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[东北师范大学] 东师 高级英语(二)17春在线作业1 2 辅导资料(随机)

发表于 2017-5-3 10:34:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、多选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)  V 1. Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of metphor?
. I h n impulse to lim up n try one of those springy es, ut tht woul hve ment using up more energy when I h none to spre, …
. y miy we h psse the ten thousn foot mrk, ut I m not relly le to rell the inients of these hours, for re lights h long sine egun to ne in front of my eyes n …
. The moo here h thinne out  little, n on the heights of the two mountins ove we oul see the urious proutions of the lpine zones, gint hether, gint grounsel n gint loelis.
. fter twenty minutes my legs h turne to wter gin n ginst the evient isplesure of the guies I emne lunh.
2.  Prllelism is NOT use in ________.
.  yellow em of sunlight, filtering through the muslin urtins, slnte on to the tle, where  mthox, hlf open, ly esie the inkpot.
. Who woul wnt to remonstrte n rgue with them?
. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is  oy mistress, muh given to  tesing inonsisteny n for ever emning to e wooe – “lest too light winning mke the prize light.”
. … for even fter the most eventful y, there is no ompring notes with them, no minight onfiene, no sting up the lne of the y’s plesure n pin.
3.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of hyperole?
. The moo here h thinne out  little, n on the heights of the two mountins ove we oul see the urious proutions of the lpine zones, gint hether, gint grounsel n gint loelis.
. He ws the most istinguishe n spleni niml I ever sw n I h only one esire t tht moment: to go forwr towrs him, to meet him n to know him: to ommunite.
. I h n impulse to lim up n try one of those springy es, ut tht woul hve ment using up more energy when I h none to spre, …
. She smile tht slow rgging smile.
4.  Whih of the sentenes elow use the rhetoril evie of rhetoril question?
. Wht hs the lol press of this nture?
. Is it ishrging its uty to iversity y printing snippets of opinion from unqulifie reers?
. Is this exploring n issue?
. Television my not hve  Lippmnn or  Reston, ut then, wht ppers in meri n lim n Eri Sevrei,  Wlter ronkite,  Huntley or  rinkley, or—lthough he is invisile—n Ewr Morgn?
5.  Whih of the following sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of metphor?
. Surely, humor is the sving gre of us, for without it we shoul ie of vextion.
. I must onfess tht I lwys … those “s soon s my he touhes the pillow” fellows.
. I h overlooke the neessity of hving n “iron will,” … this peulir metlli qulity.
.  yellow em of sunlight, filtering through the muslin urtins, slnte on to the tle, where  mthox, hlf open, ly esie the inkpot.
6.  Simile is pplie in ________.
. In politis,  reformer my hve just s strong  love of power s  espot.
. n is it not, perhps,  rug whih—like opium—hs to e tken in ontinully stronger oses to proue the esire effet?
. When the rs, who h een use to living spring
7.  Personifition is NOT use in ________.
. Goo prose is like  winow pne.
. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is  oy mistress, muh given to  tesing inonsisteny n for ever emning to e wooe – “lest too light winning mke the prize light.”
. I hve here imginry sheep until they insiste on turning themselves into white ers or lue pigs, …
. isussing the question, … sleep rew the urtin.
8.  Whih sentenes use the rhetoril evie of metphor?
. Our populr ttitues oul e summe up s  omintion of wishful thinking n strk terror.
. ging is the neglete stephil of the humn life yle.
.  seon theme runs through the populr view of ol ge.
. Ol ge is neither inherently miserle n
9.  Unersttement is pplie in ________.
. It is the rrest thing in the worl to her  rtionl isussion of vivisetion.
. Wht he thought ws, “I must hve  Nvy s goo s Grnmmm’s.”
. When the rs, who h een use to living springly on  few tes, quire the rihes of the Estern Romn Empire…
. When white men first effet ontt with some unspoilt re of svges, they offer them ll kins of enefits, from the light of the Gospel to pumpkin pie.
10.  Metphor is pplie in ________.
. …stiety is  rem whih will lwys elue you.
. When white men first effet ontt with some unspoilt re of svges, they offer them ll kins of enefits, from the light of the Gospel to pumpkin pie.
. ne hlls, inems, this ge of jzz re ll, if we my elieve our ers, gtewy to Hell, n we shoul e etter employe sitting t home ontemplting our sins.
. It is srely possile to exggerte the influene of vnity throughout the rnge of humn life, from the hil of three to the potentte t whose frown the worl tremles.
11.  Rhetoril question is NOT use in ________.
. … n I woul pss ours in tormenting sleeplessness.
. It woul e worse thn eting n nvil with  slege-hmmer.
. Who woul wnt to remonstrte n rgue with them?
. etween hime n hime of the lok …
12.  Whih of the following sentenes o not use the rhetoril evie of trnsferre epithet?
. Like women in English novels who wlk the moors with their loyl ogs ring t  respetful istne.
. … I her the soft-voie Mrs. Flowers n the texture voie of my grnmother merging n melting.
. … n my imge of her woul hve een shttere like the unmenle Humpty-umpty.
. Through the loth film, I sw the show pproh.
13.  Whih sentenes use the rhetoril evie of euphemism?
. fing fst, over the hill, out to psture, own the rin, finishe, out of te.
. For the most prt the elerly struggle to exist in n inhospitle worl.
. Voluntry hospitls re well known for umping the “Meire ptient” into muniipl hospitls…#
14.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of personifition?
. eth woul e too kin n rief.
. I wnte to gole up the room entire n tke it to iley, who woul help me nlyze n enjoy it.
. The sweet sent of vnill h met us s she opene the oor.
. rowne photogrphs leere or thretene from the wlls n …
15.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of simile?
. It lose roun one with  thik plple rug-like heviness, lmost s if one’s ers were stuffe with otton wool or one’s sense of hering h suenly file; …
. … n how I went own the mountin like  young gzelle in two hours stright, …
. I h n impulse to lim up n try one of those springy es, ut tht woul hve ment using up more energy when I h none to spre, …
.  vst lou, shot through with sunlight, ws tering off the rest of Muhvur.
16.  Whih of the following sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of hyperole?
. Surely, humor is the sving gre of us, for without it we shoul ie of vextion.
. I must onfess tht I lwys … those “s soon s my he touhes the pillow” fellows.
. I h overlooke the neessity of hving n “iron will,” … this peulir metlli qulity.
. This very night I will ismiss suh trivil phntsies s jumping sheep n rooke pitures, n evoke the phntom of  rushing, stupenous ore.
17.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of metphor?
. They were interrupte from time to time y giggles tht must hve ome from Mrs. Flowers.
. One summer fternoon, sweet-milk fresh in my memory, she stoppe t the Store to uy provisions.
. The hifforoe ws  mze.
. hilren these ys woul ust out of sheetmetl lothes.
18.  Hyperole is NOT use in ________.
. Surely, humor is the sving gre of us, for without it we shoul ie of vextion.
. I must onfess tht I lwys … those “s soon s my he touhes the pillow” fellows.
. I use to re, … thnks to their “iron wills,” oul lie own n plunge themselves immeitely into eep sleep, …
. I h overlooke the neessity of hving n “iron will,” … this peulir metlli qulity.
19.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of llusion?
. … n my imge of her woul hve een shttere like the unmenle Humpty-umpty.
. Prie is  sin. n oring to the Goo ook, it goeth efore  fll.
. … I her the soft-voie Mrs. Flowers n the texture voie of my grnmother merging n meltin
20.  Whih sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of simile?
. lr i not min the ol, for she like nything tht ws not smll n rmpe n hertlessly osy…
. She hnle her pprtus with the effiient fmilirity with whih other women hnle their king ors n rolling pins…
. Personlly, I on’t re if they hyriize onions till they re s ig s your he n ome up through the snow…
. Wht mtters if suh pes tste like oile pper ws?

二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. (The Troule with Television) Television sttions in the US often orgnize the viewers on  guie tour to museums, therls or other ples of interest.
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2.  (On Humn Nture n Politis) The more experiene you hve of exerising power, the more power you esire.
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3.  (The Trgey of Ol ge in meri) The uthor grees with neither of the two isrepnt views on ol ge.
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4.  ( Most Forgiving pe) When the uthor n his prty se out tht morning, he ws quite ertin tht he woul meet the gorills.
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5.  (On Humn Nture n Politis) Some riminls enjoy seeing puli ounts of their worst ts.
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6.  (On Getting Off to Sleep) The uthor sys tht when he is in e, he feels like writing, so he puts pens, ink n pper ner him.
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7.  (Wht to Listen for in Musi) It is   hit of listening to try to onnet wht one is listening with something onrete.
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8.  (Wht to Listen for in Musi) Musil listening is tully one on the three plnes simultneously.
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9.  (Eveline) Elveline’s fther ws  rute mn n often et his hilren inluing his ughter.
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10.  (Why I Write) For fifteen yers or more, Orwell wrote  story out himself.
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11.  (Jeruslem the Golen) From the sene of mle tehers n stuents in the exerpt we n onlue tht it ws not  o-eute shool.
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12.  (Jeruslem the Golen) ritish high shool stuents wore uniforms provie y the government.
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13.  (I’ll Never Espe the Ghetto) The Wtts riots give rise to  flourishing of ghetto literture n rt.
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14.  (Wht to Listen for in Musi) n intelligent listener is stisfie with  generl onept of wht  musil piee mens.
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15.  (Rok Superstrs) Elvis Presley’s pperne on TV set the young n ol viewers qurreling with eh other.
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16.  (Siene Hs Spoile My Supper) Htre is the very feeling the uthor hs out wht siene hs one to foo.
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17.  (The Trgey of Ol ge in meri) The qulity of lte life is etermine y  omintion of mny elements.
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18.  (Rok Superstrs) hris Singer,  rok fn, worshipe o yln s  go n tully rwle on his knees into one of his onerns.
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19.  (The Trgey of Ol ge in meri) Ol women fre worse thn ol men simply euse they hve  longer life expetny.
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20.  (Four hoies for Young People) The uthor isgrees with those who tke it for grnte tht our soiety is imperfet.
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一、多选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)  V 1. Whih of the sentenes elow pply the rhetoril evie of rhetoril question?
. Ws tht wise?
. Wht woul they sy of her in the Stores when they foun out tht she h run wy with  fellow?
. Why shoul she e unhppy?
. He took her to see The ohemin Girl n she felt elte s she st in n unustome prt of the thetre with
2.  Whih of the sentenes elow use the rhetoril evie of personifition?
. Why o I think network TV oes  etter jo of informing thn these ppers?
. It is esier to let the s itte the formt thn evelop  formt tht elevtes news ove ogfoo.
. I m  printe-wor womn myself, n I still think the wor ws not only
3.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of nlogy?
. The ominle Snowmn who hunts the imgintion of limers in the Himlys is hrly more elusive.
. We me over the rest of the mountins n followe the sweep of the egles fr own into the vlley elow, to the …
. It ws not tht we expete to s
4.  Whih of the sentenes elow use the rhetoril evie of metonymy?
. It is esier to let the s itte the formt thn evelop  formt tht elevtes news ove ogfoo.
. I m  printe-wor womn myself, n I still think the wor ws not only in the eginning ut will e in the en.
. The wor will previl.
. For if you egre n hepen the wor too long, the people will turn to the piture.
5.  Simile is use in ________.
. Who n qurrel with  meium tht so rillintly pkges espist entertinment s  mss-mrketing tool?
. Muh of it is wht hs een ptly esrie s “mhine gunning with srps.”
. For nerly  yer, I soppe roun the house, the Store, the shool n the hurh, like n ol isuit, irty n ineile.
. Television’s vriety eomes  nroti, not  stimulus.
6.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of prllelism?
. The moo here h thinne out  little, n on the heights of the two mountins ove we oul see the urious proutions of the lpine zones, gint hether, gint grounsel n gint loelis.
. He ws the most istinguishe n spleni niml I ever sw n I h only one esire t tht moment: to go forwr towrs him, to meet him n to know him: to ommunite.
. We rove first to … , long n unompromising trk tht le iretly upwrs to the sle etween Muhvur n Mghing.
.  vst lou, shot through with sunlight, ws tering off the rest of Muhvur.
7.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of metphor?
. I h n impulse to lim up n try one of those springy es, ut tht woul hve ment using up more energy when I h none to spre, …
. y miy we h psse the ten thousn foot mrk, ut I m not relly le to rell the inients of these hours, for re lights h long sine egun to ne in front of my eyes n …
. The moo here h thinne out  little, n on the heights of the two mountins ove we oul see the urious proutions of the lpine zones, gint hether, gint grounsel n gint loelis.
. fter twenty minutes my legs h turne to wter gin n ginst the evient isplesure of the guies I emne lunh.
8.  Personifition is pplie in ________.
. When white men first effet ontt with some unspoilt re of svges, they offer them ll kins of enefits, from the light of the Gospel to pumpkin pie.
. One of the troules out vnity is tht it grows with wht it fees on.
. ivilize life hs grown
9.  Whih of the sentenes elow use the rhetoril evie of rhetoril question?
. Rouse the Rle y Routing Reson.
. Wht is there for them in the pper, usully the only pper, of their own?
. Wht fetures re provie for these people?
. To quote Eri Sevrei: “Our rigi formule of so-lle ojetivity, . . .the wrp n woof of wht the pper print. . .”
10.  Prllelism is NOT use in ________.
.  yellow em of sunlight, filtering through the muslin urtins, slnte on to the tle, where  mthox, hlf open, ly esie the inkpot.
. Who woul wnt to remonstrte n rgue with them?
. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is  oy mistress, muh given to  tesing inonsisteny n for ever emning to e wooe – “lest too light winning mke the prize light.”
. … for even fter the most eventful y, there is no ompring notes with them, no minight onfiene, no sting up the lne of the y’s plesure n pin.
11.  Whih of the sentenes elow pply the rhetoril evie of prllelism?
. …n her ple woul e fille up y n vertisement.
. Of ourse she h to work hr, oth in the house n t usiness.
. One ws to Hrry; the other ws to her fther.
. He ws wfully fon of musi n song  little.
12.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of personifition?
. The moo here h thinne out  little, n on the heights of the two mountins ove we oul see the urious proutions of the lpine zones, gint hether, gint grounsel n gint loelis.
. We rove first to … , long n unompromising trk tht le iretly upwrs to the sle etween Muhvur n Mghing.
.  vst lou, shot through with sunlight, ws tering off the rest of Muhvur.
. Mr. umgrtel ws not unoptimisti.
13.  Whih of the following sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of metphor?
. Surely, humor is the sving gre of us, for without it we shoul ie of vextion.
. I must onfess tht I lwys … those “s soon s my he touhes the pillow” fellows.
. I h overlooke the neessity of hving n “iron will,” … this peulir metlli qulity.
.  yellow em of sunlight, filtering through the muslin urtins, slnte on to the tle, where  mthox, hlf open, ly esie the inkpot.
14.  Whih sentenes use the rhetoril evie of metphor?
. Our populr ttitues oul e summe up s  omintion of wishful thinking n strk terror.
. ging is the neglete stephil of the humn life yle.
.  seon theme runs through the populr view of ol ge.
. Ol ge is neither inherently miserle n
15.  Whih sentenes use the rhetoril evie of simile?
. They look like figures representing gluttony in  meievl morlity ply, n you expet lies in wimples to pper n lowns resse like monkeys.
. There re lso ig lok letters li out on sn like formtions of gymnsts t  Soviet youth rlly.
16.  Prllelism is use in ________.
. It sells us instnt grtifition. It iverts us only to ivert, to mke the time pss without pin.
. onsier the sul ssumptions tht television tens to ultivte: tht omplexity must e voie, tht visul stimultion is  sustitute for thought, tht verl preisio is n nhronism.
. Television’s vriety eomes  nroti, not  stimulus.
. Everything out this ntion – the struture of the soiety, its forms of fmily orgniztion, its eonomy, its ple in the worl – hs eome more omplex, not less.
17.  Whih sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of srsm?
. The vitory of vivisetion mrks  gret vne in the triumph of ruthless, non-morl utilitrinism over the ol worl of ethil lw;…
. The women’s mgzines re out one thir eite to lothes, one thir to mil omment on sex, n the other thir to reipes n pitures of hnsome sls, esserts, n min ourses.
. It is  for our souls, our mins, n our igestion.
. Psyhonlysts, the elite of the psyhitri profession, rrely ept them s ptients.
18.  Whih of the sentenes elow pply the rhetoril evie of metonymy?
. Tht is why they lwys fin Tshikovsky esier to “unerstn” thn eethoven.
. Is it pessimistilly s or resignely s; is it ftefully s or smilingly s?
. Whether you listen to Mozrt or uke Ellington, you n eepen your unerstning of musi only y eing  more onsious n wre listener…
. i not Strvinsky himself prolim tht his musi ws n “ojet,”  “thing,” with  life of its own, n with no other mening thn its own purely musil existene?
19.  Syneohe is NOT use in ________.
. ut there is  mn in my offie,  Mr. H., who proses it wy from morning to night, …
. Surely, humor is the sving gre of us, for without it we shoul ie of vextion.
. It woul e worse thn eting n nvil with  slege-hmmer.
. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is  oy mistress, muh given to  tesing inonsisteny n for ever emning to e wooe – “lest too light winning mke the prize light.”
20.  ntithesis is use in ________.
. She si tht I must lwys e intolernt of ignorne ut unerstning of illitery. Tht some people, unle to go to shool, were more eute n even more intelligent thn ollege professors.
. … I her the soft-voie Mrs. Flowers n the texture

二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. (The Troule with Television) News on TV is re very fst n me too rief n inoherent to e omprehensive.
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2.  ( Most Forgiving pe) Though the numer of gorills is smll, the lol triesmen ignore the lw n kill some of them.
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3.  (Rok Superstrs) Elvis Presley’s pperne on TV set the young n ol viewers qurreling with eh other.
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4.  (Siene Hs Spoile My Supper) The uthor htes frozen foos in spite of their seeming vntges.
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5.  (I’ Rther e lk Thn Femle) The uthor spent twenty yers oing ll the routine work only to get her mle ollegues elete to importnt positions.
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6.  (Jeruslem the Golen) lr ws the fvorite stuent of the tehers euse she ws so ifferent in ehvior from her lssmtes.
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7.  (Wht to Listen for in Musi) “The fteful hmmer of life” is  preise esription of the first min theme of the Ninth Symphony.
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8.  (The Trgey of Ol ge in meri) Ol women fre worse thn ol men simply euse they hve  longer life expetny.
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9.  (I’ll Never Espe the Ghetto) While t Wittier ollege, the uthor felt shme of telling people tht he ws from “South Los ngeles”.
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10.  (The Troule with Television) The only thing merins o when they re t leisure is to wth television.
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11.  (I’ll Never Espe the Ghetto) The Wtts riots give rise to  flourishing of ghetto literture n rt.
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12.  (The Spnish ullfight) The uthor is  ullfight fn.
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13.  (Siene Hs Spoile My Supper) Htre is the very feeling the uthor hs out wht siene hs one to foo.
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14.  (I’ll Never Espe the Ghetto) efore the uthor enrolle in Yle Lw Shool, Wtts ws lrey  topi for isussion on the mpus.
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15.  (On Getting Off to Sleep) It seems to the uthor tht most people he knows hve no iffiulty in getting off to sleep.
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16.  (Vivisetion) Though the inflition of pin in itself is n evil t, it requires no justifition if it n e one for  goo purpose.
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17.  ( Most Forgiving pe) The uthor foun the re very isturing euse the equtor sun ws eting own him merilessly.
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18.  ( Most Forgiving pe) One of the frin guies oul tell tht these nests h een none y the gorills long efore.
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19.  ( Most Forgiving pe) When the uthor n his prty se out tht morning, he ws quite ertin tht he woul meet the gorills.
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20.  (Four hoies for Young People) The uthor tries to prove with his own experiene tht people re likely to e ril reformers when young.
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一、多选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)  V 1. Prllelism is use in ________.
. It sells us instnt grtifition. It iverts us only to ivert, to mke the time pss without pin.
. onsier the sul ssumptions tht television tens to ultivte: tht omplexity must e voie, tht visul stimultion is  sustitute for thought, tht verl preisio is n nhronism.
. Television’s vriety eomes  nroti, not  stimulus.
. Everything out this ntion – the struture of the soiety, its forms of fmily orgniztion, its eonomy, its ple in the worl – hs eome more omplex, not less.
2.  Whih of the sentenes elow use the rhetoril evie of prllelism?
. ut it hs n eqully sre right to explin tht position in the light of the opposing one, to oument tht position, n to olster it, not with emotion ut with ft.
. The one is erelition; the other is eeption.
. It is esier to print wire servies ispthes thn hve  reporter on the et. It is esier to uy synite olumns thn fin—n trin—lol tlent. It is esier to let the s itte the formt thn evelop  formt tht elevtes news ove ogfoo. It is esier to write eitoril opy tht ppels to emotion rther thn reson. n in hnling stright news, it is esier to ssume the pious mntel of ojetivity thn to eit.
. They hve elevte the influene of fools to tht of wise men; the ignornt to the level of the lerne; the evil to the level of the goo.
3.  Whih of the sentenes elow use the rhetoril evie of rhetoril question?
. Wht hs the lol press of this nture?
. Is it ishrging its uty to iversity y printing snippets of opinion from unqulifie reers?
. Is this exploring n issue?
. Television my not hve  Lippmnn or  Reston, ut then, wht ppers in meri n
4.  Whih sentenes use the rhetoril evie of unersttement?
. fing fst, over the hill, out to psture, own the rin, finishe, out of te.
. For the most prt the elerly struggle to exist in n inhospitle worl.
. Voluntry hospitls re well known for umping the “Meire ptient” into muniipl hospitls…
. This feture ojetivity is nothing less thn the eitor’s ition of responsiility n is just s ngerous s the long n sutle proessing of ft to fit  poliy tht hrterizes ertin weekly mgzines.
5.  Whih sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of simile?
. lr i not min the ol, for she like nything tht ws not smll n rmpe n hertlessly osy…
. She hnle her pprtus with the effiient fmilirity with whih other women hnle their king ors n rolling pins…
. Personlly, I on’t re if they hyriize onions till they re s ig s your he n ome up through the snow…
. Wht mtters if suh pes tste like oile pper ws?
6.  Whih sentenes use the rhetoril evie of euphemism?
. fing fst, over the hill, out to psture, own the rin, finishe, out of te.
. For the most prt the elerly struggle to exist in n inhospitle worl.
. Voluntry hospitls re well known for umping the “Meire ptient” into muniipl hospitls…#
7.  Prllelism is use in ________.
. It is women who n ring empthy, tolerne, insight, ptiene, n persistene to government …
. The women of  ntion mol its morl, its religions, n its politis y the lives they live.
. Why re women thought of s seretries, not ministrtors? L
8.  Whih sentenes use the rhetoril evie of simile?
. They look like figures representing gluttony in  meievl morlity ply, n you expet lies in wimples to pper n lowns resse like monkeys.
. There re lso ig lok letters li out on sn like formtions of gymnsts t  Soviet youth rlly.
. He rethes hr. He looks roun.
. Mye he hesittes, or looks roun, or gives up.
9.  Srsm is pplie in ________.
. When white men first effet ontt with some unspoilt re of svges, they offer them ll kins of enefits, from the light of the Gospel to pumpkin pie.
. When the rs, who h een use to living springly on  few tes, quire the rihes of the Estern Romn Empire n welt in ples of lmost unelievle luxury, they i not, on tht ount, eome intive.
. When Lonon rows ssemle in Trflgr Squre to heer to the eho n nnounement tht the government hs eie to hve them kille, they woul not o so if they h wlke 25 mile tht y.
. ny persons foun voting  preventive wr shoul e onemne to two hours  y with these ingenious monsters.
10.  Syneohe is NOT use in ________.
. ut there is  mn in my offie,  Mr. H., who proses it wy from morning to night, …
. Surely, humor is the sving gre of us, for without it we shoul ie of vextion.
. It woul e worse thn eting n nvil with  slege-hmmer.
. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is  oy mistress, muh given to  tesing inonsisteny n for ever emning to e wooe – “lest too light winning mke the prize light.”
11.  Whih of the sentenes elow use the rhetoril evie of personifition?
. Why o I think network TV oes  etter jo of informing thn these ppers?
. It is esier to let the s itte the formt thn evelop  formt tht elevtes news ove ogfoo.
. I m  printe-wor womn myself, n I still think the wor ws not only in the eginning ut will e in the en.
. The wor will previl.
12.  Whih sentenes use the rhetoril evie of ntithesis?
. Our populr ttitues oul e summe up s  omintion of wishful thinking n strk terror.
. ging is the neglete stephil of the humn life yle.
.  seon theme runs through the populr view of ol ge.
. Ol ge is neither inherently miserle n
13.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of hyperole?
. eth woul e too kin n rief.
. I wnte to gole up the room entire n tke it to iley, who woul help me nlyze n enjoy it.
. With the ol lemone they were suffiient for hilhoo’s lifelong iet.
. I knew from listening to  thousn prehers tht she ws nering the en of her reing, n I hn’t relly her, her to unerstn,  single wor.
14.  Whih sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of rhetoril question?
.  slie of my mother-in-lw’s pple pie will stite you fr etter thn  whole kery pie.
. ut who ets with his eyes?
. Wht mtters if suh pes tste like oile pper ws?
. Yet, if people on’t et onions euse they tste like onions, wht in the nme of Luther urnk o they et them for?
15.  Whih of the following sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of ntithesis?
. Every line of … , ginst totlitrinism n for emorti soilism, …
. I will only sy … less pituresquely n more extly.
. I nnot sy with ertinty whih of my motives re the strongest, ut I know whih of them eserve to e followe.
. Writers
16.  Whih of the sentenes elow pply the rhetoril evie of oxymoron?
. Simple-mine souls will never e stisfie with the nswer to the seon of these questions.
. Is it pessimistilly s or resignely s; is it ftefully s or smilingly s?
. Tht is why they lwys fin Tshikovsky esier to “unerstn” thn eethoven.
. eth is  rmti, … ittersweet oming to terms with one’s own personlity n one’s life.
17.  Syneohe is NOT use in ________.
. ut there is  mn in my offie,  Mr. H., who proses it wy from morning to night, …
. Surely, humor is the sving gre of us, for without it we shoul ie of vextion.
. It woul e worse thn eting n nvil with  slege-hmmer.
. It is not so with me
18.  Whih sentenes use the rhetoril evie of personifition?
. The merin rem promise oler people tht if they worke hr enough ll their lives, things woul turn out well for them.
. He stns there, his feet re, his he high from the soring mountin of his huge nek, n he woners where he is.
. He rethes hr. He looks roun.
. Mye he hesittes, or looks roun, or gives up.
19.  Whih of the following sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of ntithesis?
. Every line of … , ginst totlitrinism n for emorti soilism, …
. I will only sy … less pituresquely n more extly.
. I nnot sy with ertinty whih of my motives re the strongest, ut I know whih of them eserve to e followe.
. Writers shre this hrteristi … in short, with the whole top rust of humnity.
20.  Whih of the following sentenes o not use the rhetoril evie of personifition?
. … n my imge of her woul hve een shttere like the unmenle Humpty-umpty.
. ut they tlke, n from the sie of the uiling where I wite for the groun to open up n swllow me, I her …
. Like women in English novels who wlke the moors with their loyl ogs ring t  respetful istne. Like the women who st in front of roring fireples, …. Women who wlke over the “heth” n re …
. Through the loth film, I sw the show pproh.

二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. ( Most Forgiving pe) One of the frin guies oul tell tht these nests h een none y the gorills long efore.
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2.  ( Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers hs the mnner of  rih ly: refine, gentle n grious.
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3.  (On Getting Off to Sleep) To the uthor, the est thing tht shows how  mn is full of ontrition is the mtter of sleep.
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4.  ( Most Forgiving pe) The mountin gorill lives in n re up on the volnoes selom visite y the lol frin triesmen.
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5.  (Jeruslem the Golen) From the sene of mle tehers n stuents in the exerpt we n onlue tht it ws not  o-eute shool.
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6.  (The Trgey of Ol ge in meri) The qulity of lte life is etermine y  omintion of mny elements.
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7.  (I’ll Never Espe the Ghetto) The Wtts riots give rise to  flourishing of ghetto literture n rt.
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8.  (Jeruslem the Golen) This exerpt shows the uthor’s interest in feminine psyhology.
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9.  (Wht’s Wrong with Our Press?) Mny newsppers re owne y one prty.
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10.  (Why I Write) For fifteen yers or more, Orwell wrote  story out himself.
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11.  ( Most Forgiving pe) When he sw the gorill, the uthor ws so fsinte y its hrming pperne tht he forgot to use his inoulrs.
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12.  ( Lesson in Living) In Mrguerite’s min, Mrs. Flowers ws  go-life figure.
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13.  (Siene Hs Spoile My Supper) The uthor thinks it wrong to ut osts y mss-prouing “stnrize” heese.
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14.  (Eveline) Eveline in’t go with Frnk euse she ws fri the ot woul sink n she woul e rowne.
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15.  (Siene Hs Spoile My Supper) Wht the uthor lls “heese foos” use to e hn-me in smll ftories.
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16.  (The Troule with Television) News on TV is re very fst n me too rief n inoherent to e omprehensive.
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17.  ( Most Forgiving pe) When the mle gorill isovere the uthor n his prty, he suenly rose n ws rey to hrge t them.
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18.  (I’ Rther e lk Thn Femle) The uthor is the first ongresswomn in the history of the Unite Sttes.
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19.  ( Most Forgiving pe) The uthor foun the re very isturing euse the equtor sun ws eting own him merilessly.
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20.  (Why I Write) Orwell elieves tht tlente people hve iniviul mition whih is  motive to rive them on.
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一、多选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)  V 1. Hyperole is pplie in ________.
. Wht they relly vlue mong the gifts tht we ring to them is intoxiting liquor, whih enles them, for the first time in their lives, to hve the illusion, for  few rief moments, tht it is etter to e live thn e; on  few tes in prise.
. n when exitement y mens of niotine file,  ptrioti ortor woul stir them up to ttk  neighouring trie, whih woul give them ll the enjoyment tht we (oring to our temperment) erive from  horse re or  Generl Eletion.
. ut when he took to griulture, …n to rem of the life herefter in whih he woul perpetully hunt the wil or of Vlhll.
. It is srely possile to exggerte the influene of vnity throughout the rnge of humn life, from the hil of three to the potentte t whose frown the worl tremles.
2.  Rhetoril question is pplie in ________.
. If it is the evil tht tempts the young to enjoy themselves, is it not, perhps, the sme personge tht persues the ol to onemn their enjoyment?
. n is not onemntion perhps merely  form of exitement pproprite to ol ge?
. n is it not, perhps,  rug whih—like opium—hs to e tken in ontinully stronger oses to proue the esire effet?
. Is it not to e fere tht, … everyoy exept the fellow memers of our lu?
3.  Simile is pplie in ________.
. In politis,  reformer my hve just s strong  love of power s  espot.
. n is it not, perhps,  rug whih—like opium—hs to e tken in ontinully stronger oses to proue the esire effet?
. When the rs, who h een use to living springly on  few tes, quire the rihes of the Estern Romn Empire…
. Wht he thought ws, “I must hve  Nvy s goo s Grnmmm’s.”
4.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of llusion?
. … n my imge of her woul hve een shttere like the unmenle Humpty-umpty.
. Prie is  sin. n oring to the Goo ook, it goeth efore  fll.
. … I her the soft-voie Mrs. Flowers n the texture voie of my grnmother merging n melting.
. Wht on erth i one put on to go to Mrs. Flowers’ house?
5.  Unersttement is pplie in ________.
. It is the rrest thing in the worl to her  rtionl isussion of vivisetion.
. Wht he thought ws, “I must hve  Nvy s goo s Grnmmm’s.”
. When the rs, who h een use to living springly on  few tes, quire the rihes of the Estern Romn Empire…
. When white men first effet ontt with some unspoilt re of svges, they offer them ll kins of enefits, from the light of the Gospel to pumpkin pie.
6.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of simile?
. … n eyon this one glimpses the outlines of other, loftier peks, usully with their tops netly ut off y  nk of hevy lou.
. … tht re, the temperte n su-lpine zone, hs eome the refuge of one of the rrest of ll wil nimls in fri, the mountin gorill.
. … ll t one, the sene reks out efore you with the thetrility of  urtin lifte from  stge.
. They were s ineftigle s the gorill himself, n like ll highly-trine trkers they ppere to feel their wy through the ush …
7.  Whih of the following sentenes o not use the rhetoril evie of metonymy?
. Like women in English novels who wlk the moors with their loyl ogs ring t  respetful istne.
. … I her the soft-voie Mrs. Flowers n the texture voie of my grnmother merging n melting.
. … n my imge of her woul hve een shttere like the unmenle Humpty-umpty.
. Through the loth film, I sw the show pproh.
8.  Whih of the following sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of ntithesis?
. Every line of … , ginst totlitrinism n for emorti soilism, …
. I will only sy … less pituresquely n more extly.
. I nnot sy with ertinty whih of my motives re the strongest, ut I know whih of them eserve to e followe.
. Writers
9.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of prllelism?
. y miy we h psse the ten thousn foot mrk, ut I m not relly le to rell the inients of these hours, for re lights h long sine egun to ne in front of my eyes n …
. I h n impulse to lim up n try one of those springy es, ut tht woul hve ment using up more energy when I h none to spre, …
. If the lion rors, if you get too lose to n elephnt n he fns out his ers, if the rhinoeros lowers his he n turns in your iretion, you hve, if you re unrme n even sometimes if you re, just one impulse n tht is to run wy.
. I rte this s the most exiting enounter tht hs ome my wy; n I rememer how, no longer ny nee for silene, the guies with their pngs slshe  pth for us to return through the ush, n how they grinne n were plese euse we were plese, n how I went own the mountin like  young gzelle in two hours stright, never  touh of ftigue, never  thought for my listere feet fter suh  hppy y.
10.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of litotes?
. Litery my not e n inlinle humn right, ut it is one tht the highly literte Founing Fthers might not hve foun unresonle or even unttinle.
. Mr. umgrtel ws not unoptimisti.
. We rove first to … , long n unompromising trk tht
11.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of personifition?
. eth woul e too kin n rief.
. I wnte to gole up the room entire n tke it to iley, who woul help me nlyze n enjoy it.
. The sweet sent of vnill h met us s she opene the oor.
. rowne photogrphs leere or thretene from the wll
12.  llusion is not use in ________.
. Who n qurrel with  meium tht so rillintly pkges espist entertinment s  mss-mrketing tool?
. When efore in humn history hs so muh humnity olletively surrenere so muh of its leisure to one toy, one mss eivesion?
. When efore hs
13.  Whih of the sentenes elow pply the rhetoril evie of metonymy?
. Tht is why they lwys fin Tshikovsky esier to “unerstn” thn eethoven.
. Is it pessimistilly s or resignely s; is it ftefully s or smilingly s?
. Whether you listen to Mozrt or uke Ellington, you n eepen your unerstning of musi only y eing  more onsious n wre listener…
. i not Strvinsky himself prolim tht his musi ws n “ojet,”  “thing,” with  life of its own, n with no other mening thn its own purely musil existene?
14.  llusion is pplie in ________.
. It is srely possile to exggerte the influene of vnity throughout the rnge of humn life, from the hil of three to the potentte t whose frown the worl tremles.
. It ws there, ironilly enough, tht the Oyssey turne homewr.
. I er the sme mrk s  son of Wtts now tht I i uring tht ortoril ontest in high shool.
. ut when he took to griulture, …n to rem of the life herefter in whih he woul perpetully hunt the wil or of Vlhll.
15.  Whih of the sentenes elow use the rhetoril evie of metphor?
. When Mr. Roper ske his guine pigs whih of these mei they woul e lest inline to elieve, the newsppers toppe the list.
. In its entertinment, television ters fr too muh to the lowest instints of mn, prtiulrly the lust for violene n—n t the opposite en of the spetrum—the urge to espe from relity into setion.
. Yet ross this wie ountry, n with the exeption of  hnful of synite olumns, I fil to fin in ny lol pper ny ttempt, however miniml, to strengthen this musle of igestion, without whih news n neither nourish nor inform.
. n though I’m s leery of ertin polls s nyone, this mrgin of reulity is too wie to e isounte.
16.  Whih sentenes use the rhetoril evie of simile?
. They look like figures representing gluttony in  meievl morlity ply, n you expet lies in wimples to pper n lowns resse like monkeys.
. There re lso ig lok letters li out on sn like formtions of gymnsts t  Soviet youth rlly.
17.  Whih of the sentenes elow use the rhetoril evie of rhetoril question?
. Rouse the Rle y Routing Reson.
. Wht is there for them in the pper, usully the only pper, of their own?
. Wht fetures re provie for these people?
. To quote Eri Sevrei: “Our rigi formule of so-lle ojetivity, . . .the wrp n woof of wht the pper print. . .”
18.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of onomtopoei?
. They were interrupte from time to time y giggles tht must hve ome from Mrs. Flowers
. Like the women who st in front of roring fireples,
. Wht on erth i one put on to go to Mrs. Flowers’ house?
. The hifforoe ws  mze.
19.  Whih of the sentenes elow use the rhetoril evie of rhetoril question?
. Wht stimultion?
. How mny times hve I her them sy: “If you wnt to see wht  relly  pper is like, re our sheet.”
. When  lol pper hs  monopoly in  region, s most of them o, why is it neessry to im t the lowest ommon enomintor?
20.  Metphor is use in ________.
. To e llowe, no, invite, into the privte lives of strngers, n to shre their joys n fers, ws  hne to exhnge the Southern itter wormwoo for  up of me with eowulf or  hot up of te n milk with Oliver Twist.
. “It is  fr, fr etter thing tht I o, thn I hve ever one …”
. Prt of the prolem is tht women in meri re muh more rinwshe n ontent with their roles s seon-lss itizens thn lks ever were.
. I hve one the work -- … while mn repe the rewrs, whih is lmost invrily the lot of women in politis.

二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. ( Most Forgiving pe) Though the numer of gorills is smll, the lol triesmen ignore the lw n kill some of them.
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2.  (The Spnish ullfight) The uthor is  ullfight fn.
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3.  (Jeruslem the Golen) From the sene of mle tehers n stuents in the exerpt we n onlue tht it ws not  o-eute shool.
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4.  (The Spnish ullfight) There re mny symoli ts in ullfight.
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5.  (Rok Superstrs) Elvis Presley’s pperne on TV set the young n ol viewers qurreling with eh other.
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6.  (I’ Rther e lk Thn Femle) The uthor spent twenty yers oing ll the routine work only to get her mle ollegues elete to importnt positions.
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7.  (On Getting Off to Sleep) To the uthor, the est thing tht shows how  mn is full of ontrition is the mtter of sleep.
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8.  (Vivisetion) The uthor ismisses the question of how muh ruelty there is in lortories euse it is not importnt t ll.
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9.  (I’ Rther e lk Thn Femle) It ws iffiult for the uthor to win the eletion ue not so muh to her ril kgroun s to her sex.
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10.  (Eveline) Ernest, Hrry n Little Keogh were ll Eveline’s rothers.
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11.  (Vivisetion) The uthor oesn’t think the vitory of vivisetionists is finl.
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12.  (The Troule with Television) News on TV is re very fst n me too rief n inoherent to e omprehensive.
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13.  ( Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers hs the mnner of  rih ly: refine, gentle n grious.
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14.  ( Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers ws n intimte frien of the fmily who frequently me to ht with Momm.
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15.  (On Humn Nture n Politis) Some riminls enjoy seeing puli ounts of their worst ts.
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16.  (Rok Superstrs) The uthor onlues y pointing out shrply the true nture of the merin soiety s expresse y rok musi.
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17.  ( Most Forgiving pe) One of the frin guies oul tell tht these nests h een none y the gorills long efore.
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18.  (Siene Hs Spoile My Supper) The most notle evie of style in this essy is hyperole, elierte exggertion for effet.
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19.  (Wht to Listen for in Musi) The more lovely  musil piee souns, the more vlue it hs.
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20.  (The Trgey of Ol ge in meri) Ol people who re poor hve een poor ll their lives.
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一、多选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)  V 1. Whih of the following sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of onomtopoei?
. etween hime n hime of the lok …
. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is  oy mistress, …
. They were interrupte from time to time y giggles tht must hve ome from Mrs. Flowers.
. isussing the question, … sleep rew the urtin.
2.  Whih of the following sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of ntithesis?
. Every line of … , ginst totlitrinism n for emorti soilism, …
. I will only sy … less pituresquely n more extly.
. I nnot sy with ertinty whih of my motives re the strongest, ut I know whih of them eserve to e followe.
. Writers shre this hrteristi … in short, with the whole top rust of humnity.
3.  Whih sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of rhetoril question?
.  slie of my mother-in-lw’s pple pie will stite you fr etter thn  whole kery pie.
. ut who ets with his eyes?
. Wht mtters if suh pes tste like oile pper ws?
. Yet, if people on’t et onions euse they tste like onions, wht in the
4.  Whih of the following sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of personifition?
. I h overlooke the neessity of hving n “iron will,” … this peulir metlli qulity.
. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is  oy mistress, …
. I hve here imginry sheep until they insiste on turning themselves into white ers or lue pigs, …
. isussing the question, … sleep rew the urtin.
5.  Unersttement is pplie in ________.
. It is the rrest thing in the worl to her  rtionl isussion of vivisetion.
. Wht he thought ws, “I must hve  Nvy s goo s Grnmmm’s.”
. When the rs, who h een use to living springly on  few tes, quire the rihes of the Estern
6.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of simile?
. It lose roun one with  thik plple rug-like heviness, lmost s if one’s ers were stuffe with otton wool or one’s sense of hering h suenly file; …
. … n how I went own the mountin like  young gzelle in two hours stright, …
. I h n impulse to lim up n try one of those springy es, ut tht woul hve ment using up more energy when I h none to spre, …
.  vst lou, shot through with sunlight, ws tering off the rest of Muhvur.
7.  Whih of the sentenes elow use the rhetoril evie of llitertion?
. Rouse the Rle y Routing Reson.
. Wht is there for them in the pper, usully the only pper, of their own?
. Wht fetures re provie for these people?
. To quote Eri Sevrei: “Our rigi formule of so-lle ojetivity, . . .the wrp n woof of
8.  Personifition is NOT use in ________.
. Goo prose is like  winow pne.
. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is  oy mistress, muh given to  tesing inonsisteny n for ever emning to e wooe – “lest too light winning mke the prize light.”
. I hve here imginry sheep until they insiste on turning themselves into white ers or lue pigs, …
. isussing the question, … sleep rew the urtin.
9.  Simile is pplie in ________.
. In politis,  reformer my hve just s strong  love of power s  espot.
. n is it not, perhps,  rug whih—like opium—hs to e tken in ontinully stronger oses to proue the esire effet?
. When the rs, who h een use to living spring
10.  Whih sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of prllelism?
. n suenly the two ottles egin to wlk n ptter off through  sie gte…
. They look like figures representing gluttony in  meievl morlity ply, n you expet lies in wimples to pper n lowns resse like monkeys.
. The ig entrl gts swing open…, first of the three mtors, in their rillint shirts, silk ostumes emroiere in gol, their re stokings n lk slippers n the rih, flowere pes they wer only for this short pre.
. ll t one time it n e rve, pitiful, squli, heroi, messy, hivlrous, n osene
11.  Prllelism is pplie in ________.
. Whether you will e le y this motive to tions whih re useful, or to tions whih re perniious, epens upon the soil system, n upon your pities.
. It is the rrest thing in the worl to her  rtionl isussion of vivisetion.
. We hoose the jungle n must ie y our hoie.
. It is estrutive in those who nnot resist exess in lohol or gmling. It is estrutive when it tkes the form of mo violene. n ove ll it is estrutive when it les to wr.
12.  llusion is not use in ________.
. Who n qurrel with  meium tht so rillintly pkges espist entertinment s  mss-mrketing tool?
. When efore in humn history hs so muh humnity olletively surrenere so muh of its leisure to one toy, one mss eivesion?
. When efore hs
13.  Whih sentenes use the rhetoril evie of ntithesis?
. Our populr ttitues oul e summe up s  omintion of wishful thinking n strk terror.
. ging is the neglete stephil of the humn life yle.
.  seon theme runs through the populr view of ol ge.
. Ol ge is neither inherently miserle n
14.  Simile is use in ________.
. Who n qurrel with  meium tht so rillintly pkges espist entertinment s  mss-mrketing tool?
. Muh of it is wht hs een ptly esrie s “mhine gunning with srps.”
. For nerly  yer, I soppe roun the house, the Store, the shool n the hurh, like n ol isuit, irty n ineile.
. Television’s vriety eomes  nroti, not  stimulus.
15.  Whih of the following sentenes pply the rhetoril evie of rhetoril questions?
. Who woul wnt to remonstrte n rgue with them?
. When efore hs virtully n entire ntion surrenere itself wholesle to  meium for selling?
. I nnot sy with ertinty whih of my motives re the strongest, ut I know whih of them eserve to e
16.  Syneohe is NOT use in ________.
. ut there is  mn in my offie,  Mr. H., who proses it wy from morning to night, …
. Surely, humor is the sving gre of us, for without it we shoul ie of vextion.
. It woul e worse thn eting n nvil with  slege-hmmer.
. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is  oy mistress, muh given to  tesing inonsisteny n for ever emning to e wooe – “lest too light winning mke the prize light.”
17.  Whih of the sentenes elow use the rhetoril evie of syneohe?
. Wht’s Wrong with Our Press?
. Television my not hve  Lippmnn or  Reston, ut then, wht ppers in meri n lim n Eri Sevrei,  Wlter ronkite,  Huntley or  rinkley, or—lthough he is invisile—n Ewr Morgn?
. mong the leing ommenttors on television, you fin no Pegler, no Winhell, no Fulton Lewis, Jr..
. hnge mens troule, hnge mens work, hnge mens ost.
18.  Personifition is NOT use in ________.
. Goo prose is like  winow pne.
. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is  oy mistress, muh given to  tesing inonsisteny n for ever emning to e wooe – “lest too light winning mke the prize light.”
. I hve here imginry sheep until they i
19.  Whih of the following sentenes o not use the rhetoril evie of trnsferre epithet?
. Like women in English novels who wlk the moors with their loyl ogs ring t  respetful istne.
. … I her the soft-voie Mrs. Flowers n the texture voie of my grnmother merging n melting.
. … n my imge of her woul hve een shttere like the unmenle Humpty-umpty.
. Through the loth film, I sw the show pproh.
20.  Whih of the following sentenes use the rhetoril evie of litotes?
. Litery my not e n inlinle humn right, ut it is one tht the highly literte Founing Fthers might not hve foun unresonle or even unttinle.
. Mr. umgrtel ws not unoptimisti.
. We rove first to … , long n unompromising trk tht le iretly upwrs to the sle etween Muhvur n Mghing.
.  vst lou, shot through with sunlight, ws tering off the rest of Muhvur.

二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. (On Getting Off to Sleep) To the uthor, the est thing tht shows how  mn is full of ontrition is the mtter of sleep.
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2.  (The Spnish ullfight) Suessful mtors re even more iolize thn film strs.
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3.  ( Most Forgiving pe) Though the numer of gorills is smll, the lol triesmen ignore the lw n kill some of them.
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4.  ( Most Forgiving pe) When the uthor n his prty se out tht morning, he ws quite ertin tht he woul meet the gorills.
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5.  (On Getting Off to Sleep) The uthor sys tht when he is in e, he feels like writing, so he puts pens, ink n pper ner him.
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6.  (Wht’s Wrong with Our Press?) The uthor hs enountere intense prtisnship in television newssts n network ommentries on urrent events.
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7.  (On Getting Off to Sleep) Priestley thinks he will eome more fmous if people know wht is in his min when he is sleepless.
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8.  (Wht’s Wrong with Our Press?) oumentries on TV help the uiene to igest the news n ome to its own onlusions.
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9.  (I’ll Never Espe the Ghetto) The Wtts riots were  mssive tion le y  few ivil rights leers.
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10.  (Vivisetion) Protest ginst vivisetion use to e strong, ut toy no one re show ny opposition.
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11.  (The Trgey of Ol ge in meri) Ol people who re poor hve een poor ll their lives.
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12.  ( Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers took speil re of Mrguerite only euse she like her.
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13.  (Why I Write) oring to Orwell, ll writers, even writers of rilwy guies, hve estheti onsiertions.
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14.  (Jeruslem the Golen) This exerpt shows the uthor’s interest in feminine psyhology.
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15.  (Siene Hs Spoile My Supper) The uthor htes frozen foos in spite of their seeming vntges.
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16.  (Why I Write) When writing Homge to tloni, Orwell’s first onern is politil.
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17.  (Siene Hs Spoile My Supper) Htre is the very feeling the uthor hs out wht siene hs one to foo.
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18.  ( Most Forgiving pe) One of the frin guies oul tell tht these nests h een none y the gorills long efore.
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19.  (Four hoies for Young People) The uthor personlly fvors the fourth lterntive.
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20.  (Siene Hs Spoile My Supper) Wht the uthor lls “heese foos” use to e hn-me in smll ftories.
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