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发表于 2017-5-2 17:00:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、单选(共 15 道试题,共 30 分。)  V 1. In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A. home
B. go
C. Roman
D. come

2.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A. knees
B. peace
C. freeze
D. keys

3.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A. sound
B. ground
C. drowned
D. owned

4.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not. Then mark the answers on the Answer Sheet.
A. blood
B. stood
C. flood
D. mud

5.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not. Then mark the answers on the Answer Sheet.
A. word
B. third
C. stirred
D. lord

6.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A. abroad
B. load
C. scored
D. board

7.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A. worm
B. storm
C. form
D. norm

8.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A. case
B. phrase
C. base
D. lace

9.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A. another
B. bother
C. brother
D. mother

10.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A. earth
B. birth
C. worth
D. north

11.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A. spear
B. wear
C. dare
D. prayer

12.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A. lower
B. shower
C. tower
D. power

13.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A. dose
B. prose
C. flows
D. knows

14.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A. crime
B. limb
C. climb
D. rhyme

15.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A. blow
B. allow
C. owe
D. sew


二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)  V 1. Of the four words, try to find the three words with the same stress
A. pocket
B. treatment
C. president
D. misbehavior
2.  Of the four words, try to find the three words with the same pronunciation
A. Subtle
B. tomb
C. combination
D. doubt
3.  Of the four words, try to find the three words with the same stress
A. psychology
B. cupboard
C. punctual
D. corps
4.  Of the four words, try to find the three words with the same stress
A. climate
B. dessert
C. diet
D. distance
5.  Of the four words, try to find the three words with the same stress
A. exist
B. forgive
C. diet
D. indeed
6.  In this series of questions, three words have the samel sound but one does not. Choose the three ones.
A. freeze
B. ease
C. seize
D. lease
7.  Of the four words, try to find the three words with the same stress
A. primary
B. National
C. tennis
D. devote
8.  Of the four words, try to find the three words with the same stress
A. ahead
B. admire
C. aboard
D. acre
9.  Of the four words, try to find the three words with the same stress
A. satisfactory
B. territorial
C. laboratory
D. victory
10.  Of the four words, try to find the three words with the same stress
A. shepherd
B. rhetoric
C. forehead
D. inherit


三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. [ z ] 音标特征:舌端齿龈摩擦浊辅音发音要诀:双唇微开,上下齿接近于合拢状态,舌端靠近齿龈(不要贴住),气流由齿龈之间泄出,摩擦成音。
A. 错误
B. 正确

2.  降调主要用于肯定的语句,命令,特殊疑问句。
A. 错误
B. 正确

3.  In English sound system some consonant phonemes are voiced or voiceless, but all the vowel phonemes are voiced.
A. 错误
B. 正确

4.  我们把每一个从高到低的递降过程的语调组合叫语调群。
A. 错误
B. 正确

5.  冠词,介词,连词,助动词是虚词,一般不重读。
A. 错误
B. 正确

6.  [ b ] 音标特征:双唇爆破浊辅音发音要诀:双唇紧闭,然后突然放开, 使气流突破双唇外泄。 [ b ]是浊辅音发音时声带震动。
A. 错误
B. 正确

7.  [?] 音标特征:后元音 半低音 不圆唇 短元音
A. 错误
B. 正确

8.  英语中共有8个爆破音。
A. 错误
B. 正确

9.  [?:] 音标特征:后元音 半低音 圆唇 长元音
A. 错误
B. 正确

10.  [?] 音标特征:后元音 半低音 不圆唇 短元音
A. 错误
B. 正确

11.  [??] 发音要诀:双唇张开后略圆,牙床张开一定宽度,舌尖卷上慢慢卷后。
A. 错误
B. 正确

12.  A syllable is a unit of speech sounds consists of a vowel or a vowel with one or more than one consonant. A word has as many syllables as there are vowels in it.
A. 错误
B. 正确

13.  [u:] 音标特征:后元音 高音 圆唇 长元音
A. 错误
B. 正确

14.  [ k ] 音标特征:舌后软颚爆破清辅音发音要诀:舌后部隆起, 舌根紧贴软颚, 形成阻碍, 然后突然张开,气流冲出口腔。声带不产生震动, 属于清辅音。在[ s ] 音后面读相应的浊辅音[ g ]
A. 错误
B. 正确

15.  如果前一个词以辅音结尾,后一个以元音开头,这两个音有时可以连读。
A. 错误
B. 正确

16.  There is more air out of mouth for voiced consonants than for voiceless consonants.
A. 错误
B. 正确

17.  [ i: ] 音标特征: 前元音 舌位高 不圆唇 长元音
A. 错误
B. 正确

18.  [ z ] 音标特征:舌端齿龈摩擦浊辅音发音要诀:双唇微开,上下齿接近于合拢状态,舌端靠近齿龈(不要贴住),气流由齿龈之间泄出,摩擦成音。
A. 错误
B. 正确

19.  音素不是语音中不可再分割的最小单位。
A. 错误
B. 正确

20.  [?] 音标特征: 前元音 低舌音 不圆唇 短元音
A. 错误
B. 正确


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