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[地质大学] 17春地大《大学英语预备级2》在线作业一二辅导资料

发表于 2017-5-1 10:06:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1.  We had __ for supper
A. fish
B. tail of fish
C. fishes
D. many fish

2.  He is ___
A. ready in bed
B. ready for the bed
C. ready for bed
D. ready on bed

3.  What are you ___?
A. thinking about
B. think about
C. thinking
D. thinking with

4.  He died __ illness.
A. n/a
B. because of
C. of
D. for

5.  I met him ony ___
A. in chance in chance in chance in chance
B. by chance
C. chance
D. with chance

6.  What are you __ ?
A. searching for
B. searching to
C. searching with
D. search for

7.  He worked __ hard __ he earned a lot of money.
A. such ... that
B. as ... as
C. so ... that
D. so ... as

8.  He will finish his exercise __
A. sonner
B. soon
C. not long
D. early

9.  You do not believe me. ___, you mean I am telling a lie.
A. In other words
B. In other word
C. In other
D. To other words

10.  China is __ what she used to be.
A. not
B. not longer
C. no longer
D. no long

11.  They __ the baby John.
A. give name
B. provides name
C. will name
D. named

12.  __ you don‘t make the mistake again.
A. Take care
B. Care
C. Be care
D. Please care

13.  The wrote __ thanks to all their friends
A. letters of
B. letters
C. letters with
D. letter

14.  There is a garden ___
A. at the back
B. in the back
C. at back
D. in the back

15.  Put it __ the middle of the room.
A. in
B. on
C. to
D. at

16.  Manhattan is __ 1.2 miles by 2.5 miles at the widest part.
A. only
B. but
C. n/a
D. has

17.  He always takes an active part __ sports
A. for
B. n/a
C. of
D. in

18.  It is wrong to make fun __ old men.
A. for
B. towards
C. of
D. to

19.  I __ the office and shook hands with the smiling man.
A. come
B. come into
C. walked into
D. walked

20.  The ice __ early and stays late in the north.
A. in forming
B. forms
C. is being formed
D. is formed

21.  He left for home yesterday ___ he received the letter
A. Later
B. when
C. as soon as
D. while

22.  That will only __ our difficulties.
A. add to add to add to add to
B. add
C. increase
D. decrease

23.  Think of what a small child __
A. does
B. do
C. will do
D. would do

24.  She is ill ___
A. all the year
B. whole year round
C. all the year round
D. all year round

25.  Do you believe the things __ he said?
A. what
B. that
C. when
D. how how how how how


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