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发表于 2017-11-26 13:59:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【西南大学】[0065]《英语阅读二》0 q: r1 h$ g8 l5 q! ?. O$ b& ?
试卷总分:100    得分:100
& l5 `- s( g% O" q9 t第1,【单项选择题】For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never requited.
9 U2 ]5 Z* R4 H- n, vA.reconsidered7 D5 {0 C4 k! V# P; i( d+ ?
B.realized6 r7 D1 n. h9 X* R" v, [
$ b8 l$ ?' Q2 s8 a6 uD.rewarded- Z* \# s1 J1 \* V4 m; l
& J2 I' I. {+ M" C5 x5 O% G' ]
, W' v5 Q7 Q  ?1 Y. F6 J
. d+ Y8 P% q# t9 s. g, R7 |第2题,【单项选择题】When I left a 20-year-career in the Coast Guard to become a freelance writer, I had no prospects at all.
8 O0 u1 v' v8 x& a! y5 EA.financial support
' E# a' w/ `) o) {( a! ~B.social connections1 f) C* p, O0 D, {( w
C.permanent job
0 H# {( I  T" r* |0 O' F8 s! PD.chances of future success7 Y& d) B, j% P7 W6 \6 o: \
! l8 C7 e  [8 i; y5 _; m6 L1 ^( d0 G

/ y2 C$ ~7 F! p" ?! s9 N# X' H第3题,【单项选择题】Then my trek mates and our crew came, and soon a boiled potato gathering was in full swing.! ]0 B) t  _( }. R9 L# n* W
A.in a circle
9 A7 n5 ^  l* J( `B.in round
0 B0 y, g9 c; v- H( rC.in progress
: O2 g' W2 s: @5 X3 cD.fully under way
( b% V4 H# @5 v& d正确资料:* S) F( h) Q( H
0 i! Y/ j; n0 {' a

* b- X3 q4 o: c" L9 v; ]. V) k第4题,【单项选择题】Then the girl came up the stairs, helped me to my feet, guided me to the outhouse, and afterwards escorted me back to my bunk.7 a! N- t3 {' k0 z1 Z; j3 U" B2 M
5 p0 U+ O7 l: b1 r1 ]- B" D8 CB.carried' y7 @6 p  M" c# m- z4 }
! t7 l! |8 i# U  c7 h* YD.saw8 @8 m  R* R* T; Z+ l
正确资料:6 G# |0 b1 B  z4 _7 b  R: m% O

/ a% ~% t+ ?( [6 h' z9 u
. A' Y6 _5 T( Y' \7 F* i  J+ _/ G第5题,【单项选择题】On the fourth step down I slipped, fell, and was just barely able, with my right hand, to check my slide.+ \$ M; H( \) g
A.examine! [5 Q, H1 ~9 D" C
4 i/ b" D( i  e! V2 g2 v) eC.stop% p, D0 M9 O' d8 ^
D.pull1 s$ z/ m% ]& S3 d" |% V- g
正确资料:2 B8 E% K. m# D' a5 e. \: T; \6 S
/ a2 x4 E6 v) s8 l. h# n& m
2 j6 i0 Z' j# B, j
第6题,【单项选择题】I held onto the rail with a feeble grip and began to descend the treacherous steps.
! @  x( j' b# AA.insecure6 {3 _: U# [4 j/ i# B) _
B.tricky5 A/ w0 C# n7 o! x# ^' `, ^
6 }5 G# M# K& zD.wicked
5 O. f9 U8 @- g1 w正确资料:
0 i5 Q6 z  ]/ n3 k) N$ y! A3 r
( L$ m" n- e; Q& B
' K) C! u  z5 f; {9 I第7题,【单项选择题】Curiosity gripped me.  [3 W; j- E. \; _9 @
- _, l# Q+ y& y+ MB.disappointed* E" H+ a: W; g1 C  w% e
C.got rid of
" D1 D, D' h& A' E0 D$ ?D.took hold of' t% a' z! o% p' I4 H- {% x
& \" M. O/ U2 R6 B' O
& `3 ~9 h; Y( i( w3 U5 k
* P1 z- B, K& m5 J8 J第8题,【单项选择题】I quickly washed up, then joined the boiled potato feast.4 ]/ i' x+ v) h2 Y! n6 w
A.achievement8 P, t# s1 U. S. r7 s
& _* r: }; w2 r+ l9 \C.meal" C; m4 S3 _4 g0 l
D.meeting# T& h; r# K# j7 `
7 u0 S. N' R: s" I
& ~8 }( g9 L7 c8 }( T% e: x0 [1 a/ q/ M6 [7 @+ D
第9题,【单项选择题】In the haze I saw two of my trek mates.7 M8 Z! Z3 x0 y8 C+ v; t- m1 e* y
A.darkness5 u  [0 `  J! @/ z6 J
8 K: I; H6 b) f8 G2 o: e+ hC.thin mist
  m- E6 c6 B# K3 Q4 CD.heavy smog
) Z: }3 D  @( p3 y正确资料:# x* p6 b& m1 y/ H$ u

) p2 n* G4 d) x. e
" @9 n: C5 R- w* U第10题,【单项选择题】I groped my way to a door, opened it, and instantly began to cough.3 k$ ?1 U( O( b9 y
A.walked7 u4 q) I) y( \7 [4 q0 H% \
B.felt! ]' A2 T3 l0 F4 H# {
C.jumped4 @2 m+ O* ]9 |3 H+ Y1 ?5 c3 ]4 a' |2 ?6 m
- `" g, _3 g- u4 ~2 W$ i正确资料:: ]  O! K$ B1 ^7 U1 u1 k! ~: `
6 q& @* w3 v" _9 d

' B: a( h% P, C& t第11题,【单项选择题】A wooden stairway, equipped with the luxury of a handrail, led upstairs.
6 ^: W( f4 ]  \, z, ]A.comfort
* K* I) |5 A! g* y- S0 kB.expense
- T' L  n, b8 K8 o0 m' B2 {7 bC.necessity
$ N! f$ c- ^8 M7 x' k+ LD.uselessness
* ^$ _, }) ]: B正确资料:2 z* f% I! [# O2 _
. ^, r% h1 k  g9 D/ p7 s

" w3 A; v$ G/ N9 D) I9 B3 y* c第12题,【单项选择题】From there, three days of magnificent trekking through great scenery had brought us to the
2 F) B. e6 t+ f0 ~1 Q. C9 l. J% E$ zA.travelling
# s6 D' \. C+ R( G+ [B.sightseeing7 i% b2 b2 i: L# W- r" f
# k. v: O2 z, U) ?D.driving
4 b3 z/ X- u5 P. Z正确资料:
0 ^* l, Q5 u6 v2 m0 `
2 g- @& F& J! d( g) ]( @- Q3 o5 n$ p6 }5 Y. `9 F
第13题,【单项选择题】Our party of four old-timers, of whom I, at seventy-one, was the oldest, had convened a week earlier in
. t+ A' }; J7 r2 }5 jA.stayed4 S, n+ i! t% ?( y" m$ M* w
B.walked4 s  j8 ?' l! S: r
- T7 P# E; }' B: bD.gathered, R0 J, [4 _0 S1 r4 Z' I
正确资料:/ Y9 M9 g' v3 K' }1 G

1 ]$ C; Z. X+ s( U1 t. `& T$ c1 Z1 {9 I6 `1 y# h8 G
第14题,【单项选择题】The National Sleep Foundation site also contains useful information on helping you to knit up “the ravell’d sleeve of care,” as Shakespeare once aptly described a good night’s sleep.1 ]5 W( ^0 E2 G2 a$ }+ a
A.clearly% k* N4 E2 K/ s% A4 r
B.rightly* ~2 h: a! w1 W$ d) a5 Q4 R
7 M( e$ R+ f  P  E- p6 aD.humorously6 s: y( t6 M( N6 x' j/ |4 o) {0 V
正确资料:4 b9 x6 ~& d7 I. s5 s! t
- i( c) M; U) |
5 x5 R/ \, Z: H. f* r
第15题,【单项选择题】Yet when their daytime alertness was tested later on, more than 80 percent were not optimally alert." C6 m% o0 x; h/ p+ h
A.best possibly
  F. b7 \8 j) k0 c+ D, zB.actually
7 Y4 u- ]* C: C+ _+ r5 LC.enough
% f1 X# y/ o' O$ G3 ^D.really
4 G1 D  J/ b0 }& \/ l正确资料:
7 E# K" k- \# z$ o; i; S; P) T; ]* O4 l" b) H* [2 f

5 X+ N9 ]% L& G7 R3 \第16题,【单项选择题】Studies have shown that cognitive skills and physical performance are impaired by sleep debt, but mood is affected more.
; M5 s' c/ P8 V9 @A.strengthened
0 B; x$ }5 k1 n; Y6 |8 D0 tB.improved
: n1 N5 {7 w0 L7 U6 oC.enhanced
/ ~- J5 a# C% Y. z; {6 y! U( {D.weakened
% ~8 Q/ V# |8 z8 q0 C# H& z正确资料:
! d/ k+ v# ^7 H; q- q" z
1 x- H. a* \: H2 @6 v5 o" @* Q( B; k; m, L
第17题,【单项选择题】After tracking the group for six years, researchers found that short sleep time had a high correlation with mortality.* q9 C! j. k9 ?2 r
A.death rate- J& w- L' W; M6 e" l2 B
$ e( p% a: L. ?- j- qC.disease
9 A; S7 b. _' T( YD.longevity, T# q) D* D; H1 }/ c1 s
正确资料:5 Y7 E7 J2 |  B, b* r

# q3 v! e: B" L2 @! T0 w- A  h
& ?( ^9 c+ q2 r2 A# _第18题,【单项选择题】At first, she was almost alarmingly apathetic and seemed to be totally uninterested in my visit.. B5 Q4 b& S2 e+ o$ t1 }) H" \! z2 N
A.active3 C; Z( q9 y4 H6 D$ W5 b! H
9 y7 }+ v1 h  ]! L8 UC.indifferent( C- J! V7 c! j9 L
6 Q. G! u7 Y" X/ N0 N+ i正确资料:
+ Q. o+ t/ h3 L" {! @# n/ Z, u* J6 E2 t% c. |

% T6 W9 Z" P# v1 E6 s, P第19题,【单项选择题】I believe this “clock-dependent alerting” can often deceive people into thinking they are sufficiently meeting their sleep needs.4 m: x/ c' x; W/ A  W. _" Z
. q* _. f6 J  X2 C) u& _6 _" WB.oorly
1 l( K( @( p: \' {$ EC.nearly; |5 q# b) T8 t( i9 C- S: o- k4 T
D.hardly3 g3 o$ B4 a. e+ W, W; _
; X: T; b( S# X+ v" ~6 u* K$ y6 N- o: M" k  D: g3 _+ N1 a: ?" `

- F7 ?5 W% Q5 S, A第20题,【单项选择题】An amazingly precise biological clock within us regulates sleep and waking, and also synchronizes a vast array of biochemical events in our bodies.
/ O- ]+ W$ p% l& V  o" c* C! UA.works off in an efficient way; ?% o2 J. n  S3 [/ e
B.causes ... to occur at the same time
; W0 a' X4 R; w; _4 e8 TC.supervises closely
" h& P6 s. s8 N9 a. oD.regulates afterwards
* \( [$ v2 p6 ~- E% Z# w正确资料:5 I9 K8 Q$ U0 {' ~& n; S" f, B


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