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[东北师范大学] 东师 高级英语 17春在线作业1 2 辅导资料(随机)

发表于 2017-5-3 10:32:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、多选(共 4 道试题,共 10 分。)  V 1. Metphor is use in ________.
. To e llowe, no, invite, into the privte lives of strngers, n to shre their joys n fers, ws  hne to exhnge the Southern itter wormwoo for  up of me with eowulf or  hot up of te n milk with Oliver Twist.
. “It is  fr, fr etter thing tht I o, thn I hve ever one …”
. Prt of the prolem is tht women in meri re muh more rinwshe n ontent with their roles s seon-lss itizens thn lks ever were.
. I hve one the work -- … while mn repe the rewrs, whih is lmost invrily the lot of women in politis.
2.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of onomtopoei?
. They were interrupte from time to time y giggles tht must hve ome from Mrs. Flowers
. Like the women who st in front of roring fireples,
. Wht on erth i one put on to go to Mrs. Flowers’ house?
. The hifforoe ws  mze.
3.  Whih of the following sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of onomtopoei?
. etween hime n hime of the lok …
. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is  oy mistress, …
. They were interrupte from time to time y giggles tht must hve ome from Mrs. Flowers.
. isussing the question, … sleep rew the urtin.
4.  Whih of the sentenes elow pply the rhetoril evie of personifition?
. She felt her heek ple n ol n, out of  mze of istress, …
. He woul rown her.
. She st t the winow wthing the evening inve the venue.
. The ot lew  long mournful whistle into the mist.

二、判断题(共 36 道试题,共 90 分。)  V 1. The merin puli is not well wre of the verse effets of television.
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2.  (The Spnish ullfight) The uthor is  ullfight fn.
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3.  Mri is now the only ity where you n see  ullfight.
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4.  ( Most Forgiving pe) When he sw the gorill, the uthor ws so fsinte y its hrming pperne tht he forgot to use his inoulrs.
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5.  The min uty of the monosios in the ullring is to help the piors.
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6.  (Wht to Listen for in Musi) Musil listening is tully one on the three plnes simultneously.
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7.  (Four hoies for Young People) The uthor isgrees with those who tke it for grnte tht our soiety is imperfet.
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8.  The proess of listening to musi is sientifilly ivie on three seprte plnes.
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9.  (Rok Superstrs) Some soiologists elieve tht on effetive wy to know people n the soiety is to sk questions out rok musi.
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10.  In Mrguerite’s min, Mrs. Flowers ws  go-like figure.
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11.  (Why I Write) Orwell elieves tht tlente people hve iniviul mition whih is  motive to rive them on.
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12.  (The Trgey of Ol ge in meri) Ol people who re poor hve een poor ll their lives.
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13.  efore Sners enrolle in Yle Lw Shool, Wtts ws lrey  topi for isussion on the mpus.
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14.  Suessful mtors re even more iolize thn film strs.
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15.  (Vivisetion) Protest ginst vivisetion use to e strong, ut toy no one re show ny opposition.
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16.  Moern men lso hve primitive impulse.
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17.  Eveline‘s mother ie  m womn.
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18.  (I’ll Never Espe the Ghetto) efore the uthor enrolle in Yle Lw Shool, Wtts ws lrey  topi for isussion on the mpus.
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19.  (The Spnish ullfight)  priest prys for the mtors efore the fight.
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20.  n intelligent listener is stisfie with  generl onept of wht  musil piee mens.
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21.  (Vivisetion) The uthor oesn’t think the vitory of vivisetionists is finl.
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22.  (Wht to Listen for in Musi) The more lovely  musil piee souns, the more vlue it hs.
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23.  (Wht’s Wrong with Our Press?) The uthor hs enountere intense prtisnship in television newssts n network ommentries on urrent events.
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24.  lie ooper took his own life t the en of  rok onert in orer to shok n thrill the uiene.
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25.  (Siene Hs Spoile My Supper) The most notle evie of style in this essy is hyperole, elierte exggertion for effet.
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26.  Mny newsppers re owne y one prty.
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27.  ( Most Forgiving pe) The uthor ws sure tht he woul stn firm to gze t the gorill when he met one euse he ws rve.
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28.  lr h  peulir tste of the physil worl roun her.
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29.  Eveline ws not respete t the shop she worke, nor ws she t home, though she ws  hr-working girl.
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30.  The rel worl is eset with soil prolems whih, inste of eing solve one for ll, often le to others.
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31.  Meire overs most lte-life illnesses, n therefore erites the finnil urens for the ol.
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32.  Some ielists n hoose the fourth lterntive euse they re more prtil, though no less etermine, in hnging soiety.
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33.  Mrguerite met Mrs. Flowers in the town of Stmps where the lks n whites were equl.
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34.  ( Most Forgiving pe) The mountin gorill lives in n re up on the volnoes selom visite y the lol frin triesmen.
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35.  Mrs. Flowers re to Mrguerite  poem from the ook  Tle of Two ities.
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36.  It tkes no effort to e n iel listener, s we n o it instintively.
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一、多选题(共 4 道试题,共 10 分。)  V 1. Simile is NOT use in ________.
. Goo prose is like  winow pne.
.  yellow em of sunlight, filtering through the muslin urtins, slnte on to the tle, where  mthox, hlf open, ly esie the inkpot.
. Writers shre this hrteristi … in short, with the whole top rust of humnity.
. It n e seen how these vrious impulses must wr ginst one nother, n how …
2.  nlogy is use in ________.
. The viewer is on  perpetul guie tour; 30 minutes t the museum, 30 t the therl, 30 for  rink, then k on the us to the next ttrtion – exept on television, …
. The women of  ntion mol its morl, its religions, n its politis y the lives they live.
. To e llowe, no, invite, into the privte lives of strngers, n to shre their joys n fers, ws  hne to exhnge the Southern itter wormwoo for  up of me with eowulf or  hot up of te n milk with Oliver Twist.
. Why re women thought of s seretries, not ministrtors? Lirrins n tehers, ut not otors n lwyers?
3.  Whih of the sentenes elow use the rhetoril evie of rhetoril question?
. Wht stimultion?
. How mny times hve I her them sy: “If you wnt to see wht  relly  pper is like, re our sheet.”
. When  lol pper hs  monopoly in  region, s most of them o, why is it neessry to im t the lowest ommon enomintor?
. Fortuntely for the merin puli, television oes not tolerte the kin of istortion of ft, the kin of prtisn virulene n personl peeve.
4.  Hyperole is pplie in ________.
. Wht they relly vlue mong the gifts tht we ring to them is intoxiting liquor, whih enles them, for the first time in their lives, to hve the illusion, for  few rief moments, tht it is etter to e live thn e; on  few tes in prise.
. n when exitement y mens of niotine file,  ptrioti ortor woul stir them up to ttk  neighouring trie, whih woul give them ll the enjoyment tht we (oring to our temperment) erive from  horse re or  Generl Eletion.
. ut when he took to griulture, …n to rem of the life herefter in whih he woul perpetully hunt the wil or of Vlhll.
. It is srely possile to exggerte the influene of vnity throughout the rnge of humn life, from the hil of three to the potentte t whose frown the worl tremles.

二、判断题(共 36 道试题,共 90 分。)  V 1. Eveline‘s mother ie  m womn.
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2.  In Mrguerite’s min, Mrs. Flowers ws  go-like figure.
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3.  The proess of listening to musi is sientifilly ivie on three seprte plnes.
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4.  ( Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers ws n intimte frien of the fmily who frequently me to ht with Momm.
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5.  To eome  rok str seems to e the fstest wy to fortune n fme.
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6.  (I’ Rther e lk Thn Femle) The uthor is the first ongresswomn in the history of the Unite Sttes.
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7.  (The Trgey of Ol ge in meri) Ol people who re poor hve een poor ll their lives.
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8.  The more lovely  musil piee souns, the more vlue it hs.
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9.  ( Most Forgiving pe) When he sw the gorill, the uthor ws so fsinte y its hrming pperne tht he forgot to use his inoulrs.
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10.  Suessful mtors re even more iolize thn film strs.
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11.  ( Most Forgiving pe) The mountin gorill lives in n re up on the volnoes selom visite y the lol frin triesmen.
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12.  Some ielists n hoose the fourth lterntive euse they re more prtil, though no less etermine, in hnging soiety.
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13.  (Siene Hs Spoile My Supper) The uthor htes frozen foos in spite of their seeming vntges.
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14.  Priestley thinks he will eome more fmous if people know wht is in his min when he is sleepless.
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15.  Moern men lso hve primitive impulse.
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16.  Ol people who re poor hve een poor ll their lives.
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17.  (Vivisetion) The uthor oesn’t think the vitory of vivisetionists is finl.
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18.  (I’ll Never Espe the Ghetto) efore the uthor enrolle in Yle Lw Shool, Wtts ws lrey  topi for isussion on the mpus.
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19.  Mrs. Flowers unerstoo Mrguerite’s feelings etter thn Momm i.
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20.  (Jeruslem the Golen) From the sene of mle tehers n stuents in the exerpt we n onlue tht it ws not  o-eute shool.
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21.  ( Most Forgiving pe) When the uthor n his prty se out tht morning, he ws quite ertin tht he woul meet the gorills.
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22.  n merin is expose to out 10,000 hours of television eh yer on verge.
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23.  (On Getting Off to Sleep) To the uthor, the est thing tht shows how  mn is full of ontrition is the mtter of sleep.
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24.  ( Lesson in Living) For mny yers, reing of ooks gve Mrguerite some relief from the itter relity in rknss.
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25.  Television gets muh of its finnil soure from vertising n is y nture more Repulin thn the newsppers.
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26.  (The Troule with Television) Television sttions in the US often orgnize the viewers on  guie tour to museums, therls or other ples of interest.
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27.  (Rok Superstrs) The uthor onlues y pointing out shrply the true nture of the merin soiety s expresse y rok musi.
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28.  (Rok Superstrs) hris Singer,  rok fn, worshipe o yln s  go n tully rwle on his knees into one of his onerns.
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29.  The sentiment tht justifies ruelty to ests les to perseution of men of other re, lss or religion.
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30.  oring to Orwell, ll writers, even writers of rilwy guies, hve estheti onsiertions.
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31.  (On Getting Off to Sleep) It seems to the uthor tht most people he knows hve no iffiulty in getting off to sleep.
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32.  If lrme, ll gorills show their fer or nger y eting on their hests.
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33.  It tkes no effort to e n iel listener, s we n o it instintively.
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34.  To muse herself n to tese her tehers, lr pretene to wver etween rts n Siene.
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35.  ( Most Forgiving pe) Gorills hve fr greter physil strength thn humn eings.
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36.  (Wht to Listen for in Musi) n intelligent listener is stisfie with  generl onept of wht  musil piee mens.
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一、多选题(共 4 道试题,共 10 分。)  V 1. Whih sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of srsm?
. The vitory of vivisetion mrks  gret vne in the triumph of ruthless, non-morl utilitrinism over the ol worl of ethil lw;…
. The women’s mgzines re out one thir eite to lothes, one thir to mil omment on sex, n the other thir to reipes n pitures of hnsome sls, esserts, n min ourses.
. It is  for our souls, our mins, n our igestion.
. Psyhonlysts, the elite of the psyhitri profession, rrely ept them s ptients.
2.  Whih of the following sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of trnsferre epithet?
. “ut there is  mn in my offie,  Mr. H., who proses it wy from morning to night, …
. I stre t the reprohfully lnk pper until sights n souns eome im n onfuse, …
. Who woul wnt to remonstrte n rgue with them?
. … n I woul pss ours in tormenting sleeplessness.
3.  Whih of the following sentenes o not use the rhetoril evie of personifition?
. … n my imge of her woul hve een shttere like the unmenle Humpty-umpty.
. ut they tlke, n from the sie of the uiling where I wite for the groun to open up n swllow me, I her …
. Like women in English novels who wlke the moors with their loyl ogs ring t  respetful istne. Like the women who st in front of roring fireples, …. Women who wlke over the “heth” n re …
. Through the loth film, I sw the show pproh.
4.  Whih of the sentenes elow use the rhetoril evie of rhetoril question?
. Wht stimultion?
. How mny times hve I her them sy: “If you wnt to see wht  relly  pper is like, re our sheet.”
. When  lol pper hs  monopoly in  region, s most of them o, why is it neessry to im t the lowest ommon enomintor?
. Fortuntely for the merin puli, television oes not tolerte the kin of istortion of ft, the kin of prtisn virulene n personl peeve.

二、判断题(共 36 道试题,共 90 分。)  V 1. Though the inflition of pin in itself is n evil t, it requires no justifition if it n e one for  goo purpose.
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2.  ( Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers’ pprovl tol Mrguerite tht she h me the right hoie of her ress.
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3.  Television is minly responsile for meri’s filure s  ntion in ttining litery.
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4.  One tlente young lks hve left Wtts, they re not expete to return home n tully no one hs one so.
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5.  The proess of listening to musi is sientifilly ivie on three seprte plnes.
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6.  Television is more epenent on vertising thn newsppers.
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7.  To muse herself n to tese her tehers, lr pretene to wver etween rts n Siene.
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8.  The onemne murerer is isplese with those newsppers tht mke  ig noise out his tril.
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9.  Mny newsppers re owne y one prty.
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10.  (Wht to Listen for in Musi) The more lovely  musil piee souns, the more vlue it hs.
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11.  Momm, in this utoiogrphil ount, ws Mrguerite’s mother.
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12.  (Eveline) Wht me Eveline pluk up her ourge n leve for the sttion ws tht she in’t wnt to live her mother.
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13.  Young people out tht the oler genertion re ple rulers n shoul, therefore, e their teher.
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14.  While t Wittier ollege, Sners (the uthor of "I‘ll Never Espe the Ghetto") felt shme of telling people tht he ws from "
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15.  Eveline in‘t go with Frnk euse she ws fri the ot woul sink n she woul e rowne.
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16.  Ol people who re poor hve een poor ll their lives.
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17.  (On Getting Off to Sleep) Priestly oesn’t think he hs n iron will, n he is not sorry out it.
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18.  Mr. H. oes not hve very interesting ies.
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19.  (Jeruslem the Golen) From the sene of mle tehers n stuents in the exerpt we n onlue tht it ws not  o-eute shool.
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20.  The tehers of the shool were eqully respete n love y their stuents.
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21.  (Why I Write) When writing Homge to tloni, Orwell’s first onern is politil.
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22.  (Rok Superstrs) The uthor onlues y pointing out shrply the true nture of the merin soiety s expresse y rok musi.
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23.  (Jeruslem the Golen) lr ws the fvorite stuent of the tehers euse she ws so ifferent in ehvior from her lssmtes.
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24.  (Wht to Listen for in Musi) n intelligent listener is stisfie with  generl onept of wht  musil piee mens.
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25.  ( Most Forgiving pe) The mountin gorill lives in n re up on the volnoes selom visite y the lol frin triesmen.
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26.  oring to Mr. Roper’s survey, rio rnks thir mong the mjor forms of mss mei in terms of populrity.
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27.  She thinks, however, tht most white merins re now truly wre of prejuie ginst the lk merins.
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28.  (I’ll Never Espe the Ghetto) Ril limte in Engln, espeilly t Oxfor, remine relxe until the uthor wrote this rtile.
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29.  s merins re eting seon-rte foos of more or less the sme kin, they re tully eting the wy hogs use to e fe y their nestors.
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30.  ( Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers took speil re of Mrguerite only euse she like her.
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31.  Ernest, Hrry n Little Keogh were ll Eveline‘s rothers.
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32.  People hoosing the seon lterntive hte humn iviliztion n re unwilling to ontriute nything to it.
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33.  (Vivisetion) The uthor prises the vitory of vivisetion s  gret vne in the triumph of utilitrinism.
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34.  (Vivisetion) Though the inflition of pin in itself is n evil t, it requires no justifition if it n e one for  goo purpose.
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35.  Orwell elieves tht tlente people hve iniviul mition whih is  motive to rive them on.
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36.  (I’ Rther e lk Thn Femle) The uthor spent twenty yers oing ll the routine work only to get her mle ollegues elete to importnt positions.
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一、多选题(共 4 道试题,共 10 分。)  V 1. Whih of the following sentenes o not use the rhetoril evie of personifition?
. … n my imge of her woul hve een shttere like the unmenle Humpty-umpty.
. ut they tlke, n from the sie of the uiling where I wite for the groun to open up n swllow me, I her …
. Like women in English novels who wlke the moors with their loyl ogs ring t  respetful istne. Like the women who st in front of roring fireples, …. Women who wlke over the “heth” n re …
. Through the loth film, I sw the show pproh.
2.  Hyperole is NOT use in ________.
. Surely, humor is the sving gre of us, for without it we shoul ie of vextion.
. I must onfess tht I lwys … those “s soon s my he touhes the pillow” fellows.
. I use to re, … thnks to their “iron wills,” oul lie own n plunge themselves immeitely into eep sleep, …
. I h overlooke the neessity of hving n “iron will,” … this peulir metlli qulity.
3.  Whih of the following sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of ntithesis?
. Every line of … , ginst totlitrinism n for emorti soilism, …
. I will only sy … less pituresquely n more extly.
. I nnot sy with ertinty whih of my motives re the strongest, ut I know whih of them eserve to e followe.
. Writers shre this hrteristi … in short, with the whole top rust of humnity.
4.  Whih of the sentenes elow pply the rhetoril evie of metphor?
. She felt her heek ple n ol n, out of  mze of istress, …
. He woul rown her.
. She st t the winow wthing the evening inve the venue.
. The ot lew  long mournful whistle into the mist.

二、判断题(共 36 道试题,共 90 分。)  V 1. The whole rtile onvines us tht these nimls re lrgely  gentle n kin speies.
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2.  ( Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers unerstoo Mrguerite’s feelings etter thn Momm i.
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3.  (Jeruslem the Golen) ritish high shool stuents wore uniforms provie y the government.
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4.  ( Most Forgiving pe) When the uthor n his prty se out tht morning, he ws quite ertin tht he woul meet the gorills.
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5.  Momm, in this utoiogrphil ount, ws Mrguerite’s mother.
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6.  (Wht’s Wrong with Our Press?) oumentries on TV help the uiene to igest the news n ome to its own onlusions.
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7.  It tkes no effort to e n iel listener, s we n o it instintively.
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8.  ( Most Forgiving pe) One of the frin guies oul tell tht these nests h een none y the gorills long efore.
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9.  Some ielists n hoose the fourth lterntive euse they re more prtil, though no less etermine, in hnging soiety.
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10.  (Four hoies for Young People) Few unspoile ples remin in our worl where the espists n prtie plin-living n high thinking.
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11.  (Jeruslem the Golen) From the sene of mle tehers n stuents in the exerpt we n onlue tht it ws not  o-eute shool.
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12.  (Four hoies for Young People) The uthor tries to prove with his own experiene tht people re likely to e ril reformers when young.
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13.  Though the inflition of pin in itself is n evil t, it requires no justifition if it n e one for  goo purpose.
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14.  Suessful mtors re even more iolize thn film strs.
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15.  Ernest, Hrry n Little Keogh were ll Eveline‘s rothers.
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16.  Mrguerite ws  sensitive girl n ws upset y Momm’s ehvior towrs Mrs. Flowers.
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17.  ll Spnirs re intereste in ullfight.
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18.  The more lovely  musil piee souns, the more vlue it hs.
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19.  (I’ Rther e lk Thn Femle) It ws iffiult for the uthor to win the eletion ue not so muh to her ril kgroun s to her sex.
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20.  Television is minly responsile for meri’s filure s  ntion in ttining litery.
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21.  In Mrguerite’s min, Mrs. Flowers ws  go-like figure.
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22.  (The Troule with Television) News on TV is re very fst n me too rief n inoherent to e omprehensive.
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23.  Mrguerite met Mrs. Flowers in the town of Stmps where the lks n whites were equl.
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24.  (Eveline) Wht me Eveline pluk up her ourge n leve for the sttion ws tht she in’t wnt to live her mother.
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25.  (Why I Write) Orwell first gives informtion out his erly evelopment euse he thinks tht one nnot evlute  writer’s motives without suh kgroun knowlege.
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26.  When she rn for ongress, some memers of her own prty even hel seret meetings to isuss how to stop her.
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27.  The min uty of the monosios in the ullring is to help the piors.
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28.  The lnguge in his lter works is more flowery n less preise.
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29.  (Wht’s Wrong with Our Press?) The uthor thinks tht one of TV’s vntge over ppers is its wie rnge of entertinment for the puli.
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30.  (On Getting Off to Sleep) The uthor sys tht when he is in e, he feels like writing, so he puts pens, ink n pper ner him.
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31.  ( Lesson in Living) Mrguerite ws  sensitive girl n ws upset y Momm’s ehvior towrs Mrs. Flowers.
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32.  Ol people who re poor hve een poor ll their lives.
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33.  ( Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers took speil re of Mrguerite only euse she like her.
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34.  Ol-fshione heeses n no longer e ought nywhere in the Unite Sttes.
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35.  Mrs. Flowers re to Mrguerite  poem from the ook  Tle of Two ities.
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36.  (The Trgey of Ol ge in meri) The qulity of lte life is etermine y  omintion of mny elements.
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一、多选题(共 4 道试题,共 10 分。)  V 1. Whih of the following sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of onomtopoei?
. etween hime n hime of the lok …
. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is  oy mistress, …
. They were interrupte from time to time y giggles tht must hve ome from Mrs. Flowers.
. isussing the question, … sleep rew the urtin.
2.  nlogy is use in ________.
. The viewer is on  perpetul guie tour; 30 minutes t the museum, 30 t the therl, 30 for  rink, then k on the us to the next ttrtion – exept on television, …
. The women of  ntion mol its morl, its religions, n its politis y the lives they live.
. To e llowe, no, invite, into the privte lives of strngers, n to shre their joys n fers, ws  hne to exhnge the Southern itter wormwoo for  up of me with eowulf or  hot up of te n milk with Oliver Twist.
. Why re women thought of s seretries, not ministrtors? Lirrins n tehers, ut not otors n lwyers?
3.  Whih sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of prllelism?
. n suenly the two ottles egin to wlk n ptter off through  sie gte…
. They look like figures representing gluttony in  meievl morlity ply, n you expet lies in wimples to pper n lowns resse like monkeys.
. The ig entrl gts swing open…, first of the three mtors, in their rillint shirts, silk ostumes emroiere in gol, their re stokings n lk slippers n the rih, flowere pes they wer only for this short pre.
. ll t one time it n e rve, pitiful, squli, heroi, messy, hivlrous, n osene
4.  Whih of the sentenes elow pply the rhetoril evie of metphor?
. One turns on the rio while oing something else n sentminely thes in the soun.
. Immeitely tht one note is enough to hnge the tmosphere of the room—proving tht the soun element in musi is  powerful n mysterious gent, whih it woul e foolish to erie or elittle.
. You will soon relize tht eh theme mirrors  ifferent worl of feeling.
. ut one shoul never try to oil it own to “the fteful hmmer of life,” et.

二、判断题(共 36 道试题,共 90 分。)  V 1. Ol-fshione heeses n no longer e ought nywhere in the Unite Sttes.
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2.  (Eveline) Elveline’s fther ws  rute mn n often et his hilren inluing his ughter.
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3.  (Eveline) Eveline ws more ttrte to Frnk y his wie experiene thn y his person.
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4.  The merin puli is not well wre of the verse effets of television.
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5.  For fifty yers or more, Orwell wrote  story out himself.
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6.  Suessful mtors re even more iolize thn film strs.
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7.  ( Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers took speil re of Mrguerite only euse she like her.
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8.  (Vivisetion) Though the inflition of pin in itself is n evil t, it requires no justifition if it n e one for  goo purpose.
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9.  (The Troule with Television) The only thing merins o when they re t leisure is to wth television.
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10.  (Jeruslem the Golen) lr ws the fvorite stuent of the tehers euse she ws so ifferent in ehvior from her lssmtes.
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11.  (The Spnish ullfight) The uthor is  ullfight fn.
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12.  (Wht’s Wrong with Our Press?) The uthor thinks tht one of TV’s vntge over ppers is its wie rnge of entertinment for the puli.
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13.  (Siene Hs Spoile My Supper) The uthor thinks it wrong to ut osts y mss-prouing “stnrize” heese.
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14.  Soiologists n psyhologists point out tht merins egin losing their ies of lierty n iniviulism in the home.
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15.  Moern men lso hve primitive impulse.
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16.  (On Humn Nture n Politis) Even gos love to e prise.
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17.  The Wtts riots gve rise to  flourishing of ghetto literture n rt.
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18.  Htre is the very feeling the uthor hs out wht siene hs one to foo.
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19.  Mrs. Flowers h lrey lerne tht Mrguerite ws  quiet girl who re  lot ut i not like to tlk.
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20.  (I’ Rther e lk Thn Femle) The uthor spent twenty yers oing ll the routine work only to get her mle ollegues elete to importnt positions.
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21.  ( Lesson in Living) For mny yers, reing of ooks gve Mrguerite some relief from the itter relity in rknss.
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22.  Ol people who re poor hve een poor ll their lives.
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23.  ( Lesson in Living) In Mrguerite’s min, Mrs. Flowers ws  go-life figure.
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24.  Over the hours of liming left the uthor exhuste, rey to give up the serh for gorills.
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25.  Momm, in this utoiogrphil ount, ws Mrguerite’s mother.
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26.  The more lovely  musil piee souns, the more vlue it hs.
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27.  (Eveline) Eveline in’t go with Frnk euse she ws fri the ot woul sink n she woul e rowne.
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28.  The min uty of the monosios in the ullring is to help the piors.
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29.  (Wht to Listen for in Musi) “The fteful hmmer of life” is  preise esription of the first min theme of the Ninth Symphony.
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30.  (I’ll Never Espe the Ghetto) While t Wittier ollege, the uthor felt shme of telling people tht he ws from “South Los ngeles”.
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31.  (The Troule with Television) The merin puli is not well wre of the verse effets of television.
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32.  (Rok Superstrs) To eome  rok str seems to e the fstest wy to fortune n fme.
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33.  Some ielists n hoose the fourth lterntive euse they re more prtil, though no less etermine, in hnging soiety.
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34.  Ernest, Hrry n Little Keogh were ll Eveline‘s rothers.
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35.   rtionl isussion of vivisetion n only e se on the ssumption tht pin is n evil.
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36.  (Why I Write) oring to Orwell, ll writers, even writers of rilwy guies, hve estheti onsiertions.
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