一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. My you hve right future! --() .
. Of ourse
. Thnk you. I my
. I’ll hve try
. Well, I won’t isppoint you
2. —o you rememer the first time we met? —Of ourse. You() n evening prty.
. orgnize
. hve orgnize
. h orgnize
. were orgnizing
3. I hven’t seen you for ouple of ys. Wht hve you een up()?
. in
. with
. to
. for
4. ()our foo (), we h to wlk to villge for help.
. Sine; runs out
. euse; run out
. With; running our
. For; running out
5. —Wht hot y! —We()suh hot wether for lmost ten ys.
. hve een hving
. hve h
. re hving
. h h
6. ()! There's trin oming.
. Look out
. Look roun
. Look forwr
. Look on
7. —n I help you? —I’ like to uy present for my mother’s irthy,()t proper prie ut of gret use.
. one
. tht
. nyone
. everything
8. fter the floo, the villgers re trying their est to get things k to ().
. usul
. orinry
. norml
. ommon
9. My grnm still trets me like hil. She n’t imgine() grown up.
. my
. mine
. myself
. me
10. () moile phone n you ring()you wnt to tlk with nywhere.
. Using; whoever
. Only on; whomever
. y; whomever
. With; whoever
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. the right menings of reep re ().
. to move rpily
. to move quietly n slowly
. to move stelthily or utiously
. the t of reeping
2. the right menings of fit re ().
. little
. step
. to e the proper size n shpe for
. to use to e the proper size n shpe
3. the right menings of risk re ().
. the possiility of suffering hrm or loss
. nger
. hzr
. gmle
4. the right menings of strem re ().
. flow of wter in hnnel or e
. stey urrent of flui
. nture flow of wter
. nything tht moves on ontinuously
5. the right menings of enefiil re ().
. useful
. eing enefit to
. vntgeous
. stop
6. the right menings of prtiulr re ().
. speil
. worthy of notie
. unusul
. ommonly
7. the right menings of resist re ().
. hol k
. insist on
. try not to yiel to
. struggle ginst
8. the right menings of shelter re ().
. something tht provies over or protetion
. refuge
. hven
. to provie over or protetion for
9. the right menings of numerous re ().
. little
. few
. mny
. ountless
10. the right menings of ount re ().
. nrrtive or reor of events
. heking ount
. to onsier s eing
. sum of money kept in nk
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. John ompline to the ook seller tht there were severl pges ropping in the itionry.
. 错误
. 正确
2. Hving fe with iffiult sitution, rnol eie to sk his oss for vie.
. 错误
. 正确
3. When they went k to the us, one of the girls eme so urious tht she eie to engge him t onverstion.
. 错误
. 正确
4. n you show me how it is possile to etermine the height of tll uiling on the i of rometer.
. 错误
. 正确
5. Why on’t you tke up pinting or grening now you re retire ?
. 错误
. 正确
6. She use to e shool teher.
. 错误
. 正确
7. I often get stuk in the mile of sentene n forget wht I wnt to sy. It must e my ge.
. 错误
. 正确
8. I’ve never seen him re ny those ooks on the shelves. They re just for show .
. 错误
. 正确
9. I'm going to rise the evil y the mngement this time.
. 错误
. 正确
10. It ws getting lte. So I tol the professor tht I woul give my omments nother time. ut the professor ske me to go he sying tht he h plenty of time.
. 错误
. 正确
11. The next y Mr.Smith went with the text just where he h left off.
. 错误
. 正确
12. Tht y, he ws prtiulrly reful of the wors he ws using t the press onferene.
. 错误
. 正确
13. —How o you know so muh out tehing? —I use to e shool teher.
. 错误
. 正确
14. —Your room looks rel mess, Tom. You re lwys untiy. —How so?
. 错误
. 正确
15. It me us exite tht the ompny ws willing to provie us with wht we neee.
. 错误
. 正确
16. How re you getting on ?Very well, thnk you.
. 错误
. 正确
17. Will someoy go n get r. White? ------ He's lrey een sent for.
. 错误
. 正确
18. Either through some mistke or lk of re, the plnt egn to wither n eline, n nothing I i woul ring it k to helth.
. 错误
. 正确
19. They hve work out pln to ut osts ,improve qulity ,n inrese sles .
. 错误
. 正确
20. Then ,my grnm slippe k in time .She ws now twenty-two yers ol n ws serving in the rmy .
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. Nowys hilren in this re re tught t shool()t home, ut 60 yers go no hilren were tught t shool()those from rih fmilies.
. rther thn; other thn
. other thn; exept
. other thn; rther thn
. esies; exept
2. The vertisements sy 2046 is the most romnti film. ut I’m sure it won’t interest().
. someoy
. nyoy
. everyoy
. nooy
3. ——How re you mnging to o your work without n ssistnt? ——Well,I() somehow.
. get long
. ome on
. wth out
. set off
4. Whether you elieve it or not, it is ()tht use your illness.
. euse of your overweight
. your eing overweight
. euse you re overweight
. you re so overweight
5. I lerne to() iyle s smll oy.
. rive
. rie
. operte
. run
6. Everywhere mn hs ut own() forests in orer to grow rops or to use ()woo s fuel or s uiling mteril.
. the; the
. the;/
. /;the
. /;/
7. How eutiful the ress looks on you! on’t you wnt (), Mm? Well, plese show me().
. one; other
. it; other
. it; nother
. one; the other
8. Woul you like some more soup? () .It is eliious, ut I’ve h enough.
. Yes, plese
. No, thnk you.
. Nothing more
. I' like some
9. I hve two eler rothers,()in the rmy for ten yers.
. the eler of whom serves
. the oler hving serve
. the oler of whih serve
. the eler one hs serve
10. —So how is your new roommte? —She relly (). She’s lwys mking lou noises t minight n when I remin her, she lwys mkes rue remrks.
. turns me over
. turns me own
. turns me off
. turns me out
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. the right menings of flourish re ().
. prosper
. grow vigorously
. to grow quikly in helthy wy
. flower
2. the right menings of slip re ().
. to give s. sth,.quietly n seretly
. the t of slipping
. slie out
. little of
3. the right menings of onsious re ().
. wre
. knowing
. ple of thought, will, or pereption
. not sleep
4. the right menings of prtiulr re ().
. speil
. worthy of notie
. unusul
. ommonly
5. the right menings of strem re ().
. flow of wter in hnnel or e
. stey urrent of flui
. nture flow of wter
. nything tht moves on ontinuously
6. the right menings of likely re ().
. will
. prole
. woner
. expete
7. the right menings of grimly re ().
. sly
. seriously
. sternly
. esily
8. the right menings of omfort re ().
. hve n effet on
. to ese physilly
. relieve
. hppy
9. the right menings of whisper re ().
. soft speeh proue without full voie
. to spek softly
. to think
. to sy or tell privtely or seretly
10. the right menings of tre re ().
. sign tht something is there
. rw
. follow the ourse
. ro
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. Sen them wy or I'll shoot n tke my hnes!
. 错误
. 正确
2. ---Look! The lous re gthering. ---Yes. I’m fri it must pour own soon.
. 错误
. 正确
3. The new poliy hs rought out gret hnges in their lives.
. 错误
. 正确
4. This people rgue tht poverty h given rise on rime in the town .
. 错误
. 正确
5. Mny people lme the ptin to the sinking of the ship .
. 错误
. 正确
6. When I relize I ws going to hve to spen my life in this unersize skin, I just eie to mke the est of it n onentrte on eing myself.
. 错误
. 正确
7. University stuents usully spen gret el of time stuying y their own.
. 错误
. 正确
8. —Your room looks rel mess, Tom. You re lwys untiy. —How so?
. 错误
. 正确
9. The new poliy hs rought out gret hnges in their lives.
. 错误
. 正确
10. Leving her strne in the esert i not other me lot.
. 错误
. 正确
11. When she steppe onto the pltform, the uiene urst in thunerous ppluse.
. 错误
. 正确
12. It’s up to you where we go.You’re our guest .o you hve ny ple in thought ?
. 错误
. 正确
13. I’ll hve my room pint ple lue rther thn white euse it mthes the olor of my furniture.
. 错误
. 正确
14. Will you o me fvor, plese?
. 错误
. 正确
15. In sense ,the suess of this experiment re epene on finnil support from the ity government .
. 错误
. 正确
16. He smile n mitte tht he i know, ut si he ws fe up with stnr nswers to stnr questions.
. 错误
. 正确
17. There ,people foun him wet ll over n tremling with his lothes linging with his oy .
. 错误
. 正确
18. —o you like rok musi ? —It epens of my moo .
. 错误
. 正确
19. Those were very hr times .Mny ftories lose own n mny people re out of work .
. 错误
. 正确
20. I wnte to hve lot of hilren n grnhilren roun me ut now ities n foreign lns hve ttrte my hilren wy .
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. —Were you usy lst weeken? —Very. Rther thn ()time plying rs s usul, I evote every effort to() n vertisement.
. wsting, mking
. wste, mke
. to wste, mke
. wste of, mking
2. The result of the finl mth ws 2 to 2,() the stisftion of oth tems.
. with
. for
. t
. to
3. Nowys hilren in this re re tught t shool()t home, ut 60 yers go no hilren were tught t shool()those from rih fmilies.
. rther thn; other thn
. other thn; exept
. other thn; rther thn
. esies; exept
4. I sw womn running towr me in the rk. efore I oul reognize who she ws,she h run k in the iretion()she h ome.
. of whih
. y whih
. in whih
. from whih
5. My grnm still trets me like hil. She n’t imgine() grown up.
. my
. mine
. myself
. me
6. Whether ge is hppy or unplesnt epens less on money or on helth thn()on your ility to hve fun.
. it is
. it ws
. it epens
. it oes
7. Their omputer ()hve een sol, ut I hve not een tol out it.
. must
. my
. shouln’t
. neen’t
8. The seon-hn r my ought lst month is lmost new ;()it is in exellent onition.
. esies
. though
. inste
. yet
9. How eutiful the ress looks on you! on’t you wnt (), Mm? Well, plese show me().
. one; other
. it; other
. it; nother
. one; the other
10. —n I help you? —I’ like to uy present for my mother’s irthy,()t proper prie ut of gret use.
. one
. tht
. nyone
. everything
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. the right menings of worsen re ().
. not
. etter
. to eome worse
. to mke worse
2. the right menings of onsious re ().
. wre
. knowing
. ple of thought, will, or pereption
. not sleep
3. the right menings of flourish re ().
. prosper
. grow vigorously
. to grow quikly in helthy wy
. flower
4. the right menings of fit re ().
. little
. step
. to e the proper size n shpe for
. to use to e the proper size n shpe
5. the right menings of onemn re ().
. to prise
. to express strong ispprovl
. o wrong
. to pronoune jugment ginst
6. the right menings of htre re ().
. group of musiins
. strong feelings of islike
. hte
. hostility
7. the right menings of extrorinry re ().
. remrkle
. very unusul
. peulir
. eyon wht is orinry
8. the right menings of smrt re ().
. lever
. quik in thinking
. unle to move
. fshionle
9. the right menings of shelter re ().
. something tht provies over or protetion
. refuge
. hven
. to provie over or protetion for
10. the right menings of resist re ().
. hol k
. insist on
. try not to yiel to
. struggle ginst
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. I me k to erth to see the oky newomer stning in front of Mr. Mrthy's esk.
. 错误
. 正确
2. No ountry n ompletely rely on foreign i to evelop its eonomy.
. 错误
. 正确
3. He ptte me on the shouler, ssure me tht everything woul e work out.
. 错误
. 正确
4. ---Look! The lous re gthering. ---Yes. I’m fri it must pour own soon.
. 错误
. 正确
5. I’m sure we n mke n honest mn out of him.
. 错误
. 正确
6. Either through some mistke or lk of re, the plnt egn to wither n eline, n nothing I i woul ring it k to helth.
. 错误
. 正确
7. on’t tke things for grnte .You’ etter hek it in the itionry .
. 错误
. 正确
8. In those ys people looke it ll for grnte tht they woul e given some kin of jo fter they grute from university .
. 错误
. 正确
9. If you rry out your promise, the results will e sure to stisfy you.
. 错误
. 正确
10. Just efore we got on the trin, my wife she off note to our son.
. 错误
. 正确
11. Leving him strne in the esert i not other me so muh.
. 错误
. 正确
12. It’s up to you where we go.You’re our guest .o you hve ny ple in thought ?
. 错误
. 正确
13. Why on’t you tke up pinting or grening now you re retire ?
. 错误
. 正确
14. —I’ll thnk you to leve my ffir lone. —I will. It’s none of my usiness.
. 错误
. 正确
15. In sense ,the suess of this experiment re epene on finnil support from the ity government .
. 错误
. 正确
16. These methos work upon , so we will introue them to other people.
. 错误
. 正确
17. I hve feeling tht your generosity hs een tken vntge of .I on’t think they will return the money they orrowe from you.
. 错误
. 正确
18. He seems still rther onfuse .We’ve got to strighten him wy.
. 错误
. 正确
19. on’t worry .Jk n the others will here t four help us with ll these ooks .
. 错误
. 正确
20. It ws not long, however, efore he rgge himself out of his epression n k to work.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. Woul you like some more soup? () .It is eliious, ut I’ve h enough.
. Yes, plese
. No, thnk you.
. Nothing more
. I' like some
2. --There were not mny people in the onert yestery. -- Pop musi isn’t().
. to everyone’s tste
. to everyone’s joy
. to someone’s mesure
. to nyone’s surprise
3. In orer to pss the ollege entrne exmintion, I spent every y stuying()in my room.
. loke
. loking
. eing loke
. to lok
4. His filure in the experiment suggeste tht he() his teher’s proper instrutions.
. shoul not hve followe
. shoul not follow
. mustn’t hve followe
. hn’t followe
5. —Wht hot y! —We()suh hot wether for lmost ten ys.
. hve een hving
. hve h
. re hving
. h h
6. re you sure tht you’ve met him efore? ()I’m mistken.
. Unless
. If
. When
. Though
7. The result of the finl mth ws 2 to 2,() the stisftion of oth tems.
. with
. for
. t
. to
8. —i he sy nything tht()you espeilly? —Not relly. tully I slept through his speeh.
. pt to
. tthe to
. referre to
. ppel to
9. Isn't it time you got own to() the ppers?
. mrk
. e mrke
. eing mrke
. mrking
10. —o you think living in the ountry hs vntges? —().
. Yes, perfetly
. Yes, it is
. ll right.
. Well, tht epens
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. the right menings of hesitte re ().
. to e slow in eiing
. rpily
. flter
. villte
2. the right menings of woun re ().
. injury
. hurt use y utting .et.
. louy
. feeling
3. the right menings of onfoune re ().
. worrie
. mne
. use to show you re nnoye
. onfuse
4. the right menings of wful re ().
. terrile
. fille with we
. shoking
. extremely or unplesnt
5. the right menings of longsie re ().
. hol losely
. sie y sie
. together with
. gret effort
6. the right menings of grimly re ().
. sly
. seriously
. sternly
. esily
7. the right menings of trim re ().
. stte of orer
. to ornment
. to eorte
. to remove (exess) y utting
8. the right menings of lmly re ().
. louly
. quietly
. not exitely
. noisily
9. the right menings of enuring re ().
. lsting
. proeure
. ering lmly for long time
. proess
10. the right menings of rell re ().
. to ring k from memory
. rememer
. tke k
. to ll k
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. His fingers re stining from igrettes n he hewe the insie of his lip lot.
. 错误
. 正确
2. Sine there oesn't seem to ny question s to whether it's his money or his ount, the nk's so-lle poliy is lerly riiulous.
. 错误
. 正确
3. It ws getting lte. So I tol the professor tht I woul give my omments nother time. ut the professor ske me to go he sying tht he h plenty of time.
. 错误
. 正确
4. We won’t mke the eision unless we’ve her from you.
. 错误
. 正确
5. The Hlls si they woul ring their prents long them on their next visit to hin.
. 错误
. 正确
6. he of us,we sw nrrow, muy ro leing to eserte house.
. 错误
. 正确
7. Will someoy go n get r. White? ------ He's lrey een sent for.
. 错误
. 正确
8. nyone who hve the future of our ountry in min will unerstn the importne of protet our wter resoure .
. 错误
. 正确
9. Why o you wnt to fly home ?I think you h etter tke trin .It is not only heper .It is lso muh more omfortle .
. 错误
. 正确
10. The new poliy hs rought out gret hnges in their lives.
. 错误
. 正确
11. efore we got on the trin ,my wife she wy note to our son .
. 错误
. 正确
12. The government issue wrning tht there might e mssive terrorist ttk in the next few ys .It threw the people to gret pni .
. 错误
. 正确
13. One offie hs een set up reently exmine the tourism inustry .
. 错误
. 正确
14. The vieo show is out to egin .Will you plese tke your sets ?
. 错误
. 正确
15. He smile n mitte tht he i know, ut si he ws fe up with stnr nswers to stnr questions.
. 错误
. 正确
16. The villgers refille my ritor n give me extr nns to tke long in se of my ritor shoul give my troule gin.
. 错误
. 正确
17. I ws stonishe y hering mn of this ge tlking in suh romnti wy .
. 错误
. 正确
18. Sometimes, they get to ullie n insulte, n it is like knife piering my hert.
. 错误
. 正确
19. Smith works in ftory, ut he is helping in his sister’s shop, from he is on holiy n not working .
. 错误
. 正确
20. If I ie first, I shll eome lou to protet you out of the sun.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. Nowys hilren in this re re tught t shool()t home, ut 60 yers go no hilren were tught t shool()those from rih fmilies.
. rther thn; other thn
. other thn; exept
. other thn; rther thn
. esies; exept
2. My mother ske me to repet ()telephone numer() seon time so tht she oul write it own.
. the;
. n; the
. n;
. the; the
3. —— re you going to the footll gme ? —— No, the tikets re ()for me.
. too muh high
. so muh expensive
. fr too expensive
. highly expensive
4. —ring me(), plese? —Woul you like it lk or white? —I’ll hve it white.
. the offee
. offee
. offee
. offees
5. omputer()think for itself; it must e tol wht to o.
. n't
. ouln't
. my not
. might not
6. Resturnts in every orner of the town not only provie jo opportunities ut()lots of txes s well.
. ring in
. ring out
. result in
. result from
7. —Hello. Is otor Smith in? —Yes. ut I’m sorry. He’s lying ill in e,() move out.
. is not le to
. eing unle to
. eing not le to
. unle to
8. I hve to go to work y txi euse my r t the grge().
. will e repire
. is repire
. is eing repire
. hs een repire
9. He tol me tht he h ought musi tpe n() uy nother one the next week.
. he woul
. tht he woul
. he shoul
. he ws going to
10. (), I went to the rilwy sttion to see my frien off.
. fter eting quikly my inner
. fter my quikly eting inner
. fter eting my inner quikly
. fter eting my quikly inner
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. the right menings of lmly re ().
. louly
. quietly
. not exitely
. noisily
2. the right menings of trim re ().
. stte of orer
. to ornment
. to eorte
. to remove (exess) y utting
3. the right menings of strem re ().
. flow of wter in hnnel or e
. stey urrent of flui
. nture flow of wter
. nything tht moves on ontinuously
4. the right menings of spout re ().
. to use to flow or spurt out# ontinuous strem of liqui
. to utter voluly n teiously
. sprk
5. the right menings of emrrss re ().
. to mke s. feel nxious
. isonert
. esygoing
. to use to feel self-onsious or ill t ese
6. the right menings of enefiil re ().
. useful
. eing enefit to
. vntgeous
. stop
7. the right menings of rnk re ().
. ple
. line (of people )
. floor
. row
8. the right menings of fulfill re ().
. to ring into tulity
. to rry out
. to ring to n en
. omplete
9. the right menings of hesitte re ().
. to e slow in eiing
. rpily
. flter
. villte
10. the right menings of gint re ().
. kin of reture
. very tll n ig person
. thing of gret size
. mrke y exeptionlly gret size, mgnitue, or power
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. The river oul hve survive ut he hn’t worn the set elt.
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2. —How o you know so muh out tehing? —I use to e shool teher.
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3. I on’t elieve you n listen to the musi n re ll t one .
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4. He h never thought of it efore, tking for grnte the tie of their loo.
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5. We were surprise hering he sy tht he ws heing for retirement .
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6. One offie hs een set up reently exmine the tourism inustry .
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7. He n’t mke up himself min whether to uy it or not .
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8. Why o you wnt to fly home ?I think you h etter tke trin .It is not only heper .It is lso muh more omfortle .
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9. Xu Ling’s mother is fmous surgeon .She hs invite to help with mjor opertion t hoyng Hospitl .
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10. We re moving in the right iretion n if we rry out this reform ,our prolems will e solve .
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11. In those ys people looke it ll for grnte tht they woul e given some kin of jo fter they grute from university .
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12. It ws getting lte. So I tol the professor tht I woul give my omments nother time. ut the professor ske me to go he sying tht he h plenty of time.
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13. Hve you tke sure of the time n ple for the interview ?
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14. I’ like to , ut I will hve left Shnghi when you return.
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15. Leving her strne in the esert i not other me lot.
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16. The oss si to the seretry, “If you work well, you ought hve rise.”
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17. Hving fe with iffiult sitution, rnol eie to sk his oss for vie.
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18. he of us,we sw nrrow, muy ro leing to eserte house.
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19. —o you like rok musi ? —It epens of my moo .
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20. In siene fition we re of flying suers trvel through spe, so people wnt to hve etter knowlege of the universe.
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