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[四川大学] 四川大学《西南旅游英语》17春在线作业1 2 辅导资料

发表于 2017-5-18 23:03:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 30 道试题,共 75 分。)  V 1.  Sports announcers often speak at a ( ).
A. distance
B. instance
C. gallop
D. once

2.  As the stone was too heavy to move, I left it ( ) on the ground.
A. laying
B. lay
C. lying
D. lain

3.  This cream could smooth ( ) all wrinkles.
A. of
B. away
C. out
D. in

4.  ( ) nice and delicious, the fried chicken was soon sold out.
A. Tasted
B. Being tasted
C. Tasting
D. To taste

5.  Don't ( ) on the flowers when you play in the garden!
A. walk
B. jump
C. tramp
D. trample

6.  That all the students should wear school uniform ( ) stressed by the headmaster.
A. is
B. are
C. has
D. were

7.  A lovely smell ( ) the room.
A. filled
B. fulled
C. stuck
D. permeated

8.  It's Heaven's best ( ) to me to meet you in the journey of my life.
A. bestow
B. bestowal
C. bliss
D. blissed

9.  He and his wife were planning to go on a world ( ).
A. cruise
B. ferry
C. debut
D. record

10.  Never( )off your coat; it’s rather cold outside.
A. take
B. taking
C. to take
D. taken

11.  A ( ) passport is a prerequisite for travel abroad.
A. valid
B. invalid
C. true
D. Real

12.  They were classified into two( )groups.
A. distinct
B. distinctive
C. distinctly
D. Distinction

13.  —Did you see a man in black pass by just now? —No, sir. I ( ) a newspaper.
A. read
B. was reading
C. would read
D. am reading

14.  His paintings are a ( ) of gorgeous colors.
A. kaleidoscope
B. kaleidoscopic
C. Combine
D. combination

15.  My mother ( ) around the kitchen.
A. busy
B. bustled
C. hang
D. Speed

16.  Fairy tales can ( ) most children.
A. cause
B. meet
C. incur
D. intrigue

17.  They agreed to draw ( ) a formal agreement.
A. down
B. for
C. up
D. Of

18.  When it comes to mathematics, I am ( ).
A. inferior to
B. inferior than
C. more inferior to
D. more inferior than

19.  His face went purple with the ( ) of language which couldn't get out.
A. combustion
B. congestion
C. block
D. crowd

20.  Beat it until the dough is slightly ( ).
A. soft
B. tender
C. elastic
D. mild

21.  Hoping he would not be seen, Bob stole in, ( )his schoolbag and rushed out.
A. picking up
B. picked up
C. to pick up
D. having picked up

22.  The directors ( ) a fall in demand.
A. anticipated
B. participated
C. considered
D. Practice

23.  Everyone had an application form in his hand, but no one knew which office ( ).
A. to send it to
B. to send it
C. to be sent to
D. to have it sent

24.  ( ) it or not, his discovery has shocked everyone in scientific circles.
A. Believe
B. To believe
C. Believing
D. Believed

25.  A bullet hit the soldier and he was wounded in ( )leg.
A. a
B. One
C. the
D. His

26.  As early as 4,000 years ago, the ancient Chinese created ( ) medicine in their struggle with nature and diseases.
A. prime
B. primitive
C. previous
D. Prevent

27.  we can ( ) goods to your door.
A. carry
B. send
C. bring
D. deliver

28.  The couple has a wide ( ) in opinion.
A. divergence
B. gap
C. divergent
D. problem

29.  This regulation has no ( ) to this particular case.
A. application
B. rule
C. meaning
D. Way

30.  The TV you bought last year was still under ( ) .
A. Contract
B. commitment
C. Guarantee
D. Lease

二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。)  V 1.  驻景区代表:resort representative
A. 错误
B. 正确

2.  旅游收入:tourist earnings
A. 错误
B. 正确

3.  旅游批发商: tour distributer
A. 错误
B. 正确

4.  旅行社:tour operator
A. 错误
B. 正确

5.  旅游经营商:travel agency
A. 错误
B. 正确

6.  社会价值观:social value
A. 错误
B. 正确

7.  包机:charter flight
A. 错误
B. 正确

8.  入境:in-bound
A. 错误
B. 正确

9.  分销机构:distribution organization
A. 错误
B. 正确

10.  业主:proprietor
A. 错误
B. 正确



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