一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. There re ______ kins of hievement tests
. four
. three
. two
. one
2. The syllus is _____ one with grmmtil items n relte voulry orgnize in lessons.
. struture
. struturl
. ontext
. ontextul
3. ______ is the ility to mnge time n isipline oneself to explore long lerning proess.
. Stuying hr
. enottive mening
. Self-mngement
. Unplnne tehing
4. Mening reltionships: wors or phrse tht re onnete with other wors or phrses in terms of reltions. _____ n e mstere through oth usge lerning n use quiring.
. Voulry knowlege
. ontextul mening
. Intensive reing
. roots
5. syllus is oument tht ontins speifi elements ime to tulize the______of urriulum. The speifi elements refer to ll the things tht re to e tught in the ourse.
. im
. pln
. onept
. metho
6. Finl ssessment is intene to mesure lerners’ ____
. hievement.
. ility
. hit
. skill
7. lesson pln n e____ , i.e. the teher thinks out how to teh the lesson without writing his/her ies own.
. written
. personl
. forml
. mentl
8. Usully the numer of ______ souns in the wor etermines the numers of syllle.
. onstnt
. vowel
. voieless
. voie
9. The importne of eing goo lnguge user involves four points. Seon, goo ommn of English enows teher with spelling; intrnsigent eveloper ______
. onfiene
. hppiness
. onfient
. sness
10. onstrut vliity is out testing ______.
. sle
. ility
. funtion
. purpose
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. _____ re the hrteristis of the input for SL lerners.
. retker tlk
. foreigner tlk
. moifie listening
. limite isourse
2. Hege (2000:322) summrizes ifferent genres into ifferent types of writing s follows:
. personl writing; puli writing
. retive writing
. soil writing; stuy writing
. institutionl writing
3. Reing s mens of filitting refletion lies in the ognitive proess of____. (Strng 1967)
. oopertion
. visul reeption
. pereption
. oneptuliztion
4. In orer to e ttrtive to stuents, lyouts n ontents shoul hve the hrteristis of ______ .
. novelty
. vriety
. rtisti vlue
. olorful
5. From the perspetive of teher evelopment, refletion involves three stges: ______
. wreness-rising
. mens/ens nlysis
. speiliztion
. generliztion
6. Suggestions for tehing reing inlue: ____
. Lnguge input
. on’t ignore reing for mening
. Tolerne with miguity
. Use other skills in tehing
7. The min fetures in tion reserh re____
. situtionl
. ollortive
. prtiiptory
. self-evlutive
8. Presenting grmmtil items is n importnt stge in grmmr tehing, t whih stuents re introue to . (Hrmer 1987).
. the form
. texts
. mening
. use of new lnguge item
9. The two pprohes to “unerstning” re .
. literl unerstning
. lierl unerstning
. ontextul unerstning
. interprettive unerstning
10. The nture of reing omprehension is to re for .
. ies
. menings
. unerstning
. interprettion
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. n informl lesson pln fouses on ontent of lssroom tehing: lnguge or tsks, ut it is of high professionlism.
. 错误
. 正确
2. The lerners hve their own hoies over wht to o n how to o it in lss tivities.
. 错误
. 正确
3. oring to Penny Ur , syllus ontins either ontent items or proess items.
. 错误
. 正确
4. Refletion fosters tion lerning euse it is ‘ proess whih s struture to our experiene y giving set of time of refletion’ (MGill n ety 1992: 29).
. 错误
. 正确
5. The Grmmr Trnsltion Metho pproh els with speking n listening only little or not t ll.
. 错误
. 正确
6. Inutive lerning is the opposite of eutive lerning.
. 错误
. 正确
7. It is not neessry for the teher to emphsize reing in tehing writing.
. 错误
. 正确
8. oring to Skehn, listening omprehension mens the proess of unerstning speeh in seon or foreign lnguge .
. 错误
. 正确
9. Tht lnguge is tught through physil (motor) tivity is the view of Totl Physil Response (TPR).
. 错误
. 正确
10. gen n minutes re institutionl writing.
. 错误
. 正确
11. wreness eprives tehers of lerning n eveloping opportunities.
. 错误
. 正确
12. oring to the ommunitive Lnguge Tehing theory, tivities tht involve rel ommunition n rry out meningful tsks promote lerning.
. 错误
. 正确
13. goo lnguge teher shoul possess four si qulities: . goo lnguge user, n effetive lnguge nlyst, skillful mens employer n n enler.
. 错误
. 正确
14. forml pln is not of professionlism.
. 错误
. 正确
15. Sine the mile of the 20th entury, over-onfiene in the estlishe theories hs een grully eroe y the perplexities n ilemms in rel situtions (1983), whih ourre oth in the West n in hin.
. 错误
. 正确
16. Evlution of lesson pln nnot help tehers to theorize their experiene.
. 错误
. 正确
17. Very often enottive menings re quite ifferent, ut onnottive n ontextul menings n e the sme.
. 错误
. 正确
18. ppropriteness of writing is esy to hieve.
. 错误
. 正确
19. Personl n professionl lesson plns re similr to informl n forml lesson plns.
. 错误
. 正确
20. Ignoring reing for mening n spee up reing spee n improve unerstning.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. Writing is the result of employing strtegies to mnges the omposing proess, whih is one of grully eveloping _____.
. speeh
. text
. lnguge
. ie
2. oring to Grmmr Trnsltion Metho, _____is the sis of tehing n lerning, whih is nlysis of grmmtil elements n trnsltion into n out of the trget lnguge.
. wors
. phrses
. sentenes
. souns
3. ____re the mjor mteril tht tehers n stuents use throughout the ourse.
. Textooks
. Reli
. Supplementry mterils
. PowerPoint
4. _____n e ittion or tking etile note or trying to unerstn ll etile informtion.
. Extensive reing
. Intensive listening
. Extensive listening
. Intensive reing
5. nerson’s theory is tht of the quisition of _____skills, on simple interprettion, rnging from ontrolle prtie to utomti proess .
. ognitive
. interpretive
. ontextul
. meningful
6. etween input n output of speking, there is, usully, perio of _____
. thinking
. speking
. writing
. silene
7. The ____ tivity workshop mens group of tehers work together to re emi writings iniviully, n then gther together to present or isuss regulrly.
. listening
. speking
. writing
. reing
8. The essene of personl growth is to evelop______of oneself y omprehening one’s pst, potentilities of one’s future, n one’s ple in the present environment (urns 1979).
. ilities
. pereptions
. reognition
. knowlege
9. Intertion is proess y whih more thn two people ______over the lnguge use or mteril.
. ommunition
. ommunites
. ommunite
. ommuniting
10. Ens re the_____ purposes.
. esire
. esiring
. esire
. esires
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. Writing is proess of____.
. speking
. quiring
. lerning
. quisition
2. goo lnguge teher shoul possess )( ) ro qulities.
. goo lnguge user
. n effetive lnguge nlyst,
. skillful mens employer
. n enler
3. teher nees to e exellent in _____
. listening
. speking
. reing
. writing.
4. _____ re the hrteristis of the input for SL lerners.
. retker tlk
. foreigner tlk
. moifie listening
. limite isourse
5. Rihrs (1971) provies ( )resons why lerners mke mistkes.
. interferene errors
. intrlingul errors
. evelopmentl errors
. linguisti errors
6. The following re the filures tht the stuents ten to mke when they write.
. to mention more thn one ie in one prgrph
. to mention the sme ie gin in other prgrphs
. to fil to give topi sentene with supporting exmples
. to use proper wors to express the ies
7. There re two wys to improve stuents ‘orl proution: prtie.
. thinking se
. interprettion se
. funtion se
. struture se
8. Historilly, onfuius’ philosophy of ws ominnt n eep-roote in the hinese ulture.
. wr
. morlity
. moertion
. hrmony
9. The evelopment n eline of the two prigms---____ represent the rise of refletion.
. the theoretil prigm
. the mehnisti prigm
. the uthorittive prigm
. the tehnil prigm
10. People’s ttitues towr refletion keep hnging, influene y____ situtions.
. politil
. soil
. eonomil
. eutionl
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. Instrumentl n integrtive motivtions re for short-rnge ims.
. 错误
. 正确
2. hinese equivlents of English wors hve ifferent enottive, onnottive n ontextul menings.
. 错误
. 正确
3. ifferent types of textooks re suitle for ifferent lerners t ifferent stges.
. 错误
. 正确
4. The top-own pproh to reing gives sense of perspetive n mkes use of ll tht the reer rings to the text: prior knowlege, ommon sense, et, whih hve sometimes een unervlue in the reing lss.
. 错误
. 正确
5. Some goo tehers n o mentl plnning frequently, regulrly n ontinuously. Suh mentl plnning gurntees suessful tehing.
. 错误
. 正确
6. The stresse syllle mens tht the vowel soun in the syllle is si louer n longer thn other vowel souns in the sme wor.
. 错误
. 正确
7. Writing involves numer of tivities: setting gols, generting ies, orgnizing informtion, seleting pproprite lnguge, mking rft, reing n reviewing it, then revising n eiting. It is omplex proess, whih is neither esy nor spontneous for mny seon lnguge writers.
. 错误
. 正确
8. Tehing listening is emning tsk s it is totlly ifferent souning system to our lerners n it is very often proess in whih lerners struggle to unerstn n interpret .
. 错误
. 正确
9. It is elieve tht effetive listening involves mixture of the two proesses: top-own n ottom-up.
. 错误
. 正确
10. Intensive lerning is often one in tehing in wy tht the teher present voulry, stuents unerstn n o exerises to onsolite lerning.
. 错误
. 正确
11. Visul mterils help to motivte stuents, tivte lerning proess n enrih lssroom mterils.
. 错误
. 正确
12. Professionl hievement hs positive effets on person‘s self-esteem n self-onept. In turn, person‘s psyhologil mturity motivtes n inreses professionl ompetene.
. 错误
. 正确
13. Lerning voulry y using hinese equivlents nnot e prolem euse it oes not hiner English thinking n mstering voulry ontextul n ffetive menings.
. 错误
. 正确
14. wreness eprives tehers of lerning n eveloping opportunities.
. 错误
. 正确
15. teher hs to get him/herself well prepre for eh lesson n evelop the ility to mnge his/her lss euse tehing involves soil n interpersonl intertion.
. 错误
. 正确
16. The nture of prtil refletion refers to eision-mking out immeite ehviors or skills.
. 错误
. 正确
17. Refletion fosters tion lerning euse it is ‘ proess whih s struture to our experiene y giving set of time of refletion’ (MGill n ety 1992: 29).
. 错误
. 正确
18. Pik up wy is to teh t rnom while stuying other skills.
. 错误
. 正确
19. euse of the gret hievement of siene n tehnology in the 18th n 19th enturies, tehnil rtionlity eme ominnt.
. 错误
. 正确
20. Finl hievement tests re one throughout the ourse.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. Written isourse is stle n fixe while spoken isourse is fleeting n moves on in rel time. This shows the _____ of written isourse.
. stnr ness
. ethment
. permnene
. forml style
2. high-powere softwre tool, lle____, is use for presenttion of informtion in ynmi slie show formt.
. textook
. reli
. supplementry mteril
. PowerPoint
3. “_____” n e use in prtiing soun, stress n intontion. Stuents either listen to the teher or the tpe to repet or imitte.
. highlight stress
. Listen n repet
. ompre n pereive
. re n ompre
4. There re ____types of informl plns.
. two
. three
. four
. six
5. . vli test is one tht mesures ____wht it is intene to mesure.
. more or less
. generlly
. pproximtely
. urtely
6. oring to the iret Metho, the meium of instrution is the trget lnguge only. Lerning ontents re voulry n sentenes use in______ ommunitions.
. ily
. orl
. oy
. lnguge
7. Poster, ue rs, or pitures tht tehers prepre efore the lss re out___.
. uio-ssettes
. visul mterils
. supplementry mterils
. vieoiss
8. nerson’s theory is tht of the quisition of______skills, on simple interprettion, rnging from ontrolle prtie to utomti proess.
. ognitive
. interpretive
. ontextul
. meningful
9. Tehers who think reing is eoing, eiphering or ientifying written forms py ttention to reognizing _____in tehing.
. orl wors
. pronunition
. written wors
. grmmr
10. In the _____proessing of reing, we rw on our own intelligene n experiene—the preitions we n mke, se on the shemt we hve quire—to unerstn the text.
. ottom-up
. ottom- own
. top-own
. ottom-up
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. The evelopment n eline of the two prigms---____ represent the rise of refletion.
. the theoretil prigm
. the mehnisti prigm
. the uthorittive prigm
. the tehnil prigm
2. oring to rr, Kemmis, Htton n Smith’s investigtions, refletion hs three min imensions. They re____ .
. tehnil refletion
. prtil refletion
. ritil refletion
. spiritul refletion
3. Suggestions for tehing reing inlue: ____
. Lnguge input
. on’t ignore reing for mening
. Tolerne with miguity
. Use other skills in tehing
4. goo lnguge teher shoul possess ( ) ro qulities.
. goo lnguge user
. n effetive lnguge nlyst,
. skillful mens employer
. n enler
5. The following _____re some issues in grmmr tehing.
. Tehing ll together or seprtely throughout the ourse?
. Using ntive tongue or not?
. Systemti tehing or unplnne tehing?
. From form to funtion or from funtion to form?
6. The following____re the filures tht the stuents ten to mke when they write.
. to mention more thn one ie in one prgrph
. to mention the sme ie gin in other prgrphs
. to fil to give topi sentene with supporting exmples
. to use proper wors to express the ies
7. Piget’s theory is onerne with the iniviul evelopment of ognitive intelligene in terms of the following spets n iniviul s well s soil ftors tht influene person‘s growth of knowlege. (Sigel n oking 1977):
. iologil-experientil ftors
. the proesses of ssimiltion n ommotion
. onstrutivism
. stges of ognitive evelopment
8. Reing is mens of input. Tehers shoul mke sure tht stuents o lot of reing in terms of _____ .
. skills
. mount
. gring
. vriety.
9. People’s ttitues towr refletion keep hnging, influene y____ situtions.
. politil
. soil
. eonomil
. eutionl
10. The min fetures in tion reserh re____
. situtionl
. ollortive
. prtiiptory
. self-evlutive
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. tone unit rrie one entrl stresse syllle.
. 错误
. 正确
2. ury of writing is not esy to hieve. It tkes yers of lerning n prtie
. 错误
. 正确
3. Stuents’ tive performne n e oth verl n non-verl.
. 错误
. 正确
4. TPR revels the grmmr-se views of lnguge.
. 错误
. 正确
5. eing well prepre of lesson pln n promote tehers’ imge in stuents’ eyes.
. 错误
. 正确
6. Tpes n vieos with uthenti ntive speking re goo soure for stuents to imitte.
. 错误
. 正确
7. Stuents’ tive performne n e oth verl n non-verl.
. 错误
. 正确
8. urriulum ontins ro esription of generl gols y initing n overll eutionl-ulturl philosophy whih pplies ross sujets together with theoretil orienttion to lnguge n lnguge lerning with respet to the sujet mtter t hn.
. 错误
. 正确
9. The fetures of impliit lerning inlue long term storge, quisition high n level profiieny.
. 错误
. 正确
10. ewey efines refletion s ognitive proess tht resses resolving prolems y systemtilly orering thoughts n ies in linke n sustine wy towrs the ommon ens.
. 错误
. 正确
11. The ontents of the struturl syllus re usully sequene from esy to iffiult or frequent to less frequent.
. 错误
. 正确
12. To e orret in grmmr n voulry is of utmost importne when you write.
. 错误
. 正确
13. Vliity refers to “the egree to whih test mesures wht it is suppose to mesure or n e use suessfully for purpose for whih it is intene. (Rihrs, Pltte n Pltt 2000: 497).
. 错误
. 正确
14. oring to the Silent Wy, the lerning theory is on reognition n experiene.
. 错误
. 正确
15. Intontion is something tht n e elt with immeitely n n hve immeite hievement, while orret pronunition is long-term proess.
. 错误
. 正确
16. rown n Penny Ur e qulity eution to syllus.
. 错误
. 正确
17. The self-evlutive feture enotes tht tem memers themselves tke prt in the reserh, oring to ohen n Msion.
. 错误
. 正确
18. Teher evelopment mens not only hnging tehers’ ehvior ut lso hnging the person the teher is (Hrgreves n Fulln 1992)
. 错误
. 正确
19. Tehers who think rtiultion is reing re the ones who hve grspe the nture of reing omprehension.
. 错误
. 正确
20. Totl Physil Response (TPR) is evelope y Jmes sher who votes the oorintion of speeh n tion.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. The ____ essene of refletion refers to the spirit of emory n freeom of the humn rights whih exists in people’s ritil thinking.
. personl
. evelopmentl
. politil
. soil
2. Ens re the_____ purposes.
. esire
. esiring
. esire
. esires
3. oring Pike n Sely (1988), the new frmework of thinking is terme s ____prigm.
. theoretil
. holisti
. tehnil
. systemti
4. Output is the lnguge tht lerner _____ in his/her speking or writing.
. proues
. proue
. prout
. prouts
5. ______ is storge evie ontining pre-reore vieo n uio informtion use for stuents to wth n listen through TV or omputer.
. uio-ssette
. visul mteril
. supplementry mteril
. vieois
6. high-powere softwre tool, lle____, is use for presenttion of informtion in ynmi slie show formt.
. textook
. reli
. supplementry mteril
. PowerPoint
7. nerson’s theory is tht of the quisition of _____skills, on simple interprettion, rnging from ontrolle prtie to utomti proess .
. ognitive
. interpretive
. ontextul
. meningful
8. Finl ssessment is intene to mesure lerners’ ____
. hievement.
. ility
. hit
. skill
9. In ______of textook, the mterils re rrnge oring to lnguge strutures from simple to omplex.
. knowlege type
. struture type
. funtion/notion type
. topi type
10. For Piget (1971), knowlege is onstrution of the iniviul’s relity rther thn n entity whih ivores the relity with the iniviul’s view n oservtion.
. ojetive
. ojet
. sujetive
. sujet
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. oring to Hege, personl writing inlues: _____.
. iries; journls
. shopping lists; reminers for oneself
. reipes;
. letters of omplint
2. teher is n eutor who equips stuents with pilities. The ( )senses re the senses in stuents’ ilities.
. emi
. mens
. ens
. soil.
3. Usully proeure inlues sequentil steps: ______
. opening step
. exposition
. mile steps: set of tivities n tehniques to e use in the lss with time llotion
. losure, whih is usully out ssignments
4. Lnguge lerning in the lssroom involves working with others, whih requires lerners to e ____
. tlktive
. intertive
. negotile
. ognitive
5. Presenting grmmtil items is n importnt stge in grmmr tehing, t whih stuents re introue to . (Hrmer 1987).
. the form
. texts
. mening
. use of new lnguge item
6. se on Hughes (1995), tests inlue the following ____kins.
. profiieny tests
. hievement tests
. ignosti tests
. plement tests
7. There re two kins of speking tivities .
. ftul informtion exhnge
. speking lou
. listening intensively
. personl ie exhnge
8. Refletion onsists of two omins: ____ The two omins intert with eh other, influening our evelopment s whole person.
. ognitive
. refletive
. instrutive
. ffetive
9. When lerners use the lnguge to express their ies. There re two riteri: ____
. ury
. ppropriteness
. the numer of wors
. your hnwriting
10. When lesson pln re s n ssignment, its omponents inlue ______
. over; esription of the ourse
. esription of the lss; reent work
. ojetives, proeures
. evlution.
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. The mening of (or prt of ) voulry item re lwys fixe.
. 错误
. 正确
2. Plement tests re highly reommene when they serve prtiulr situtions well.
. 错误
. 正确
3. ttention: It mens lerners listen to the lnguge with his/her hert n onentrtion. They o not show their interest in the lnguge.
. 错误
. 正确
4. Tehers who think rtiultion is reing re the ones who hve grspe the nture of reing omprehension.
. 错误
. 正确
5. “-le”, “-ple”, or “- tle” n form syllle.
. 错误
. 正确
6. The ontents of the struturl syllus re orgnize roun grmmtil n phonologil strutures.
. 错误
. 正确
7. Stuents’ tive performne n e oth verl n non-verl.
. 错误
. 正确
8. The resonle reltion etween flueny n ury of speking is require n hs rouse lot of ttention in the emi worl.
. 错误
. 正确
9. Extensive lerning is not plnne ut rwn to ttention in the proess of lerning n tehing.
. 错误
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10. oring to Krshen, the inomptiility of quisition n lerning might further le us to think flueny evelopment is not tehle.
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11. forml pln is not of professionlism.
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12. The refletive nture of journl writing lies in its proess of isovering hien eliefs n feelings n gining insights out tehing n living.
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13. It is not neessry for textooks to meet the stuents’ nees.
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14. onsiering stuents’ feelings y putting the teher in stuents’ ple helps unerstn n ppreite stuents’ iffiulties n feelings.
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15. Tehing listening is emning tsk s it is totlly ifferent souning system to our lerners n it is very often proess in whih lerners struggle to unerstn n interpret .
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16. Tht lnguge is tught through physil (motor) tivity is the view of Totl Physil Response (TPR).
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17. Soun reing is muh fster thn eye reing.
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18. Prtiiptory feture mens moifitions tht re ontinuously evluting within the ongoing sitution (ohen n Mnion 1980).
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19. In linguistis, ohesiveness mens grmmtil n/or lexil reltionships etween two elements in the isourse (Hlliy n Hsn 1976).
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20. test tht is inurte or ginst systems of lnguge lerning will not hrm tehing n lerning.
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一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. Struturl speking tivities re esigne to prtie _____ in orl proution.
. wors
. souns
. pronunition
. grmmr
2. In orer to omplish the shre gols, tem memers shoul hve____qulities.
. ooperte
. oopertive
. oopertion
. oopertor
3. ____ mens ignosing prolem in speifi ontext n ttempting to solve it in tht ontext, oring to ohen n Msion..
. eing situtionl
. eing ollortive
. eing prtiiptory
. eing self-evlutive
4. In orer to reh esire ims, the teher nees to mke efforts to explore n ifferent mens.
. employs
. employe
. employ
. employing
5. Lerning y oing enourges stuents to experiene the lnguge, whih is proess of _____tht les to high level of profiieny.
. quisition
. instrution
. experiene
. negleting
6. oring to the theory of the Orl pproh n Situtionl Lnguge, tehing is _____.
. Mrxism
. post-moernism
. eonstrutionist
. struturlism
7. Written isourse is____in expression while spoken isourse hs feture of reunny.
. ense
. loose
. ensity
. looseness
8. Lerning y oing enourges stuents to experiene the lnguge, whih is proess of ______ tht les to high level of profiieny.
. quisition
. instrution
. experiene
. negleting
9. oring to the iret Metho, the meium of instrution is the trget lnguge only. Lerning ontents re voulry n sentenes use in______ ommunitions.
. ily
. orl
. oy
. lnguge
10. isguise neling: Tehers ssign the unwnte prts s homework or self-stuy ssignment n provies nswer key in the next lss. This wy of pting the textook oul e lle ____
. neling
. isguise neling
. reting unpreitility
. repling; ing
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. The hrteristis of the Suggestopei inlue .
. the eortion of the lssroom
. furniture n other rrngements
. the use of musi
. uthorittive role of the teher
2. The following _____ ontin lose syllles.
. ltter
. hoe
. sister
. lter
3. If the teher opts Grmmr Trnsltion Metho, he/she will fous on in tehing.
. reing
. speking
. writing
. listening
4. The suggestions for voulry tehing re _____ .
. Tehing voulry in ontext; reful use of hinese equivlents
. Using reing to exten voulry; Enourging using English
. Fousing more on knowlege of the voulry
. Mking use of “unplnne” voulry tehing; eveloping effiient lerning strtegies
5. Suggestions for tehing reing inlue: ____
. Lnguge input
. on’t ignore reing for mening
. Tolerne with miguity
. Use other skills in tehing
6. Syllus is kin of ontrt etween ____ .
. the eprtment
. the instrutor
. the stuents
. the soiety
7. For the wys of listening, there re two kins of proesses: _____.
. top-up
. top-own
. ottom-up
. ottom-own
8. The following ______re the summrize fetures of ewey’s onepts of refletion.
. Refletion is hin of thinking
. Prolems re the se of refletion
. Refletive thinking impels to inquiry
. Refletion requires positive ttitues, skills of resoning n orering
9. oring to Penny Ur , proess items of syllus re out ____
. plns
. ies
. tsks
. methos
10. oring to the Silent Wy, lerning is promote through _____
. self-isovery
. relting thinking
. experiening y using physil ojets
. prolem solving
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. In Hege’s view, writing is the result of employing strtegies to mnge the omposing proess, whih is one of grully eveloping text.
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2. oring to the ommunity Lnguge Lerning, the teher is juge rther thn knower or supporter.
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3. Grmmr n gurntee ury in speking n writing the lnguge.
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4. Experientil lerning tivities re of gret vlue to promote refletion y going through the ifferent stges of the yle.
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5. reth is not neessry when people proue vowel souns n onsonnt souns in English lnguge.
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6. Wht is ruil of plement tests is not their purpose ut their ontent.
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7. Finl hievement tests re one throughout the ourse.
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8. oring to the uiolingul Metho, the ntive lnguge is use in lssroom instrution in presenting n explining the trget lnguge n ompring the similrities n ifferenes etween the ntive lnguge n the trget lnguge.
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9. Ftul n soil n ulturl informtion is helpful in listening omprehension.
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10. The teher vlues ury lot, espeilly pronunition n grmmr, if he/she uses the iret Metho.
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11. The potentil for improving listening ility is stuents’ utonomous listening fter lss.
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12. oring to Skehn, the proess of listening omprehension is out uitory pereption of informtion reeive through the ers n requires listener to etet ifferent kins of ousti signls n unerstn them s meningful hunks of lnguge.
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13. Intontion is something tht n e elt with immeitely n n hve immeite hievement, while orret pronunition is long-term proess.
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14. The suggeste ontent of stuents’ reor n inlue stuents’ ientity, te of irth, home ress, eutionl kgroun, previous English lerning stuies, future intentions, esription of her lerning n lssroom ehvior, some of her writings, test results n the teher’s omments .
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15. prt from verl evies, the teher’s oy lnguge plys importnt roles in linking the tivities too, whih n e lle non-verl ehvior.
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16. The ontents of the struturl syllus re orgnize roun grmmtil n phonologil strutures.
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17. The syllus my lso ontin time sheule, iviing the ontents of the ourse into segmente tehing hours, months or terms.
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18. Refletion fosters tion lerning euse it is ‘ proess whih s struture to our experiene y giving set of time of refletion’ (MGill n ety 1992: 29).
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19. Lerners shoul not live with unertinty lthough they shoul try to work things out y thinking, shring with others or with the help of resoures.
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20. goo pronunition mens orret sying with goo intontion.
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