一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。) V 1. The US is the worl’s leing exporter of griulturl prouts, in whih the seon most importnt export is ().
. otton
. vegetle oils
. erel grins
. soyens
2. The prinipl uthor of the elrtion of Inepenene ws().
. Thoms Jefferson
. George Wshington
. enjmin Frnklin
. rhm Linoln
3. The first merin Thnksgiving ws hoste y ().
. the Inins
. the Pilgrims
. the Spnish settlers
. the Frenh settlers
4. The leing prouing re for hemils n mhinery is().
. The Est North entrl
. the Mile tlnti region
. the Pifi ost region
. the South tlnti region
5. Wshington is the hequrters of ll the rnhes of the merin feerl system: (), the Supreme ourt n the Presieny.
. the Sente
. The House of Representtives
. ongress
. the highest ourt
6. ()is the spokesmn of the US foreign poliy.
. The Stte Seretry
. The Presient
. The Vie Presient
. The hief of the White House Stff
7. The stte()is rih in fishing n trpping.
. Hwii
. liforni
. lsk
. New York
8. The history of the U.S.is generlly gree to hve egun in the yer of ()
. 1606
. 1607
. 1608
. 1609
9. The turning point of the Wr of Inepenene ws the ttle of() in 1777.
. Yorktown
. Srtog
. unker Hill
. Lexington
10. The University of liforni, with severl rnh mpuses, hs more thn () stuents.
. 128 000
. 129 000
. 126 000
. 127000
11. ()is the lrgest ity in the US.
. Los ngeles
. higo
. etroit
. the New York ity
12. The following were some of the hrteristis of Protestntism exept ().
. hllenging the uthority of the Pope
. slvtion through fith
. slvtion through the hurh
. estlishing iret ontt with Go
13. The offiil holiys inlue ().
. Thnksgiving
. Sint Ptrik' s y
. Mother's y
. Hlloween
14. When ()ws elete presient, the southern sttes roke wy n forme new ntion, the onfeerte Sttes of meri.
. Thoms Jefferson
. Frnklin . Roosevelt
. George Wshington
. rhm Linoln
15. The most importnt vntge the North h over the South in the ivil Wr ws its()superiority.
. inustril
. griulturl
. eonomil
. militry
16. The lrgest freshwter lke in the worl is().
. lke Superior
. lke Erie
. lke Ontri
. lke Mihign
17. It woul e onsiere inpproprite n impolite to sk merins out the following topis EXEPT ().
. religious preferene
. meil history
. why they o not hve hilren
. the wether
18. The two mjor politil prties in the Unite Sttes re ().
. the emorti Prty n the Repulin Prty
. the Lor Prty n the onservtive Prty
. the Lierl Prty n the onservtive Prty
. the Feerlist Prty n the Repulin Prty
19. From 1901 to 1978, there were ltogether () people in the US hving won the Noel Prizes for the reserh of nturl siene
. 118
. 117
. 119
. 116
20. In the U.S., people go to hurh minly for the following resons exept ().
. for fining jo in soiely
. for hving ple in ommunity
. for ientifying themselves with ominnt vlues
. for getting together with friens
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. In 1920, the US h only 10 rio sttions.
. 错误
. 正确
2. Wshington, the pitl of the Unite Sttes, is in Wshington . . n is situte on the Potom River etween the two sttes of Mryln n Virgini.
. 错误
. 正确
3. fter the sin Wr roke out, there were two wr rens in the worl. One ws the Europen ren; the other ws the Pifi ren.
. 错误
. 正确
4. When the stte ministrtions t out the powers given to them in the onstitution, the feerl ministrtion hs right to interfere.
. 错误
. 正确
5. The freeom of serhing person’s home y polie is gurntee in the ill of Rights.
. 错误
. 正确
6. Ol Fithful is the most fmous geyser in the Yellowstone Ntionl Prk .
. 错误
. 正确
7. The tenure of offie of feerl juges is for life.
. 错误
. 正确
8. Mount Mekinley, 6187 meters high, on the north of the lsk, the highest pek on the merin ontinent.
. 错误
. 正确
9. There re three worl religions: uhism, Islm n hristinity.
. 错误
. 正确
10. The leing region for mnufturing tivity is the Mile tlnti region
. 错误
. 正确
11. ll the people who strt usinesses rem of huge orportions in the U.S
. 错误
. 正确
12. meri is the worl' s lrgest prouer of eletriity, ut stil it hs to import eletriity from n.
. 错误
. 正确
13. The nite with the most votes in stte wins ll of tht stte’s eletorl votes. This is known s the winner-tke-ll priniple.
. 错误
. 正确
14. In the US, the most populr sport in ntumn is sell.
. 错误
. 正确
15. The onstitution llows the Presient to give reprieves n prons in feerl riminl ses.
. 错误
. 正确
16. The merins elerte Memoril y on the lst Mony in My so tht ll n enjoy three-y weeken.
. 错误
. 正确
17. The onstitution llimits the power of eh government rnh, n prevents ny one rnh from gining unue power.
. 错误
. 正确
18. There is rther uneven istriution of the popultion in the U. S. . There re four ensely-populte res in the ountry
. 错误
. 正确
19. The Repulin Prty me into eing in 1854. It ws prty of the northern pitlists who oppose slvery from their own politil n eonomi interests.
. 错误
. 正确
20. Most merin hilren egin their shool eution t the ge of 6.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。) V 1. The first merin Presient who inugurte in Wshington ity ws ().
. George Wshington
. Thoms Jefferson
. John ms
. nrew Jkson
2. The ntionl flg of the Unite Sttes is known s().
. the Str-Spngle nner
. Unle Sm
. Hot og
. Union Jk
3. Junior ollege in meri is ().
. two-yer ollege
. four-yer ollege
. three-yer ollege
. five-yer ollege
4. The “Senior itizens” in the senior enters refer to.()
. high offiils
. professors
. presients
. ol people
5. The prinipl uthor of the elrtion of Inepenene ws().
. Thoms Jefferson
. George Wshington
. enjmin Frnklin
. rhm Linoln
6. ()serve s the mei etween prouers n retilers, or prouers n wholeslers.
. Prouers
. Retilers
. Wholeslers
. The government
7. The stte()is rih in fishing n trpping.
. Hwii
. liforni
. lsk
. New York
8. Hrvr, one of the most fmous universities in the worl, ws foune in ()
. 1636
. 1635
. 1634
. 1639
9. The lrgest puli lirry in the U. S. is ().
. Lirry of ongress
. Lirry of Hrvr
. Frnklin Lirry
. Roosevelt Lirry
10. Protestnt hurh ws seprte from the Romn tholi hurh t the Reformtion in the 16th entury, with out () million memers.
. 320
. 330
. 340
. 350
11. y-to-y fmily leisure tivities inlue the following tivities EXEPT ().
. going to resturnt for inner
. visit isney Worl
. reuing
. shopping mlls
12. The University of liforni, with severl rnh mpuses, hs more thn () stuents.
. 128 000
. 129 000
. 126 000
. 127000
13. The most ensely-populte region is().
. the southern
. the northestern
. the mile west
. the western
14. Metropolitn Museum is in ().
. Wshington ..
. oston
. New York
. Philelphi
15. Whih of the following merin vlues i NOT ome from Puritnism?
. Seprtion of stte n hurh
. Respet of eution
. Intolernt morlism
. sense of mission.
16. () is the only rnh tht n mke feerl lws, n levy feerl txes.
. The exeutive
. The legisltive
. The Juiil
. The presient
17. The US is the worl’s leing exporter of griulturl prouts, in whih the seon most importnt export is ().
. otton
. vegetle oils
. erel grins
. soyens
18. In the Unite Sttes, () is leing ommeril rop in the South.
. otton
. too
. penut
. pple
19. The Nigr Flls is lote on the US n nin ounry etween lke Erie n lke().
. Superior
. Mihign
. Huron
. Ontrio
20. The Feerl onstitution of the US, whih ws opte in 1787 n me into effet in(), is the first omprtively omplete written onstitution.
. 1788
. 1789
. 1790
. 1791
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. New York eme n importnt port erly in the lst entury. lrge portion of the ntionl exports psse through New York Hrour.
. 错误
. 正确
2. The Pilgrims were the first English olonists to permnently settle in New Engln in wht we now know s Msshusetts.
. 错误
. 正确
3. merin inustry is eveloping so rpily tht it hs een in the lein gposition for the pst entury.
. 错误
. 正确
4. The elief in the freeom of the iniviul is proly the most si n most strongly hel of ll merin eliefs.
. 错误
. 正确
5. The ontinentl US runs 4505 kilometers from its tlnti ost to Pifi ost,n 2574 kilometers from n to Mexio.
. 错误
. 正确
6. Smll usinesses inlue most of the frmers, lrge proportion of the servie inustry, n self-employe people.
. 错误
. 正确
7. The ongress elre the fourth Thursy in Novemer to e ntionl y in 1945.
. 错误
. 正确
8. The supreme juiil oy in the US is in the istrit ourt.
. 错误
. 正确
9. Telephone ompnies in the Unite Sttes re not ll privte usinesses.
. 错误
. 正确
10. There re nerly 3100 stte prks n reretion res in the US.
. 错误
. 正确
11. VO Rio Sttion is in Wshington.
. 错误
. 正确
12. merin’s iggest hllenge is oming from Pifi Rim ountries suh s Jpn, South Kore, n Singpore.
. 错误
. 正确
13. Smll usinesses lso usully sell stok
. 错误
. 正确
14. In the system of the Pifi, there re two mjor rivers: the olumi River n the oloro River.
. 错误
. 正确
15. rhm Linoln is the sixteenth presient of the US from 1861 to 1865.
. 错误
. 正确
16. In 1803, the U.S.took vntge of the Europen Wr n purhse the vst re of Louisin.
. 错误
. 正确
17. The on is the orrower’s written promise to repy the lon on ertin te n lso to py ertin rte of interest on the orrowe money
. 错误
. 正确
18. The House of Representtives hs 435 memers plus nonvoting representtive from Puerto Rio n the istrit of olumi.
. 错误
. 正确
19. merins like oting. Motorots, s well s noes, re very populr for fishing n wter-skiing
. 错误
. 正确
20. The presient relly hs enormous power, oth in his or her own pity s the hief exeutive n ting through memers of his or her inet.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。) V 1. In (), the first stellite ws lunhe in the US.
. 1958
. 1657
. 1659
. 1655
2. The following were some of the hrteristis of Protestntism exept ().
. hllenging the uthority of the Pope
. slvtion through fith
. slvtion through the hurh
. estlishing iret ontt with Go
3. From 1949 to 1972, the numer of sientists who move into the US from vrious ountries in the worl rehe ()
. 200 000
. 300 000
. 400 000
. 500 000
4. The two mjor politil prties in the Unite Sttes re ().
. the emorti Prty n the Repulin Prty
. the Lor Prty n the onservtive Prty
. the Lierl Prty n the onservtive Prty
. the Feerlist Prty n the Repulin Prty
5. From 1901 to 1978, there were ltogether () people in the US hving won the Noel Prizes for the reserh of nturl siene
. 118
. 117
. 119
. 116
6. Whih of the following merin vlues i NOT ome from Puritnism?
. Seprtion of stte n hurh
. Respet of eution
. Intolernt morlism
. sense of mission.
7. Hrvr, one of the most fmous universities in the worl, ws foune in ()
. 1636
. 1635
. 1634
. 1639
8. () serve more thn two terms in merin history.
. Frnklin . Roosevelt
. George Wshington
. Thoms Jefferson
. rhm Linoln.
9. y-to-y fmily leisure tivities inlue the following tivities EXEPT ().
. going to resturnt for inner
. visit isney Worl
. reuing
. shopping mlls
10. ()is the spokesmn of the US foreign poliy.
. The Stte Seretry
. The Presient
. The Vie Presient
. The hief of the White House Stff
11. The U. S. . is known s “Melting Pot” for its ().
. mixture of religions
. mixture of ntionlities
. mixture of limtes
. mixture of hits
12. The totl re of the US is out 9.4million squre kilometers, whih mkes it the()lrgest ountry in the worl.
. first
. fourth
. seon
. thir
13. Protestnt hurh ws seprte from the Romn tholi hurh t the Reformtion in the 16th entury, with out () million memers.
. 320
. 330
. 340
. 350
14. hristinity onsists of the following exept ()
. tholiism
. Est Orthoox
. Jewish hurh
. Protestntism
15. The US is the worl’s leing exporter of griulturl prouts, in whih the seon most importnt export is ().
. otton
. vegetle oils
. erel grins
. soyens
16. fter the ivil Wr, the Unite Sttes sw gret evelopments in ().
. griulture
. eonomis
. ulture
. politis
17. The lrgest religious group in meri is ().
. Romn tholis
. Protestnts
. Orthoists
. Presyterins
18. The most ensely-populte region is().
. the southern
. the northestern
. the mile west
. the western
19. It woul e onsiere inpproprite n impolite to sk merins out the following topis EXEPT ().
. religious preferene
. meil history
. why they o not hve hilren
. the wether
20. The first shot of the merin Wr of Inepenene ws fire in().
. Texs
. rizon
. elwre
. Lexington
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. In the US there ourre six eonomi rises from the en of the wr to the mile of the 1970s.
. 错误
. 正确
2. The western prt onsists of high plteus n mountins forme y the pplhin Rnge
. 错误
. 正确
3. From 1901 to 1978, there were ltogether 127 people in the US hving won the Noel Prizes for the reserh of nturl siene.
. 错误
. 正确
4. The si uses of Worl Wr I ly in the politil, eonomil n olonil rivlries of the gret powers.
. 错误
. 正确
5. meri is the worl’ s lrgest prouer of eletriity, ut stil it hs to import eletriity from n.
. 错误
. 正确
6. On ugust 14, 1945, Germny surrenere n the Seon Worl Wr ene.
. 错误
. 正确
7. The olumi River rises in n n flows through Wshington Stte n forms prt of the ounry etween Oregon n Wshington.
. 错误
. 正确
8. Inepenene y is elerte in ll the sttes
. 错误
. 正确
9. The merin Wr of Inepenene ws n event of gret histori importne. y smshing the fetters of ritish rule, it gve the olonies their fight to ntionl inepenene n ssure US pitlism of free evelopment.
. 错误
. 正确
10. The US supplies lrger shre of the imports to ll other ountries thn oes ny other ntion in the worl.
. 错误
. 正确
11. Mnhttn is n isln lying etween the Missouri River n Est River n forming orough of the ity of New York.
. 错误
. 正确
12. Photogrphy, stmp olletion, neelework, n grening re populr leisure pursuits.
. 错误
. 正确
13. merin government hs lwys een plying n importnt role in the evelopment of merin eonomy.
. 错误
. 正确
14. The elief in the freeom of the iniviul is proly the most si n most strongly hel of ll merin eliefs.
. 错误
. 正确
15. The Romn tholi hurh ws seprte from Orthooxy in 1054, with the popultion of 505 million.
. 错误
. 正确
16. The onstitution llows the Presient to give reprieves n prons in feerl riminl ses.
. 错误
. 正确
17. There re nerly 3100 stte prks n reretion res in the US..
. 错误
. 正确
18. The presient relly hs enormous power, oth in his or her own pity s the hief exeutive n ting through memers of his or her inet.
. 错误
. 正确
19. VO Rio Sttion ws estlishe in1926.
. 错误
. 正确
20. The seon ontinentl ongress ws hel in Philelphi in My 1776
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。) V 1. ()is the seon lrgest US ity in terms of popultion in the Unite Sttes of meri n the lrgest inustril ity in the ountry.
. Los ngeles
. Philelphi
. higo
. liforni
2. In the U.S., people go to hurh minly for the following resons exept ().
. for fining jo in soiely
. for hving ple in ommunity
. for ientifying themselves with ominnt vlues
. for getting together with friens
3. The turning point of the Wr of Inepenene ws the ttle of() in 1777.
. Yorktown
. Srtog
. unker Hill
. Lexington
4. The stte () is rih in fishing n trpping.
. Hwii
. liforni
. lsk
. New York
5. The US is the worl’s leing exporter of griulturl prouts, in whih the seon most importnt export is ().
. otton
. vegetle oils
. erel grins
. soyens
6. The offiil holiys inlue ().
. Thnksgiving
. Sint Ptrik' s y
. Mother's y
. Hlloween
7. The term "Fther of Wters" is use to refer to().
. the mzon River
. the Mississippi River
. the Nile River
. the Huson River
8. The () River forms prt of the ounry etween n n the US, serving s n interntionl river.
. oloro
. Ohio
. Missouri
. St.Lwrene
9. The ontinentl US runs () kilometers from its tlnti ost to Pifi ost,n 2574 kilometers from n to Mexio
. 4505
. 4506
. 4507
. 4508
10. meri oupies the leing position in the moern tehnology in the following res exept ().
. tomi energy
. omputers
. spe
. shipuiling
11. The stte()is rih in fishing n trpping.
. Hwii
. liforni
. lsk
. New York
12. The lrgest puli lirry in the U. S. is ().
. Lirry of ongress
. Lirry of Hrvr
. Frnklin Lirry
. Roosevelt Lirry
13. () serve s the mei etween prouers n retilers, or prouers n wholeslers.
. Prouers
. Retilers
. Wholeslers
. The government
14. When ()ws elete presient, the southern sttes roke wy n forme new ntion, the onfeerte Sttes of meri.
. Thoms Jefferson
. Frnklin . Roosevelt
. George Wshington
. rhm Linoln
15. () hs the power to interpret the onstitution.
. The Presient
. The ongress
. The Supreme ourt
. The House of Representtives
16. The three iggest newsppers re of the following exept ().
. New York Times
. Reer's igest
. Wshington Post
. Los ngeles Times
17. The struggle of the ivil Wr ws etween the onfeerte Sttes n the Union of()Northern Sttes.
. 21
. 22
. 23
. 24
18. In (), the first stellite ws lunhe in the US.
. 1958
. 1657
. 1659
. 1655
19. The “Senior itizens” in the senior enters refer to.()
. high offiils
. professors
. presients
. ol people
20. The originl nme of New York is ().
. New Hmpshire
. New msterm
. New Jersey
. New Engln
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. The si uses of Worl Wr I ly in the politil n eonomil rivlries of the gret powers.
. 错误
. 正确
2. The erly settlers in the olony isovere wy to mke money y growing otton.
. 错误
. 正确
3. In 1860, the emorti Prty put up rhm Linoln for presieny.
. 错误
. 正确
4. Eonomilly kwr is the hrteristis of New Engln
. 错误
. 正确
5. VO progrms inlue news, ommentry, populr musi n fetures out merin ulture.
. 错误
. 正确
6. Mount MKinley is the highest mountin in the US n in North meri. It ws nme fer Willim Mkinley, the 25th US presient.
. 错误
. 正确
7. Iow is the he of orn-prouing sttes.
. 错误
. 正确
8. In the utumn of 1620, the first group of people strte for meri in ship nme the "Myflower". They lne t ple they nme Plymouth
. 错误
. 正确
9. In the 1960s n 1970s, tennis enjoye huge growth s some of the new professionl strs, espeilly women, stimulte mteurs.
. 错误
. 正确
10. The Gret epression of 1929 to 1933, like hurrine, shook the Unite Sttes n the whole pitlist worl to its fountion.
. 错误
. 正确
11. From 1901 to 1978, there were ltogether 127 people in the US hving won the Noel Prizes for the reserh of nturl siene.
. 错误
. 正确
12. Hrvr, one of the most fmous universities in the worl, ws foune in 1639
. 错误
. 正确
13. Telephone ompnies in the Unite Sttes re ll puli usinesses.
. 错误
. 正确
14. In 1791, the first ten menments were me. This is the well-known " ill of Rights ", whih ontins suh lierties s freeom of religion, freeom of speeh, freeom of press, et.
. 错误
. 正确
15. ll the newsppers n mgzines in the US re privtely owne.
. 错误
. 正确
16. Lour y ws first elerte in honour of the workers in the US.
. 错误
. 正确
17. In the Unite Sttes of meri,there re three gret mountin rnges:the pplhin Mountins, the Roky Mountins n the Gret oriller Mountin Rnge.
. 错误
. 正确
18. Free mrket priniples represents no government interferene in eonomi evelopment.
. 错误
. 正确
19. Mrtin Luther King ws wre the Noel Prize for pee in 1984.
. 错误
. 正确
20. The nite with the most votes in stte wins ll of tht stte’s eletorl votes. This is known s the winner-tke-ll priniple.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。) V 1. The most fmous 19 rio sttions is ().
. the olumi rosting System
. the merin rosting System
. Voie of meri
. The Ntionl rosting System
2. The Pilgrims were le to survive in meri euse ().
. they reeive help from the Inins
. they were supporte y rih ompnies
. mny ships rought them foo from Engln
. they h signe the Myflower ompt
3. The two mjor politil prties in the Unite Sttes re ().
. the emorti Prty n the Repulin Prty
. the Lor Prty n the onservtive Prty
. the Lierl Prty n the onservtive Prty
. the Feerlist Prty n the Repulin Prty
4. The leing prouing re for hemils n mhinery is ().
. The Est North entrl
. the Mile tlnti region
. the Pifi ost region
. the South tlnti region
5. The populr merin elief is ().
. prt-time working
. self-me mn
. mnul lor
. eing extrvgnt
6. Junior ollege in meri is ().
. two-yer ollege
. four-yer ollege
. three-yer ollege
. five-yer ollege
7. The ontinentl US runs () kilometers from its tlnti ost to Pifi ost,n 2574 kilometers from n to Mexio
. 4505
. 4506
. 4507
. 4508
8. The stte () is rih in fishing n trpping.
. Hwii
. liforni
. lsk
. New York
9. Protestnt hurh ws seprte from the Romn tholi hurh t the Reformtion in the 16th entury, with out () million memers.
. 320
. 330
. 340
. 350
10. The presiing offier of the Sente is() who serves s hirmn when the Sente is in session.
. the Speker
. the Vie Presient
. theongressmn
. the Floor Leer
11. Hrvr University ws foune in ().
. 1366
. 1633
. 1636
. 1363
12. The history of the U.S.is generlly gree to hve egun in the yer of ()
. 1606
. 1607
. 1608
. 1609
13. Whih of the following merin vlues i NOT ome from Puritnism?
. Seprtion of stte n hurh
. Respet of eution
. Intolernt morlism
. sense of mission.
14. The first merin Thnksgiving ws hoste y ().
. the Inins
. the Pilgrims
. the Spnish settlers
. the Frenh settlers
15. () serve more thn two terms in merin history.
. Frnklin . Roosevelt
. George Wshington
. Thoms Jefferson
. rhm Linoln.
16. () is the only rnh tht n mke feerl lws, n levy feerl txes.
. The exeutive
. The legisltive
. The Juiil
. The presient
17. The originl nme of New York is ().
. New Hmpshire
. New msterm
. New Jersey
. New Engln
18. The first merin Presient who inugurte in Wshington ity ws ().
. George Wshington
. Thoms Jefferson
. John ms
. nrew Jkson
19. hristinity onsists of the following exept ()
. tholiism
. Est Orthoox
. Jewish hurh
. Protestntism
20. From 1949 to 1972, the numer of sientists who move into the US from vrious ountries in the worl rehe ()
. 200 000
. 300 000
. 400 000
. 500 000
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. meri is the worl' s lrgest prouer of eletriity, ut stil it hs to import eletriity from n.
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2. The Repulin Prty grew out of the “nti-Feerlists” tht ppere fter 1787 when the onstitution ws me.
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3. The si uses of Worl Wr I ly in the politil, eonomil n olonil rivlries of the gret powers.
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4. In the system of the Pifi, there re two mjor rivers: the olumi River n the Missouri River.
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5. The vitory t Srtog ws viewe s the turning point of the Wr of Inepenene.
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6. The Pilgrims were the first English olonists to permnently settle in New Engln in wht we now know s Msshusetts.
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7. The perio of the “ol Wr” egn when Trumnism me forth in Mrh 1947.
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8. The olumi River rises in n n flows through Wshington Stte n forms prt of the ounry etween Oregon n Wshington.
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9. Free mrket priniples represents no government interferene in eonomi evelopment.
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10. Wshington is the hequrters of ll the rnhes of the merin feerl system ngress, the Supreme ourt n the Presieny.
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11. merins re free to hve guns, n this mkes hunting populr sport in the US
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12. The eisive ttle of Stlingr in 1943, whih mrke the turning point of the Seon Worl Wr.
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13. The symol of the emorti Prty is n elephnt.
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14. The Feerl onstitution of the US, whih ws opte in 1787 n me into effet in1788, is the first omprtively omplete written onstitution.
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15. Most of the merin fmilies selom hire people to o housework n grening servies
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16. meri is the worl’ s lrgest prouer of eletriity, ut stil it hs to import eletriity from n.
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17. The onstitutionl onvention ws hel in the yer of 1787 n the presient of the onvention ws George Wshington.
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18. The 1787 onstitution onsiste of 8 rtiles n lter 26 menments were e.
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19. merin inustry is eveloping so rpily tht it hs een in the lein gposition for the pst entury.
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20. The erly settlers in the olony isovere wy to mke money y growing otton.
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