一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。) V 1. How muh i you _____ ll these things?
. spen
. ost
. give
. py for
2. Smoking is __________ here. oul you move to the smoking zone plese?
. forien
. stoppe
. preserve
. ese
3. He h often reme of retiring in Engln n h plnne to ________ own in the ountry.
. rek
. ome
. put
. settle
4. I on't know ________ to el with suh mtter.
. wht
. how
. whih
. /
5. I'm sorry to hve strte the meeting, I thought().
. you i not ome
. you were not oming
. you were not oming
. you re not oming
6. lthough he file in his ttempts, his mother's __________ rove him on to ontinue his efforts.
. motivtion
. enourgement
. intention
. ompulsion
7. They got ________ result, n they were wil with joy.
. mgi
. mgiin
. mgneti
. mgil
8. Mry oesn't look hppy toy. She woul rther o n Lin () eh other ny more.
. on't see
. in't see
. hvn't seee
. won't see
9. I vise tht they ________ to the government for home improvement fun, ut I'm not sure whether they n otin it.
. pplint
. pply
. employ
. qulify
10. Professor Smith promise to look ________ my pper, tht is, to re it refully efore the thesis efense.
. fter
. over
. on
. into
11. He's een sought fter y mny young girls. I m relly surprise you hve n unfvorle ______ of him.
. thought
. impression
. onept
. notion
12. The poor polie h never ____ of winning.
. stn hne
. get hne
. hve hne
. stoo hne
13. She won't forgive him ______ he mkes n pology to her.
. lthough
. one
. if
. unless
14. The essys shoul e ____ to the journl y Jn. 15, whih is the eline.
. sve up
. turne out
. sent off
. tken over
15. This time next week I'll e on vtion. Proly I ______ on eutiful eh.
. m lying
. hve lin
. will e lying
. will hve lin
16. Their efforts to improve the proution hve een very _________, n they hve een prise y the ompny for their ontriution.
. effetive
. effiient
. effet
. ffetive
17. It’s _________ for you to smoke in the puli ples where smoking is not llowe.
. ehvior
. tion
. mnner
. movement
18. ol ws forme out of e forests y long n slow _______ of hemil hnge.
. press
. proeure
. suess
. proess
19. To o goo jo in puli speking, one must e wre of the _______ issues, oth ntionlly n interntionlly.
. rillint
. extensive
. urrent
. moern
20. Tke it esy. It is ll ______ to n en.
. prt
. mens
. hoie
. proess
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。) V 1. There re istint ifferenes etween lino nimls n those tht re "white", ut oth lino n white nimls re onsiere rre.
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2. When I ws in the ountrysie, I often wlke y the riversie.
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3. Whoever reks the lw will e punishe sooner or lter.
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4. Sine their eginning, humn survivl hs epene on their intertion with the environment.
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5. The grin output of this yer is muh higher thn tht of lst yer.
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6. When he knew tht he h psse the exm, he felt gret weight tking off his min.
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7. Whih o you think is the more importnt, welth or helth?
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8. Set out s muh s possile so tht you n get there efore it gets rk.
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9. uiling hotel furniture involves furniture mking on lrge sle n in very eonomil n urle mnner.
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10. It triggers roun of hete isussions out fmily reltionship towr whih mny people hol the opinion tht he shoul reeive open tril.
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