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[东北师范大学] 东师 英美文学17春在线作业1 2辅导资料(随机)

发表于 2017-5-8 09:37:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. John unyn‘s pilgrim`s progress is often regre s  typil exmple of____.
. llegory
. romne
. epi in prose
. fle
2.  “...This grew: I gve ommns; Then ll smiles stoppe ltogether....” (Roert rowning, “My Lst uhess”) The ove lines imply tht .
. the uhess ws kille y her husn
. the uhess stoppe smiling t her husn’s orer
. the uhess ie of lughing too muh
. the uhess i not wnt to smile s muh s her husn requeste
3.  Whih of the following is NOT written y Willim utler Yets?
. “Siling to yzntium.”
. “The Lke Isle of Innisfree.”
. “Le n the Swn.”
. “The Wste Ln.”
4.  Roert Frost omine tritionl verse forms - the sonnet, rhyming ouplets, lnk verse - with  ler merin lol speeh rhythm, the speeh of _______ frmers with its iiosynrti ition n syntx.
. Southern
. Western
. New Hmpshire
. New Engln
5.  In Hry’s Tess of ’urervilles , the heroine’s trgi ening is ue to .
. her wek hrter
. her mition
. ngel lre’s selfishness
.  hostile soiety
6.  ________ ws written y Mrk Twin in ollortion with Wrner .
. Jumping Frog
. The Gile ge
. Roughing It
7.  Most reognizle literry movement tht gve rise to the twentieth-entury merin literture, or we my sy, the seon merin Renissne, is the _______ movement.
. trnsenentl
. leftist
. exptrite
. expressionisti
8.  _______ is  typil feture of Swift‘s writings.
. itter stire
. Elegnt style
. sul nrrtion
. omplite sentene struture
9.  provies the min soure of influene on merin nturlism.
. The puritn heritge
. Howells’ ies of relism
. rwin’s theory of evolution
. The pioneer spirit of the wil west
10.  The hrter tht ppers in The Re ge of ourge is ______.
. Hurstwoo
. rouet
. Fleming
11.  “When the evening is spre out ginst the sky Like  ptient etherize upon  tle.” (T. s. Eliot, “The Love song of J. lfre Prufrok”) Wht oes the imge in the quote lines suggest?
. Violene.
. Horror.
. Intivity.
. Inifferene.
12.  In Hwthorne‘s "Young Goomn rown,"  stni figure les the reulous protgonist to  withes‘ Sth in the woos. There he reognizes mny pillrs of Slem‘s Puritn soiety s well s his wife, Fith. The story illustrtes Hwthorne‘s llegoril theme of humn evil or wht Melville lle the "power of _______ ."
. lkness
. whiteness
. terror
. hyporisy
13.  Of the following ll were written y reiser exept _______ .
. Sister rrie
. MTegue
. The Finnier
14.  lk humor refers to the use of the mori n the sur for rkly _____ purposes .
. omi
. trgi
. entertining
15.  Willm Worsworth, romnti poet,vote ll the following exept____.
. the using of everyy lnguge Spoken y the ommon people
. the expression of the Spontneous overflow of powerful feelings
. the humle n rusti life s sujet mtter
. elegnt woring n inflte figures of speeh
16.  " ’mn the fool! There he is’, rie Hethliff, sinking k into his set. ’Hush, my rling! Hush, hush, therine! I’ll sty. If he shot me so, I’ expire with  lessing in my lips.’" The novel from whih the pssge is tken must e _________.
. Jne usten’s Prie n Prejuie
. hrles ikens’s The Ol uriosity Shop
. Smuel Rihrson’s Pmel
. Emily ronte’s Wuthering Heights
17.  ngry Young Mn of the 1950’s most me from
. the lower lss
. the upper lss
. pesnts
. workers
18.  "O prine, O hief of mny throne powers," Tht le th‘ emttle serphim to wr Uner thy onut, n in reful ees Ferless, enngere Heven‘s perpetul King." In the thir line of the ove pssge quote from Milton‘s Prise Lost, the phrse "thy onut" refers to _______ onut.
. Stn‘s
. Go‘s
. m‘s
. Eve‘s
19.  “The history of the worl is the iogrphy of the gret men” n sum up the ook
. Heroes n Hero-worship
. The Frenh Revolution
.  Moern omey
. Life of Shiller
20.  Who first use the term ‘‘ et Genertion ‘‘ ?
. Ginserg
. Miler
. Kerou
21.  Of ll the eighteenth-entury novelists , who ws the first to set out, oth in theory n prtie , to write speilly  “omi epi in prose”, the first to give the moern novel its struture n style ?
. Thoms Gry
. Rihr rinsley Sherin
. Johthn Swift
. Henry Fieling
22.  Mry nn Evns ws the originl nme of one of the following writer:
. Mrs. Gskell
. hrlotte
. usten
. Eliot
23.  ll of the following re written y Hemingwy exept _______ .
. The Sun lso Rises
. For Whom the ell Tolls
. Srtoris
24.  In Willim lke‘s poetry, the fther(n ny other in whom he sw the imge of the fther suh s Go, priest, n king)ws usully  figure of _______ .
. enevolene
. mirtion
. love
. tyrnny
25.  Stylistilly, Henry Jmes‘ fition is hrterize y _______ .
. short, ler sentenes
. unne of lol imges
. orinry merin speeh
. highly refine lnguge
26.  “Humor” oring to en Jonson mens
. fun
. omey
. thought
. temperment
27.  The one who propose the story-telling in the nterury tles is
. the poet
. the knight
. the oss
. the proner
28.  The sttement "It revels the ehumnizing workhouse system n the rk, riminl unerworl life" my well sum up the min theme if ikens‘s _______ .
. vi opperfiel
. lek House
. Gret Expettions
. Oliver Twist
29.  Milton ws niknme “the ly of hrist’s” euse he ws
.  ly
. s serious s  ly
. s hnsome s  ly
. s gentle s  ly
30.  Shkespere‘s trgeies inlue ll the fOllowing exept____.
. Hmlet n King ler
. ntony n leoptr n Meth
. julius esr n Othello
. the Merhnt of Venie n  Misummer Night`s rem
31.  Whih of the following informtion out John Milton is NOT true?
. John Milton ws the gretest English Poets fter Shkespere.
. Milton ws orn in  Romn tholi fmily n oth his prents were unerstning prents.
. He reeive eution t mrige n in 1632 he omplete his M.
. His msterpiee is Prise Lost
32.  The following re ll Steinek‘s works exept ______ .
. Winesurg , Ohio
. Of Mie n Men
. Grpes of Wrth
33.  In whih of the following works n you fin the proper nmes “Lilliput,” “roingng,” “Houyhnhnm,” n “Yhoo”?
. Jmes Joye’s Ulsses.
. hrles ikens’s lek House.
. Jonthn Swift’s Gulliver’s Trvels.
. . H. Lwrene’s Women in love.
34.  The poems suh s,“The himney Sweeper”re foun in oth Songs of lnnoene n SongS of Experiene y____.
. Willim Worsworth
. Willim lke
. John Kets
. Lor Goron yron
35.  r. Fustus is  ply se on the Germn legen of  mgiin spiring for n finlly meeting his trgi en s  result of selling his soul to the evil.
. immortlity
. politil
. money
. knowlege
36.  “The Forsyte Sg” is  trilogy y _______.
. John Glsworthy
. Thoms Hry
. hrles ikens
. H. Lwrene
37.  "n where re they? n where rt thou," My ountry? On thy voieless shore The heroi ly is tuneless now- The heroi osom ets no more!"(George Goron yron, on Jun) In the ove stnz, "rt thou" literlly mens _______ .
. "re you"
. "rt though"
. "re though"
. "rt you"
38.  The ______ Movement ppere in the thirties of the 19th entury. It showe the English workers were le to pper s n inepenent politil fore n were lrey relizing the ft tht the inustril ourgeoisie ws their prinipl enemy.
. Enlightenment
. Renissne
. hrtist
. Romntiist
39.  ______ is often lime literry spokesmn of the Jzz ge .
. Hemingwy
. Fitzgerl
. Steinek
40.  The one of the following not known s  rmtist is _______ .
. Miller
. Poun
. O‘Neill

一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. Tennyson’s“Ulysses” is  _______.
. English sonnet
. Thoms
. Itlin sonnet
. Free verse
2.  Most of the poems in Whitmn‘s Leves of Grss sing of the "en-mss" n the _______ s well.
. nture
. self-reline
. self
. life
3.  Whih of the following informtion out John Milton is NOT true?
. John Milton ws the gretest English Poets fter Shkespere.
. Milton ws orn in  Romn tholi fmily n oth his prents were unerstning prents.
. He reeive eution t mrige n in 1632 he omplete his M.
. His msterpiee is Prise Lost
4.  “The Forsyte Sg” is  trilogy y _______.
. John Glsworthy
. Thoms Hry
. hrles ikens
. H. Lwrene
5.  The one of the following not known s  rmtist is _______ .
. Miller
. Poun
. O‘Neill
6.  The following poets re ll Poet Lurete exept_____
. en Jonson
. Thoms Gry
. Roert Southey
. Willim Worsworth
7.  (The)____ws  progressive intellerul movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th entury.
. Romnism
. Humnism
. Enlightenment
. Sentimentlism
8.  Whose writings lmost lwys use youth s mjor hrters ?
. Singer‘s
. Slinger‘s
. Vonnegut‘s
9.  The relists of the 18th entury n those of the 19th entury hve the following in ommon exept oth of them
. use the form of novel fully
. present soil n politil events in etils
. inite the ro soil onflits
. esrie the fte of iniviuls n of soil lsses
10.  Of the following writers , who wrote the ritil essy On Poetry n Poets ?
. Poun
. Eliot
. Frost
11.  The sttement “ emning mother turns wy from her husn n gives ll her ffetion to her sons” sums up the min plot of . H. Lwrene′s .
. Ly htterley’s Lover
. Women in love
. Sons n Lovers
. The Plume Serpent
12.  "Not on thy sole ut on thy soul, hrsh Jew,/Thou mk‘st thy knife keen." In the ove quottion tken form The Merhnt of Venie, Shkespere employs (n)_______ .
. oxymoron
. pun
. simile
. syneohe
13.  Sir Gwin n Green Knight ws rete y
. huer
. Lngln
. ee
. None of the ove
14.  Mxine Hong Kingston‘s first novel is _______ .
. The Womn Wrrior
. hin Men
. The Joy Luk lu
15.  The gint Moy ik my symolize ll EXEPT .
. mystery of the universe
. sin of the whle
. power of the Gret Nture
. evil of the worl
16.  Emily ikinson‘s poem(441)"This is my letter to the Worl" expresses the poet‘s _______ out her ommunition with the outsie worl.
. inifferene
. joy
. nxiety
. inigntion
17.  _______ hs een regre s the “founer of the merin rm”.
. Tennessee Willims
. Eugene O’Neill
. rthur Miller
. Henrik Iser
18.  ______________ hs lwys een regre s  writer who “perfete the est lssi style tht merin Literture ever proue”.
. Egr Ellen Poe
. Wlt Whitmn
. Henry vi Thoreu
. Wshington Irving
19.  "To e so istinguishe is n honor, whih, eing very little ustome to fvors from the gret, I know not well how to reeive, or in wht terms to knowlege." The ove quote sentene is presente y Smuel Johnson with (n) _______ tone.
. elightful
. jelous
. ironi
. humorous
20.  In 1704, ___________foune the perioils “the Review”.
. Swift
. lke
. Milton
. efoe
21.  "o you think, euse I m poor, osure, plin, n little, I m soulless n hertless?…n if Go h gifte me with some euty, n muh welth, I shoul hve me it s hr for you to leve me, s it is now for me to leve you." The ove quote pssge is most proly tken from _______ .
. Prie n Prejuie
. Jne Eyre
. Wuthering Heights
. Gret Expettions
22.  the Rime of the nient Mriner is  poem written in the form of .
. ll
. sonnet
. heroi ouplet
. Spenserin stnz
23.  _______ ws the first n the only merin plywright to e wre the Noel Prize for Literture .
. rthur Miller
. Eugene O‘Neill
. Tennessee Willims
24.  “Oe to the West Win” is the representtive work of_______ .
. P.. Shelley’s
. John Kets’s
. Smuel olerige’s
. Lor yron’s
25.  Whih of the following is NOT written y Willim utler Yets?
. “Siling to yzntium.”
. “The Lke Isle of Innisfree.”
. “Le n the Swn.”
. “The Wste Ln.”
26.  We n perhps esrie the west win in Shelley‘s poem "Oe to the West Win" with ll the following terms exept _______ .
. tme
. swift
. prou
. wil
27.  The term tone in literture mens__________.
. soun effet suh s rhyme n metril evie
. the pith of  wor use to etermine its mening in the given ontext
. the mnner of expression to inite the speker’s ttitue towrs the sujet
.  she of olour to reflet the hnge of the light
28.  For Melville, s well s for the reer n _______ , the nrrtor, Moy ik is still  mystery, n ultimte mystery of the universe.
. h
. Ishmel
. Stu
. Struk
29.  Whih of the following is NOT typil of metphysil poetry est represente y John onne’s works?
. ommon speeh.
. oneit.
. rgument.
. Refine lnguge.
30.  The most originl plywright of the Theter of sur is Smuel ekett n his first ply, _______, is regre s the most fmous n influentil ply of the Theter of sur.
. Witing for Goot
. Murer in the therl
. Too True to e Goo
. Mrs. Wrren’s Profession
31.  ____ elieves tht mn’s fte is preeterminely trgi, riven y  omine fore of “nture”, oth insie n outsie.
. hrles ikens
. Thoms Hry
. ernr Shw
. George Eliot
32.  The title of lfre Tennyson’s poem “Ulysses” remins the reer of the following EXEPT
. the Trojn Wr
. Homer’s Oyssey
. ventures over the se
. religious quest
33.  isy Miller is written y ________.
. Hwthorne
. Twin
. Melville
. Jmes
34.  John Milton wrote his msterpiees fter linness expet ___
. Prise Lost
. Prise Regine
. Smson gonistes
. reopgiti
35.  To Theoore reiser, life is “so s, so strnge, so mysterious n so inexplile.” No woner the hrters in his ooks re often sujet to the ontrol of the nturl fores, espeilly those of n hereity.
. fte
. morlity
. soil onventions
. environment
36.  Whih of the following works mrks the eginning of rel merin Literture ?
. Leves of Grss
. The Sketh ook
. Nture
37.  Gothi novels re mostly stories of , whih tke ple in some hunte or ilpite Mile ge stles .
. love n mrrige
. se ventures
. mystery n horror
. sints n mrtyrs
38.  The 18th entury is lle ge of ______
. huer
. Shkespere
. Pope
. Reson
39.  Most of ernr Shw’s plys re onerne with_______.
. politil prolems
. religious prolems
. morl prolems
. ll the ove
40.  John unyn‘s pilgrim`s progress is often regre s  typil exmple of____.
. llegory
. romne
. epi in prose
. fle

一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. ll the hrters pper in Sons n Lovers exept
. lr
. Gertrue
. Mirim
. Sue
2.  Generlly , the Renissne refers to the perio etween the 14th n mi-17th enturies, its essene is .
. siene
. philosophy
. rts
. humnism
3.  In Hry‘s Wessex novels,there is n pprent____touh in his esription of the simple though primitive rurl life.
. nostlgi
. humorous
. romnti
. ironi
4.  reiser‘s Trilogy of esire inlues 3 novels : The Finnier , The Titn n ______ .
. The Tyoon
. The Gint
. The Stoi
5.  To Theoore reiser, life is “so s, so strnge, so mysterious n so inexplile.” No woner the hrters in his ooks re often sujet to the ontrol of the nturl fores, espeilly those of n hereity.
. fte
. morlity
. soil onventions
. environment
6.  Willim Worsworth,  romnti poet, vote ll of the following exept .
. norml ontemporry speeh ptterns
. humle n rusti life s sujet mtter
. elegnt woring n inflte figures of speeh
. intensely sujetive feeling towr iniviul experiene
7.  The ______ Movement ppere in the thirties of the 19th entury. It showe the English workers were le to pper s n inepenent politil fore n were lrey relizing the ft tht the inustril ourgeoisie ws their prinipl enemy.
. Enlightenment
. Renissne
. hrtist
. Romntiist
8.  The unquenhle spirit of Roinson rusoe struggling to mintin  sustntil existene on  lonely isln reflets .
. mn’s esire to return to nture
. the uthor’s ritiism of the oloniztion
. the iel of the rising ourgeoisie
. the ristorts’ isillusionment of the hrsh soil relity
9.  The title of lfre Tennyson’s poem “Ulysses” remins the reer of the following EXEPT
. the Trojn Wr
. Homer’s Oyssey
. ventures over the se
. religious quest
10.  Whih terms n est esrie the moernists’ onern of the humn sitution in their fition?
. Frgmenttion n liention.
. ourge n honor.
. Trition n fith.
. Poverty n espertion.
11.  The sttement “ emning mother turns wy from her husn n gives ll her ffetion to her sons” sums up the min plot of . H. Lwrene′s .
. Ly htterley’s Lover
. Women in love
. Sons n Lovers
. The Plume Serpent
12.  Oe to The West Win ws written y _______
. T.S Eliot
. George Eliot
. Ezr Poun
. Shelley
13.  Of ll the 18th entury novelists Henry Fieling ws the first to set out,oth in theory n prtie,to write speifilly “____in prose,”the first to give the moern novel its struture n style.
. trgi epi
. omi epi
. romne
. lyri epi
14.  The relists of the 18th entury n those of the 19th entury hve the following in ommon exept oth of them
. use the form of novel fully
. present soil n politil events in etils
. inite the ro soil onflits
. esrie the fte of iniviuls n of soil lsses
15.  prt from the islotion of time n the moern strem-of-onsiousness, the other nrrtive tehniques Fulkner use to onstrut his stories inlue _______ , symolism n mythologil n ilil llusions.
. impressionism
. expressionism
. multiple points of view
. first person point of view
16.  Emily ikinson‘s poem(441)"This is my letter to the Worl" expresses the poet‘s _______ out her ommunition with the outsie worl.
. inifferene
. joy
. nxiety
. inigntion
17.  Whih of the following informtion out John onne is NOT true?
. he ws orn in  Romn tholi fmily
. he reeive his eution t Oxfor n mrige
. lter he gve up his tholi fith n took orers in the nglin hurh.
. he wrote only religious poems.
18.  kite,Sneerwell,n Ly Tezle re hrters in the ply the Shool for Snl y____.
. hristopher Mrlowe
. en Jonson
. Rihr rinsley Sherin
. George ernr Shw
19.  merin Literture proue only one femle poet uring the 19th entury. This ws _______.
. Jne usten
. Wtt Whitmn
. Emily ikinson
. Hrriet eher Stowe
20.  isy Miller‘s trgey of inisretion is intensifie n enlrge y its nrrtion from the point of view of _______ .
. the uthor Henry Jmes
. the Itlin youth Giovnelli
. the merin youth Winterourne
. her mother Mrs. Miller
21.  Mr. Spettor stns for the ies of
. the 16th entury
. 17th entury
. the 18th entury
. the19th entury
22.  Hwthorne generlly onerns himself with suh issues s in his fition.
. the evil in mn’s hert
. the mteril pursuit
. the ril onflit
. the soil inequlity
23.  Romntiism extene from 1798 when Lyril lls ws pulishe n in 1832 when
. usten ie
. Worsworth ie
. Sott ie
. Shelley ie
24.  “For I hve known them ll lrey, known them ll--/Hve known the evenings,mornings,fternoons,/I hve mesure out my life with offee spoons.”The ovelines re tken from____.
. Worsworth‘s“The Solitry Reper”
. Eliot‘s“The Love Song of J.lfre Prufrok,”
. olerige‘s“Kul Khn”
. Yets‘s“The Lke Isle of lnnisfree”
25.  “Rip Vn Winkle” revels the theme of _______ the pst.
. nostlgi for
. rejetion to
. ethment from
. nothing relte to
26.  The Elizethn literture____________
. h  mrke unity n the feeling of ptriotism n evotion to the queen.
. witnesse  eline of egenertion
. expresse ge n sness, even the rightest hours were followe y gloom n pessimism.
. ws not romnti.
27.  niel efoe esries _______ s  typil English Mile-lss mn of the eighteenth entury, the very prototype of the empire uiler or the pioneer olonist.
. Tom Jones
. Gulliver
. Moll Flners
. Roinson rusoe
28.  Who is the writer tht wrote out frontier ventures ?
. Irving
. ooper
. Melville
29.  Irving ws regre s ______ .
. fther of merin rm
. fther of merin poetry
. fther of merin Literture
30.  “You n the girls my go ,or you my sen them y themselves , whih perhps will e still etter , for s you re s hnsome s ny of them , Mr. ingley might like you the est of the prty.” Wht figure of speeh is use in the unerline prt ?
. Prox
. Simile
. Irony
. ntithesis
31.  s n utoiogrphil ply, O‘Neill‘s _______ (1956)hs gine its sttus s  worl lssi n simultneously mrks the limx of his literry reer n the oming of ge of merin rm.
. The Iemn ometh
. Long y‘s Journey Into Night
. The Hiry pe
. esire Uner the Elms
32.  In Hwthorne‘s novels n short stories , intelletuls usully pper s _______ .
. sviors
. villins
. oservers
33.  Here is  pssge from Milemrh,  novel y George Eliot: "Her looming full-pulse youth stoo there in  morl imprisonment whih me itself one with the hill, olourless, nrrowe lnspe, with the shrunken furniture, the never-re ooks, n the ghostly stg in ple fnti worl tht seeme to e vnishing from the ylight," Who is the ly mentione in the quote pssge?
. orothe
. Emm
. Molly
. Irene
34.  reiser‘s lnguge style inlues the following spets exept ______ .
. eing polishe n greful
. lk of onision
. mssive etile esription
35.  Most of the poems in Whitmn‘s Leves of Grss sing of the "en-mss" n the _______ s well.
. nture
. self-reline
. self
. life
36.  uliners is writing of
. relism
. moernism
. strem of onsiousness
. none of the ove
37.  " ’mn the fool! There he is’, rie Hethliff, sinking k into his set. ’Hush, my rling! Hush, hush, therine! I’ll sty. If he shot me so, I’ expire with  lessing in my lips.’" The novel from whih the pssge is tken must e _________.
. Jne usten’s Prie n Prejuie
. hrles ikens’s The Ol uriosity Shop
. Smuel Rihrson’s Pmel
. Emily ronte’s Wuthering Heights
38.  The three trilogies of _______ Forsyte novels re msterpiees of ritil relism in the erly 20th entury.
. .H. Lwrene’s
. John Glsworthy’s
. Jmes Joye’s
. Thoms Hry’s
39.  r. Fustus is  ply se on the Germn legen of  mgiin spiring for n finlly meeting his trgi en s  result of selling his soul to the evil.
. immortlity
. politil
. money
. knowlege
40.  mong the representtives of the Enlightenment, who ws the first to introue rtionlism to Engln ?
. John unyn
. niel efoe
. lexner Pope
. Jonthn Swift

一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. Gothi novels re mostly stories of , whih tke ple in some hunte or ilpite Mile ge stles .
. love n mrrige
. se ventures
. mystery n horror
. sints n mrtyrs
2.  The most originl plywright of the Theter of sur is Smuel ekett n his first ply, _______, is regre s the most fmous n influentil ply of the Theter of sur.
. Witing for Goot
. Murer in the therl
. Too True to e Goo
. Mrs. Wrren’s Profession
3.  huer is lle the founer of English relism euse he portrys ll the lsses of English feul soiety exept_______
. usinessmen n sholrs
. noles n serfs
. plowmen n priests
. knights n frnklins
4.  Frost took  ______ style in his poetry .
. simple
. omplite
. moern
5.  In his essy“of Stuies,”on Si:“Some ooks re to e tste,others to e swllowe,n some few to e hewe n____.
. Skimme
. perfete
. imitte
. igeste
6.  The Rpe of the Lok gives n ount of
. ull fighting
. knight uel
. writer’s life
. neote of the ourt
7.  Of the following poems , whih is written y Poe ?
. The y of oom
. To Helen
. To  Wterfowl
8.  ______ mkes the limx of O‘Neill‘s literry reer n the oming of ge of merin rm .
. The Hiry pe
. Long y‘s Journey into Night
. The Iemn ometh
9.  fter WWⅠ, mny isillusione merin writers n rtists left for Pris n forme  smll ommunity . They were ______ .
. emigrnts
. exptrites
. immigrnts
10.  ryen’s ontriution to Engln literture lies in the following exept
. he estlishe the heroi ouplet s one of the prinipl English verse forms
. he lrifie the English prose
. he rise the English literry ritiism to  new level
. he rise English omey to  higher level
11.  In Mrk Twin’s The ventures of hukleerry Finn, Huk writes  letter to inform ginst Jim, the espe slve, n then he ters the letter up. This ft revels tht .
. Huk hs  mixe feeling of love n hte
. there is  onflit etween soiety n onsiene in Huk
. Huk is lwys n ineisive person
. Huk hs very little eution
12.  It is lone who , for the first time in English literture, presente to us  omprehensive relisti piture of the English soiety of his time n rete  whole gllery of vivi hrters from ll wlks of life.
. Geoffrey huer
. Mrtin Luther
. Willim Lngln
. John Gower
13.  "‘I elieve you re me of stone,‘he si, lenhing his fingers so hr tht he roke the frgile up. …‘You seem to forget,‘ she si,‘tht up is not!‘" From the ove quote pssge, we n fin the womn‘s tone is very _______ .
. srsti
. musing
. sentimentl
. fetious
14.  In Hry‘s Wessex novels,there is n pprent____touh in his esription of the simple though primitive rurl life.
. nostlgi
. humorous
. romnti
. ironi
15.  Shkespere‘s omeies re ompose of ______
. orinry people n lowns
. knights n noles
. withes n prophets
. shrews n prines
16.  In Hwthorne’s The Srlet Letter, “” my stns for _______.
. ultery
. ngel
. mile
. ll the ove
17.  Rihrson ws note s story-telling , letter writer n
. riti
. morlizer
. poet
. plywright
18.  In Hry‘s Wessex novels, there is n pprent _______ touh in his esription of the simple n eutiful though primitive rurl life.
. humorous
. romnti
. nostlgi
. srsti
19.  Wlt Whitmn, whose ______________ estlishe him s the most populr merin poet of the 19th entury.
. Leves of Grss
. Go own, Moses
. The Mrle Fun
. s I Ly ying
20.  “The Forsyte Sg” is  trilogy y _______.
. John Glsworthy
. Thoms Hry
. hrles ikens
. H. Lwrene
21.  "Not on thy sole ut on thy soul, hrsh Jew,/Thou mk‘st thy knife keen." In the ove quottion tken form The Merhnt of Venie, Shkespere employs (n)_______ .
. oxymoron
. pun
. simile
. syneohe
22.  .H.Lwrene’s works re moern euse of their_______ .
. moern skill in writing
. moern pulishing time
. moern themes
. moern pperne
23.  “The novel is struture roun the isovery of the hero’s origin.” This novel is most proly .
. hrles ikens’s vi opperfiel
. Jmes Joye’s  Portrit of the rtist s  Young Mn
. Thoms Hry’s Fr from the Ming Grow
. Henry Fieling’s Tom Jones
24.  Romntiism extene from 1798 when Lyril lls ws pulishe n in 1832 when
. usten ie
. Worsworth ie
. Sott ie
. Shelley ie
25.  The one who propose the story-telling in the nterury tles is
. the poet
. the knight
. the oss
. the proner
26.  For quite sometime fter its pperne , th–22 ws seen s  struturl ______ espite its nrrtive power .
. suess
. filure
. mirle
27.  r. Fustus is  ply se on the Germn legen of  mgiin spiring for n finlly meeting his trgi en s  result of selling his soul to the evil.
. immortlity
. politil
. money
. knowlege
28.  In his msterpiees ______ , Poun tres the rise n fll of estern n western empires n the morl n soil hos of the moern worl .
. Mke It New
. The ntos
. Polite Essys
29.  The theme of usten’ s novels n e expresse y the following exept
. mrrige
. love
. omesti uty
. personl growth
30.  We n perhps esrie the west win in Shelley‘s poem "Oe to the West Win" with ll the following terms exept _______ .
. tme
. swift
. prou
. wil
31.  Here re four lines from  long poem: “Others for lnguge ll their re express, / n vlue ooks, s women men , for ress.” The poem must e
. Thoms Gry’s “Elegy Written in  ountry hurhyr”
. John Milton’s Prise Lost
. lexner Pope’s Essy on ritiism
. Shkespere’s Misummer Night’s rem
32.  s n utoiogrphil ply, O‘Neill‘s _______ (1956)hs gine its sttus s  worl lssi n simultneously mrks the limx of his literry reer n the oming of ge of merin rm.
. The Iemn ometh
. Long y‘s Journey Into Night
. The Hiry pe
. esire Uner the Elms
33.  Whih of the following est esries the speker of T.S.Eliot’s " The Love Song of J.lfre Prufrok"?
. He is n mn of  tion.
. He is  mn of pthy.
. He is  mn of pssion.
. He is  mn of intivity
34.  _______ is  typil feture of Swift‘s writings.
. itter stire
. Elegnt style
. sul nrrtion
. omplite sentene struture
35.  The first novel of Thoms Pynhon is ______ .
. V.
. The rying of Lot 49
. Entropy
36.  Romntiism shres the following ommon fetures exept
. imgintion
. intuition
. restrint
. nturl sentiment
37.  (The)____ws  progressive intellerul movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th entury.
. Romnism
. Humnism
. Enlightenment
. Sentimentlism
38.  "My Lst uhess" is  poem tht est exemplifier Roert rowning’s ________.
. sensitive er for the souns of the English lnguge
. exellent hoie of wors
. mstering of the metril evies
. use of the rmti monologue
39.  "So muh the worse for me, tht I n strong. o I wnt to live? Wht kin of living will it e when you-oh, Go! Woul you like to live with your soul in the grve?" In the ove pssge quote from Emily ronte‘s Wuthering Heights, the wor "soul" pprently refers to _______ .
. Hethliff
. therine
. ghost
. one‘s spiritul lift
40.  ll the qulities n e ontriute to Porti exept
. nosy
. ulture
. ourteous
. kin-herte

一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. In his msterpiees ______ , Poun tres the rise n fll of estern n western empires n the morl n soil hos of the moern worl .
. Mke It New
. The ntos
. Polite Essys
2.  reiser‘s Trilogy of esire inlues three novels. They re The Finnier, The Titn n _______ .
. The Genius
. The Tyoon
. The Stoi
. The Gint
3.  is the suessful religious llegory in the English lnguge .
. The Pilgrim’s Progress
. Gre ouning to the hief of Sinners
. The Life n eth of Mr. mn
. The Holy Wr
4.  One of the erliest spokeswomen in English for the hinese immigrnt ommunity is _____.
. Lin Yutng
. Sui Sin Fr
. Mxine Hong Kingston
5.  Mry nn Evns ws the originl nme of one of the following writer:
. Mrs. Gskell
. hrlotte
. usten
. Eliot
6.  merin romntiism strte with the pulition of _______ n ene with Leves of Grss .
. The Sketh ook
. Nture
. Letherstoking Tles
7.  Whih group of writers re mong those who my e lle erly pioneers of merin literture?
. Mrk Twin n Henry Jmes.
. Fenimore ooper n Wshington lrving.
.  Ernest Hemingwy n Willim Fulkner
. Jk Lonon n O’Henry.
8.  Mr. Spettor stns for the ies of
. the 16th entury
. 17th entury
. the 18th entury
. the19th entury
9.  ______ els with  limite rnge of hrters in quite similr irumstnes n mesures them ginst n unvrying oe , known s ‘‘ gre uner pressure ‘‘ .
. Eliot
. Lewis
. Hemingwy
10.  provies the min soure of influene on merin nturlism.
. The puritn heritge
. Howells’ ies of relism
. rwin’s theory of evolution
. The pioneer spirit of the wil west
11.  “To wge y fore or guile eternl wr, Irreonille to our grn Foe.”(John Milton, Prise lost) y wht mens were Stn n his followers to wge this wr ginst Go?
. y plnting  tree of knowlege in the Gren of Een.
. y turning into poisonous snkes to threten mn’s life.
. y removing Go from His throne.
. y orrupting mn n womn rete y Go.
12.  The sttement "It revels the ehumnizing workhouse system n the rk, riminl unerworl life" my well sum up the min theme if ikens‘s _______ .
. vi opperfiel
. lek House
. Gret Expettions
. Oliver Twist
13.  “rive my e thought over the universe Like withere leves to quiken  new irth.” (Pery ysshe Shelley, “Oe to the West Win”) Wht rhetoril evie oes the poet use in the quote lines?
. Syneohe.
. Metphor.
. Simile.
. Onomtopoei.
14.  In whih of the following works n you fin the proper nmes “Lilliput,” “roingng,” “Houyhnhnm,” n “Yhoo”?
. Jmes Joye’s Ulsses.
. hrles ikens’s lek House.
. Jonthn Swift’s Gulliver’s Trvels.
. . H. Lwrene’s Women in love.
15.  ryen’s ontriution to Engln literture lies in the following exept
. he estlishe the heroi ouplet s one of the prinipl English verse forms
. he lrifie the English prose
. he rise the English literry ritiism to  new level
. he rise English omey to  higher level
16.  _______ is  typil feture of Swift‘s writings.
. itter stire
. Elegnt style
. sul nrrtion
. omplite sentene struture
17.  The one who trnslte Homer’s epis into English is
. Shkespere
. Mrlowe
. hpmn
. Siney
18.  Of the following writers , who wrote the ritil essy On Poetry n Poets ?
. Poun
. Eliot
. Frost
19.  Whih of the following est esries the speker of T.S.Eliot’s " The Love Song of J.lfre Prufrok"?
. He is n mn of  tion.
. He is  mn of pthy.
. He is  mn of pssion.
. He is  mn of intivity
20.  rusoe is the hero in The life n Strnge Surprising ventures of Roinson Grusoe, of York, Mriner (lso known s Roinson rusoe)y .
. Jonthn Swift
. niel efoe
. George Eliot
. .H.Lwrene
21.  uliners is writing of
. relism
. moernism
. strem of onsiousness
. none of the ove
22.  Gothi novels re mostly stories of , whih tke ple in some hunte or ilpite Mile ge stles .
. love n mrrige
. se ventures
. mystery n horror
. sints n mrtyrs
23.  In Willim lke‘s poetry, the fther(n ny other in whom he sw the imge of the fther suh s Go, priest, n king)ws usully  figure of _______ .
. enevolene
. mirtion
. love
. tyrnny
24.  ll the qulities n e ontriute to Porti exept
. nosy
. ulture
. ourteous
. kin-herte
25.  Who first use the term ‘‘ et Genertion ‘‘ ?
. Ginserg
. Miler
. Kerou
26.  “When the evening is spre out ginst the sky Like  ptient etherize upon  tle.” (T. s. Eliot, “The Love song of J. lfre Prufrok”) Wht oes the imge in the quote lines suggest?
. Violene.
. Horror.
. Intivity.
. Inifferene.
27.  Whih terms n est esrie the moernists’ onern of the humn sitution in their fition?
. Frgmenttion n liention.
. ourge n honor.
. Trition n fith.
. Poverty n espertion.
28.  fter reing the first hpter of Prie n Prejuie, we my ome to know tht Mrs. ennet is  womn of _______ .
. simple hrter n quik wit
. simple hrter n poor unerstning
. intrite hrter n quik wit
. intrite hrter n poor unerstning
29.  In hpter III of Oliver Twist, Oliver is punishe for tht “impious n profne offene of sking for more” . Wht i Oliver sk for more?
. More time to ply
. More foo to et
. More ooks to re
. More money to spen
30.  Who is the writer tht wrote out frontier ventures ?
. Irving
. ooper
. Melville
31.  Hwthorne generlly onerns himself with suh issues s in his fition.
. the evil in mn’s hert
. the mteril pursuit
. the ril onflit
. the soil inequlity
32.  Generlly , the Renissne refers to the perio etween the 14th n mi-17th enturies, its essene is .
. siene
. philosophy
. rts
. humnism
33.  Tennyson’s“Ulysses” is  _______.
. English sonnet
. Thoms
. Itlin sonnet
. Free verse
34.  Mxine Hong Kingston‘s first novel is _______ .
. The Womn Wrrior
. hin Men
. The Joy Luk lu
35.  lk humor refers to the use of the mori n the sur for rkly _____ purposes .
. omi
. trgi
. entertining
36.  The poems suh s,“The himney Sweeper”re foun in oth Songs of lnnoene n SongS of Experiene y____.
. Willim Worsworth
. Willim lke
. John Kets
. Lor Goron yron
37.  The English novelist_______ hs een regre s the “Prose Homer”.
. niel efoe
. Jonthn Swift
. Henry Fieling
. Smuel Rihrson
38.  Most reognizle literry movement tht gve rise to the twentieth-entury merin literture, or we my sy, the seon merin Renissne, is the _______ movement.
. trnsenentl
. leftist
. exptrite
. expressionisti
39.  Whih of the following wors NOT pproprite to esrie Mrs. ennet,  hrter in prie n Prejuie .
. eutiful
. Intelligent
. Snoish
. Vulgr
40.  "Not on thy sole ut on thy soul, hrsh Jew,/Thou mk‘st thy knife keen." In the ove quottion tken form The Merhnt of Venie, Shkespere employs (n)_______ .
. oxymoron
. pun
. simile
. syneohe


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