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[北京语言] 北语17春《英语电影赏析》作业1234辅导资料

发表于 2017-4-30 10:55:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 14 道试题,共 70 分。)  V 1. What present do the children leave Maria in her pocket?
A. frog
B. spiders
C. snake
D. cricket

2.  Which word appeared in Carl’s computer?
A. murder
B. kill
C. dead
D. Carl

3.  What magic did Oda have?
A. she could see the dead man
B. she could hear the dead man
C. She could touch the dead man
D. she could hit the dead man

4.  Where did Annie and Grace live when they arrived at the ranch in the beginning?
A. hotel
B. restaurant
C. motel
D. bar

5.  Who wonders what grass tastes like?
A. Louisa
B. Brigitta
C. Kurt
D. Friedrich

6.  Who is the ’tubab’?
A. Tom
B. Smokey
C. Joe
D. Robert

7.  At Hank and Darlene’s Fourth of July/Memorial Day barn dance, Frank plays bartender. When Annie asks him for a glass of water, he apologizes and tels her there is no water and only one kind of soft drink. Which soft drink does Frank have?
A. Coke-a-Cola
B. Pepsi
C. Dr. Pepper
D. Sprite

8.  What was the name of Jane’s bullying cousin?
A. Henry
B. Edward
C. John Reed
D. St. John Rivers

9.  What is the horse's name?
A. luck
B. baby horse
C. pilgrim
D. Sam

10.  What was the name of the girl whom Jane was governess to?
A. Georgiana
B. Adele
C. Mary
D. Helen

11.  What brand of cat food does Ike feed his cat?
A. Iams
B. Friskies
C. 9-Lives
D. Sheba

12.  Who is the ’tubab’?
A. Tom
B. Smokey
C. Joe
D. Robert

13.  What song is playing when Maggie is punching and kicking her boxing bag, right after she finds out the article is not a joke?
A. Hurts So Good
B. Bed Of Roses
C. Like A Virgin
D. Ready To Run

14.  Which play did they see in the theatre?
A. Hamlet
B. Macbeth
C. Romeo and Juliet
D. Othello

二、判断题(共 6 道试题,共 30 分。)  V 1. Sam always says “ I love you” before he died.
A. 错误
B. 正确

2.  Tom agreed to cure the horse at the beginning.
A. 错误
B. 正确

3.  Oda Mae is a spiritualist.
A. 错误
B. 正确

4.  Judith and her horse were killed in an accident.
A. 错误
B. 正确

5.  Sam's death is an accident.
A. 错误
B. 正确

6.  Sam and Molly have married.
A. 错误
B. 正确


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