择的改革方案进行深入的调查。
A. think tent
B. thank tanks
C. think banks
D. think tanks

20.  More QFII applications from overseas institutions were being ( ). 将会有更多的来自海外机构的合格境外机构投资者的申请得到审核。
A. reviewed
B. renewed
C. reversed
D. revised

21.  Many US furniture importers, wholesalers and ( ) make their living thanks to the Chinese furniture trade. 许多美国家具的进口商,批发商和零售商对中国的家具贸易表示了诚挚的感谢。
A. retail
B. retailed
C. retailing
D. retailer

22.  Eight provinces and regions, including the booming areas of Guangdong Province and Shanghai, were saddled with a ( ) shortage of power when electricity consumption spiked after temperatures dropped.当温度下降电力消耗上升时,包括广东、上海这两个繁荣的地区在内的八个省份和地区,都遭受了严重的电力短缺的问题。
A. stark
B. star
C. start
D. stare

23.  Illegal conduct such as ( ) and divulging confidential information, have occurred during bidding. 比如内外串通、泄露机密等这样的不法行为在投标中时有发生。
A. collusion
B. college
C. colleague
D. solution

24.  A heightened sense of urgency with banking regulators was ( ). 银行业管理者的紧迫感日益提高是很明显的。
A. pattern
B. palpable
C. palm
D. pad

25.  An ( ) said he and many other lawyers have expected the United States to lose the case at the WTO. 一位律师说他和其他许多同行都预料美国会在世贸组织中输掉这场官司。
A. attorn
B. law
C. attorney
D. lawers

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. China will continue to issue a certain amount of long-term ( ) bonds. 中国将继续发行一定量的长期国库券。
A. treasury
B. treasure
C. measure
D. sercurity

2.  China will open up its foreign trading ( ). 中国将放开外贸经营权。
A. rights
B. authority
C. power
D. gates

3.  Insurance ( ) was lowered. 保险业门槛已降低。
A. threshold
B. threat
C. threw
D. thread

4.  Automotive Industry Corp which each have ( ) with two or more foreign automakers -- will control half of the total vehicle production capacity in China in coming years. 今后几年里与两家或以上的外国汽车制造商合作的汽车工业公司将会控制中国汽车生产能力的一半。
A. teamed up
B. tamed up
C. team down
D. teams down

5.  Nearly 40 foreign insurance companies have set up operational ( ) in 13 Chinese cities. 将近有40家外资保险公司在中国的13个城市中建立了经营实体。
A. entry
B. entire
C. entities
D. encourage

6.  A new regulation issued recently by the State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC) is expected to help improve management of investments and increase asset ( ). 国家经贸委颁布的新规定有望能改善投资管理机制和提高资产效率。
A. effcient
B. efficiency
C. affect
D. ratio

7.  Eight provinces and regions, including the booming areas of Guangdong Province and Shanghai, were saddled with a ( ) shortage of power when electricity consumption spiked after temperatures dropped.当温度下降电力消耗上升时,包括广东、上海这两个繁荣的地区在内的八个省份和地区,都遭受了严重的电力短缺的问题。
A. stark
B. star
C. start
D. stare

8.  China has greatly improved its ( ) on foreign economic and trade policies. 中国已经显著提高了对外经贸政策的透明度。
A. transpotation
B. transparency
C. transform
D. transaction

9.  ( ), only about one per cent of the country’s total exports is covered by such insurance, compared with the world average of 12 per cent. 迄今为止,与世界12%的平均水平相比,我国总共只有约1%的出口商受到此种保险的保护。
A. So far
B. So long
C. So further
D. So now

10.  But a ( ) official said the new regulation was likely to come out this year. 但是一位银行业监督管理委员会的官员称新规定可能在今年还不能出台。

11.  Chinese banks are lagging( ) behind their foreign competitors. 中国银行远远落后于外国竞争者。
A. way
B. away
C. large
D. big

12.  A ( ) ruling was made last November. 去年十一月做出了一个初步的裁决。
A. preliminary
B. pretext
C. prepare
D. prefere

13.  Reforms is considered as banking ( ) looms. 银行业开放的最后期限日益迫近,改革正在酝酿之中。
A. last line
B. last row
C. deadline
D. dead row

14.  Commercial banks are also allowed to ask home buyers for bigger ( ) on their second homes, luxury housing and town houses. 对于那些要购买第二套房屋和购买豪华住宅或城镇住宅的购房者,商业银行被允许向他们要求更高的首付款。
A. downpayments
B. pay
C. payee
D. payer

15.  Chinese customers have started to ( ) from imported art paper to locally made paper. 中国顾客的兴趣已经开始从进口纸转向了当地制造的纸张。
A. sweet
B. switch
C. swift
D. sweat

16.  The government took a ( ) step at the end of July by inviting outside investment in 104 State-owned enterprises. 在七月底政府迈出了大胆的一步,为104家国有企业诚邀外方投资。
A. old
B. bold
C. prudent
D. small

17.  In China, the government should start by ( ) the enterprise income tax system. 中国政府应先从统一企业所得税体制开始。
A. unit
B. unified
C. uniform
D. unifying

18.  "( ) should be given to public transportation in large and medium-sized cities and the increase in family cars should be kept within reasonable limits. 应该优先发展大中型城市的公共交通,对于家庭车辆的增长则应控制在合理的限度内。
A. Prefer
B. Preference
C. Preferential
D. Preface

19.  Consistent with the ( ) of the new regulations, a set of corresponding implementation rules formulated by the CBRC will be released soon. 与新规则的发布同步,一套由中国银行监督委员会制定的相应的执行办法也将很快颁布。
A. circumstance
B. circle
C. circulation
D. circlet

20.  Chinese exporters angrily condemned a series of unfair trade measures by Japan to ( )Chinese farm produce. 中国出口商愤怒谴责日本阻碍进口中国农产品的一系列的贸易措施。
A. block
B. blood
C. bloom
D. black

21.  Although the official denied any possible joint ventures with foreign players, ( ) said the entry of more foreign tobacco is inevitable. 尽管这个官员否认了与外国烟草业同行建立合资企业的可能性,但业内人士称更多的外国烟草涌进中国是不可避免的。
A. insiders
B. inside
C. outside
D. ourtsiders

22.  Analysts warn that an increase in embezzlement, drug trafficking and ( ) has inflated the flow of “dirty” money in China over recent years. 分析家们警告说近年来随着挪用公款、毒品交易及走私的增多,在我国“黑钱”的流动也随之增多。
A. smart
B. sum
C. smuggling
D. corruption

23.  Tax income ( ) from financial and insurance companies reached 77 billion yuan. 来自金融和保险企业的税收达到了770亿元人民币。
A. general
B. generally
C. cost
D. generated

24.  Agricultural ( ) were below 1 billion yuan in 2001, compared to 210 billion yuan in total insurance premiums. 在2001年,与2100亿元的保险费总额相比较,农业保险费却低于10亿元。
A. prime
B. premiums
C. fee
D. charge

25.  The government will speed up the pace of shifting the focus of its pro-active fiscal policy from ( ) economic growth to sustainable development. 政府将加快转变步伐,将积极的财政政策的重点由刺激经济增长转变为寻求可持续发展。
A. steam
B. stimulate
C. stimulating
D. stead

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. A new regulation issued recently by the State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC) is expected to help improve management of investments and increase asset ( ). 国家经贸委颁布的新规定有望能改善投资管理机制和提高资产效率。
A. effcient
B. efficiency
C. affect
D. ratio

2.  It issued an import warning on Chinese frozen spinach using the ( ) of higher-than-required amounts of pesticide residue. 日本发出了针对中国冻菠菜的进口警告,借口是杀虫剂的残留物高于要求的标准。。
A. preface
B. pretext
C. prepare
D. prefere

3.  China has announced the final ( ) of its auto finance regulations, fulfilling a key commitment made upon its World Trade Organization (WTO) entry at the end of 2001.中国已宣布了汽车金融法规的最终版本,完全履行了它在2001年底加入世贸组织时所做出的这一重要承诺。
A. virginia
B. version
C. versus
D. verb

4.  The company sought a ( ) playing field. 公司寻求的是公平的竞争。
A. unfair
B. leave
C. list
D. level

5.  In order to minimize risks, the rules require that AFCs have capital ( ) ratios of no less than 10 per cent. 为了使风险最小化,该规则要求汽车金融公司的资本充足率不低于10%。
A. adept
B. adequacy
C. adopt
D. admittance

6.  Domestic banks should try to secure their ( ) in the market. 国内银行将努力维护它们在该市场中的立足之地。
A. foothold
B. footpoint
C. football
D. feethold

7.  China launched the ( ) in response to applications submitted on February 6 last year by four local paper manufacturers. 中国应四家地方造纸商于去年二月六日所提交的申请展开了调查。
A. probably
B. profit
C. prop
D. probe

8.  So far, 36 foreign insurance firms have set up 57 operational entities in China, including 20 ( ), 14 property insurers and two re-insurers. 至今,36家外国保险公司在中国建立了57个运营实体,包括20家人寿保险公司,14家财产保险公司和两家再保险公司。
A. life insurer
B. life insure
C. life insurers
D. lives insurer

9.  Although still very slim in terms of our global ( ), China has already become one of the most important strategic markets for Visa, given the huge potential in the market. 尽管在我们的全球投资组合里面中国占的份额仍然非常很小,但由于它巨大的市场潜力,中国已经成为维萨卡最主要的战略市场之一。
A. petrol
B. portable
C. portfolio
D. port

10.  China will soon take measures to cool down its overheating automotive industry, despite continuing rapid growth in domestic ( )demand. 尽管国内的车辆需求持续快速增长,中国将很快采取措施冷却过热的汽车工业。
A. vehicle
B. truck
C. train
D. trunk

11.  A ( ) ruling was made last November. 去年十一月做出了一个初步的裁决。
A. preliminary
B. pretext
C. prepare
D. prefere

12.  The United States, knowing clearly it will lose, has taken advantage of the time ( ) for the WTO to judge to protect its steel industry. 美国明知自己会输掉这场官司,但它已经利用世贸组织进行裁决的时间跨度保护了它的钢铁业。
A. spy
B. span
C. spend
D. spin

13.  Each year, Chinese smokers consume 1.7 ( ) cigarettes, 30 per cent of annual cigarette consumption in the world. 每年中国烟民消费1.7万亿支香烟,占世界每年香烟消费量的30%。
A. billion
B. ten billion
C. trillion
D. ten trillion

14.  Co-operation rather than ( ) will benefit the two countries. 合作比对抗要对两个国家更有益。
A. confront
B. confrontation
C. front
D. confirm

15.  Hundreds were ( ) out of work. 数以百计的人失去了工作。
A. though
B. threw
C. throw
D. thrown

16.  Government to ( ) auto sector 政府合理规范汽车领域
A. rate
B. ratio
C. reasonable
D. rationalize

17.  An ( ) economy such as Turkey or Mexico where materials and labour costs are much higher than in China. 在新兴工业化国家,如土耳其或墨西哥,原材料和劳动力的成本都远高于中国。
A. emerging
B. emerge
C. developed
D. develop

18.  And the ( ) power shortages in some areas are likely to continue for at least two years. 并且经常性的电力短缺在某些地区至少将持续两年。
A. choice
B. sometime
C. regular
D. chronic

19.  Export credit insurance protects exporters from losses due to importers’ ( ) or delayed payments. 出口信用保险保护出口商免受由于进口商不履约或延迟付款而造成的损失。
A. differ
B. defficult
C. defaults
D. defeat

20.  ( ) of existing bad assets and tighter procedures for issuing new loans are the two major factors for cutting the NPL ratio. 削减不良贷款的两个主要手段是对尚存的不良资产的处置及更加严格发放新贷款的程序。
A. Disclose
B. Disposed
C. Disposal
D. Expose

21.  Industry and trade experts and lawyers said the victory is largely ( ). 行业和贸易专家们及律师们说这个胜利很大意义上只是象征性的。
A. symbol
B. symbolic
C. symbolize
D. system

22.  But according to a ( ) economist, it is easier said than done. 但是依照一位著名的经济学家的观点,这是说起来容易做起来难。
A. notorious
B. renowned
C. renewed
D. renamed

23.  Chinese banks are lagging( ) behind their foreign competitors. 中国银行远远落后于外国竞争者。
A. way
B. away
C. large
D. big

24.  China could raise its renminbi ( ). 中国可能提高人民币的利息率。
A. interest rate
B. profit rate
C. interested rate
D. benefit rate

25.  Many US furniture importers, wholesalers and ( ) make their living thanks to the Chinese furniture trade. 许多美国家具的进口商,批发商和零售商对中国的家具贸易表示了诚挚的感谢。
A. retail
B. retailed
C. retailing
D. retailer

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. It hit the skids as early as 1993 when compensations ( ). 早在1993年保险赔偿急剧上升时,它开始走下坡路。
A. soared
B. sore
C. sole
D. score

2.  Insurance ( ) was lowered. 保险业门槛已降低。
A. threshold
B. threat
C. threw
D. thread

3.  China will continue to issue a certain amount of long-term ( ) bonds. 中国将继续发行一定量的长期国库券。
A. treasury
B. treasure
C. measure
D. sercurity

4.  China already allowed foreign investors to set up ( )-holding co-operative travel agencies in it. 我国已同意外国投资者在境内建立外资占少数股份的合作性质的旅行社。
A. minority
B. majority
C. major
D. minimum

5.  The current scope of investment has constrained their investment yield and is ( ) further business growth. 目前的投资范围限制了他们的投资收益并阻碍业务的进一步的增长。
A. hammer
B. harm
C. hame
D. hampering

6.  China consumed 241 million tons of petroleum and 28 billion ( ) metres of natural gas last year. 中国去年消耗了两亿四千一百万吨石油和二百八十亿立方米的天然气。
A. cubic
B. square
C. feet
D. inch

7.  But it stopped short of taking ( ) steps to deal with the problem. 但它没有采取具体的步骤去解决问题。
A. correction
B. concrete
C. abstract
D. absolute

8.  Nearly 40 foreign insurance companies have set up operational ( ) in 13 Chinese cities. 将近有40家外资保险公司在中国的13个城市中建立了经营实体。
A. entry
B. entire
C. entities
D. encourage

9.  CSRC is also working with other departments to update rules on borrowing funds using stocks as ( ). 证监会也在与其他部门研究改变关于以股票为抵押募集资金的相关规定。
A. collateral
B. collect
C. collection
D. college

10.  The US safeguard measures have done little ( ) damage to Chinese steel industries. 美国的保障措施几乎对中国的钢铁业没有实质性的伤害。
A. substantial
B. subsidiary
C. subsidy
D. subsidise

11.  China is now practicing ( )-track enterprise income tax policies. 中国目前对企业所得税实行双轨政策。
A. dual
B. triangle
C. square
D. single

12.  Coated art paper is mainly used for colour pictorial publications, advertisements and ( ). 铜版纸主要用于彩色图片出版物、广告和包装。
A. packaging
B. pack
C. peak
D. pea

13.  ( ) capital has hampered their expansion in China for a long period of time. 很长一段时间里资本不足阻碍了它们在中国的发展。
A. Sufficient
B. Suffered
C. Insufficient
D. Abound

14.  Coated art paper is the highest-grade paper used in the ( ) industry. 铜版纸是印刷业中使用的最高级的纸。
A. printed
B. print
C. sealed
D. printing

15.  A ( ) centre covering 1 million square metres is planned for construction in 2008 and 2009. 一个占地100万平方米的物流中心计划于2008年和2009年兴建。
A. logistics
B. logical
C. logician
D. log

16.  Some State-owned enterprises are in ( ) straits. 一些国有企业正处于困境。
A. dirty
B. dire
C. die
D. diary

17.  The ( ) of the bonds issued by the securities firms will range from one year to five years. 证券公司发行的债券的期限是一至五年。
A. item
B. term
C. team
D. turn

18.  And ( ) will generate excessive vehicle production capacity. 并且盲目投资将导致汽车生产力过剩。
A. blind investment
B. blind invests
C. blind investor
D. invest

19.  Domestic banks should try to secure their ( ) in the market. 国内银行将努力维护它们在该市场中的立足之地。
A. foothold
B. footpoint
C. football
D. feethold

20.  The United States makes ( ) furniture and the Chinese industry focuses on middle and low-grade furniture. 美国制作高档家具同时中国家具业致力于中低档家具。
A. low-end
B. high
C. low
D. high-end

21.  But according to a ( ) economist, it is easier said than done. 但是依照一位著名的经济学家的观点,这是说起来容易做起来难。
A. notorious
B. renowned
C. renewed
D. renamed

22.  Some insurers took to ( ) competitive measures and operational risks mounted. 一些保险公司开始采用非理性的竞争手段,经营风险也上升了。
A. irration
B. Isreal
C. irrational
D. rational

23.  China has so far filed 24 anti-dumping ( ) on foreign products. 中国目前已对外国商品提出24例反倾销指控。
A. charge
B. change
C. chance
D. charges

24.  ( ), only about one per cent of the country’s total exports is covered by such insurance, compared with the world average of 12 per cent. 迄今为止,与世界12%的平均水平相比,我国总共只有约1%的出口商受到此种保险的保护。
A. So far
B. So long
C. So further
D. So now

25.  It is too early to tell our exact move before the regulation takes ( ). 在规则生效之前告知我们的具体措施还为时过早。
A. affect
B. effective
C. efficiency
D. effect

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. China should get a good mark for its performance on commitments it made to the World Trade Organization (WTO), said the Chinese ( ). 我国这位大使说中国在落实对世贸组织的承诺方面的表现上应该得高分。
A. ambassador
B. embassy
C. assembly
D. embarrassed

2.  A heightened sense of urgency with banking regulators was ( ). 银行业管理者的紧迫感日益提高是很明显的。
A. pattern
B. palpable
C. palm
D. pad

3.  China launched the ( ) in response to applications submitted on February 6 last year by four local paper manufacturers. 中国应四家地方造纸商于去年二月六日所提交的申请展开了调查。
A. probably
B. profit
C. prop
D. probe

4.  A government decision is to lower tax ( ) rates by an average of 3 percentage points. 政府决定把出口退税平均降低3个百分点。
A. rebate
B. debate
C. reduce
D. retell

5.  So far, 36 foreign insurance firms have set up 57 operational entities in China, including 20 ( ), 14 property insurers and two re-insurers. 至今,36家外国保险公司在中国建立了57个运营实体,包括20家人寿保险公司,14家财产保险公司和两家再保险公司。
A. life insurer
B. life insure
C. life insurers
D. lives insurer

6.  It hit the skids as early as 1993 when compensations ( ). 早在1993年保险赔偿急剧上升时,它开始走下坡路。
A. soared
B. sore
C. sole
D. score

7.  China will continue to issue a certain amount of long-term ( ) bonds. 中国将继续发行一定量的长期国库券。
A. treasury
B. treasure
C. measure
D. sercurity

8.  The company sought a ( ) playing field. 公司寻求的是公平的竞争。
A. unfair
B. leave
C. list
D. level

9.  China’s non-GM crop has an ( ). 中国的非转基因作物具有优势。
A. disadvantage
B. shotcoming
C. limit
D. edge

10.  A temporary rule governing( ) with and acquisitions by foreign investors took effect on April 12 this year. 一个管辖外国投资者兼并和收购中国企业的临时规则在今年的四月十二日生效。
A. merge
B. acquire
C. mergers
D. inquiries

11.  And ( ) will generate excessive vehicle production capacity. 并且盲目投资将导致汽车生产力过剩。
A. blind investment
B. blind invests
C. blind investor
D. invest

12.  Competition for bank card business, would ( ) in the coming years. 银行卡业务的竞争会在今后几年不断加剧。
A. intense
B. intent
C. insist
D. intensify

13.  That also means China, one of the suitors, is to win its first trade dispute under the ( ) trading system. 这也意味着作为起诉方之一的中国第一次在多边贸易体制下赢得了贸易纠纷的胜利。
A. multilateral
B. bilateral
C. dual
D. multiply

14.  Allowing qualified securities companies to issue bonds will help them upgrade their financing () and fund efficiency. 允许合格的证券公司发行债券将有助于他们改善其融资结构并提高资金运用效率。
A. use
B. transport
C. applicant
D. structure

15.  Industry and trade experts and lawyers said the victory is largely ( ). 行业和贸易专家们及律师们说这个胜利很大意义上只是象征性的。
A. symbol
B. symbolic
C. symbolize
D. system

16.  It is too early to tell our exact move before the regulation takes ( ). 在规则生效之前告知我们的具体措施还为时过早。
A. affect
B. effective
C. efficiency
D. effect

17.  Money can come from the banks themselves, government ( ), the stock and bond markets and even foreign strategic investors. 资金可以来自银行自身、国库、股票债券市场和外国战略投资者。
A. coffer
B. coffee
C. coffers
D. corruption

18.  China had a trade ( ) of US$9.7 billion with the EU last year. 中国去年对欧盟的贸易顺差是97亿美元。
A. surplus
B. supplies
C. deficits
D. deficit

19.  And the central bank launched a ( ) fund for high-tech smaller businesses. 中央银行为小型的高科技企业推出了一项启动基金。
A. start
B. start down
C. end
D. start-up

20.  The United States, knowing clearly it will lose, has taken advantage of the time ( ) for the WTO to judge to protect its steel industry. 美国明知自己会输掉这场官司,但它已经利用世贸组织进行裁决的时间跨度保护了它的钢铁业。
A. spy
B. span
C. spend
D. spin

21.  The ( ) of the bonds issued by the securities firms will range from one year to five years. 证券公司发行的债券的期限是一至五年。
A. item
B. term
C. team
D. turn

22.  Although the official denied any possible joint ventures with foreign players, ( ) said the entry of more foreign tobacco is inevitable. 尽管这个官员否认了与外国烟草业同行建立合资企业的可能性,但业内人士称更多的外国烟草涌进中国是不可避免的。
A. insiders
B. inside
C. outside
D. ourtsiders

23.  Hong Kong banks will be allowed to exchange yuan for Hong Kong dollars and vice versa, and make ( ) to the mainland in yuan. 香港的银行获准进行人民币和港币相互间的兑换业务,并可以以人民币的形式向大陆汇款。
A. remittances
B. remit
C. deposit
D. loan

24.  Although still very slim in terms of our global ( ), China has already become one of the most important strategic markets for Visa, given the huge potential in the market. 尽管在我们的全球投资组合里面中国占的份额仍然非常很小,但由于它巨大的市场潜力,中国已经成为维萨卡最主要的战略市场之一。
A. petrol
B. portable
C. portfolio
D. port

25.  Many automakers in China will be ( ) out as a result of overheating investment and mounting vehicle imports now that China is a member of the World Trade Organization. 由于投资过热,加上中国成为世贸成员必然会使进口车辆攀升,许多中国的汽车制造商以后将被逐步淘汰。
A. phrase
B. physical
C. phenix
D. phased

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. Chinese exporters angrily condemned a series of unfair trade measures by Japan to ( )Chinese farm produce. 中国出口商愤怒谴责日本阻碍进口中国农产品的一系列的贸易措施。
A. block
B. blood
C. bloom
D. black

2.  A ( ) for the second half of the year is to analyze the reasons for the rapid growth in loans and the associated risks. 下半年的一个优先考虑的重点是分析贷款迅速增长的原因及其相关风险。
A. prior
B. prefer
C. priority
D. point

3.  Many automakers in China will be ( ) out as a result of overheating investment and mounting vehicle imports now that China is a member of the World Trade Organization. 由于投资过热,加上中国成为世贸成员必然会使进口车辆攀升,许多中国的汽车制造商以后将被逐步淘汰。
A. phrase
B. physical
C. phenix
D. phased

4.  Financial companies can be ( ) from value-added taxes. 金融公司可以免收增值税所带来的负担。
A. except
B. exempted
C. example
D. exact

5.  Money can come from the banks themselves, government ( ), the stock and bond markets and even foreign strategic investors. 资金可以来自银行自身、国库、股票债券市场和外国战略投资者。
A. coffer
B. coffee
C. coffers
D. corruption

6.  Dirty money has a broad array of sources, including various economic crimes like embezzlement, bribery, forex flight and ( ), tax evasion and proceeds from illegal operations. 黑钱有着广泛的来源,包括多种经济犯罪如挪用公款、行贿受贿、逃汇和骗汇、逃税及违法经营的收益。
A. frank
B. fraid
C. fruit
D. fraud

7.  Finally, following the example of civil aviation ( ), these provincial companies will be merged into three to five groups. 最后,仿照民航重组的例子,这些省级规模的公司将合并成三至五个集团。
A. restructure
B. restriction
C. restrain
D. repression

8.  The successful result ( ) from rising awareness among local enterprises about how to protect their market share by using WTO rules. 这一成功的结果是源于地方企业提高了使用世贸组织的规定保护其市场份额的意识。
A. steming
B. stems
C. stem
D. step

9.  China will soon take measures to cool down its overheating automotive industry, despite continuing rapid growth in domestic ( )demand. 尽管国内的车辆需求持续快速增长,中国将很快采取措施冷却过热的汽车工业。
A. vehicle
B. truck
C. train
D. trunk

10.  Insurance companies in China now can only invest a ( ) of 15 per cent of their assets in securities funds. 在中国的保险公司最多只能用其资产的15%进行证券基金的投资。
A. minimum
B. maximum
C. minimize
D. max

11.  A delay to the process of reform and development will bring ( ) consequences to the entire economy.改革和发展进程中的延误将会给整个经济带来严重的后果。
A. grey
B. gave
C. grade
D. grave

12.  The current scope of inv


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