一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 90 分。) V 1. ------ How n the prolem e solve ? -----Well,we must _____it to the presient’s own jugement.
. epen
. leve
. suggest
. relize.
2. Sir,you_____e sitting in this witing room. It is for women n hilren only.
. oughtn‘t to
. n‘t
. won‘t
. neen‘t
3. _____ is known to everyoy,the moon trvels roun the erth one every month.(NMET 2001)
. It
. s
. Tht
. Wht
4. We stoo t the top of the mountin est of the ity, wthing urning sun rising.
. 不填;
. the;
. the; the
. 不填; the
5. ____ ,the Gret Wll me into eing in Qin ynsty.
. It‘s ler
. We ll know
. s we ll know
. Whih we ll know
6. While shopping, people sometimes n‘t help _____ into uying something they on‘t relly nee.
. to persue
. persuing
. eing persue
. e persue
7. When I hne the report to John, the si tht George ws the person_____.
. to sen
. for sening it
. to sen it to
. for sening it to
8. There is ommon elief mong them ____ruish n n shoul e put to goo use.
. whih
. if
. tht
. whose
9. —Whih woul you rther hve, te or offee?
. Sure, I woul
. Yes, plese
. Yes, oth
. Neither,thnk you
10. They hve no ie t ll _______________.
. whih ple he hs gone
. where hs he gone
. where he hs gone
. whih ple hs he gone to
11. _____muh vie I gve him, he i extly wht he wnte to o.
. How
. Whtever
. However
. No mtter
12. Wht i they ______ out of the reing-room?
. fori to e tken
. fori tking
. fori eing tken
. fori tke
13. I on‘t unerstn how you got tiket.I lwys ________ you ________ reful river.
. think…re
. m thinking…re
. thought…were
. think…were
14. --i you rememer to give Tom the key to the ike? ---Yes. I gve it to him _________I sw him.
. while
. one
. suenly
. the moment
15. Surprisingly, the mn lwys in worn-out suit finlly ____ to e millionire.
. set out
. turne out
. showe up
. onverte
16. —How n I wke up so erly ? —Set the lrm t 5 o’lok, ________ you‘ll mke it.
. ut
. or
. n
. so
17. _______nie wether it is! Let‘s go out for wlk, shll we?
. How
. How
. Wht
. Wht
18. You’re ________your time trying to persue my fther to stop smoking; he’ll never gree with us.
. missing
. spening
. Wsting
. loving
19. —______ ? —I think he will e punishe.
. Wht’s the mtter
. Wht o you think will hppen to him
. How is he
. Is he ll right
20. There is only one English-hinese itionry in tht ookshop. I woner if you still wnt to uy ____.
. ny
. one
. nother
. it
21. —Wsn‘t it r Wng who spoke to you just now? —_____.
. I in‘t know he ws
. Yes, it ws
. No, he wsn‘t
. Yes, he i
22. s is known to ll, _____Yng LiWei hs eome spe hero is ___ we hve expete.
. tht; whih
. wht; tht
. wht ; whih
. tht; wht
23. ________nie wether it is! Let‘s go out for wlk, shll we?
. How
. How
. Wht
. Wht
24. I will hve n importnt ppointment in moment,so I hve to tell you out it _____.
. in etil
. in rief
. in short
. in ll
25. —________ you e hppy ! —The sme to you!
. Wish
. Hope
. My
. Shoul
26. The river egn to spee up to ________________ for the hour he lost in the trffi jm.
. keep up
. tke up
. th up
. mke up
27. When I hne the report to John, the si tht George ws the person_____.
. to sen
. for sening it
. to sen it to
. for sening it to
28. uring the pst yer,the numer of trffi ients in tht ity ______.
. inrese
. hs inrese
. is inresing
. h inrese
29. It is generlly onsiere unwise to give hil ________ he or she wnts.
. however
. whtever
. whihever
. whenever
30. -Ws it in 1969 _________ the merin stronut sueee ________ lning on the moon? -Yes, tht’s right.
. when; on
. tht; on
. whih; in
. tht; in
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 10 分。) V 1. Inustril workers n usiness exeutives like overworke so tht they oul mke more money to support their fmilies in the 1960s.
. 错误
. 正确
2. mn likes moern lothing very muh.
. 错误
. 正确
3. worker sens the signls to the ommn spots.
. 错误
. 正确
4. ollins wrestles with mny of the sme feelings tht men o.
. 错误
. 正确
5. The trins re ontrolle y eletril signls.
. 错误
. 正确
6. The sttistis in the preferene tests show there is not muh ifferene etween o-ol n Pepsi.
. 错误
. 正确
7. The Neo ompny sells ny herts for people .
. 错误
. 正确
8. 2. He lso eies when to tke ol messges off the herts.
. 错误
. 正确
9. Milosevi ws rought to justie uner Yugoslvin triunl.
. 错误
. 正确
10. worker sens the signls to the ommn spots.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 90 分。) V 1. s is known to ll, _____Yng LiWei hs eome spe hero is ___ we hve expete.
. tht; whih
. wht; tht
. wht ; whih
. tht; wht
2. While shopping , people sometimes n‘t help _____ into uying something they on‘t relly nee.
. to persue
. persuing
. eing persue
. e persue
3. I will hve n importnt ppointment in moment,so I hve to tell you out it____.
. in etil
. in rief
. in short
. in ll
4. ----- eijing irport ,plese ,I hve to e there y 10. ----- _____,ut I’ll e my est.
. NO prolem
. OK
. I n’t o tht
. I n’t promise
5. —How n I wke up so erly ? —Set the lrm t 5 o’lok, ________ you‘ll mke it.
. ut
. or
. n
. so
6. In the offie I never seem to hve time until fter 5:30P.M._____ mny people hve got home.
. whose time
. tht
. on whih
. y whih
7. - When it ws ler _____she i not spek wor of English, I trie to tlk to her using the Spnish I lerne while living in Europe.
. wht
. tht
. why
. how
8. There is only one English-hinese itionry in tht ookshop. I woner if you still wnt to uy ____.
. ny
. one
. nother
. it
9. -Go n sk her _________ ome. -OK.
. wht time woul she like to
. t wht time she’ like to
. when woul she like to
. when she likes to
10. —The rs give off gret el of wste gs in th streets . —Yes. ut I‘m sure something will e one to_____ ir pollution .
. reue
. remove
. ollet
. wrn
11. ________ turn olor n fll to the groun is sign of winter.
. Tht leves
. Leves
. When leves
. If leves
12. If the horse wins toy, he ______ thirty res in the lst five yers.
. will win
. will hve won
. woul hve won
. h won
13. — on‘t ever e lte gin. — _____.
. Yes, I o
. No, I on‘t
. No, I won‘t
. Yes, I promise
14. When he_____ws there, he go to tht offee shop t the orner fter work every y.
. woul
. shoul
. h etter
. might
15. — Hve you seen ____ ly‘s hng on the ounter? I left it here moment go. — Wht olor is ____ g? We foun one relly.
. the;
. ; the
. ;
. the; the
16. Wht i they ______ out of the reing-room?
. fori to e tken
. fori tking
. fori eing tken
. fori tke
17. — Whih woul you rther hve, te or offee?
. Sure, I woul
. Yes, plese
. Yes, oth
. Neither,thnk you
18. He returne home very lte yestery, ______ erly this morning.
. or rther
. or else
. rther thn
. other thn
19. The shop mnger lwys sys to his ssistnts, "We n never e ______ polite to our ustomers. "
. more
. so
. tht
. too
20. The river egn to spee up to ________________ for the hour he lost in the trffi jm.
. keep up
. tke up
. th up
. mke up
21. ____ wht you hve writer n see of there re ny mistkes.
. To hek
. If you hve heke
. heking
. hek
22. -----Hi,roline_____I know you ‘re terrily usy ut I ws wonering if you oul spre me minute.I’ relly like your opinion. -----OK,then,s long s it’s only minute.
. Ii her something tht might interest you.
. I’m strting to th you
. I’m so gl to th you
. There’s one other thing
23. Plese wit n see ____ we will mke for you ____ your own mesure.
. how; with
. wht; to
. whih; for
. when; y
24. o hs illion ollrs while Kte hs million, so Kte is ________thn o.
. less rih
. not riher
. no rih
. poorer
25. Whenever you re in troule, on’t hesitte _________ me for help.
. sking
. to sk
. on sking
. to sking
26. Woul you e ____ kin s to step this wy, plese?
. s
. so
. very
. too
27. —________the r set.It‘s wet. —Thnk you for telling me.
. Touh
. Feel
. Hn
. Sense
28. —Sorry, I ouln‘t ome to the prty. I ws sik thty. —_____.
. I on‘t know tht
. Tht‘s ll right
. yes, we‘ll hve nother prty
. No, the prty wsn‘t hel
29. She is n esy- going person. It _______ esy to get her to gree.
. shoul e firly
. my e firly
. must e rther
. woul e rther
30. Entering the gren , I foun it ____ with ____ leves.
. overing; fllen
. overe; flling
. overing; flling
. overe; fllen
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 10 分。) V 1. mn’s fvourite pir of shoes re ought in the South of Frne.
. 错误
. 正确
2. Men one worke outsie the home n erne the inome to support their fmilies, while women ooke the mels n took re of the home n the hilren.
. 错误
. 正确
3. People now see 60 s the new 40.
. 错误
. 正确
4. It is y to express love in mny wys, suh s sening rs, hooltes or flowers.
. 错误
. 正确
5. He lso eies when to tke ol messges off the herts.
. 错误
. 正确
6. Men one worke outsie the home n erne the inome to support their fmilies, while women ooke the mels n took re of the home n the hilren.
. 错误
. 正确
7. The influene of ounterulture spre to mny prts of merin soiety.
. 错误
. 正确
8. He lso eies when to tke ol messges off the herts .
. 错误
. 正确
9. lthough omputer tehnology hs evelope so fst tht present lws re le to protet some si rights.
. 错误
. 正确
10. mn wnts her unique esign of lothes.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 90 分。) V 1. ________nie wether it is! Let‘s go out for wlk, shll we?
. How
. How
. Wht
. Wht
2. —When will your group go for the spring journey, next week or the week fter? —____
. Yes, we will.
. t the en of the yer, I think
. Tht epens.
. It’s my plesure.
3. They were surprise tht hil shoul work out the prolem____ they themselves ouln‘t.
. one
. then
. while
. if
4. However muh _______, it will e worth it.
. oes the wth ost
. osts the wth
. the wth will ost
. the wth osts
5. o hs illion ollrs while Kte hs million, so Kte is ________thn o.
. less rih
. not riher
. no rih
. poorer
6. ________nie wether it is! Let‘s go out for wlk, shll we?
. How
. How
. Wht
. Wht
7. He returne home very lte yestery, ______ erly this morning.
. or rther
. or else
. rther thn
. other thn
8. — Hi, Jk! Long time no see. How re you? — Oh, Mrtin! I ____ you. I‘m fine. Let‘s hve rink, shll we?
. on‘t reognize
. in‘t reognize
. n‘t reognize
. hven‘t reognize
9. -----Oh,exuse me, ____ I n’t get it to ept my r. -----I on’think so.Woul you like me to help you? -----Thns,tht’s relly kin of you.
. n you give me your phone numer?
. is this mhine out of orer ?
. n you tell me the wy to the nk?
. o you min posting the letter for me?
10. ________nie wether it is! Let‘s go out for wlk, shll we?
. How
. How
. Wht
. Wht
11. _____ ,the Gret Wll me into eing in Qin ynsty.
. It‘s ler
. We ll know
. s we ll know
. Whih we ll know
12. The teher got very ______ when the oy stuent refuse to nswer his question.
. nnoying
. eing nnoye
. to e nnoying
. nnoye
13. Oh, it‘s you! I_____you. —I‘ve just h my hir ut, n I‘m wering new glsses.
. in‘t reognize
. hn‘t reognize
. hven‘t reognize
. on‘t reognize
14. -I’m fri _____ nothing I n o out it.
. it is
. is
. tht is
. there is
15. Light, ______ everyoy knows, trvels muh fster thn soun.
. s
. whih
. this
. tht
16. ---Li Ming is si _________ro. o you know wht ountry he stuie in? ---Yes, in ritin.
. to hve stuie
. to stuy
. to e stuying
. to hve een stuying
17. lonely (找出读音相同的选项)
. ontrol
. Otoer
. osition
. topi
18. He returne home very lte yestery , ______ erly this morning.
. or rther
. or else
. rther thn
. other thn
19. -Ws it in 1969 _________ the merin stronut sueee ________ lning on the moon? -Yes, tht’s right.
. when; on
. tht; on
. whih; in
. tht; in
20. I prefer street in smll town to ______ in suh lrge ity ______ Shnghi.
. tht;s
. one;s
. one;like
. tht;like
21. They were surprise tht hil shoul work out the prolem____ they themselves ouln‘t.
. one
. then
. while
. if
22. _____ the poem seon time, the mening will eome lerer to you.
. our hving re
. While reing
. If reing
. When you re
23. —How n I wke up so erly? —Set the lrm t 5 o’lok, ________ you‘ll mke it.
. ut
. or
. n
. so
24. I hope tht the little ________ I hve een le to o oes goo to them ll.
. whih
. wht
. tht
. when
25. When they first set _________ hinese soil in lte July, they were fille with joy.
. their feet in
. foot on
. feet in
. their foot on
26. —______? —I think he will e punishe.
. Wht’s the mtter
. Wht o you think will hppen to him
. How is he
. Is he ll right
27. When I hne the report to John, the si tht George ws the person_____.
. to sen
. for sening it
. to sen it to
. for sening it to
28. The wether turne out to e very goo, _____ ws more thn we oul expet.
. wht
. whih
. tht
. it二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 10 分。) V 1. Joe Leone is lwyer in ethes, M.
. 错误
. 正确
2. mong ll ul-erner ouples, the wife is the prinipl rewinner.
. 错误
. 正确
3. Inustril workers n usiness exeutives like overworke so tht they oul mke more money to support their fmilies in the 1960s.
. 错误
. 正确
4. The influene of ounterulture spre to mny prts of merin soiety.
. 错误
. 正确
5. The importnt hnges re tking ple in the roles of men n women.
. 错误
. 正确
6. It is y to express love in mny wys, suh s sening rs , hooltes or flowers .
. 错误
. 正确
7. Physil eution teher trin hilren’s roune evelopment.
. 错误
. 正确
8. The first ny hert ws sent in 1802.
. 错误
. 正确
9. The influene of ounterulture spre to mny prts of merin soiety.
. 错误
. 正确
10. ollins wrestles with mny of the sme feelings tht men o.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 90 分。) V 1. ---Hello, my I hve n ppointment with the hemster? ---___________________.
. Sorry, he is usy t the moment
. No, you n’t
. ertinly. Wit minute, plese
. Let me see
2. We ll o more speking _________, even when we hve rek fter lss.
. now n then
. y n y
. step y step
. more or less
3. -----Oh,exuse me, _____I n’t get it to ept my r. -----I on’think so.Woul you like me to help you? -----Thns,tht’s relly kin of you.
. n you give me your phone numer?
. is this mhine out of orer ?
. n you tell me the wy to the nk?
. o you min posting the letter for me?
4. ies sleep l6 to l8 hours in every 24 hours, n they sleep less ________ they grow oler.
. while
. s
. when
. fter
5. We re ll going to the gmes. Why on‘t you ome_____?
. up
. ross
. long
. to
6. There is only one English-hinese itionry in tht ookshop. I woner if you still wnt to uy ____.
. ny
. one
. nother
. it
7. — on‘t ever e lte gin. — _____.
. Yes, I o
. No, I on‘t
. No, I won‘t
. Yes, I promise
8. When I hne the report to John, he si tht George ws the person ____.
. to sen
. for sening it
. to sen it to
. for sening it to
9. Wsn‘t it r Wng who spoke to you just now? —_____.
. I in‘t know he ws
. Yes, it ws
. No, he wsn‘t
. Yes, he i
10. _______ nie wether it is! Let‘s go out for wlk, shll we?
. How
. How
. Wht
. Wht
11. Now tht the pln hs een ___________out , we must ___________it out.
. worke; rry
. kept; give
. tken; put
. rought; fin
12. When I hne the report to John, the si tht George ws the person_____.
. to sen
. for sening it
. to sen it to
. for sening it to
13. ----- I m sorry to troule you, sir. ----- _________.
. My plesure.
. Wht’s wrong with you?
. Wht seems to e the troule?
. It oesn’t mtter.
14. Sir,you_____ e sitting in this witing room. It is for women n hilren only.
. oughtn‘t to
. n‘t
. won‘t
. neen‘t
15. o hs illion ollrs while Kte hs million , so Kte is ________thn o.
. less rih
. not riher
. no rih
. poorer
16. The thing tht _____ is not whether you fil or not , ut whether you try or not.
. mtters
. res
. onsiers
. mins
17. — ______ ? —I think he will e punishe.
. Wht’s the mtter
. Wht o you think will hppen to him
. How is he
. Is he ll right
18. ------How n the prolem e solve ? -----Well,we must ______ it to the presient’s own jugement.
. epen
. leve
. suggest
. relize.
19. -----Hi,roline_____I know you ‘re terrily usy ut I ws wonering if you oul spre me minute.I’ relly like your opinion. -----OK,then,s long s it’s only minute.
. Ii her something tht might interest you.
. I’m strting to th you
. I’m so gl to th you
. There’s one other thing
20. While the soliers were ______the mrh on the squre,one of them fell over.
. y
. in
. on
. mong
21. We re ll going to the gmes. Why on‘t you ome _____?
. up
. ross
. long
. to
22. I on‘t unerstn how you got tiket.I lwys ________ you ________ reful river.
. think…re
. m thinking…re
. thought…were
. think…were
23. When he_____ws there, he go to tht offee shop t the orner fter work every y.
. woul
. shoul
. h etter
. might
24. muh to the ouple’s omfort, their inome is now oule ____is ws five yers go.
. tht
. thn
. whih
. wht
25. When it ws ler _____she i not spek wor of English, I trie to tlk to her using the Spnish I lerne while living in Europe.
. wht
. tht
. why
. how
26. I shll never forget those ys ________ I live in the rmy. with the soliers, _____hs gret effet on my life.
. tht; whih
. when ; whih
. when ; tht
. whih ; tht
27. Zhng Hong is si ___________ y hert 2000 wors up to now.
. tht she hs lerne
. to hve lerne
. to lern
. hving lerne
28. Ws____ t the ir ttle on June 8,1944, ____ ws le y ptin Johnson ____ peter lost his life?
. it;when;tht
. tht;tht;who
. it;whih;tht
. it;whih;when
29. —Why not join us in the gme? —_____
. Oh, tht’s ll right.
. Sure, plese o.
. No, you o the sme.
. Ok, oming.
30. —I sw ve in the elevtor this morning. —Relly? He roun here for long time.
. won’t e seen
. wsn’t seen
. hsn’t een seen
. hn’t een seen
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 10 分。) V 1. Milosevi finishe his losing speeh rmtilly.
. 错误
. 正确
2. In 1924 the five-ring eme n integrl pt of the offiil Olympi emlem.
. 错误
. 正确
3. Reretion offier is irresponsile for ommunity helth.
. 错误
. 正确
4. He lso eies when to tke ol messges off the herts .
. 错误
. 正确
5. The supervisor thought gthering John’s privte informtion ws legl.
. 错误
. 正确
6. ll young men refuse to e rfte s soliers to fight in the wr in Vietnm in the 1960s.
. 错误
. 正确
7. Inustril workers n usiness exeutives like overworke so tht they oul mke more money to support their fmilies in the 1960s.
. 错误
. 正确
8. Joe Leone is lwyer in ethes, M.
. 错误
. 正确
9. lthough omputer tehnology hs evelope so fst tht present lws re le to protet some si rights.
. 错误
. 正确
10. It is y to express love in mny wys, suh s sening rs, hooltes or flowers.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 90 分。) V 1. holiy (找出读音相同的选项)
. oviously
. prove
. introue
. government
2. Mny newsppers printe the governor’s sttement____woul support txt ut.
. n he
. ws tht he
. whih he
. tht he
3. — Mum ,I nee new shoolg. — ut in‘t I uy you _____ three months go?
. it
. tht
. one
. nother
4. -muh to the ouple’s omfort, their inome is now oule ____is ws five yers go.
. tht
. thn
. whih
. wht
5. —Whih woul you rther hve, te or offee?
. Sure, I woul
. Yes, plese
. Yes, oth
. Neither,thnk you
6. Ws_____t the ir ttle on June 8,1944, _____ws le y ptin Johnson _____peter lost his life?
. it;when;tht
. tht;tht;who
. it;whih;tht
. it;whih;when
7. If I knew the nswer , I wouln‘t e sking,_____?
. in‘t I
. i I
. woul I
. wouln‘t I
8. s mny memers were present _____ gree to the pln.
. who
. tht
. whih
. s
9. _____wht you hve writer n see of there re ny mistkes.
. To hek
. If you hve heke
. heking
. hek
10. ---Will you go to the prty? ---Of ourse I will if ___________.
. I ws invite
. invite
. hving invite
. I will e invite
11. When I hne the report to John, he si tht George ws the person ____.
. to sen
. for sening it
. to sen it to
. for sening it to
12. There is ommon elief mong them ____ruish n n shoul e put to goo use.
. whih
. if
. tht
. whose
13. When I hne the report to John , the si tht George ws the person _____ .
. to sen
. for sening it
. to sen it to
. for sening it to
14. -----Oh,exuse me, _____I n’t get it to ept my r. -----I on’think so.Woul you like me to help you? -----Thns,tht’s relly kin of you.
. n you give me your phone numer?
. is this mhine out of orer ?
. n you tell me the wy to the nk?
. o you min posting the letter for me?
15. —Wsn‘t it r Wng who spoke to you just now? —_____.
. I in‘t know he ws
. Yes, it ws
. No, he wsn‘t
. Yes, he i
16. —Wsn‘t it r Wng who spoke to you just now? —_________.
. I in‘t know he ws
. Yes, it ws
. No, he wsn‘t
. Yes, he i
17. When I hne the report to John, the si tht George ws the person_____.
. to sen
. for sening it
. to sen it to
. for sening it to
18. —________the r set.It‘s wet. —Thnk you for telling me.
. Touh
. Feel
. Hn
. Sense
19. In ol soiety mny young women ie y so urious n ruel_____ ustom.
. n;
. /;the
. the ;
. the;/
20. Yestery , Jne wlke wy from isussion.Otherwise she _____ something she woul regret lter.
. h si
. si
. might sy
. might hve si
21. If you wnt to see otor, you fix te with him he of time. Tht is ommon in the US.
. sense
. prtie
. rule
. relity
22. ________nie wether it is! Let‘s go out for wlk, shll we ?
. How
. How
. Wht
. Wht
23. The teher got very ______ when the oy stuent refuse to nswer his question.
. nnoying
. eing nnoye
. to e nnoying
. nnoye
24. —________the r set. It‘s wet. —Thnk you for telling me.
. Touh
. Feel
. Hn
. Sense
25. Woul you e le to ome to the prty? I ________.
. elieve it
. on’t expet
. on’t hope so
. m fri not
26. -Go n sk her _________ ome. -OK.
. wht time woul she like to
. t wht time she’ like to
. when woul she like to
. when she likes to
27. Yestery,Jne wlke wy from isussion.Otherwise she _____ something she woul regret lter.
. h si
. si
. might sy
. might hve si
28. ies sleep l6 to l8 hours in every 24 hours, n they sleep less ________ they grow oler.
. while
. s
. when
. fter
29. -----Hw ome your usiness goes wrong ? ----ut I hve one ll tht is_____ y lw.
. require
. juge
. requeste
. esire
30. You n ______ us in the isussion if you ______.
. join;wish to
. join in;wnt to join
. tten;on’t wnt to
. tke prt in;hope so
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 10 分。) V 1. mong ll ul-erner ouples, the wife is the prinipl rewinner.
. 错误
. 正确
2. The ounterulture presente men n women with new role hoies in the 1950s.
. 错误
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3. The trins re ontrolle y eletril signls.
. 错误
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4. The first ny hert ws sent in 1802.
. 错误
. 正确
5. The supervisor thought gthering John’s privte informtion ws legl.
. 错误
. 正确
6. Mrshll writes the messges on the herts n he mrrie erly t he ge of 32 .
. 错误
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7. mong ll ul-erner ouples, the wife is the prinipl rewinner.
. 错误
. 正确
8. Milosevi enie tht his trnsfer here ws unonstitutionl n illegl n he woul not ooperte with this triunl proeeing.
. 错误
. 正确
9. The feminist movements h no effet on eonomi n soil hnges .
. 错误
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10. Sports psyhologists re not helping thletes ope with their stress.
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