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[东北师范大学] 东师 英语课程与教学论17春在线作业1 3 2辅导资料(随机)

发表于 2017-5-8 09:42:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. The root of  wor is lso lle the ________.
. stem
. suffix
. se form
.  or
2.  Repetition is elongs to wht strtegy?
. metognitive strtegy
. ognitive strtegy
. soil strtegy
. ffetive strtegy
3.  Whih of the following hrteristis of  tsk-tivity involves stuents in  wy tht intrinsilly motivtes, lowers the ffetive filter, n retes  esire to exel.
. uthenti lnguge mterils
. inutive resoning
. non-linguisti outome
. motivte stuents
4.  Who foun  strong onnetion etween ptitue n profiieny?
. Grner
. Kreshen
. Terrell
. rroll
5.  Whih of the following errors re use y ovegenerliztion().
. Nooy knew where ws his g
. These stuent re very iligent
. Iwnt rw it
. He goe there
6.   () tivity is use where the whole set of informtion is not revele until ll stuents hve performe their prt of the tsk.
. jigsw
. gp-filling
. hungmn
. ingo
7.  One of the priniples of the iret Metho is tht lssroom instrution ws onute exlusively in the ()lnguge.
. ntive
. nother new
. trget
. first
8.  ________ is the ing of  letter or soun, or group of letters or souns, to  wor whih hnges the mening or funtion of the wor.
. erivtion
. onversion
. ffixtion
. kformtion
9.  The first of the “nturl methos”is ().
. iret Metho
. Grmmr-trnsltion Metho
. the uio-lingul Metho
. Situtionl Lnguge Tehing
10.  oing  () invlves hieving n outome, reting  finl prout tht serves some prtil purpose.
. homework
. ommunition tsk
. exerise
. listening tivity
11.  The nlyti syllus refers not to wht the syllus esigner oes, ut to the_ require of the lerner.
. oing
. opertions
. Prtie
. lerning
12.  ()involves tehers ientifying issues n prolems relevnt to their own lsses.
. Literture review
. Questionnire
. tion reserh
. lssroom oservtion
13.  In the following sentenes, whih one is wrong?()
. Vry instrutions oul enrih ourse ontents.
. Vry instrutions enhne opportunities for lerning English.
. Vry instrutions helps evelop stuents’ lnguge wreness.
. Vry instrutions enhne the stuents’ memory ility.
14.  () reltes to the truthfulness of the t.
. vliity
. reliilit
. sujet
. ojet
15.  Stuents work in pirs, eh hving similr pitures, ut with ifferenes. Through tlking to eh other, they hve to fin out the ifferenes without looking t eh other’s pitures. Wht is the nme of this speking tivity
. Rehing  onsensus
. esrie n rrnge
. Fin out the ifferene
. Work out the story
16.  Wht renot the uses of n error().
. overgenerliztion
. unergenerliztion
. simplifition
. eue errors
17.  In the lnguge fous phse, lnguge nlysis tivities lso provie  fous on form through ()proesses.
. tehers' instrutions
. lnguge quisition
. peers' help
. onsiousness-rising
18.  We ll know tht the teher nees to know his/her stuents, in the following items whih one is the most iffiult to sertin().
. sex
. ge
. soil kgroun
. ouption
19.  ()utilize group of sujets in reserh. This metho n lso e use in experimentl reserh.
.  group stuy
. Tehing journl
. Lesson report
. tion reserh
20.  For most people the term ”urriulum” inlues those t tivities tht eution hve evise for _ ,whih re represente in the form of  written oument .
. tehers
. esigners
. lerners
. stuents

二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)  V 1. Reserh is onsiere to e  proess uilt roun three key fetures)
. Reserh questions n hypotheses re lerly rtiulte
. speifition of pproprite reserh methos for ressing n nswering
. therory of your reserh
. speifition of  reserh ontext for the questions
2.  Wht re the two wys of gring  piee of writing? re “impression” mrking n “split” mrking.
. impression
. split
. inutive
. eutive
3.  There re three Ts tht n help engge the stuents in the writing tivities. Wht re they?
. trget
. tools
. topi
. time
4.  Liste elow re some possile hrteristis of  isipline ELT (English Lnguge Tehing) lssroom. Whih ones o you think re pproprite().
. the lesson is proeeing oring to pln
. the lss is uner the teher’s ontrol
. the teher n stuents show respet to eh other
. the teher ppers to e the uthority
E. unisipline stuents re punishe
5.  Tehniques of noting n error inluing().
. fil expression
. sentene ompletion
. lrifition request
. expliit orretion
6.  Why tehers shoul not orret every error().
. ffetive onerns
. ttitue onerns
. lssroom mngement onerns
. tehing onerns
7.  Whih of the following re the hrteristis of TL ()
. uthenti lnguge mterils
. inutive resoning
. non-linguisti outome
. motivte stuents
E. relisti sitution
8.  The intertionl view of lnguge sees lnguge primrily s the mens for ()n for () etween iniviuls.
. estlishing n mintining interpersonl reltionships
. performing soil trnstions
. lerning to express ommunitive funtions
. lerning to express tegories of mening
9.  For most ses, tehers hve to serh for n evelop their own strtegies to mintin isipline in their lssroom. Whih mesures o you think re proper for inisipline ts n ly ehving stuents().
. tlk to stuents in the lss
. stop the lss
. hnge the tivity
. rerrnge the sets
E. putting them in the orrior
10.  Wht kin of ommon tehniques re often use in error nlysis().
. error ientifition
. error lssifition
. error esription
. error explntion

三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. The mening of  wor n e showe y omining ifferent tehniques.
. 错误
. 正确
2.  t the presenttion stge the teher introues new lnguge for stuents to lern. Here the teher is in omplete ontrol n oes lmost ll the tlking.
. 错误
. 正确
3.  Mistkes re use y  slip of the tongue.
. 错误
. 正确
4.  Inee the most importnt ftor in writing exerises is tht stuents nee to e personlly involve in orer to mke the lerning experiene of lsting vlue.
. 错误
. 正确
5.  Stuents evelop their writing skills grully with the help from the teher, moving from ontrolle writing to guie writing n finlly to free writing.
. 错误
. 正确
6.  Using English to sy rel things in the lssroom gives stuents the feeling tht English is  rel lnguge whih is more importnt thn other lnguges.
. 错误
. 正确
7.  Self-tlk n reue nxiety y using mentl tehniques tht mke one feel ompetent to o the lerning tsk.
. 错误
. 正确
8.  In L2 tehing, the use of  vriety of ifferent kins of tsks is si to mke tehing more ommunitive sine it provies  purpose fo  lssroom tivity whih goes eyon the prtie of lnguge for its own ske.
. 错误
. 正确
9.  Prphrsing is  kin of ommon speking strtegy.
. 错误
. 正确
10.  Introverts seek out ompny tively n enjoy the ompny of other people.
. 错误
. 正确
11.  Five elements of refletive tehing moel re liner or sequentil n lwys followe y the next element in the yle.
. 错误
. 正确
12.  Over-prepre lessons re s  s uner-prepre lessons.
. 错误
. 正确
13.   tsk is  gol-oriente tivity in whih lerners use lnguge to hieve  rel outome.
. 错误
. 正确
14.  In the Western worl k in the 17th, 18th n 19th enturies, foreign lnguge lerning ws ssoite with the lerning of Ltin n Greek, oth suppose to promote their spekers’ intelletulity.
. 错误
. 正确
15.  If forml usiness letter English is require, it is of muh use to employ  free expression type of exerise.
. 错误
. 正确
16.  Flueny esries  level of profiieny in ommunition whih inlues the ility to proue written n/or spoken lnguge with ese.
. 错误
. 正确
17.   lexil item my e more thn  single wor.
. 错误
. 正确
18.  Lesson plnning is equivlent to lesson plns.
. 错误
. 正确
19.  18. The four lnguge skills re in some wy seprte n shoul e trete seprtely.
. 错误
. 正确
20.  The simplest type of experiment involves two “equivlent” groups.
. 错误
. 正确

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. We ll know tht the teher nees to know his/her stuents, in the following items whih one is the most iffiult to sertin().
. sex
. ge
. soil kgroun
. ouption
2.  In the following sentenes, whih one is wrong?()
. Vry instrutions oul enrih ourse ontents.
. Vry instrutions enhne opportunities for lerning English.
. Vry instrutions helps evelop stuents’ lnguge wreness.
. Vry instrutions enhne the stuents’ memory ility.
3.  Look t the following wors, whih one of the follow options is n exmple of ngrm. ___________
. flow-fowl
. mn-men
. hive-live
. her-her
4.  Whih of the following hrteristis of  tsk-tivity involves stuents in  wy tht intrinsilly motivtes, lowers the ffetive filter, n retes  esire to exel.
. uthenti lnguge mterils
. inutive resoning
. non-linguisti outome
. motivte stuents
5.  vi Nunn (1991) offers () points to hrterize the ommunitive pproh:
. five
. six
. seven
. four
6.  The uio-lingul Metho ws evelope in the () uring Worl Wr II.
. Germn
. hin
. Frne
. Unite Sttes
7.  Whih of the following options is not use to show  lexil item visully? ________
. showing y n ojet
. showing  piture
. showing y miming
. showing y listing opposite meningsf
8.  The first n most importnt step  teher tkes is to etermine the () of n tivity.
. ourse
. pproh
. ojetive
. orretion
9.  The first of the “nturl methos”is ().
. iret Metho
. Grmmr-trnsltion Metho
. the uio-lingul Metho
. Situtionl Lnguge Tehing
10.  ()reserh must e nlyti
. experimentl
. esriptive
. tion reserh
.  se stuy
11.  Whih expression is wrong out lerning stuents' nmes?()
. Help show stuents tht the teher is intereste in them.
. It shows the teher is responsile.
. The teher oul sk iniviul stuents to ssist with emonstrtions.
. The teher oul sk iniviul stuents to ssist with equipment in the lss.
12.  ()involves the orgniztion of lerning n tehing in suh  wy tht the tritionl notion of the "verge stuent" n "iming for the mile "in tehing is none.
. pir work
. group work
. teher's help
. iniviuliztion
13.  For most people the term ”urriulum” inlues those t tivities tht eution hve evise for _ ,whih re represente in the form of  written oument .
. tehers
. esigners
. lerners
. stuents
14.   () tivity is use where the whole set of informtion is not revele until ll stuents hve performe their prt of the tsk.
. jigsw
. gp-filling
. hungmn
. ingo
15.  How mny ruil res re inlue in the profession ().
. 6
. 5
. 4
. 3
16.  How mny steps re there to teh free writing?
. 3
. 4
. 5
. 6
17.  One of the priniples of the iret Metho is tht lssroom instrution ws onute exlusively in the ()lnguge.
. ntive
. nother new
. trget
. first
18.  ________is  wor gme in whih you write nswers to questions in  pttern of numere oxes.
. ngrm
. rosswor
. rile
. wor puzzle
19.  If  writing tsk is more generl (for exmple, eveloping informl letter writing skills), then wht is the est pproh of orretion?
. teher-guie orretion
. group orretion
. fous orreting
20.  oing  () invlves hieving n outome, reting  finl prout tht serves some prtil purpose.
. homework
. ommunition tsk
. exerise
. listening tivity

二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)  V 1. s  teher, you nee to know how the stuents feel out lerning English n wht they know. The mjor res for you to investigte re ().
. interests
. home environment n neighourhoo
. eutionl kgroun
. motivtion n ttitue
E. knowlege
2.  For most ses, tehers hve to serh for n evelop their own strtegies to mintin isipline in their lssroom. Whih mesures o you think re proper for inisipline ts n ly ehving stuents().
. tlk to stuents in the lss
. stop the lss
. hnge the tivity
. rerrnge the sets
E. putting them in the orrior
3.  Whih is right?
. hilren re in ll wys mors skillful in L2 lerning thn ults re
. hilren re superior to ults in SL
. ults'experienes hve  positive impt on lnguge omprehension
. ults generlly reeive more omprehensile input
4.  Errors our for ().
. interferene from the ntive lnguge
. inomplete knowlege of the trget lnguge
. the omplexity of the the lnguge
. ufferenes in writing system
5.  wht re the possile tehniques to e use for prtiing the struture tht hs just een presente?________
. repetion
. sustitution
. single wor prompts
. piture prompts
6.  Liste elow re some possile hrteristis of  isipline ELT (English Lnguge Tehing) lssroom. Whih ones o you think re pproprite().
. the lesson is proeeing oring to pln
. the lss is uner the teher’s ontrol
. the teher n stuents show respet to eh other
. the teher ppers to e the uthority
E. unisipline stuents re punishe
7.  Errors oul e ivie into three groups,they re().
. interferene errors
. intrlingul errors
. systemti errors
. evelopmentl errors
8.  How tehers help the iniviul stuent in the lss out their own purposes?()
. Help to isover the purposes.
. Help to formulte the purposes.
. Hhelp to lrify the purposes.
. Help to set the purposes.
9.  Sensory Molity Strength tegorizes lerners s wht?
. visul
. uitory
. ttile-kinestheti
. thinking三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. The teher hs only one role to ply in the lssroom.
. 错误
. 正确
2.  t the presenttion stge the teher introues new lnguge for stuents to lern. Here the teher is in omplete ontrol n oes lmost ll the tlking.
. 错误
. 正确
3.  Survey is use wiely in esriptive reserh, in whih smpling is one of the key issues.
. 错误
. 正确
4.  In free writing tivities the stuents re given  ommunitive tsk to perform n they epen to  lrge extent on the prtie gine from the ontrolle writing to omplete the tsk.
. 错误
. 正确
5.  Self onept is the imge tht people hve of themselves n how they think other people see them.
. 错误
. 正确
6.  Mistkes re use y  slip of the tongue.
. 错误
. 正确
7.  The uio-lingul Metho hs  gol very similr to tht of the Grmmr-Trnsltion Metho.
. 错误
. 正确
8.  We shoul lern wors whih frequently pper.
. 错误
. 正确
9.  Metognitive strtegies re skills use for plnning, monitoring, n evluting the lerning tivity.
. 错误
. 正确
10.   tsk mens tht lerners use whtever trget lnguge resoures they hve in orer to solve  prolem, o  puzzle, ply  gme, or shre n ompre experienes.
. 错误
. 正确
11.  Oservtion is esription-oriente qulittive reserh with no hypothesis.
. 错误
. 正确
12.  The explntions shoul lwys e s ler n simple s possile.
. 错误
. 正确
13.  Foreign lnguge lerners often reognize the ft tht  lk of ulturl wreness n sensitivity n use more serious misunerstnings n ommunition rekowns thn n inorretly use tense or wrong wor orer.
. 错误
. 正确
14.  Tehers shoul lwys spek t  nturl spee.
. 错误
. 正确
15.  homsky (1972) propose  ommunitive efinition of lnguge whih serves s  sis for eveloping ommunitive sylluses for lnguge tehing.
. 错误
. 正确
16.  In L2 tehing, the use of  vriety of ifferent kins of tsks is si to mke tehing more ommunitive sine it provies  purpose fo  lssroom tivity whih goes eyon the prtie of lnguge for its own ske.
. 错误
. 正确
17.  Stuents evelop their writing skills grully with the help from the teher, moving from ontrolle writing to guie writing n finlly to free writing.
. 错误
. 正确
18.  18. The four lnguge skills re in some wy seprte n shoul e trete seprtely.
. 错误
. 正确
19.  Type  n  syllus ontrst n intervetionist n  non-intervetionist pproh, eing respetively onerne with the “wht” n the “how” of lerning.
. 错误
. 正确
20.  Tehing journls, lesson report, uio n vieo reorings n survey n questionnires n tion reserh re mjor instruments in tion reserh.
. 错误
. 正确

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. Repetition is elongs to wht strtegy?
. metognitive strtegy
. ognitive strtegy
. soil strtegy
. ffetive strtegy
2.  Whih of the following errors re use y interferene errors().
. lthough…ut…
. performent
. goe
. toothes
3.  Stuents work in pirs, eh hving similr pitures, ut with ifferenes. Through tlking to eh other, they hve to fin out the ifferenes without looking t eh other’s pitures. Wht is the nme of this speking tivity
. Rehing  onsensus
. esrie n rrnge
. Fin out the ifferene
. Work out the story
4.  Whih of the following errors re use y ovegenerliztion().
. Nooy knew where ws his g
. These stuent re very iligent
. Iwnt rw it
. He goe there
5.  In the lerning the estlishe unerstning is typil y _ syllus.
. Forml n funtionl
. struturl n funtionl
. forml n struturl
. type  n type
6.  The first n most importnt step  teher tkes is to etermine the () of n tivity.
. ourse
. pproh
. ojetive
. orretion
7.  Whih of the following options is not use to show  lexil item visully? ________
. showing y n ojet
. showing  piture
. showing y miming
. showing y listing opposite meningsf
8.  In the following sentenes, whih one is wrong?()
. Vry instrutions oul enrih ourse ontents.
. Vry instrutions enhne opportunities for lerning English.
. Vry instrutions helps evelop stuents’ lnguge wreness.
. Vry instrutions enhne the stuents’ memory ility.
9.  ()involves the orgniztion of lerning n tehing in suh  wy tht the tritionl notion of the "verge stuent" n "iming for the mile "in tehing is none.
. pir work
. group work
. teher's help
. iniviuliztion
10.  How mny steps re there to teh free writing?
. 3
. 4
. 5
. 6
11.  Whih expression is wrong out lerning stuents' nmes?()
. Help show stuents tht the teher is intereste in them.
. It shows the teher is responsile.
. The teher oul sk iniviul stuents to ssist with emonstrtions.
. The teher oul sk iniviul stuents to ssist with equipment in the lss.
12.  How mny ruil res re inlue in the profession ().
. 6
. 5
. 4
. 3
13.  One of the priniples of the iret Metho is tht lssroom instrution ws onute exlusively in the ()lnguge.
. ntive
. nother new
. trget
. first
14.  Whih one of the hrters is not elongs to  goo lnguge lerner?
. e retive n experiment with lnguge
. lerns to live with errors n lern from errors
. reites wors without unerstning
. seeks out ll opportunities to use the trget lnguge
15.  The root of  wor is lso lle the ________.
. stem
. suffix
. se form
.  or
16.  Who foun  strong onnetion etween ptitue n profiieny?
. Grner
. Kreshen
. Terrell
. rroll
17.  The iggest prolem for group work is the seletion of group memers. elow re some possile wys to group stuents. Eh of them is pproprite exept ().
. group the stuents oring to seting rrngement
. stuents selet their own group memers (risky)
. group the stuents y rwing lots
. ivie the strong stuents n the wek stuents into ifferent groups
18.  If we shoul not require ntive-like pronunition, then wht shoul e our relisti gol when we spek English in the lssroom().
. onsisteny
. intelligiility
. ommunitive effiieny
. ove ll
19.  Whih is not elongs to ognitive strtegies?
. resouring
. self-mngement
. trnsltion
. inferening
20.  ()is n intensive stuy of  speifi iniviul or speifi ontext, whih is usully se on the ssumption
. tion reserh
. Tehing journl
. Lesson report
.  se stuy

二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)  V 1. Whih re inlue in soil n ffetive strtegies?
. Questioning for lrifition
. oopertion
. Self-tlk
. seletive ttention
2.  How tehers help the iniviul stuent in the lss out their own purposes?()
. Help to isover the purposes.
. Help to formulte the purposes.
. Hhelp to lrify the purposes.
. Help to set the purposes.
3.  The ultimte purpose of tehing is to ssist stuents to eome () lerners.
. inepenent
. self-regulte
. epenent
. unisipline
4.  oring to Mihel Wlle (2000: 209), ollortion in R n e ollortion with()
. stuents
. ollegues in other ountries
. ollegues  ifferent re of expert
. ollegues outsie our shool/institution
5.  Qulittive t of heuristi/syntheti reserh my onsist of ()
. ethnogrphi oservtions,
. interviews
. exmintion of texts
. ollet t
6.  Reserh is onsiere to e  proess uilt roun three key fetures)
. Reserh questions n hypotheses re lerly rtiulte
. speifition of pproprite reserh methos for ressing n nswering
. therory of your reserh
. speifition of  reserh ontext for the questions
7.  In the lnguge fous phse, lerners oul ()
. notie n reflet on lnguge fetures
. reyle the tsk lnguge
. go k over the text or reoring n investigte new items
. prtie pronouning useful phrses
8.  The vntges of the pir work n the group work for stuents.()
. Give them fr more hnes to spek.
. They feel less nxiety.
. Mke them more extroverte.
. Give them hnes for greter inepenene.
E. Help them hol ttention.
9.  In the lssroom there re some rules to follow for mking instrutions effetive. Whih rules o you think re proper().
. use simple instrutions n mke them suit the omprehension level of the stuents
. use the mother-tongue only when it is neessry
. hrly use oy lnguge to ssist the stuents’ unerstning
. we wnt the tehers to e reful not to o ll the tlki
10.  s n orgnizer, wht re the hrteristis of the teher?()
. enourge n vlue inititive
. istriute responsiility s wiely s possile
. uil on strengths
. mke ll the eisions

三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. oring to Noss , there re  numer of filities ville to implement the lnguge poliy.
. 错误
. 正确
2.  Oservtion is esription-oriente qulittive reserh with no hypothesis.
. 错误
. 正确
3.  To rete this enourging limte in the lssroom the teher shoul first of ll show his/her own respet to ll stuents s iniviul humn eings, to iverse tlents n lerning styles.
. 错误
. 正确
4.  Type  n  syllus ontrst n intervetionist n  non-intervetionist pproh, eing respetively onerne with the “wht” n the “how” of lerning.
. 错误
. 正确
5.  uthenti mterils re ilogues n reing pssges tht hve een speilly written for lnguge lerners.
. 错误
. 正确
6.  18. The four lnguge skills re in some wy seprte n shoul e trete seprtely.
. 错误
. 正确
7.  If forml usiness letter English is require, it is of muh use to employ  free expression type of exerise.
. 错误
. 正确
8.  The im t the ontrolle prtie stge is simply to give stuents prtie in forming or "mnipulting" the struture.
. 错误
. 正确
9.  Errors n inite the stuent's stge of lnguge lerning n quistion.
. 错误
. 正确
10.  It is the est to follow the orer n pe of the ourse ook.
. 错误
. 正确
11.  Stuents feel less nxiety when they re working “privtely” thn when they re “on show” in front of the whole lss.
. 错误
. 正确
12.   lexil item my e more thn  single wor.
. 错误
. 正确
13.  The nlyti syllus relies on the lerner’s ility to lern  lnguge in prts inepenently of one nother.
. 错误
. 正确
14.  It is est to orret ll the mistkes stuents mke in the lss.
. 错误
. 正确
15.  Mistkes re use y  slip of the tongue.
. 错误
. 正确
16.  When orreting n error,  teher my suggest n pproprite lterntive wor or phrse.
. 错误
. 正确
17.  Fiel-sensitive lerners enjoy working with others to hieve  ommon gol, n most often look to the teher for guine n emonstrtion.
. 错误
. 正确
18.  Metognitive strtegies re skills use for plnning, monitoring, n evluting the lerning tivity.
. 错误
. 正确
19.  Intrlingul errors originte with the struture of the ntive lnguge itself.
. 错误
. 正确
20.  The thir step of memorizing wors is to over-lern, whih mens to lern them so thoroughly tht you n rell them s quikly s possile.
. 错误
. 正确

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. ________ is the ing of  letter or soun, or group of letters or souns, to  wor whih hnges the mening or funtion of the wor.
. erivtion
. onversion
. ffixtion
. kformtion
2.  The uio-lingul Metho ws evelope in the () uring Worl Wr II.
. Germn
. hin
. Frne
. Unite Sttes
3.  The nlyti syllus refers not to wht the syllus esigner oes, ut to the_ require of the lerner.
. oing
. opertions
. Prtie
. lerning
4.  Whih one o you think is not the orret sttement().
. s n ssessor, the teher oes two things, tht is, orreting mistkes n orgnizing feek
. the most importnt n iffiult role tht the teher hs to ply is to e n ontroller
. tsk-se tehing methos enourge the teher to prtiipte
5.  Lerners my e unwilling or even refuse to lern the lnguge of  ntion whih is () to their ountry in eonomy, ulture or soil progress.
. inferior
. superior
. more evelope
. higher
6.  ()reserh must e nlyti
. experimentl
. esriptive
. tion reserh
.  se stuy
7.  How mny ruil res re inlue in the profession ().
. 6
. 5
. 4
. 3
8.  In the lerning the estlishe unerstning is typil y _ syllus.
. Forml n funtionl
. struturl n funtionl
. forml n struturl
. type  n type
9.  Wht kins of methos n you use when you oserving lessons().
. using vieotpes
. using sheets
. using heklists
. ove ll
10.  Whih of the following errors re use y ovegenerliztion().
. Nooy knew where ws his g
. These stuent re very iligent
. Iwnt rw it
. He goe there
11.  () reltes to the truthfulness of the t.
. vliity
. reliilit
. sujet
. ojet
12.  If  writing tsk is more generl (for exmple, eveloping informl letter writing skills), then wht is the est pproh of orretion?
. teher-guie orretion
. group orretion
. fous orreting
13.  Whih expression out eliiting is inorret?()
. Eliiting involves the lss y fousing stuents’ ttention n mking them think.
. Eliiting enourges stuents to rw on wht they lrey know or prtly know.
. Eliiting tkes less time thn strightforwr presenttion of new lnguge.
. Eliiting g
14.  ________is  wor gme in whih you write nswers to questions in  pttern of numere oxes.
. ngrm
. rosswor
. rile
. wor puzzle
15.  Look t the following wors, whih one of the follow options is n exmple of ngrm. ___________
. flow-fowl
. mn-men
. hive-live
. her-her
16.  Whih of the following re not the min types of error orretion().
. self orretion
. peer orretion
. teher orretion
. lssmte orrtion
17.  The iggest prolem for group work is the seletion of group memers. elow re some possile wys to group stuents. Eh of them is pproprite exept ().
. group the stuents oring to seting rrngement
. stuents selet their own group memers (risky)
. group the stuents y rwing lots
. ivie the strong stuents n the wek stuents into ifferent groups
18.  In your opinion, whih one is the most typil mro plnning ().
. unit plnning
. hlf  semester plnning
. one semester plnning
. whole ourse plnning
19.  Wht renot the uses of n error().
. overgenerliztion
. unergenerliztion
. simplifition
. eue errors
20.  The most ommon form of uthority involve in eveloping lnguge poliy n plnning is the ().
. government
. ourt
. prourtorte
. Puli Seurity ureu

二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)  V 1. Errors oul e ivie into three groups,they re().
. interferene errors
. intrlingul errors
. systemti errors
. evelopmentl errors
2.  In the following, whih re ontrolle writing tivities?
. opying
. gp-filling
. Mking lists
. Sentene ompletion
3.  The intertionl view of lnguge sees lnguge primrily s the mens for ()n for () etween iniviuls.
. estlishing n mintining interpersonl reltionships
. performing soil trnstions
. lerning to express ommunitive funtions
. lerning to express tegories of mening
4.  Wht re the ognitive proesses result in the rules whih ompose the interlnguge?
. Overgenerlistion
. Trnsfer of Trining
. Strtegies of L2 Lerning
. Strtegies of L2 ommunition
E. Lnguge Trnsfer
5.  Reserh is onsiere to e  proess uilt roun three key fetures)
. Reserh questions n hypotheses re lerly rtiulte
. speifition of pproprite reserh methos for ressing n nswering
. therory of your reserh
. speifition of  reserh ontext for the questions
6.  Tehniques of noting n error inluing().
. fil expression
. sentene ompletion
. lrifition request
. expliit orretion
7.  To help stuents rry on orl ommunition in English, wht tegories n tehers offer?
. lnguge input
. speking rules
. speking strtegies
. knowlege of soil n ulturl ontext
8.  In the lssroom there re some rules to follow for mking instrutions effetive. Whih rules o you think re proper().
. use simple instrutions n mke them suit the omprehension level of the stuents
. use the mother-tongue only when it is neessry
. hrly use oy lnguge to ssist the stuents’ unerstning
. we wnt the tehers to e reful not to o ll the tlki
9.  For most ses, tehers hve to serh for n evelop their own strtegies to mintin isipline in their lssroom. Whih mesures o you think re proper for inisipline ts n ly ehving stuents().
. tlk to stuents in the lss
. stop the lss
. hnge the tivity
. rerrnge the sets
E. putting them in the orrior
10.  For muh of the lss time, stuents re put into groups of ifferent sizes. The most ommon stuent groupings re().
. whole lss work
. pir work
. group work
. iniviul work

三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. Five elements of refletive tehing moel re liner or sequentil n lwys followe y the next element in the yle.
. 错误
. 正确
2.  Metognitive strtegies re skills use for plnning, monitoring, n evluting the lerning tivity.
. 错误
. 正确
3.  Errors n inite the stuent's stge of lnguge lerning n quistion.
. 错误
. 正确
4.  Ielly, lesson plnning shoul e one t two levels: mro plnning n miro plnning.
. 错误
. 正确
5.  When stuents re not sure how to strt n tivity, or wht to o next, or wht to sy next, the teher shoul give pproprite prompts.
. 错误
. 正确
6.  Mistkes re use y  slip of the tongue.
. 错误
. 正确
7.  onrete pereivers sor informtion through iret experiene, y oing, ting, sensing, n feeling.
. 错误
. 正确
8.  oring to Noss , there re  numer of filities ville to implement the lnguge poliy.
. 错误
. 正确
9.  Experimentl reserh seeks to esrie existing ptterns in the t; no mnipultion of the vriles ours.
. 错误
. 正确
10.  The struturl view of lnguge is the view ehin Situtionl Lnguge Tehing.
. 错误
. 正确
11.   goo lerner shoul seek out ll opportunities to use the trget lnguge.
. 错误
. 正确
12.   istinguishing hrteristi of experimentl reserh is tht it opts mnipultion n ontrol to mesure internl n externl vliity.
. 错误
. 正确
13.  If stuents re given  list of wors to use in n tivity, they re not oing  genuine tsk.
. 错误
. 正确
14.   lexil item my e more thn  single wor.
. 错误
. 正确
15.  It is the est to follow the orer n pe of the ourse ook.
. 错误
. 正确
16.  Qulittive metho is  reserh metho tht relies less on numers n sttistis ut more on interviews, oservtions, smll numers of questionnires,
. 错误
. 正确
17.   norml role ply n e lle  tsk even if it oes not ontin  prolem-solving element.
. 错误
. 正确
18.  uring the proution stge tehers oul use the voie to emphsize stuent's mistke.
. 错误
. 正确
19.   very goo wy to expn your voulry is to re euse there re  lot of unfmilir wors in reing.
. 错误
. 正确
20.  Introverts seek out ompny tively n enjoy the ompny of other people.
. 错误
. 正确

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. In your opinion, whih one is the most typil mro plnning ().
. unit plnning
. hlf  semester plnning
. one semester plnning
. whole ourse plnning
2.  Look t the following wors, whih one of the follow options is n exmple of ngrm. ___________
. flow-fowl
. mn-men
. hive-live
. her-her
3.  ()involves tehers ientifying issues n prolems relevnt to their own lsses.
. Literture review
. Questionnire
. tion reserh
. lssroom oservtion
4.  Whih of the following re not the min types of error orretion().
. self orretion
. peer orretion
. teher orretion
. lssmte orrtion
5.  ognitive n intertionl ptterns nnot ffet the wy in whih stuents?
. pereive
. rememer
. think
. prtie
6.   () tivity is use where the whole set of informtion is not revele until ll stuents hve performe their prt of the tsk.
. jigsw
. gp-filling
. hungmn
. ingo
7.  ()utilize group of sujets in reserh. This metho n lso e use in experimentl reserh.
.  group stuy
. Tehing journl
. Lesson report
. tion reserh
8.  Whih is not elongs to ognitive strtegies?
. resouring
. self-mngement
. trnsltion
. inferening
9.  Stuents work in pirs, eh hving similr pitures, ut with ifferenes. Through tlking to eh other, they hve to fin out the ifferenes without looking t eh other’s pitures. Wht is the nme of this speking tivity
. Rehing  onsensus
. esrie n rrnge
. Fin out the ifferene
. Work out the story
10.  Whih of the following errors re use y interferene errors().
. lthough…ut…
. performent
. goe
. toothes
11.  Wht kins of methos n you use when you oserving lessons().
. using vieotpes
. using sheets
. using heklists
. ove ll
12.  The first n most importnt step  teher tkes is to etermine the () of n tivity.
. ourse
. pproh
. ojetive
. orretion
13.  () reltes to the truthfulness of the t.
. vliity
. reliilit
. sujet
. ojet
14.  How mny ruil res re inlue in the profession ().
. 6
. 5
. 4
. 3
15.  Repetition is elongs to wht strtegy?
. metognitive strtegy
. ognitive strtegy
. soil strtegy
. ffetive strtegy
16.  Whih of the following errors re use y ovegenerliztion().
. Nooy knew where ws his g
. These stuent re very iligent
. Iwnt rw it
. He goe there
17.  Lerners my e unwilling or even refuse to lern the lnguge of  ntion whih is () to their ountry in eonomy, ulture or soil progress.
. inferior
. superior
. more evelope
. higher
18.  oing  () invlves hieving n outome, reting  finl prout tht serves some prtil purpose.
. homework
. ommunition tsk
. exerise
. listening tivity
19.  Whih opinion of using English in the lssroom is wrong?()
. teher-guie orretion
. group orretion
. fous orreting
20.  How mny steps re there to teh free writing?
. 3
. 4
. 5
. 6

二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)  V 1. Liste elow re some possile hrteristis of  isipline ELT (English Lnguge Tehing) lssroom. Whih ones o you think re pproprite().
. the lesson is proeeing oring to pln
. the lss is uner the teher’s ontrol
. the teher n stuents show respet to eh other
. the teher ppers to e the uthority
E. unisipline stuents re punishe
2.  How tehers help the iniviul stuent in the lss out their own purposes?()
. Help to isover the purposes.
. Help to formulte the purposes.
. Hhelp to lrify the purposes.
. Help to set the purposes.
3.  Whih of the following re the hrteristis of TL ()
. uthenti lnguge mterils
. inutive resoning
. non-linguisti outome
. motivte stuents
E. relisti sitution
4.  s n orgnizer, wht re the hrteristis of the teher?()
. enourge n vlue inititive
. istriute responsiility s wiely s possile
. uil on strengths
. mke ll the eisions
5.  () n () hve oth linguisti outome n non-liuguisti outome.
. exerise
. tivity
. pproh
. tsk
6.  The vntges of the pir work n the group work for stuents.()
. Give them fr more hnes to spek.
. They feel less nxiety.
. Mke them more extroverte.
. Give them hnes for greter inepenene.
E. Help them hol ttention.
7.  Whih of the following options re the wys to show the mening of  struture visully?________
. using the things in the lssroom tht the stuents n see
. using lkor rwing
. think of  sitution from outsie the lss, in whih struture oul nturlly e use
. explin the ifferenes etween strutures
8.  oring to Mihel Wlle (2000: 209), ollortion in R n e ollortion with()
. stuents
. ollegues in other ountries
. ollegues  ifferent re of expert
. ollegues outsie our shool/institution
9.  Whih is right?
. hilren re in ll wys mors skillful in L2 lerning thn ults re
. hilren re superior to ults in SL
. ults'experienes hve  positive impt on lnguge omprehension
. ults generlly reeive more omprehensile input
10.  In the following, whih re ontrolle writing tivities?
. opying
. gp-filling
. Mking lists
. Sentene ompletion

三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)  V 1. The teher hs only one role to ply in the lssroom.
. 错误
. 正确
2.  Inee the most importnt ftor in writing exerises is tht stuents nee to e personlly involve in orer to mke the lerning experiene of lsting vlue.
. 错误
. 正确
3.   very goo wy to expn your voulry is to re euse there re  lot of unfmilir wors in reing.
. 错误
. 正确
4.  It is est to orret ll the mistkes stuents mke in the lss.
. 错误
. 正确
5.  uthenti mterils re ilogues n reing pssges tht hve een speilly written for lnguge lerners.
. 错误
. 正确
6.  Goo writing oes not hppen y ient. The teher shoul give the stuents oth tool n time so tht they n lern to write.
. 错误
. 正确
7.   istinguishing hrteristi of experimentl reserh is tht it opts mnipultion n ontrol to mesure internl n externl vliity.
. 错误
. 正确
8.  Errors n inite the stuent's stge of lnguge lerning n quistion.
. 错误
. 正确
9.  Lesson plnning is equivlent to lesson plns.
. 错误
. 正确
10.  Rote-lerning ility is not inlue in ptitue.
. 错误
. 正确
11.  Introverts seek out ompny tively n enjoy the ompny of other people.
. 错误
. 正确
12.  Tehers n stuents nee to unerstn tht lerning  foreign lnguge mens giving up one’s first lnguge or ilet.
. 错误
. 正确
13.  Foreign lnguge lerners often reognize the ft tht  lk of ulturl wreness n sensitivity n use more serious misunerstnings n ommunition rekowns thn n inorretly use tense or wrong wor orer.
. 错误
. 正确
14.  The simplest type of experiment involves two “equivlent” groups.
. 错误
. 正确
15.  The teher’s role n e efine s ontroller, ssessor, orgnizer, prompter, prtiipnt n resoure-provier.
. 错误
. 正确
16.  If tehers o not hve enough time, they oul finish ruptly or run on fte ell.
. 错误
. 正确
17.   lexil item my e more thn  single wor.
. 错误
. 正确
18.  18. The four lnguge skills re in some wy seprte n shoul e trete seprtely.
. 错误
. 正确
19.  It is importnt to show even to eginners tht lnguge n e use to perform ifferent funtions.
. 错误
. 正确
20.  Qulittive metho is  reserh metho tht relies less on numers n sttistis ut more on interviews, oservtions, smll numers of questionnires,
. 错误
. 正确


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