一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 75 分。) V 1. The young mn hs ____ some rillint sheme to oule his inome .
. ome out
. ome to
. ome out
. ome up
2. We ____ the visitor with n prtment ,ut he speilly ske for single room .
. oul provie
. oul hve provie
. ouln't provie
. ouln't hve provie
3. :There re imittion perls . :_____.
. So re they
. Suh they re
. So they re
. Suh re they
4. Go n get your suitse .It is ____ you left it .
. when
. whether
. how
. where
5. The shop hs sol mny refrigertors of this kin n the rest ____ on sle toy .
. is
. hs
. hve
. re
6. thy oesn't re wht she ets ,ut she is very ____out wht she wers.
. prtiulr
. ring
. reless
. emning
7. Einstin ,____ hnge our wys of seeing the universe ,i not lern to re until he ws ten .
. whih theories
. tht his theories
. whose theories
. who theories
8. In spite of ___ hs een si out genetilly moifie foo ,most people remin skeptil .
. ll wht
. ll tht
. ll whih
. ll it
9. I woul ppreite ____ to see me in my offie .
. your oming
. you to ome
. you ome
. you to e oming
10. No one ___ the suspet without the permission of the polie .
. .is going to ontt
. .is to ontt
. .ontts
. .ontte
11. fter ____ your results ,you shoul mke n ppointment with your tutor .
. you reeiving
. you hve reeive
. you woul hve reeive
. you reeive
12. olor linness is genetilly-use onition in whih person nnot etet ll olors ,n this ____is more ommon in men thn in women .
. fult
. efet
. shortoming
. isese
13. euse he i very poor jo n me up with results ,his oss felt tht he hn't _____ his responsiilities .
. live up to
. put up with
. looke forwr to
. gone in for
14. No mtter how muh progress we've me in our work ,we shouln't get ____ .
. omplent
. perfet
. stisftory
. fortunte
15. The ouple ought their son n nnul ____ to the tennis lu s irthy gift .
. presription
. esription
. trnsription
. susription
16. Tom ___fult with the wy his wife ooks .
. .lwys fins
. .hs lwys foun
. .lwys foun
. .is lwys fining
17. Hs it ____ to you tht he might hve thought ifferently ?
. known
. hppene
. wne
. ourre
18. The instrutor fore ___ moile phones in the lssroom .
. to use
. using
. for stuents'using
. for stuents to use
19. The tourist trie ___ something funny to get ri of the emrrssment .
. to tlk out
. tlke out
. tlking out
. even tlk out
20. It is five yers sine we lst ___from him.
. .her
. .hve her
. .in't her
. .her
21. You my et ertin supermrket foos while shopping ___ you sve the wrpper so the heker n ring up the vlue of wht you've onsume .
. provie
. however
. lthough
. s
22. The people who ___ in your life re the ones who re .
. mke ifferene
. mke istintion
. use istintion
. ring ifferene
23. Metls ,___shpe into oins,jewelry ,pltes ,or owls ,were n importnt item of tre etween Est n West .
. whether
. whih
. no mtter
. however
24. Tht nekle of ____ looks fulous .
. you
. your
. yours
. yourself
25. The mnging iretor hs so fr tegorilly refuse to mke ny ___ in the report .
. lterntives
. lterntions
. views
. isgreements
26. ill ____ s Mrk .
. oesn't run so fst
. runs not so fst
. oesn't run fster
. runs less fst
27. ____ your wrning ,we woul hve rshe the r .
. ut for
. With
. euse of
. ue to
28. More ____ the issue of usiness ethis in the ontext of eonomi gloliztion .
. emphsis shoul e ple on
. stress shoul e put out
. ttention shoul e pi on
. efforts shoul me with
29. ill suggeste ____ the resturnt ut Luy ws ginst it .
. to sell
. selling
. shoul sell
. sell
30. The government oesn't wish r.Smith ____ professorship t foreign university .
. will ept
. to ept
. epts
. epting
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。) V 1. It is iffiult to prove onlusively tht suh tretment is enefiil .
. 错误
. 正确
2. Eviently ,women oftem fin tht s they grow oler n hve inrese omplite lives ,some frienships n e more of uren thn support .
. 错误
. 正确
3. The two truks ollie with eh other t the rossros ,ut the rivers were mirulously unhurt .
. 错误
. 正确
4. The fther osionl took the hilren to the prk t the weekens .
. 错误
. 正确
5. My fther si tht it woul e respetful for John to hnge his nme .
. 错误
. 正确
6. The leer ws fing threts not only from his former loylists ,ut lso his two olition prtners .
. 错误
. 正确
7. eth Tolkoff ,the thir of four hilren ,grew up in suurn Philelphi .
. 错误
. 正确
8. The lol inhitnts hve ll left the re to work elsewhere .
. 错误
. 正确
9. Nowys some prents hve unneessrily high expettions for their hilren .
. 错误
. 正确
10. He thought it ws impossile ,n stre t us in iselief.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 75 分。) V 1. The resue tem reporte tht the wter ___ol.
. .ws feeling
. .h een feeling
. .feels
. .felt
2. The visitors expresse the hope ____ they woul ome to the fir gin next yer .
. whih
. tht
. wht
. when
3. Nooy sw the EO t the onferene ;he ____ t it.
. ouln't hve spoken
. ouln't spek
. mustn't hve spoken
. shouln't hve spoken
4. He h lerne the story of these remrkle women from his mother ,n ws ____ their ourge ,pssion for life n their inner pee .
. with ewilerment out
. for fer of
. uner impression of
. in we of
5. It is n enourging sign tht people's purhsing power is ____ the rise reently .
. on
. in
. t
. with
6. It is isese whih minly ____ hilren elow the ge of 6.
. inflits
. fflits
. onflits
. effets
7. oring to ____ y IKE ,the top five worries keeping people wke t night re fer of ging ,personl finne ,own weight ,reer n friens'helth .
. summery
. sttistis
. smple
. survey
8. The ouple feel more omfortle on plne thn they woul e if they ____ ny other wy .
. re trvelling
. hve trvelle
. trvel
. trvelle
9. Jim sys tht he is willing to ____ tomorrow's meeting .
. presie
. hir
. le
. tke prt
10. Jim is enjoying his holiy in the rti .He __ touristy ples n he __ the ol .
. .hte …in't min
. .hte …ws not mining
. .htes …oesn't min
. .htes …isn't mining
11. Now Tim regrets ____ hr enough while t the university .
. not to work
. hving not worke
. not hving worke
. not hve worke
12. s we've run out of eef ,we will hve to ____ with pork for inner .
. mke o
. o it up
. mke up
. ompenste for
13. Miwestern frm fmily ___ fter feerl finnil support n protetion ws withrwn.
. went nkrupt
. eme nkrupty
. me roke
. pprohe nkrupt
14. I know this is the right trin .The tiket gent si it woul e on ____.
. Pltform Three
. the Pltform Three
. Thir Pltform
. the Three Pltform
15. Neither Tom nor I h ever her of ,let lone ____ suh fsinting ook .
. see
. to see
. seeing
. seen
16. In stuies hrer thn ___ in our lss .
. ll
. everyone
. nyone else
. ny other
17. There is ____ mn ownstirs witing for you .
. ny
. some
. few
. not
18. The oy egn to ry n ters slowly ____ own his fe .
. ooze
. trikle
. rile
. leke
19. thy wnts to tell Henry ,ut I' rther she ___.
. iin't
. wouln't
. won't
. oesn't
20. They h ____ it for grnte tht they woul suee in their reserh .
. tken
. me
. h
. thought
21. n ____ egree ws onferre on the istinguishe eonomist .
. honour
. honoure
. honorry
. honorle
22. ____ wy you o it ,the nswer is lwys the sme .
. However
. Whihever
. Whoever
. Why ever
23. In Sotln ,minor ses were _____ with jury in the Sheriff ourts .
. teste
. exmine
. trie
. onsiere
24. ____ ,he woul not hve reovere so quikly .
. Hn't he een tken goo re of
. H he not een tken goo re of
. H not he een tken goo re of
. H he een not tken goo re of
25. The hef ___the puing to see if it ws sweet enough .
. .ws tsting
. .is tsting
. .shoul tste
. .tstes
26. ____ ,his ie ws epte y the prtiipnts t the meeting .
. Weir s might it soun
. s it might soun weir
. s weir it might soun
. Weir s it might soun
27. hris rn into John t sporting-goos tre show in New York n the two quikly ____ n esy rpport .
. me up
. struk up
. uilt up
. turne up
28. You ____ new iyle ,sine the one you lost the other y hs lrey een foun .
. shoul not uy
. nee not uy
. nee not hve ought
. shoul not hve ought
29. The stuents re llowe to tke only suh ooks ___ relly neessry .
. s re
. s they re
. s when
. s if
30. They were fon of snkes n lizrs ,___ surprise me .
. whih
. tht
. this
. it
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。) V 1. " rtiipte ,not perfetion is emphsize ," notes the ne progrm iretor .
. 错误
. 正确
2. It egn to rin ,so he took out his umrell n unfole it .
. 错误
. 正确
3. It is elieve tht weight trining n inrese strength ,help restore one ensity n iminish knee pin from rthritis .
. 错误
. 正确
4. It is iffiult to prove onlusively tht suh tretment is enefiil .
. 错误
. 正确
5. She seeme hesitnt to onfirm the news in the letter .
. 错误
. 正确
6. Mry hs een given no iretions s to wht to write for the seon ssignment .
. 错误
. 正确
7. People were surprise to fin out tht the newly-opene shop ws so evote to suh oities s ruer fruits ,explosive igrs ,et .
. 错误
. 正确
8. He thought it ws impossile ,n stre t us in iselief.
. 错误
. 正确
9. When Tom tol Jennifer he ws pplying for her ol jo she wrne him it ws n 18-hour--y ommitment tht require strong ,stle personlity .
. 错误
. 正确
10. efore the guests left ,the thnke the host for his generous.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 75 分。) V 1. More ____ the issue of usiness ethis in the ontext of eonomi gloliztion .
. emphsis shoul e ple on
. stress shoul e put out
. ttention shoul e pi on
. efforts shoul me with
2. Levels of pestiies n other toxins in fish ____in ommeril pons ten to e muh lower thn levels in fish ught reretionlly.
. rise
. risen
. grown
. proue
3. Eighteen is the ____ voting ge in our ountry .
. ompetent
. miniml
. minimum
. mximum
4. The news eprive them _____ the hope tht there ws sfe n soilly pprove ro to suess n hppiness .
. from
. with
. out
. of
5. It is neessry tht n effiient worker ___his work on time .
. omplishes
. n omplish
. omplish
. will omplish
6. oring to ____ y IKE ,the top five worries keeping people wke t night re fer of ging ,personl finne ,own weight ,reer n friens'helth .
. summery
. sttistis
. smple
. survey
7. We ____ the visitor with n prtment ,ut he speilly ske for single room .
. oul provie
. oul hve provie
. ouln't provie
. ouln't hve provie
8. ____ ,he woul not hve reovere so quikly .
. Hn't he een tken goo re of
. H he not een tken goo re of
. H not he een tken goo re of
. H he een not tken goo re of
9. The petrol sttion lies within ____ of Vitori's frm .
. fifteen-minute-rive
. fifteen minutes' rive
. fifteen minute's rive
. fifteen minutes rive
10. I'm fri tht we hve no hoie ut ___ you to leve .
. to sk
. sk
. sking
. will sk
11. Plese ontt the supervisor if you hve questions ____ the ommotion on mpus .
. onerning
. onerne
. onerning with
. onerne out
12. It ws not until minight ____ the mping site .
. tht they rehe
. tht they i not reh
. i they reh
. i they not reh
13. These photos will show you ____ .
. wht oes our university look like
. wht our university looks like
. how oes our university look like
. how our university looks like
14. reent stuy hs shown tht the ____ to hil re enters ,for working mothers ,is the ll-purpose grnmother ,who wthes the hilren n oes muh of the lening ,shopping n ooking .
. option
. hoie
. lterntive
. sustitute
15. Pul ws very lovely hil ,lwys in ____ .
. exellent spirits
. goo spirits
. high spirits
. right spirits
16. The superintenent orere tht the re ___.
. evute
. e evute
. eing evute
. to e evute
17. In eution ,there shoul e goo ____ mong the rnhes of knowlege tht ontriute to effetive thinking n wise jugment .
. lne
. istriution
. omintion
. spre
18. Go n get your suitse .It is ____ you left it .
. when
. whether
. how
. where
19. ____ goes to the seminr will fin it relly interesting n informtive .
. No mtter who
. Whoever
. whomever
. No mtter whih
20. "___,"Kne tol the oy,"you'll e ontener for the Olympi tem ."
. Some y
. Somey
. Some ys
. Someys
21. He ouln't tell ____ from istne whether it ws Sm or his rother .
. t lrge
. in nme
. for sure
. in short
22. The government ____ gret importne to intelletul property protetion .
. tthes
. puts
. ssoites
. emphsizes
23. She i her est to sty wke ,ut the performne ws so oring tht she just ____ to sleep .
. roppe in
. roppe out
. roppe off
. roppe own
24. The investigtors _____the possile onsequenes of the inient .
. nlyze out
. stuie
. isusse out
. pointe
25. I won't tke Susn's pen euse I on't like ____.
. tht pen of hers
. tht her pen
. her tht pen
. tht pen of her
26. Who ____ it e t the oor ?
. my
. n
. must
. nee
27. The fns ___for six hours ,n the movie str still hsn't turne up.
. .wite
. .hve wite
. .hve een witing
. .wit
28. fter three hours ,the jury were still unle to reh unnimous ____ .
. verit
. eision
. jugement
. onlusion
29. Metls ,___shpe into oins,jewelry ,pltes ,or owls ,were n importnt item of tre etween Est n West .
. whether
. whih
. no mtter
. however
30. With new wife ,limony n hil support to py,he struggle to ____.
. mke ens meet
. tkes ens meet
. mnge ens to meet
. ring ens to meet
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。) V 1. This instrument is use to mesure the ensity of the fog .
. 错误
. 正确
2. It egn to rin ,so he took out his umrell n unfole it .
. 错误
. 正确
3. The two truks ollie with eh other t the rossros ,ut the rivers were mirulously unhurt .
. 错误
. 正确
4. In Russi ,the loss of 15 million meningitis Worl Wr Ⅱ ment tht women h to eome the otors ,the engineers ,n the professionls.
. 错误
. 正确
5. severe housing shortge ,speilly in the ities ,is lso responsile for the elining irth rte .
. 错误
. 正确
6. Who re qulifie to perform the elite psyhologil tsk of suiie prevention ?
. 错误
. 正确
7. My friens think tht I shoul eep the hole some more efore putting my money in .
. 错误
. 正确
8. The fther osionl took the hilren to the prk t the weekens .
. 错误
. 正确
9. Though the tempttion ws resistile ,John trie hr not to reh for the ke .
. 错误
. 正确
10. His wife n hilren re his epenents.
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 75 分。) V 1. s we've run out of eef ,we will hve to ____ with pork for inner .
. mke o
. o it up
. mke up
. ompenste for
2. Mrgret Me ,who sought ___the young ng ol to eh other in reent leture ,ws symptheti to the young .
. explining
. to explin
. explntions
. expline
3. This osts me ____ the one I ought the other y .
. s muh s three times
. s muh money s three times
. three times s muh s
. three times s expensive s
4. The mount of time you spen outoors ____ your skeleton .
. ffets
. effets
. impirs
. wekens
5. olor linness is genetilly-use onition in whih person nnot etet ll olors ,n this ____is more ommon in men thn in women .
. fult
. efet
. shortoming
. isese
6. We shoul ____ ll possile wys to rete jos for the unemploye .
. provie
. review
. explore
. mke
7. One of her longest ____ rems ws to visit her irthple gin .
. hel
. holing
. hol
. eing hel
8. The more i you to the solution ,____ it eomes .
. louier
. the louiest
. more louy
. the louier
9. Some of his nswers were orret ,ut I on't rememer ____ .
. wht one
. whih one
. wht ones
. whih ones
10. The ompny ____ the risis y otining low-interest lon from the nk .
. got roun
. got through
. got off to
. got into
11. hunre ollrs ____ not uy s muh s ____ use to .
. o...they
. oes...it
. oes...tht
. o...it
12. Einstin ,____ hnge our wys of seeing the universe ,i not lern to re until he ws ten .
. whih theories
. tht his theories
. whose theories
. who theories
13. It ws not until minight ____ the mping site .
. tht they rehe
. tht they i not reh
. i they reh
. i they not reh
14. ____ survey ws onute mong lol fmilies to fin out the verge mount of expense on their hilren's eution .
. representtion
. questionnire
. referenum
. question
15. huk ___ of emigrting,ut I think he shoul sty where he is.
. .thinks
. .ws thinking .is thinking
. .thought
16. The ____ instrument requires skille opertor .
. rtifiil
. fshionle
. iffiult
. intrite
17. Even experts hve iffiulty ___ whih epresse ptients nee protetion .
. to eie
. eie
. when to eie
. eiing .
18. The ouple feel more omfortle on plne thn they woul e if they ____ ny other wy .
. re trvelling
. hve trvelle
. trvel
. trvelle
19. ____ out the foo in the resturnt ,ut she lso refuse to py for her mel .
. She i not only omplin
. Not only she i omplin
. Not only i she omplin
. She not only i omplin
20. I kept her ____ till her prents returne home .
. the ompny
. the ompnion
. ompny
. ompnion
21. le si ,"I wnt my prents to e prou of me .I wnt them to know tht wht they i for me ws not _____."
. in vin
. for vin
. no use
. worthy
22. euse he i very poor jo n me up with results ,his oss felt tht he hn't _____ his responsiilities .
. live up to
. put up with
. looke forwr to
. gone in for
23. The womn remine epressingly ft ____ ll her efforts to slim .
. ginst
. espite
. lthough
. ontrry
24. reent stuy hs shown tht the ____ to hil re enters ,for working mothers ,is the ll-purpose grnmother ,who wthes the hilren n oes muh of the lening ,shopping n ooking .
. option
. hoie
. lterntive
. sustitute
25. On Jnury 1st, mny people mke New Yer ____ .
. intention
. etermintion
. eition
. resolution
26. ill suggeste ____ the resturnt ut Luy ws ginst it .
. to sell
. selling
. shoul sell
. sell
27. The stuents re llowe to tke only suh ooks ___ relly neessry .
. s re
. s they re
. s when
. s if
28. I gve the r thorough ____ efore uying it .
. inspetion
. review
. survey
. hek-up
29. Eighteen is the ____ voting ge in our ountry .
. ompetent
. miniml
. minimum
. mximum
30. n ____ egree ws onferre on the istinguishe eonomist .
. honour
. honoure
. honorry
. honorle
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。) V 1. My friens think tht I shoul eep the hole some more efore putting my money in .
. 错误
. 正确
2. mony the 12,000 ontestnts,women outnumere men nine to one ,n most h seen lot more of life thn Zslow,who ws 28 n never mrrie .
. 错误
. 正确
3. prents re omplining out the equy of eution filities in their ommunity .
. 错误
. 正确
4. It is essene tht you relize the importne of your eision .
. 错误
. 正确
5. No longer is wr seen s the utomti solution for interntionl isgreements.
. 错误
. 正确
6. Emrrsse ,the oy finlly egn to re n soon got wrppe up in the story esriing heroism ,owr,loylty n eeit .
. 错误
. 正确
7. This instrument is use to mesure the ensity of the fog .
. 错误
. 正确
8. It is visle to plnt trees too erly.
. 错误
. 正确
9. The leer ws fing threts not only from his former loylists ,ut lso his two olition prtners .
. 错误
. 正确
10. The wife outlive her husn y twenty yers .
. 错误
. 正确
一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 75 分。) V 1. In 1998,Jenny _____ ivore ,sying tht husn physilly n psyhologilly use her .
. fille in for
. fille for
. sue for
. pplie
2. The rguments the writer me in hpter III n hpter VIII oviously ____with eh other .
. inflite
. fflite
. onflite
. ontritory
3. The juge rule tht the eviene ws inmissile on the grouns tht it ws ____ to the issue t hn .
. irrtionl
. unresonle
. irrelevnt
. invli
4. The instrutor fore the stuents ___ moile phones in the lssroom .
. use
. use
. to use
. for use
5. you wnt Susn to repir it herself ? :I' prefer her ___ the eletriin .
. ring
. rng
. to ring
. will ring
6. olor linness is genetilly-use onition in whih person nnot etet ll olors ,n this ____is more ommon in men thn in women .
. fult
. efet
. shortoming
. isese
7. I iin't ll the hotel to mke room reservtion ,ut I ____.
. my hve
. must hve
. shoul hve
. shll hve
8. fter high shool ,Jonne went to etroit to tke jo in n uto plnt ,ut oul not ____ the routine n onfinement .
. enure
. enow
. ener
. enorse
9. Sine they h no rs ,the stuents oul o nothing ut ___ lift.
. to thum
. thum
. thuming
. must thum
10. Sitting on tle ,two smll ts were ____ roun the insie of the empty hm tin .
. swllowing
. liking
. hewing
. munhing .
11. The first tourist who ___ will get surprise .
. .rrives
. .rrive
. .will rrive
. .is going to rrive
12. The oy listene with mzement until the instrutor insiste he ___it .
. .trie
. .try
. .must try
. woul try
13. One evening s the mnger ws leving the store ,Susn n Jne expresse their ____ to him out sfety ,eing two women working lone t night .
. omment
. ie
. onern
. woner
14. Trying in ll pitl letters is poor etiquette ,Internet etiquette ,euse it ____ shouting.
. equls to
. equtes
. is equivlent to
. is equl
15. The rtile implies tht people hve relize the ngers of utomoiles ,n they re eoming less ____ them .
. tthe to
. ethe from
. inline to
. wre of
16. The people who ___ in your life re the ones who re .
. mke ifferene
. mke istintion
. use istintion
. ring ifferene
17. you wnt Susn to repir it herself ? :I' prefer her ___ the eletriin .
. ring
. rng
. to ring
. will ring
18. reent stuy hs shown tht the ____ to hil re enters ,for working mothers ,is the ll-purpose grnmother ,who wthes the hilren n oes muh of the lening ,shopping n ooking .
. option
. hoie
. lterntive
. sustitute
19. Some people on't wnt to get up simply euse they on't like the tivity tht ____ them .
. stimultes
. wits
. irrittes
. pleses
20. I I hope you ____ your sty in Venie next week .
. .enjoy
. re going to enjoy
. .woul enjoy
. .enjoye
21. I guess Ptrii will invite ____ you wnt .
. whomever
. whtever
. whoever
. whihever
22. In Sotln ,minor ses were _____ with jury in the Sheriff ourts .
. teste
. exmine
. trie
. onsiere
23. The government ____ gret importne to intelletul property protetion .
. tthes
. puts
. ssoites
. emphsizes
24. I wish I ____ you yestery .
. i telephone
. telephone
. h telephone
. were to telephone
25. The Renissne ws (n) ____ of unprllele ulturl hievement n h gret impt on lmost ll Europen ountries .
. moment
. ynsty
. epoh
. instnt
26. ____ our er sister rest in pee .
. n
. My
. Must
. Will
27. There is ____ mn ownstirs witing for you .
. ny
. some
. few
. not
28. The ____ instrument requires skille opertor .
. rtifiil
. fshionle
. iffiult
. intrite
29. The ouple ought their son n nnul ____ to the tennis lu s irthy gift .二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。) V 1. We feel little envious of their suess .
. 错误
. 正确
2. My fther si tht it woul e respetful for John to hnge his nme .
. 错误
. 正确
3. Motivtion is the funmentl riving thrust tht genertes ehvior .
. 错误
. 正确
4. they re trying to introue the igitl hering i tht lrifies the spoken wor .
. 错误
. 正确
5. Some people eome very possessive out little things .
. 错误
. 正确
6. The lol inhitnts hve ll left the re to work elsewhere .
. 错误
. 正确
7. Unoutely,he ws one of the est stuents in the lss .
. 错误
. 正确
8. Lrge orgniztions usully sen former letter to n pplition ,knowleging reeipt of n pplition .
. 错误
. 正确
9. She seeme hesitnt to onfirm the news in the letter .
. 错误
. 正确
10. oring to Professor Sers ,merin hve trppe themselves y llowing the eonomy to eome so rely on the utomoile inustry .
. 错误
. 正确